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Snail Mail Writing List


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I've never had a penpal friend so I'm in. My name is Alejandro and I live in Buenos Aires. I'm 31 years old and work as an aircraft maintenance technician. I want to improve my english written skills so, if anyone wants to receive a letter with grammatical errors :embarrassed_smile: , send me a PM with your postal address and I send you a letter. I look forward to receive yours letters.

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I haven't written or received a "real letter" in about three years, and this seems to be a nice way to solve that problem.


I'm twenty-one, attending university as a History major, and am interested in old stereos, TVs, radios, music and roads (including old maps). I cannot promise that I am always interesting, especially when I start going on about something I like.


I've been complimented on my handwriting, but it is in no way the neatest I've ever seen.



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  • 3 weeks later...

As I have decided to focus more on using pen rather than talking about them through electronic means I am putting my little bio back out and saying if anyone is interested in writing to me for pleasant conversation then please PM and we can exchange physical addresses.


The longest correspondence I have is going on 15 years now and soon I will hit a thousand letters sent :bunny01: and depending on my mood the letter can be an engineering feat!



so do write. :thumbup:



My Pen collection started as most did with an Esterbrook. I remember picking it up silver and black, thinking five dollars is a lot for a pen but it sure is neat. Took home and found that it worked, which was great, then the search for ink. Found some Quink blue-black and began writing letters with that fountain pen. Occasionally over the next few years visited flea markets and saw some pens but never as nice, did find another nib and the address of the company in a box (didn’t know they had stopped producing). Too much school and too much work pushed the pen to the back of the drawer. Then my father in law passed, I was given a Parker 51 box full of old pens found a red Balance that was given to him before the war. Thought it might be repaired so I went to the net to find a repairer. Found so much more, saw pens that were still being produced that became objects of desire, I wanted more pens. Pelikan, Parker, OMAS, Dupont and Rotring, Bexley , Stipula , Krone. I lurked and I listened to several net boards to what people were using and what they preferred, found eBay and really started to buy. Looked for pen stores in cities I was visiting. Last count I had bought and sold 190 different pens but this has been over several years.

I bought more until two score pens I owned and admired. I went through a downsizing of my collection and have ended up with 6 pens that might be inked up at any time and another 3 that are sentimental. My preference for nibs has been fine but slowly I have tried to get more variation in my writing with a set of Sheaffer calligraphy pens and a M800 with BB nib.


I live outside of New Orleans and am a officer of one of the Mardi Gras Carnival Krewes. To pay for my pens I work for an polymer company that produces what could be best described as transparent aluminum.


My interests are varied and depend on what has caught my eye, right now I am waiting for a scholar stone to pick up and I have tried my hand at chop carving as well as bookmaking, fencing, juggling and other actions.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow, actually writing to someone instead of filling endless journals which will never be read by anyone else - what a concept!


Single, NYC, interests include, knitting, spinning, weaving, zymurgy, volleyball, exercise/weights, Wii playing, cooking, eating (high-end and/or ethnic foods - NYC is good for that), travel, languages (I can stumble along in a few - best bets for correspondence would probably be Hungarian, German, Italian,) reading, ... and corsets. ;)

"Life is too short, or too long, to allow myself the luxury of living it badly."

Eleven Minutes by Paulo Coelho


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Everyone,


If there are any other people new to this thread who would like to exchange a letter or postcard, please write.


I am 42, recently married, and live half time in Washington, DC and half in New York City.


Some interests are theater, movies, and learning about the life experiences of others.


PM me for address. Look forward to corresponding with you!




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I'm interested in giving snail mail a go...



Names steven, 42 years old, live and work in london england, married to Joanne. Don't have any kid's.

Interests are: Pens/Photography/Reading/Tennis


I've never corresponded with anybody and the only chance I have to use my pens is taking minutes and notes at work which seems a bit sad.


If your interested just let me know and we can exchange addresses.

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I am almost 19, I am a university student in Denver, CO, USA. I am studying French and am a francophile :happyberet:. I can write in English, French and beginners Spanish (I am almost done with my first trimester of Spanish so it is still pretty bad). I would like to write with someone any where in the world. I like fountain pens, paper, French, most things retro, music(mainly rock but truely all types), ect. I have a boyfriend and we have been dateing over a year and a half.

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Having read this, it seems there are a few members whose second language is English and say that their letters will contain mistakes (spelling, punctuation, whatever). If anyone wants to send letters to me (ex English teacher) I will be happy to correct them for you. I'll write a response back and you will get constructive criticism about spelling, punctuation and word usage that you might find helpful. I promise not to do it to my existing pals, even though a few of you could benefit... Kidding, Mother. PM if you are interested.



Why, sometimes I'd like to take a switchblade and a peppermint and a Cadillac and throw it all in a fire.


Danitrio Fellowship

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Anyone feel reticent about writing to a member of the opposite sex if one is married?




Approval? Well, I suppose that depends on the details of your relationship, but I don't feel the need to ask for approval and would frankly be surprised if my girlfriend did either. I'll bet that's usually the case. Except for Devo maybe (though that's not what the song's about anyway). :)

A handwritten blog (mostly)



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I'm still available for snail mail.My main interests are pens of course,classical music,history(european,american)poetry,literature and host of other things.


Send me a PM if interested.



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I'm 58, married with no children. I'm an avid reader with primary interests in politcal/social science (with liberal to radical leanings), currently on a reading binge of books on neuroscience and Buddhism. Old time "hippie" type activist from the 60's. Very into animals. We have 6 dogs (5 Norwegian Buhunds and 1 Estrela Mountain Dog), 3 horses (2 Morgans, 1 Walker) and 4 cats (of no particular breed).

I'd most like hear from people in the Scandinavian countries, Venezuela, and India. I'm really looking to expand my awareness of other cultures outside of the U.S. But not limited in anyway to anyone else's location.

I will warn any one that I am someone who likes to ask "why" and delve into topics in depth. I'm only good at small talk for starters and in small doses but eventually I'll succumb to wanting to know more.




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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd love a snail mail pen pal.


I'm 41, single mom of 2, and a transplanted New Yorker. I enjoy knitting, reading, writing, food, exercise (although not enough, see previous), meeting new people. I'm very easy going and laid back.


PM me if you're interested.



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Just realised didn't put too many details! Steve 48, Single, Live London UK, Self employed Trainer Instructor within a healthcare environment, Hobbies include Music (jazz, Blues and varied), photography, Travel, Pen collecting, writing. Postcards or snail mail from the UK anyone?

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I went crazy buying different brand letter sheets trying to find the best paper, now I have got to use them so I won't feel guilty about wasting money! This is also a good way to exchange paper samples! I'm interested in corresponding with someone who took the time to get good (not necessary expensive) paper to write on. But when the content is interesting, even if it's on a piece of napkin it would be just fine! Right now I'm into wax seals, so this will also help me experiment with the postal system.


I am in my late twenties. Originally from Taiwan, married to my college sweetheart, who is American. We have no children yet. I am getting my PhD in business.


I watch TV excessively and I love shopping. Friends, Ugly Betty, Three's Company are some of my favorites. Jewelry will get my attention anytime, anywhere. I am also interested in people photography and knitting/crocheting.


Europe fascinates me. It would be lovely to exchange letters with someone from one of the European countries.







Make peace with God and make peace with yourself

'cause in the end there's nobody else

---Point of Grace
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I would love to exchange snail mail with anyone who has the time(I have plenty to spare).


Interests are obviously Pens/traveling/reading fiction/war movies/gadgets..............lots more.


Please do write as I am looking for excuses to use my pens and haven't found many so far.


PS: I am married (happily) , have a 6 year old son(thats his pic) and a dog named Jasper(Dachshund), stay in Chandigarh, India...............wonderful place, work for Reliance Industries in their Retail Division.

Edited by fatehbajwa

Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom - George S Patton

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  • 2 weeks later...



I'd like to find a few people to exchange letters with. I'm willing to send internationally also!





Information technology specialist by trade, hobbies include pens (bet you didn't see that one! :ltcapd:), travelling, & photography. I've worked overseas for the last 3 1/2 years. Home is Virginia for me. I ahve a girlfriend in the Philippines (I <3 the Philippines!)




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  • 2 weeks later...

This is my introduction I posted under new members. I figured it would work here. A warning though, I'm new to fountain pens, so my knowledge on them probably wouldn't be able to maintain a discussion on them for very long through letters (or in person :P)



My name is Angela, I am 22 years old. I live in South Texas with my beautiful 5 year old daughter named Kaitlyn. I recently received my bachelor's degree and will begin my studies towards my master's degree in Counseling in January.


In November I bought my first fountain pen, a black Cross Century II. It is absolutely beautiful and I use it everyday for writing in my journal. I do hope to get more pens someday, but at present I am perfectly content with my Cross. I think it will last for many years to come.


As far as hobbies go, I write poetry, journal, read, play the piano, and drink tea with quite a passion. I'm actually hoping to open a tea room someday with a 19th century theme. I also love watching movies and listening to music. My favorite music is classical, with Mozart on the top of the list.



I hope to hear from some great people soon :)





~* "Separate we come, separate we go. And this be it known is all that we know." ~ Poet, Conrad Aiken *~


~* "Pictures of perfection, as you know, make me sick and wicked” ~ Jane Austen’s Letters, ed. Deirdre Le Faye 335 *~



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How exciting!


Would love :cloud9: to get nice letters in the mail. This would more than make up for all of the other argh stuff that invades my mailbox daily!


I'm a married 40-year-old female. I have fallen in love with fountain pens (all of our employees got one for Christmas, so they could fall in love, too). A few of my interests are: reading, movies, knitting and yarn collecting (if you're afflicted, you'll understand), writing, collecting a new hobby/interest at least once a month, herb lore, teas, television in moderation, bird watching, aquaria, dogs, cats, farming, history, guns, gardening, family, friends, cooking (baking in particular), alternative energy, natural healing, homeschooling, and more, and more,...


Would enjoy corresponding with anyone!


Hopefully I will have the opportunity to brighten your mailbox as you're sure to brighten mine. :bunny01:


PM for specs!


(Note: I absolutely overuse exclamation points! But, I'm nice to dogs, children, and old folks!)



"Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation, are people who want crops without ploughing the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning; they want the ocean without the roar of its many waters. The struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, or it may be both. But it must be a struggle.


"Power concedes nothing without a demand; it never has and it never will."


~Frederick Douglass

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