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Anyone Have Any Seyes Paper To Swap For Dot Paper Etc


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I am interested in bulk buying some double a4 seyes paper from bureau direct, but they have said there is a minimum of 5 boxes of the stuff that needs to be ordered as it is not a stock item... Therefore would love to see it in the flesh before I buy some... Does anyone either have photos of clairefontaine seyes paper, or want to swap for something??

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If you don't want a lot, you could always try printing your own - from the download section here on FPN. I've used the Clairefontaine Seyes spiral notebooks from The Writing Desk as well.

The Good Captain

"Meddler's 'Salamander' - almost as good as the real thing!"

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Here's a scan of the looseleaf Clairefontaine A4 Seyes paper.


If you want a few sheets to try out, PM me with your address and I'll mail you some. It is good paper - I purchased several boxes (each containing 100 sheets) and use it regularly for ink testing and writing practice.



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Thanks guys, I think I will try one pad of it from the writing desk before I decide to go ahead with the 'big' order -


Was thinking of using it for my notes, but think it might be too 'busy'

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Hope this helps....I have been buying A4 Seyes ruled pads from Bureau Direct.... Rhodia No 20 Block SEYES punched.... and the quantity required for a special order is a block of 5 pads, not five boxes. Each pad consists 80 sheets. In my experience BD's special orders are processed very quickly and take only two or three days longer than their 'stocked' items to appear on your doorstep. BTW these Rhodia SEYES pads are of the usual Rhodia quality etc... and great to use.


Regards, Falcon

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thanks - I was going to buy either the single sheets or the A4 double sheets - and it is a minimum of 5 boxes (With either 200 individual sheets or 100 double sheets in each box)... as I want to punch them for my staples arc folders..... will see what it looks like first



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As recently as October 2012 I purchased five Rhodia No. 20 seyes ruled pads from bureaudirect.co.uk . It was £23 for the 5 excl. shipping to Ireland. They're nice pads but It'll take me years to work through them as they are only used for handwriting practice.

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