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How do I get started here? Would appreciate help learning the ropes.


Just post a little biography (see posts above) and then wait for the PMs. :)

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Hi. My name is Ruben and I am 36 years old and hail from Boerne, TX. Boerne is seated at the foot of the Texas Hill Country and is a quaint little town. I am married to Trini, my wife of 11 years (been together even longer) and have 4 wonderful boys ranging in age from 9 years to 11 months. When I am not on the road for work, I like to play as much as I can with my kids.


I am into Capoeira, mountain biking/trail riding, and barefoot running. I have a couple of other interests but they mostly deal with my work in the IT field. Because of the fact that I work with computers all day, I have become fond of writing thoughts down on paper. As of late, I have been using Moleskine notebooks as my thought receptacle of choice. After reading some reviews about my favorite notebook and fountain pens, I thought I would give Rhodia a shot and just ordered some.


My foray into fountains began when I was looking for a tactical pen to use while in uniform. I happened upon a review on YouTube by sbrebrown for the Schrade tactical FP, bought it, and haven't looked back. To date, I have amassed a whopping 6 fountain pens, all with converters, and a couple of bottles of ink. Here's the list:


-Schrade Tactical Fountain Pen (M)

-Levenger L-Tech Stealth (M)

-Rotring 600 Black (F)

-Lamy AL-Star Black

-Lamy Safari (F) blue

-Lamy Safari (F) red

-Levenger Cobalt Blue

-Noodler's Black (bulletproof)

-Noodler's 54th Massachusetts

-Lamy Blue/Black

-Noodler's Antietam

-Noodler's Dragon's Napalm (a little to pink for me so I way just buy my niece an FP and give her this ink)


The last two pens I bought for the kids since they want pens like the ones I use.


Well, I guess that is all for now. I will definitely add to this list as I acquire more. I am also part of the postcard and letter exchange so please PM me and hopefully we can start corresponding.


Talk to yawl later......


Some people see things that are and ask, Why? Some people dream of things that never were and ask, Why not? Some people have to go to work and don't have time for all that.
-George Carlin

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Hi! I would love to participate - particularly with fountain pen enthusiasts from other countries.


I'm 51 (Arghhh!), female, a Forest Ranger and was trained as a fish and wildlife biologist. My interests are very eclectic: leatherworking ( I make Midori-type journals), graphics/illustration, sharpening high end chef knives, travel... See? Pretty odd mix. Oh: I'm also really active in anything outdoorsy.


I live in Portland, Oregon and my partner and I are huge foodies. We also like good wine and coffee!


I'm fascinated with Italian and Japanese pens and am working hard to learn Spencerian penmanship.


In about a month I will likely be getting a kidney transplant - so a pen pal would help me from going crazy while I'm in the quarantine phase!


Drop me a line if you're game....

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How do I get started here? Would appreciate help learning the ropes.







The best way is to put some info in your profile so people know a bit about your likes or hobbies and look at the profiles of those who have posted in this thread. Don't wait for someone to pm you. Too many people wait to be contacted instead of making the first move. You will have much greater success if you're willing to pm first.

He who says he knows but does not act does not yet know.
~ Wang Yangming


When I grow up I want to be just like Calvin.

~ Me

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Hi all,


I'm Jimmy, a 19 year old computer science student in The Netherlands. Fountain Pens have really caught my attention the last 2 years orso. Being a CS student, all my "writing" happens at a keyboard, which saddens me a bit. I love the skill/art of handwriting (even though my handwriting is not that good), so here I am, looking for some snail mail pen pals.


I'm asian (Chinese/Vietnamese), but I was born here. I do know some Vietnamese, sadly no Chinese though.


In my spare time I like to listen to music (K-Pop, R&B, Game & Anime OST), like a typical asian I guess ;). Some other things I'm interested in are piano, games and soccer/football.

Something that's on my list of things to learn is Violin and Digital art/painting. I just never get to it sadly.


As a poor college student, I can't afford too many fountain pens. The ones currently in my possession are:

- Parker Sonnet, with an 18k F nib

- Lamy Safari, with an 1.1mm nib

- Mont Blanc 22 from the sixties

- Faber Castell Ambition


I would love to start exchanging some letters.


PM me if you're interested!


Best regards,



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I would love to be a part of this!


I already introduced myself in the "new user thread" but I'll give another quick bio before.


I'm 25 going on 26 (my birthday's in November). I'm an English major at my university and I'm going to be graduating in December.


I knit incessantly, and I also crochet, cross stitch and sew on the side. I consider myself a writer - I've done National Novel Writing Month since 2008 and greatly enjoyed it. I also have my own knitting blog.


I've never had a penpal before, but feel free to PM me! I'd be happy to give it a try. :)

"Not all that glitters are gold / Not all who wander are lost."

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."

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Sure why not...


Im Stefan. I am 28 years old. No children. I live north of detroit michigan. I work a ton bit always make time for my pens and ink. I prefer female pen pals (seems to work better).

Im fairly new but i started off running and love fountain pens. I am a serial inker so my inks change daily.

I enjoy tv and mories when i have time. Bazinga!!!!

Open to mail from around the world because i enjoy learning about new places and things.

I work in automotive but dream of returning to school, probably for computers and IT.

I dont have much of a solid set of interests but i love astronomy (the universe, cosmos, through the wormhole) and quantum physics (no real education on either, but the really big and the really small facinate me). I do enjoy reading when i have time. Mostly dean koontz and james patterson but open to other ideas.

Just pm me if u are interested.


-Always remember to take a moment to gaze upwards to remind yourself, not only how small you are, but also how big everything else is....

Humble yourself. :-)






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I am very interested in this and an excellent way to practice writing with FPs.


I live in Greece, father of 4 children and a Americal pitbull puppy. I am a fan of traditional things and try to make things myself. For the time being, FPs and soap-making are my hobbies.


Please PM if interested.

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This sounds fun :-) Can I join in?


Bit about me. Live in the UK, a few miles north of London. I work in the public sector (*whispering that bit rather quietly). I always have a study course on the go. Very eclectic range but mainly with a sciencey base. Love going to art galleries and museums, and often hop on the train after work to visit the big London ones. An avid reader, my books are threatening to take over my house!


So if that lot hasn't bored you to tears or stupified you into a state of apathy, please send me a PM and let's get this letter thing going.




ps is it too soon to start tapping my fingers impatiently? :-)




Edited for typos. Great start! lol

Edited by migo984

Verba volant, scripta manent

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I'm in!


Lakes Region, New Hampshire. Male, 60, retired/disabled (on-job injury/surgery/chronic pain and restricted range-of-motion, so LOTS of time for letters...). Ex forklift-mechanic, ex operating room technician (orthopedics), ex lots of things. US Navy from 1972 to 1976 (Vietnam-era Veteran; no "in-country" service, though).


Still married to my bride of forty years (we've known each other since we were eleven...) Two grown daughters. One dachshund (Beulah), one psychotic sealpoint siamese cat (Kasia, informal nickname perhaps not suitable for this forum),


Interests are eclectic, broad, but tend to the shallow; I'm STILL looking for that one thing that grabs my passion. Uechi-ryu karate, eastern philosophy in general, target shooting, reloading ammo for same, creating/repairing electronics, woodworking, metal machining, lifelong avid reader of primarily sci-fi, but also WWII, instructional interest-specific, some fantasy, mystery, and classics.


Music is generally stuff like Joe Satrianni, Walter Trout, Al DiMeola, Robin Trower, Frank Marino, Pink Floyd, New-Age stuff for 'background music' while I'm busy with other things, very varied.


Not into ball/team sports, politics, celebrities; only somewhat into movies and TV. I'll talk to just about anybody, though!

PM me if interested!

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I'm from Spain and an economics student. I only have 3 fountain pens (I've started collecting recently) and are all Parker (I love this brand).


I've never had a penpal, but I think it would be interesting to improve my english (that isn't good enough), so if there's someone interested in writting about economics will be welcome. I also love english football (soccer).



Edited by alv_23


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I have so far i have managed to pick up half a dozen pen pals in America and Canada, but would love to have at least 1 in each continent.


I live in Belfast,N. Ireland


I am a writer, looking to improve my handwriting. Can talk on almost any subject, life, politics, religion, books, TV and everything in between.


Male, 36, 3 kids, no dog.


Can I tempt anyone in S America, Asia, Europe (UK welcome too), Oceania, or even cooler Antarctica?? Or more from N America.


Sadly, I have become addicted to the post arriving, and if I don't get a letter or postcard, it really dampens my day.





Thought I would update my letter writing resume.....


37 now, still 3 kids and still no dog.


My first book is STILL not out, but will be within the next month or so( I think I said that then!)


Happy to write to a few more people, from the UK or overseas. I don't have any pen-pals from South America, Africa or Antartica.....


Can jibber jabber on any topic, or no topic...


Handwriting hasn't improved much, maybe its just meant to be that messy!


If anyone is interested, drop me a PM

http://img356.imageshack.us/img356/8703/letterminizk9.png http://img356.imageshack.us/img356/7260/postminipo0.png

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Oh well, no good just looking at this thread, I thought is was about time I put my name down.

About me:

I'm a Tech savvy male cripple, disabled by severe Ankylosing Spondylitis (a form of inflammatory arthritis of the spine, that can and has affected other joints & organs) , Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (Type II), Secondary Fibromyalgia and Brachial Neuralgia following surgery to try & cure Bilateral Thoracic Outlet Syndrome & ulnar nerve compression.

As a result of the above issues, I'm pretty much housebound these days, feel free to PM me with you address & I'll do my best to reply - I promise not to bore you s*&tless about my ailments - LOL

I'm a fountain pen fanatic, lover of fine paper, leather bound journals and writing paraphernalia of all kinds - I love to write when able, but it's becoming increasing difficult lately.

Edited by mports

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sure why not, always wanted a penpal and the internet sites look a little sketchy.


I'm mid-30s, architect by day, volunteer EMT and Paramedic by night and weekends. Love pretty much anything involving the outdoors, the arts, literature, film, music, and the like. I have a list of hobbies that would probably overload the server here, it's so long. I am somewhat bored lately, due to recovering from knee surgery, which actually gives me lots of evenings and weekends to pursue my hobbies (as opposed to always being on duty at a station...)


If you're interested in writing, shoot me a PM...

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I used to have a lot of pen pals, but over time a lot of them dropped off the map, as is wont to happen. But last night I found myself writing to old pen pals because I had already responded to all my current ones. It's not cool that I'm going to start harassing people I haven't heard from in months just so I can write a letter, so I decided I'd better post an ad here.


I'm 34 and live in Toronto. I'm super liberal, very into equality for all, and did my degree in Women & Gender Studies as well as Sexual Diversity Studies. I've also been a vegetarian since I was 17, and I'm transitioning into being a vegan now. I've got a ton of really delicious vegan dessert recipes that all my non-vegetarian friends rave about that I would be happy to share.


I am obsessed with narrative in all forms - movies, TV shows, book, video games ... you name it. My XBOX 360 and I are best friends, though I tend to prefer adventure games with shooting to straight up FPSs. I enjoy writing short stories and I have like three or four novel ideas I like to try to find time to work on with varying success. I volunteer heavily in animal rescue, I work at a psychiatric hospital as an admin, and I enjoy being creative in whatever spare time I can find. Which is not much, considering I help care for my ailing/elderly parents and am the sole caregiver for 5 cats and 1 dog.


I'm highly analytical, so I find that I match best with thoughtful, curious, liberal people who don't just go with whatever feels good, but rather have put some thought into the meaning of life and morality.


I've got a lot of fun paper and inks, so just let me know if you want writing samples from any particular inks. :)

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Good evening,


I would love to join in with this, I tried once before but sadly it didn't last, so as they say must jump back in the saddle and try again.


My name is Ruth and I am 36 years old, I live with my husband and three children in South Wales. I work in education and love it, frustrations and all.


Other than my pens I can't say that I have a huge passion for anything in particular, I find that I am interested in lots of things and always looking for something new.


I like football, golf and cricket, watching rather than playing. I like films and good TV series, loving Game of Thrones, Walking Dead and Big bang theory.


Anyway that's a bit about me, if you want to write, PM me.



www.thepenandinkwell.com @ inkwellpens

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My name is Alex, I'm 16 and live in the southern US. Cajun country, as it is called around here.

I'm a junior in high school (11th year for the Euros) and plan on attending college/university for Biochemistry. I work at a local coffee shop, which I adore, and would like to travel the world one day.

I really like fountain pens, and would like to tap into the more archaic kinds of fun such as this.

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Maybe... someone suprises a


a man of 45 (soon closer to 50...:{ ) with a son, a daughter, a mother-in-law and two cats, who used to be a teacher/professor but started a brand new and totally different carrier after almost 15 years out of a strange mixture of necessity, conscience and adventure-seeking;


who looks for old-fashioned, slow-building but easy-going (Le Petit Prince or Momo kind of), long term friendship, exchange of small talk ('small correspondances' is perhaps a more appropriate pun intended), big and great ideas, small gifts, 'secrets of crafts & trades' and everyday lessons learnt - basically exchange of whatever and everything that can be written of with good humor and entertaining style of interest to You;


one with strange and scattered sphere of interests, among others but not limited to:


Reading (anything & everything), Writing (letters, notes, lists, doodling, poems, recipes), Journalling, Bookbinding, Baking Bread, Herbs,..., Languages, (History of) Writing & Writing Systems (alphabets, abjads, syllabaries, ideograms, - existing or fictional alike) ..., Music (omnivore at that, too), ..., Travelling, Post Cards, ...

I have a flair for budget FP's that write, and allow for amateurish/dilettante tinkering & modding.
I always have a half a dozen of Preppies, several Noodler's Flex, Konrads in cleansing or in the "lab" being vivisected.

I try or have tried to write with everything, I can get hold of: brushes, brush pens, reed pens, graphite, silverpoint, metal pencils, home-made real feather quills, knives (runes and Hungarian 'rovás' rune-like letters)..


My wish to correspond is definitely not limited to FPN / penmanship / writing-lettering related topics. Caveats: casual "pen pal collectors", romance seekers, found raisers. Looooooooooong letters are both welcome and promised.


Please, PM for inquiries.


"Every author really wants to have letters printed in the paper. Unable to make the grade, he drops down a rung of the ladder and writes novels." (P G Woodhouse)


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