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Your Favorite Sheaffer Fountain Pen

Nathaniel Harter

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My favorit, at least at the moment, is my black and gold paisley Skripsert. So elegant and writes like a dream!

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_qVJOiluU9_4/THp4f_4pakI/AAAAAAAAA14/_d-MITGtqvY/s1600/InkDropLogoFPN2.jpgMember since July 2012... so many inks, so little time!


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Right now, if I was forced to pick one Sheaffer as my favorite it would be the Sheaffer Classic Pens CP4 Washington.








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I'd have to say my Carmine Red OS Balance lever filler.



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That's a tough one, I have so many Sheaffer pens and there are a LOT of good ones. But my favorite is probably this Targa model 1086 Laque Emerald Green Moire



Runners-up would include the following, which are:

Classic Pens CP4 Richmond, based on the Sheaffer Legacy

Imperial Touchdown Masterpiece

Targa Masterpiece Vannerie FP-BP set

Imperial Touchdown Sterling Silver

Targa model 1002 Matte Black, my Dad's pen, a sentimental favorite






Bill Sexauer
PCA Member since 2006

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That's a tough one, I have so many Sheaffer pens and there are a LOT of good ones. But my favorite is probably this Targa model 1086 Laque Emerald Green Moire





I got my eye on getting a green moire - excellent choice!


Roger W.

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A lovely collection indeed.


I don't mean this to be a silly question but ... why so many of the same model? Even the various different colours are replicated.


Write on!




Dear Alan,

thank you for asking. I do like other pens for one thing or another but this model is the only pen I am totally comfortable with. This is after 3 decades of collecting/using.


Sheaffer Grand Conns. (first picture) were made both in UK and USA and the picture shows a mix. Surprisingly I have more UK models than the USA ones as the UK models are harder to find. All the Grand Conn. BPs in the picture are made in UK.


The regular Conns. (2nd picture) have their differences in their cap bands, different script, flat vs rounded bands. The green model on the right of the other green pen is the first plastic Conn. I have seen from UK. the colour is lighter of the 2 pens and the cap will only fit this pen though both Grand and regular caps are interchangeable.


The silver pencil is only the second I have seen, the other (a gold plated version) owned by the late Dennis Bowden.


So, though they may look like repetitions there are subtle differences in most of them. Anyhow, you don't need an excuse to add to your favourite pens do you?


Stay well,


WTB: Unusual and prototype Sheaffer Connaisseurs, Grande Connaisseurs and Parker Premiers.

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Snorkel in Burgundy with a plastic cap and a PgAg Triumph nib (forget which one it is). Nice accountant nib, use it at work every day and have done so for four or five years.


I have many other pens I like, but that one goes to work with me every day, never fails to write, very smooth for a tiny nib, it's great. Wish I had more like it.



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From looks alone (since I don't own any Sheaffer's), I'd say the Valor is best. Not too attracted to older vintage pens but the PFM looks alright. If I were to buy any Sheaffer pen it must have an inlaid nib because they are the most beautiful nib design I've seen to date.

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From my limited collection of 12 Sheaffer pens (vintage and modern), the one that stands out in the crowd is my Sheaffer Valor. I mean this both in terms of build quality as well as its wonderful medium nib.

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Hmmmm..difficult to pick my favourite. My most coveted is a sterling silver Targa. I have been looking for a decent example for a long time and am still hunting...

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My favourite Sheaffer is a Legacy in Sterling Silver with a factory stub nib.

I think that would be mine. Sadly I don't have one. I have a sterling imperial, and a black Legacy with gold trim. Both with standard nibs.

I love stub nibs, I love the Legacy and I love sterling.

I guess I'll have to start looking.


Dick D

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I believe the PFM IV or V would be hard to beat

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My favourite Sheaffer is a Legacy in Sterling Silver with a factory stub nib.

I think that would be mine. Sadly I don't have one. I have a sterling imperial, and a black Legacy with gold trim. Both with standard nibs.

I love stub nibs, I love the Legacy and I love sterling.

I guess I'll have to start looking.


Dick D


If you don't mind shipping from the US to UK:



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My favourite Sheaffer is a Legacy in Sterling Silver with a factory stub nib.

I think that would be mine. Sadly I don't have one. I have a sterling imperial, and a black Legacy with gold trim. Both with standard nibs.

I love stub nibs, I love the Legacy and I love sterling.

I guess I'll have to start looking.


Dick D


If you don't mind shipping from the US to UK:



Wow, the CP4 is beautiful. Sadly it's a bit over my budget and way over by the time our Customs and Excise whack on import duty and VAT

The plain sterling one looks, well plain.

But thanks for the link.

Dick D

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Well its quite small, has a triumph nib in 14ct gold and palladium, came with 2 other pens and was described as a Snorkle which it most definitely isn't, it's carmine red striated, a vac filler which works but needs attention and was going to send it back until I tried the nib and it's glorious. The problem is I can't find the b***** thing!!!

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I'm not overly fond of the Stylist. I'd be hard pressed to pick another that I've tried and not really liked.


...although I could wish the vacuum filling system to the devil; it's great when it's WORKING, but the fixing of it is a misery.

Edited by Ernst Bitterman

Ravensmarch Pens & Books
It's mainly pens, just now....

Oh, good heavens. He's got a blog now, too.



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For me it is my green targa graduation present from the University of Iowa. Started me right down the road and I have never looked back. My first and favorite fountain pen. Still fill it with Purple skrip bought for a buck a bottle back in the day.


Happy Pen Hunting,



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It has to be the oversize vac fill balance and the triumph crest vac fill


Pens are like watches , once you start a collection, you can hardly go back. And pens like all fine luxury items do improve with time


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