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Snail Mail Writing List


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Well, since this thread is getting active again, I will post. I'm 14 and have been into the fountain pen thing for a couple of years. I have a twin brother who also collects pens. I collect vintage Sheaffer's and have gotten to restore a few of mine (and a few of my friends.) I'm a (bleep) :D (science and math student; don't worry, it doesn't bother me ;) ) and love to *try* and make things. For instance, my brother and I are working on making a hot air balloon about 50 feet tall that will lift myself (I'm the lighter and braver one, you see. :thumbup: ) In fact, this summer it should be complete. Sooner or later I will post a thread explaining it and hoping someone has a comprehensive formula essentially to see if the balloon will actually lift my weight. But I digress. I would love to have a pen pal, hopefully maybe even out of the US! Right now, as kind of a outreach, I'm planning on getting some pen pals from Costa Rica to correspond with. Our church did a mission trip down there last year and it was one of the best experiences of my life. But anyways, if someone would like to snail with me, that would be great!



Edited by sheafferkid

Sheaffer all the way!

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I missed this topic until recently when it became more active. One of my disappointments right now is not enough excuses to write. :D I'd love to exchange letters with someone!

I'm a freelance technical writer who does a lot of web pages. I also work as a substitute teacher (the two careers work quite well together). In my spare time I love to read (almost anything) and study martial arts (I have a black belt in Choi Kwang Do and work as an assistant instructor).

I clearly love fountain pens :roller1: and just got the groups advice on calligraphy pens so I can start working on improving my handwriting and doing some calligraphy.

And I've just discovered a new love. Spent the weekend at Cub Scout camp with my son and fell in love with archery. Then took a look at the price of bows... Ouch!

I love to discuss anything except politics (I've run into too many close minded people where I live, and I don't consider it a discussion if there's no chance of changing the other persons mind even a little!)

Edited by nluoma

None of us can have as many virtues as the fountain-pen, or half its cussedness; but we can try.

Mark Twain



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After two months on FPN, I keep forgetting to add myself to this list.


So let's see: I am female, late-20's and live all over the world, my current but temporary location being east-coast USA. I am a painter and a psychologist, though not at the same time. When at rest, I usually write or sketch [...or read, or take photographs, or decorate, or fix something...]. And I almost never sleep, which might explain how I manage to get so much done despite participating in this forum.


In terms of collecting, I love beautiful pens and am not ashamed. Silver Overlay and Maki-e are my two holy grails. My favorite pens for everyday use are: my Aurora Talentum, Sailor Sapporo, and Pelikan M215 Lozenge -- all EF, in black with chrome trim. Most pens I own [with the exception of maki-e] are "grayscale": various shades of black, silver/chrome and white, in different combinations. I am a fan of the true EF nib. Pens I am not that fond of are: models with hooded or retractable nibs, and anything with gold-colour trim.


A better sense of me as a FP user and in general can probably be gotten from these threads:





Best wishes to all,


Edited by QM2
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Hello, I'd like to exchange letters with someone, if someone's interested, that is :)


I'm in my early thirties, living in Germany but not speaking German (yeah, I know...)


My interests are: history, Japan, politics, arts, music (classical mainly, but not only), and the humanities in general (anthropology, sociology, geography, etc)

I would also love to learn about lifestyle in cities from around the world.


You can write about anything really, as long as you know what you're writing about (or you know you don't know what you're talking about, which is the first step towards knowledge.)


Of course I promise to try and do the same!


If some subjects offend you, then I guess I'm not the one you should write to.







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  • 2 weeks later...

I will give this a go as well. I am a 40 year old former U.S. Marine. I have three children and one grandchild as well as an adopted daughter who has three kids for a total of four grandchildren now. My ten year old son got me a Paul Smith fountain pen for christmas last year and I have been hooked ever since. I had a Parker Big Red when I was a kid and I always liked it. I now have a Waterman Phileas, Cross ATX, two Paul Smiths, and two Taccias. I have five different Private Reserve inks, two Pelikans, a Noodlers, and a Waterman ink. I play guitar, mandolin, banjo, bass guitar and drums as well as percussion. I have many unique instruments. I have 12 different areas of my body covered with tattooes and five piercings although you cannot see any of them when I am in 'normal' clothes. I am a server in a restaurant and need to look professional. Sorry to cut it short now but my son needs me for something. Send me some addys so I can get the letters flowing.

Before you judge someone walk a mile in their shoes. Then if you still judge them you will have a headstart and they will be barefoot.

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  • 4 weeks later...

21yo British guy who likes to receive intelligent letters. I'm interested in history, politics, literature, medicine (particularly psychiatry) and psychology. There's not much I don't have an opinion about so let me know if you would like to exchange thoughts.



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Hello, I thought I would put my name in mail basket also. I am 50, never married and manage a used building material store. I had three pomerians untill just recently and now am dogless. I overwork, occasionally play golf and love my pens. Will gladly correspond with anyone.

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I'll throw my hat in the ring.



"LIFE………….is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming - WOW - What A Ride!"

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I have never had a pen pal, nor do I think I have ever written a letter!!! I'll definately give this a go!


I am 31 years old, a CPA, and soon to be married to my beautiful fiance. Together we have two dogs and a cat. My interests include music (I'm in two bands), cycling, gourmet shaving, fountain pens, and drawing. I do ask that someone write to me first because as I said earlier, I have never written a letter so I have no idea how to start.




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I've been looking to this since ages!

This is all very exciting.


Well, a little bit about me: I'm in my mid-twenties, I have a degree in Maths and Computer Science, and I work as a system administrator. My interests are many and diverse (computer science, photography, literature, music, psychology, biology... well, you name it, I'd probably be interested) and I just love having a nice conversation.


I warn you, my writing isn't that nice, though I believe it to be rather legible. :)

Well, anyway, count me in. Contact me through the back channels to get my mailing address.


Have a nice weekend,


Knight of the white cherry flower.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, I'm Vivian. I've been lurking on this forum for a while and this is my first post.


I haven't had a pen friend since I was a kid so this should be fun. My writing skills are a little rusty and exchanging letters with a few people would be good practice, also I'd love to hear people's stories.


My handwriting is very loopy and quite unreadable (but I can also write quickly in print to make it legible), and I write everything with fountain pens.


About me: I'm 21, live on the edge of London, and am originally from New Zealand. I was a violinist in music college but last year I developed a nerve injury that pretty much derailed everything. I'll be having surgery soon and should be able to recover well enough to play again.


As I have too much free time at the moment, I also write fiction but am too scared to show it to anyone :P. I read sci-fi and classic fiction, and like most kinds of music.

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Well, why not? Getting a snail partner this way must be easier than the way I usually look. I write letters to the "Current Occupant of my Apartment" or "Current Renter of B.O. Box whatever the number" (of course in handwriting with a neato colour ink) and send them to all of my old addresses. In these, I ask questions about the weather, if the landlord ever got rid of the stain on the carpet from when I dyed my hair, did they finally fix the fridge... That sort of thing. Never once got a response...








Why, sometimes I'd like to take a switchblade and a peppermint and a Cadillac and throw it all in a fire.


Danitrio Fellowship

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I just joined the website - more for my obsession with stationary - which is spilling over into fountain pens. Since I have all sorts of stationary, it seems appropriate to join the snail-mail list. Most of my letters are to my grandmother and aunts. A few to friends as well. Replies always seem to be via email.


A little about me: I am 27 (female) and have been living in Manhattan for 5 years. When not working (since that is boring) I am a competitive swing dancer, beginner knitter, and avid netflix watcher (mostly movies before 1968). I like to pretend I visit museums often, however, I'm lucky to make it twice a year despite being a member at the MET Museum. Most recently I purchases my first pair of Opera glasses and like to see a performace at the MET Opera each season. Like opera, I'm just starting to learn about wines. I also read approximatly 60 books a year; am well known at the library.


A little more about me: atrocious handwriting has gotten better in recent months; now legible. Often use (and often incorrectly) elipsis, semicolons, and hyphens.




Kath, love the idea of sending letters to your old residence. I may have to steal that from you!



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Kath, love the idea of sending letters to your old residence. I may have to steal that from you!




Hey, go for it. As I said, I have never gotten a response, but you never know. I also send correspondence cards to random people in the phone book wishing them health and happiness. Calgary now has 1,000,000 people (most of them seem to be crabby) and I thought it might cheer them up. Plus, I get to go out and buy new cards, since I used them all up. Plus, I get to use my new pen, which always makes me very happy.




Why, sometimes I'd like to take a switchblade and a peppermint and a Cadillac and throw it all in a fire.


Danitrio Fellowship

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This thread is a place where FPN people can post their name if they would like to receive letters from other people here at the site.







Lets give this a try then see what happens.





Kurt H/ tytyvyllus

Always looking for letters


My Pen collection started as most did with an Esterbrook. I remember picking it up silver and black, thinking five dollars is a lot for a pen but it sure is neat. Took home and found that it worked, which was great, then the search for ink. Found some Quink blue-black and began writing letters with that fountain pen. Occasionally over the next few years visited flea markets and saw some pens but never as nice, did find another nib and the address of the company in a box (didn’t know they had stopped producing). Too much school and too much work pushed the pen to the back of the drawer. Then my father in law passed, I was given a Parker 51 box full of old pens found a red Balance that was given to him before the war. Thought it might be repaired so I went to the net to find a repairer. Found so much more, saw pens that were still being produced that became objects of desire, I wanted more pens. Pelikan, Parker, OMAS, Dupont and Rotring, Bexley , Stipula , Krone. I lurked and I listened to several net boards to what people were using and what they preferred, found eBay and really started to buy. Looked for pen stores in cities I was visiting. And I bought more until two score pens I owned and admired. I went through a downsizing of my collection and have ended up with 12 pens that might be inked up at any time and another 3 that are sentimental. My preference for nibs has been fine but slowly I have tried to get more variation in my writing. I live outside of New Orleans and am a officer of one of the Mardi Gras Carnival Krewes. To pay for my pens I work for an polymer company that produces what could be best described as transparent aluminum.


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I'm very new to this although I've been lurking for some time. My daughter got me started and since this a.m. I've sent out 3 postcards. As for a biography, not much to say except that I'm retired, widowed 11 years ago, the mother of two fantastic children, and a grandmother of a beautiful little girl. Also have discovered a love for pens and 'playing pen'. My other passion in life is genealogy...have an interesting story of being descended from a passenger on the Mayflower and although not particularly significant to Canadians, it does show just how many and how far flung our ancestors were.

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Count me in!


I'm living in Belgium, m. 27 years old. working at a sollisetors firm. I just recently got myself a Mont blanc Meisterstück 145 and love it!


I love FPs, watches and Landrovers (and my girlfriend :headsmack: ) ).





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Hmm...ah, why not?


I'm from Malaysia, currently working in a tiny town somewhere in the jungles of Borneo. Hopelessly addicted to fountain pens and photography, loves watches and some of the finer things in life (though utterly unable to afford any). I also read a lot of junk ranging from sci-fi to military history.


In my late twenties and married, expecting my first child early next year so the pen-buying has to stop soon. Won't be much of a problem though since I've already bought 15 in my first month of addiction and expecting a few more in the mail!


My handwriting is pretty bad, no thanks to computers, so I do need some practice!

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I'd like to be in on this too, if anyone is interested. I'm far too shy to pm someone myself until I've been on here a lot longer.


I'm in my late twenties and the mother of a toddler.


I used to be in sales and am now a law student planning to practice estate planning and associated work, eventually segueing into small-town general practice. My husband is also a student in a related area.


I'm a Roman Catholic and used to be an Orthodox Jew. I am interested in the interrelating histories and theologies of those cultures.

I'm interested in fountain pens, inks, and papers (obviously!)


I'm interested in history in general, although my primary areas of interest include some specific areas in Jewish and related areas in the ancient and late-medieval worlds and non-Latin printing in the 15th century (especially Hebrew).


I'm an avid clays shooter just getting back into it after a two-year hiatus during my pregnancy and my daughter's infancy. I shoot trap now and hope to progress to five-stand and sporting clays as well.


I'm an outdoors enthusaist. I love backpacking, especially solo, although that is likely on hold for several years. We camp (tent, of course!) several times a year and walk/hike when we can.


I practice many aspects of attachment parenting and am interested in gentle parenting and natural living, including specifically parenting-related practices but also slow-food and traditional foods, reducing disposable product use, organic and/or local foods, and natural/minimally toxic household products.


As far as pens go, my current daily write is a Pelikan M215, although I just acquired my first Esterbrook. I play with inks quite a bit, but am boring on paper. So far it's just Clairefontaine lined pads. I'm most interested in pens as they relate to writing. I only collect them for functionality and I have a very small collection. I am very interested in the finer points of pens and their care, but am not personally interested in a large collection or a collection that is not used daily. I'm not averse to corresponding with someone who has such a collection, but that is not something I would ever consider doing. I just love the functionality.

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