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Purple Pens?


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On the modest priced end, Levenger Purple Majesty (first photo). On the high priced end, and a gorgeous color purple, the Omas Aubergine (second photo) with more photos in my post here:







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I know I spent quite a bit of time hunting for my "perfect" purple pen. I resolved that with a Sailor Sapporo, which is truly magnificent. Bit of a shame that the purple lamé Sapporo appears to be beyond the end of its production run.


+1 for the purple Sailor Sapporo. I've got one in my rotation right now with Pilot's Murasaki Shikibu Iroshizuku ink - it's a great combination!

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I didn't see anyone mention that Tombow makes the Object pen in a nice purple - although it can be hard to find in some countries, especially if you want a medium nib. I order my Tomobow Object fountain pens from the UK.

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Pilot Plumix has a transparent purple pen. approx. $11 usd.

Hero 395. Eggplant colored with gold trim. approx. $20 usd.

Esterbrook J (3), Hero 395 (2), Hero 616, Clipper Piston Filler (4), Lamy Safari (10), Markant 130, Ahab, Parker Parkette (3), Parker Vacumatic, Pilot 78G (2), Pilot Plumix (2), Platinum Preppy, Salz Bros Black and White, Waterman Ideal, Waterman Laureat (5), Waterman Kultur

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There is/was also a purple Lamy Studio. I've got a blue one and love it. It would look great in purple I think, even though sadly I've only seen pictures. And of course the purple Lamy Al-Star...




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Since you love Watermans, I think I saw a purple Carene. Might have been a limited edition however.


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I have a purple Parker Frontier. I don't remember what they called it, but they gave it a funky name. I have also seen Sheaffer No Nonsense pens in purple for sale on ebay.


Dayton, OH

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Well, it's not a totally purple pen, but the Signum Nova Python comes with a purple python skin covered cap. Interestingly, Fountain Pen Hospital is closing out their stock. With the usual disclaimers of just being a satisfied FPH customer, here's a link:



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Thank you so much for all the suggestions! There's a lot more out there than I expected. I guess I've been too timid to venture too far past big brands like Pelikan and Waterman yet... I love the Pelikan Aubergine and the purple VP special edition. I'll have to see if I can hunt down one on ebay, as I have no idea where else I could get one...

I do like the looks of that Rosetta pen too :)



Pen Gallery and Melpens still have them listed on their website. I usually shoot them an email before ordering to make sure they actually have the pen in stock. I do know Pen Gallery had the Pelikan Aubergine in stock at the end of last year.

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There is a violet Platinum Plaisir, anodized aluminum, light in color and weight, and pretty cheap to boot.



The Plaisir is a great pen as well. It's a light purple, more of a lilac to me. Also, can't forget the Purple Sheaffer NoNonsenses, a translucent version and solid version.

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