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Lamy Safari 2013 Limited Edition?


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It's definitely love/hate, but I'm on the love side of things! Then again, I don't have any other yellow pens yet, and thus do not find it repetitive.

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I can confirm, it is definitely neon yellow and it will be available in a couple weeks. It's a very fashionably bright yellow as this color is pretty hot right now. Will let you know when they are in :)

Edited by Lamyusa
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I would be more willing to buy it if the cross top of the cap were yellow instead of black.

I mean.. limited editions are supposed to match each other and differ from regular models. :(

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Dear Lamy USA: I would be more willing to buy it if it were purple. :)


Yes, indeed. Purple pens for our purple inks, for those who prefer to match ink colors to pen colors. :) It would be much appreciated.

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I personally think this colour is the only one I need in addition to my Vista.


I've heard a lot of people who don't want it, but I think this is the best colour the safari comes in. I'm very much to the "love it" side of things.

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My first Safari was the 2012 Apple Green. My next will be the 2013 Highlighter Yellow. Will probably also pick up the 2013 Al-Star Pearl. I might get these just to collect though I have used my Apple Green pen. I will probably get these to collect and get a couple others to use.

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I don't have a loud or flamboyant personality, but I love things that are loud and flamboyant because they are easier to find (I lose a lot of things), so I'll probably spring and get one of the 2013 pens.

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I was also searching for information on the new Lamy Safari and when it would be available this year. I have not had any success yet. Does anyone know when it will be available for purchase this year?

"'I will not say, "do not weep", for not all tears are an evil."

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I expect to buy mine from TheWritingDesk.co.uk some time this month. I think you're looking late April for US availability.

Thanks for the information. I've never purchased from the Writing Desk before. May have to give them a try. I will be in the UK in April, so I may find one while I'm there. I've never had a problem having multiple Safari's. I just ordered another Lime green one this week. That's probably my favorite of them all. :rolleyes:

"'I will not say, "do not weep", for not all tears are an evil."

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Oh, TheWritingDesk is nice! They offered a really good deal when the Al-Star Pearl came out, and shipping to my little corner of the world was relatively fast. They're one of my favorite sellers. Them and Goulet Pens.

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Also waiting for the Writing Desk to get them in, even though I'm not a huge fan of the colour, I want one anyhow! Need to make a group order with some supplies for friends in there, so we're all waiting for it!

Safari collector, italic nib and cheap pen evangelist.

Wanted: De Atramentis Magic Alchemist (also Magic Boarding School or Wizard)

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I'll probably skip the neon yellow if that indeed is this year's colour, I may however get a nexxM in that lovely opal green they're offering this year.

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According to Lamy USA, the Pearl edition is a limited edition: "Limited Edition AL-Star Pearl in anodized aluminum...."

Edited by Conan the Grammarian

Conan the Grammarian


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Cogito ergo spud. [i think therefore I yam.]

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Lamy I love you to death but yellow is not my cup of tea (incidentally, that would be Earl Grey), so I will be skipping the 2013 Safari. But the silver lining is that it saves me some money to spring for a Lamy Al-Star or maybe even a 2000 :P

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