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Lamy Safari 2013 Limited Edition?


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I miss so much the black clips and nibs... :crybaby:


I like the black nibs better aesthetically, but the chrome-colored nibs are less scratchy and seem to write better.

Conan the Grammarian


“No place is boring, if you've had a good night's sleep and have a pocket full of unexposed film.” ~ Robert Adams


“Aerodynamics are for people who can’t build engines” ~ Enzo Ferrari


Cogito ergo spud. [i think therefore I yam.]

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Still holding my breath for limited edition Vistas. Think of all the nice colors that something like the Monteverde Artista Crystal is available in. Do that in a Vista...

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I got the Lamy Al-Star Pearl fitted with an EF black nib from Goulet Pens, and I'm very pleased with both the look and smoothness of the nib. (Wish the clip was black, too.)

Edited by debraji
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The US release for the neon yellow Safari has been pushed out to summer, sometime. I am not sure of exactly when, but definitely not April/May as originally scheduled. :(


I guess I can wait that long, but that's a bummer.

"'I will not say, "do not weep", for not all tears are an evil."

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For whatever it is worth, TWD is out of stock on the green Safaris. I have no idea if that forebodes the yellow being available quickly or if whatever has pushed the US distributor will also delay the pens in the UK.


I'm really contemplating getting a 1.9i nib on this one and using it with highlighter ink.

<a href="Http://inkynibbles.com">Inky NIBbles, the ravings of a pen and ink addict.</a>

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Just bought one from them! New to fountain pens, but I like this color!




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  • 4 weeks later...

Gorgeous pictures Bphollin!


Thanks for sharing!

Is it fair for an intelligent and family oriented mammal to be separated from his/her family and spend his/her life starved in a concrete jail?

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Aside from one of the two yellow pen's having a black clip on the cap, is the shade difference between them great enough to remember which pen gets which cap if they got mixed up?

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picked my up yesterday- at Stansted Airport air side from pen shop £13.00 fitted with a 1.1 italic nib.

It seems to changed colour to a green shade in certain light.- rather cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally saw the pen "in the flesh" and I must say it's beautiful. When I look at it, I have the image of a big glass of caïpirigna http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/92/Cocktail_Caipirinha_raw.jpg/220px-Cocktail_Caipirinha_raw.jpg in my mind. Since I already own a Lime Safari and that I don't want to start collecting them, I don't think I will get one, but IMHO the color is a big success!



free 70 pages graphic novel. Enjoy!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I must have the 2013 yellow Safari!


One can "grow" into a color. I had a yellow winter jacket that is blindingly bright. It stands out even more when I'm walking around the gloomy winters of Manhattan. It was a gift, and I didn't like the color that much when I got it. Now the color has become a part of me.


This pen will radiate my gloomy workspace. Thanks for sharing this and letting me know before it runs out!

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Got mine! The color leans a bit green and should look good with any green, blue, or black ink!

My latest ebook.   And not just for Halloween!

My other pen is a Montblanc.


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