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A Lamy Safari Review


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My only complaint is the size of the converter - it's not huge to begin with, and It doesn't fill completely - there was a sizable air bubble at the top after each of multiple filling attempts.

With my Safari / Al-Star, I have no such problem. My Lamy converter works well for me as I can fill it up pretty much in full. It seems like your converter may not be seated firmly into the section.

My collection: 149 EF/F/B/OBB, Collodi B/Twain F/Mann F, 146 M, Silver Barley F, M1000/M800 B'o'B/M800 Tortoise/Sahara/415 BT/215/205 Blue Demo, Optima Demo Red M/88 EF & Italic/Europa, Emotica, 2K/Safaris/Al-Stars/Vista, Edson DB/Carene BS, Pilot 845/823/742/743/Silvern/M90/Makies, Sailor Profit Realo M/KOP Makies/Profit Makies/Profit 21 Naginata MF&M/KOP/KOP Mosaiques/Sterling Silvers,Platinum #3776 Celluloids/Izumos/Wood pens/Sterling Silvers,YoL Grand Victorian, and more (I lost counting)

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My only complaint is the size of the converter - it's not huge to begin with, and It doesn't fill completely - there was a sizable air bubble at the top after each of multiple filling attempts.

With my Safari / Al-Star, I have no such problem. My Lamy converter works well for me as I can fill it up pretty much in full. It seems like your converter may not be seated firmly into the section.


I got through my first fill yesterday, and refilled last night. It appears that the issue was that I wasn't submerging the nib far enough into the ink...I was suffering from a sore back when I got it and couldn't bend over at the proper angle to see what I was doing. :rolleyes: I will amend the original post. I can't amend the original post. So let me say here that the converter does, in fact, fill almost completely if you keep the nib and feed fully submerged for the entire time you're filling it. If you don't submerge it far enough, you end up sucking in air with the ink, hence the big air bubble. :headsmack:

Edited by restlesscourage

You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should've behaved better. ~ Anne Lamott (This is where I tell my stories.)



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  • 8 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Great review! I just ordered a Safari in the same color and nib size. I also have a bottle of Lamy Blue Black, Diamine Red Dragon, and a Clairefontaine A5 notebook coming as well. I'm looking forward to giving everything a try!

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1. Perhaps the easiest way would be to purchase a new nib for about $13.00 from gouletpens.com and others. Every nib is a little different and a new may be better--or worse.


2. Another alternative is to polish it yourself, get a nib smoothing kit from http://www.richardspens.com for about $8-15. You may mess up your nib, in which case, go back to #1.


3. The most expensive option is to follow FPN's own, Wim Geereats' Nib Grinding Experiences. Once again, in case of failure, go back to #1.


So this is another advantage of the Lamy Safari, a relatively inexpensive replaceable nib.


I noticed that you live in India. You might try contacting Hari317 for Indian sources for these items. He lives in Mumbai and posts all the time, about 9000 posts or so. He always has something worthwhile to say.


Good Luck and let us know what happens.


Option 4 for US customers. Send it back to Lamy - http://lamyusa.com/warrantyinfo.php for repair. They want $9.50 for repair, but if you purchased it with a nib defect, they may repair it for free (or with an inexpensive pen like the Safari, replace the nib for free). For customers outside the US, they could be sent to Germany, but shipping may be pricey.

Edited by Blue_Moon

Franklin-Christoph, Italix, and Pilot pens are the best!
Iroshizuku, Diamine, and Waterman inks are my favorites!

Apica, Rhodia, and Clairefontaine make great paper!

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I am a fountain pen lover. I have some fairly high end fountain pens that I use at home, but I found the Lamy Safari when I was studying for the Bar exam. I wanted a cheap fountain pen that I didn't have to worry about losing. I started with a white EF nib and was so pleasantly surprised that I have purchase five more in the two years since. I've added to my collection because I like having different ink colors ready to go (and because I was curious about how the different nib sizes would write).


I have two EFs, two Fs, a medium, and 2Bs. The only one of the bunch that I have had ANY trouble with was the charcoal (flat gunmental) one that I picked up. I think it was a F nib. It was scratchy, and it happens to be the only one that I have lost. I like having the range of nib widths because I find that my handwriting (and the way that I write) changes depending on the paper surface. Having different nibs allows me to adjust for that. I have no trouble with the grip because I write that way anyway, but I can imagine it would be uncomfortable if you don't write with a standard three finger grib.


I do have a question though. Has anyone compared the regular Safari with the Al-Star? I want to get my sister a pair of Safaris for her Birthday, but I think that she would prefer the Al-star colors. Thoughts?

Edited by MissOscar
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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Good review. I recently bought my first Safari (with F and 1.1 nibs) and very soon ordered another (with 1.5 nib). Great value and good writers.


I think they funny clip and plastic construction is all quite charming, but I do acknowledge that this won't give the "wow" factor that comes from a more expensive pen.

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I bought a Lamy safari with a 1.5 italic nib to write Christmas cards based on this review. I must say i've been quite pleased with the purchase. My son now wants one for his first fountain pen.

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I personally love the look of the Safari! The pop colors and unique shape really drew me in. I think the clip looks awesome and rugged. I chose it as my first fountain pen partly because of the good reviews and partly because I found one in pink and fell absolutely head over heels for it. It's so modern and fun! The one I tried in a store wrote very smoothly and felt comfortable in my hand, even with my weird lefty grip. I can't wait to get mine!


My Artwork

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  • 1 month later...

does somebody know, by chance, if the paint finish of the black clip is alcohol based? i have some charcoal safari sets and they have some ink spots (from the price labels) and they wont go away with water. i want to try alcohol, but i dont want to spoil the clips.
thanks in advance

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I bought a Lamy after reading all the reviews. it is a smooth writer, I got the medium nib, I would probably like to try the fine nib.

I actually like the clip because it is very sturdy and clips on very securely, I suppose is not the most attractive look....however very functional. I like how sturdy feel of the pen.

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I like theese pens very much. I have 2 of them(yellow one and white one) now I want to buy The pink one it's great :)

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I do have a question though. Has anyone compared the regular Safari with the Al-Star? I want to get my sister a pair of Safaris for her Birthday, but I think that she would prefer the Al-star colors. Thoughts?


The Al-Star barrel diameter is slightly greater than the Safari and the Al-Star weighs a little more than the Safari. In my opinion those differences are too subtle to factor into the decision. It's really metallic look vs plastic look and colour choice that matter.


Personally, I tend to prefer the metallic look of the Al-Star and the Al-Star's more "mature" colours (no offense intended to pink and lime green aficionados but I like my graphite, ocean blue and coffee brown). However, I really like the Safari in white.


If the pen is going to be tossed into a bag or pocket along with keys and coins you might want to lean towards the Safari as that sort of treatment (I'll call it abuse) will eventually scratch an Al-Star.

Edited by rollerboy
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Either get her two Safaris or two Al-Stars. Don't go with one of each.


Imo the Al-Star looks nice when by its own, but not all that pretty when next to its humbler brother.

(sizewise that is. Al-Star's finishes are AWESOME)

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