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My Stable Of Aurora Pens.


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I have never owned an Optima but I have owned several of thier clone cousins in the "continental" series pens. Included are/were an Asia, Afrika, Primavera, 3 Europas and 4 Mares. Once the nibs wore in, usuaually between 100-200 double-spaced 8x11 pages of lertter writing they tended to develop into incredible writers. For myself, the size is as near to perfect as it's ever gotten with a pen.

Edited by YesIamnotiamnit

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~ Me

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Those pens are stunning!

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I also have only 3 Auroras, but all 3 are highly prized parts of my collection. I have the 85th anniversary Optima, and the Optima Primavera LE with a Medium italic nib, and my favorite EDC, the 88 Demonstrator in gold with a medium nib. This pen is both elegant and informal, and can fit in a jeans pocket or a suit pocket with ease. It goes with everything, and is one of my best writers. It is always in rotation.



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Gosh those are all beautiful pens!






One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem,

see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words.


~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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Gosh those are all beautiful pens!




It is wonderful to see so many people loving the fine pens from Aurora. As many will have figured out, for me they are the paragon of fountain pens.

I highly recommend them to all.




Leo James Mitchell

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