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Lamy Safari 2013 Limited Edition?


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In case you are still interested, the aquamarine Safari (along the pink from 2010) is still available in the HK store Stationery Art without that much of a markup , I have purchased two Pilot 78g there and their shipping rate/time is fairly reasonable. Anyway, I managed to snap one of the last Turquoise one in the Maryland based Penboutique back in September.


Oh my. This almost seems too good to be true. :cloud9: Particularly given the shipping rates. Thanks for pointing me there - I just ordered the pair of them...with any luck, I'll get them, and not an "out of stock" notice!


And if I do, it'll more than make up for the utter disappointment that is the fluorescent yellow. They could have at least put a different colour clip on it!


If the AL-Star could be released in copper and gold and either pen in dark green, you could mix and match parts to get pens for all the various Hogwarts houses...


Thank goodness for this link! I was able to grab one of the last three pink Lamy Safaris with the fine nib, plus a converter (which didn't come free with the pen, but it's okay). Shipping cost for 7 days to my country is very reasonable, too!


Too bad Imissed out on the aquamarine, but I have bookmarked the site now. Thank you thank you thank you!

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When Lamy releases a deep purple or lavender Safari, I'll jump on it. For now it's just nib units for me.

Edited by mAnuscript69
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A return of the olive/kahki would be very much appreciated by me, as would a classic deep burgundy, British Racing Green or navy blue.

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A return of the olive/kahki would be very much appreciated by me, as would a classic deep burgundy, British Racing Green or navy blue.


+1 on that. I would love any of those colors. A matte Olive would be great.


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A return of the olive/kahki would be very much appreciated by me, as would a classic deep burgundy, British Racing Green or navy blue.


Yep, I'd like all these, as well. Practically anything but fluorescent yellow.

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Guess I'm one of the few that doesn't mind a highliter yellow Safari(that

would go well with my Swedish yellow Safari w/a red clip). Also wouldn't

mind if Lamy made one in the Arlecchino pattern that Omas has...........




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I wish there was a tinted demonstrator... :puddle:

I am with you! I have been thinking of a tinted demonstrator, that would be the way to do neons! A neon pink or yellow demonstrator, WOW!!! :thumbup:

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I bought my wife her first fountain pen for Christmas. It is a Cross Beverly, Deep Purple Lacquer.

She likes purple and I was amazed to discover it is among the least common pen colors out there.


I think a purple Lamy Safari is needed. I'd buy one.

Though I want a Lamy Safari in Hunter Green. :crybaby:

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I, too, am waiting for a purple from the Safari line. And something along the lines of brown, maybe a beige or an ochre shade. Those are what's missing from their color range.


And maybe they can come up with a pastel colored set in matte finish, with the color of the clips matching the color of the body. I'd buy the entire set in an FPN minute. :eureka:

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I've been searching online and could not find any news of when they new Lamy Safari color for 2013 will be out. Any updates?

It's usually in the April-June timeframe. I should have more info next month.


Oh, it's still that far away. Hehe. I simply cannot wait. :puddle:


But I'll watch out for news from you. Thanks so much! :cloud9:

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A light whitish yellow would not be too bad.


If they don't do a glossy British Racing Green Safari then a milky coffee colour Safari would go well in trendy cafes.

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According to this Web site, the AL Star Special Edition 2013 is PEARL.

Conan the Grammarian


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It looks okay, but I wonder why my heart just doesn't give that jump when I see an Al-Star in the store, unlike what happens each time I see a Safari. Nothing about the Al-Star makes me feel the compelling urge to feel that I have got to have that pen.


Oh, well. I'll just wait for next month for whatever new color Safari will have for this year.

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It is not a special edition, actually, but a new color added to the regular line. :thumbup:


That's even better, because then I don't have to buy a bunch in a short span of time. I'll have to look at it in person to make the final call, but right now I'm liking it enough I'm thinking of getting a pencil in that color as well as a fountain pen.

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