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Hello Pen Friends!


My name is Mark. I live on the Mississippi gulf coast, and am just getting back into pens and scratching my “fine writing” itch after several years away. I would like to pick up a pen pal or two to work to improve my “idiosyncratic” handwriting.


About me: I am 46 years old, married with no kids, practice law throughout Mississippi and try not to take myself very seriously.


Hobbies: As my name suggests, I am a very avid waterfowl hunter, conservationist and an “serious amateur” Labrador retriever trainer participating in retriever hunt tests and field trials. I love most anything dog related, other than fleas. I also like to read theology, classic literature, and try my hand at photography. I am very involved in my church, although my pastor thinks little of my missing so much for competitive dog events. J On the rare day when I have nothing to do, I happily sit around the beach and listen to traditional blues music and watch the world turn. Baseball and SEC college football are my favorite sports.


Shoot me a PM if you would like to correspond.


Best Regards,




So many hobbies, so little time....


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Hello Pen Friends!


My name is Mark. I live on the Mississippi gulf coast, and am just getting back into pens and scratching my “fine writing” itch after several years away. I would like to pick up a pen pal or two to work to improve my “idiosyncratic” handwriting.


About me: I am 46 years old, married with no kids, practice law throughout Mississippi and try not to take myself very seriously.


Hobbies: As my name suggests, I am a very avid waterfowl hunter, conservationist and an “serious amateur” Labrador retriever trainer participating in retriever hunt tests and field trials. I love most anything dog related, other than fleas. I also like to read theology, classic literature, and try my hand at photography. I am very involved in my church, although my pastor thinks little of my missing so much for competitive dog events. J On the rare day when I have nothing to do, I happily sit around the beach and listen to traditional blues music and watch the world turn. Baseball and SEC college football are my favorite sports.


Shoot me a PM if you would like to correspond.


Best Regards,




So many hobbies, so little time....


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Hi just have to apologize to all my penpals, alot is going on right now in my life, way too much, so it will take some time before I can get around to really start answering again but I have not forgotten anyone! I will get back to you as soon as I'm in a more balanced situation. Miss writing, but right now I find it impossible to focus.

All the best from Bella!

If you take care of the minutes, the years will take care of themselves. -Tibetan saying.


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Hello All.


I have been lurking as a non-member for awhile, and was interested in getting a pen pal.


A little about me, Male, 35 located somewhere in coastal North Carolina. I work in software QA/QC for a firm specializing in ECM.


I love my pens and my few inks, writing with them, fish, hunt, generally anything that has to do with being outside, and am one of those "dog people". As far as other interests, reading, theology, general reflection on life's many conundrums, music (all genre's respected, but with a strong lean to americana and jazz), and movies. Oh, and I love to cook (was in the biz for 12 years before my current gig). Those are just the main points I'd say, however there are other, numerous, side street attractions here and there that get me going.


And if you decide to take the plunge, a warning, my handwriting is less than spectacular.



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I’m a 32 year old British woman, engaged to an American man, looking for a couple of new snail mail penfriends. I enjoy reading (classic and contemporary literature usually by women authors such as the Brontes, George Sand, Alice Walker), writing my diary, scrapbooking, cardmaking and sewing. I’m currently unemployed, volunteer at a charity shop two days a week and share a flat with my pet cat. I love libraries, candles, butterflies, peace and quiet and the wonders of the imagination.


I’m the kind of person who prefers spending time with a few close friends at home or in places like art galleries, museums and parks to being a social butterfly in pubs and clubs. I’m a romantic rather than a realist by nature, a Rousseau rather than a Richardson. I’m interested in environmentalism, although something of an amateur as with fountain pens. For a list of my fountain pen collection you can see my profile.


If you’re interested in writing please PM me :)

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I would like to try this as well.


I'm male, 30, and currently a graduate student in Birmingham, Alabama, in the US. I would like to exchange letters from people around the world (and in the US as well. I'm not picky). I don't have a television, and as a result listen to a lot of public radio and podcasts. I'm a fan of comedy shows from the BBC, enjoy reading, and I am STILL discovering the type of music I like. I recently took up calligraphy as a hobby, so while my handwriting may not be much (but it's legible, I promise!), you might receive something I wrote in calligraphy since I'm trying to improve my skills. I'm not much of a social butterfly, but I find that I like picking up random bits of knowledge. I still hope to appear on "Jeopardy!" someday.


If you've read all this and are still interested in writing, please PM me.

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Hello fellow fountain pen lovers,


I'd love to join the group and find some pen pals to share letters with. Whenever I've mailed a friend or relative a handwritten postcard or letter, I'm always disappointed when I get an email response...It would be nice to share handwritten letters with someone who appreciates a nice note.


I'm a college student, studying Liberal Arts (but that title doesn't satisfactorily encompass what I'm doing) in Santa Fe, NM USA. I'm a bibliophile, and while I wouldn't say that I love any particular genre I do tend to lean towards classic and contemporary literature. I'm very interested in anything archaeology related, and I have a background in art (theatre, dance, visual art). Currently at college, I've been reading a lot of ancient greek philosophers and playwrights, so if anyone's interested in those things it would be especially cool to write. . .My interests are really varied though, and I love foreign films and old american classics. This isn't to say that I don't also love current comedies like Tropic Thunder :)


If you're interested in exchanging letters, just PM me and I'd love to start something up!

μὴ ζήτει τὰ γινόμενα γίνεσθαι ὡς θέλεις, ἀλλὰ θέλε τὰ γινόμενα ὡς γίνεται

καὶεὐροήσεις. - Epictetus



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Hello everyone!


I'd love to exchange letters with someone! I'm a college student in Texas studying Economics and Japanese. I'm trying to improve my calligraphy and writing to someone would be a great excuse to practice more. During my free time I enjoy reading, and drawing. I also play quite a few video games. I love science fiction books and movies, especially Philip K. Dick's. If you're interested in being my penpal just PM me!

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I'm a 55 year old "at home mom" living in Hawaii. I've lived extensively in Japan and can speak and write a little. Before having my daughter, I was a pilot for both the Air Force (US) and the airlines. I have a variety of interests to include soap making (really), gems and minerals, and trying to calculate how many more bottles of ink can fit in my desk (none--though i'm still buying...)


If you are interested in exchanging letters, send me a message and we can get started!

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Lettering is amazing with the right people! People who would write because they enjoy it - not

because I nudged them repeatedly until they gave in and did me the favour (I even insisted

they should try it with a fountain pen *clears throat*).

Even though I have been lettering most of my life I only lately fell in love with fountain pens.

My handwriting is best with EF to F nibs - and time. When my thoughts run fast then my hand

does what it can to catch up and the result isn´t too pleasing. Amazing also what a different

cursive can do for the hand.


You will find a little bit of info in the profile. I am a rather private person and wouldn´t want to

see my address (real or e-mail) accidently elsewhere because someone was careless.

Aquiring a penpal is a bit like buying a pot plant for a room. One needs to know first if they

can cope with the temperatures in the room. *reads manual*

I am a reliable writer - trying out in letters whatever comes to mind - not boring but possibly

(most likely) weird. Weird in an unscary way. And even Holmes found the tolerant Watson- so there is hope.

Anything between serious and silly works. And don´t sulk because I didn´t tell you about

____________ the first three months. :angry: Tis not personal and we're not on facebook.

Being excitable about a hobby isn´t a flaw - so have a passion for your hobby and share it.

You recall your dreams? Debate a dissappointing show? Grow egg plants? You have interests

I could learn something new from? Answer me a question about grammar? Politics?

Well no - no shoes or handbags - tyvm. Sketch me something instead =D


Wishlist. Yup. The pot plant - remember?

Europe. Due to the time it takes for letters to arrive. Worldwide is fine too - postage is the same.

English (I intend to pick up vocabularly from you!).

At least one Single person. Because they can relate better to what it means to be without family.

Family is VERY fine - don´t get me wrong (I´d write to you as well.). But I got a tiny bit fed up with

waiting for people who won´t write/ play boardgames / go to town / have a tea ... because of their


As for the "feeling understood" part - I will be so blunt and say: No Tigers and no Horses (Tried it

- didn´t work!).











=== Tenet insanibile multos scribendi cacoethes. Horace ===

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I'd love to get some pen pals.


I'm a 25 year old male studying journalism in California. I love sci-fi movies, action films and old school video games. I also love to read and research current topics. I'm a huge nerd and I love astronomy and tech.

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Here goes nothing! :P


I am a 23 year old male living outside of Toronto. I'm studying (almost finished) engineering at university, so I obviously really enjoy math and physics. I also enjoy computer science and software engineering, and study it in my spare time (yeah...). My other interests include reading books (classics, Shakespeare, modern fiction, nonfiction about interests, etc), business, economics, history (and history-related video games :D), and I'm (attempting to) learn how to cook "proper" meals and bake delicious goods.


I'm fairly new to fountain pens. I got myself a Pilot Metropolitan about 2 weeks ago and almost instantly fell in love, and have since placed a bunch of orders for a variety of ink colours! The wide variety of inks available is definitely one of the things that drew me in. Though as a student I don't really use the expensive paper (yet...).


I don't mind whether a penpal is domestic or international. If you speak (well, I guess write) French that would be an asset, as I'm always looking to improve mine! We could do a bit of correspondence (not necessarily all) in French :) (you'll have to put up with some spelling and grammar errors though ;)).

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I'm a 30yo hacker, writer, troublemaker, and mother-of-one from Indianapolis, IN. Favorite topics include technology, politics, martial arts, sociology, linguistics, psychology, anthropology, sheepdog life, or pretty much anything different enough from my experience to excite the neophile in me.

Fellow odd ducks, geeks, and sheepdogs encouraged to apply.

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Me: inconsistent snail mailer into: origami, bookbinding, book art, Shakespeare, scifi books, Montaigne, educational technology, writing, tools for writing, reading in most genres--including "literature," blogging, curating, paper--particularly handmade and/or watermarked, pens--mostly cheapies, ink--particularly vibrant blues and rich browns, typography, and a smattering of other stuff. I'm the consummate Jack-of-All-Trades and sadly also the Master-of-None.


You: someone interested in writing and receiving letters about any of these...or something else you care about. I really enjoy corresponding with people who are enthusiastic about what they write about ... WHATEVER that might be. Share something cool! Show me something new!


Caveat: my letters may arrive written on rare handmade paper, vintage onion skin, fine Italian stationery, hotel notepads, or whatever paper I happened to have at hand. The letter might or might not be folded in some kind of letterfold. The envelope might or might not be homemade. Ink may be blue, green, red, brown, or other. Pen may be Japanese XF or BBB. My handwriting isn't particularly good and my opinions not necessarily consistent. I contradict myself. I contain multitudes. :)


Hope to hear from you!

Edited by fncll


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I'd love to have someone to write to. I'm 30, male, living in Bangalore, India. I'm an entrepreneur working in the retail analytics and consulting space. I also teach retail management and marketing part-time.


I love technology, science, history, music, reading - I guess a bit of everything.


I'd love to write about India if any of you are interested in this country, it's history, culture, or anything else. I've also travelled extensively within India and I can provide you some information if and when you wish to plan a vacation here.


In terms of inks, I stick to blues, blacks, and the occasional browns. I don't think I'd write in a multitude of colours, though I'd certainly be happy to receive letters written with inks that are more interesting than mine. I'm also not into wax seals or exotic papers. Then again, I'd love to receive such creativity.


If anything about me sounds remotely interesting, please PM me.

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Hello everyone,


Im looking for a pen pal. First a little bit about myself. I am a 26 year old male living in the United States. Most recently i graduated with my Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering, and am currently in the process of becoming employed.


I have an interest in many things, one of my main ones that took a bit of a back seat to school was photography. I very much enjoy the different types of calligraphy, and simple sketch art (i am a photographer but not a sketcher). I also greatly enjoy dogs, I am the owner of a pure bred Golden Retriever, whos grandfather happens to be the only living triple champion Golden retriever in North America (his name is push comes to shove if you would like to look him up), and also a rescue German Shepherd mix.


I am a video gamer, and enjoy current tv shows such as Game of Thrones, Sons of Anarchy, Dexter, and true blood. I have seen a bit of Anime but dont have a lot of viewing experience but would perhaps like to see more.


I like history, and culture. I myself come from Mexican blood, and was a very active Ballet Folklorico dancer, that performed in many places including Las Vegas Nevada where we took multiple awards, and most recently London during the Olympics as entertainment. I am also a violinist, although i dont get to play much anymore i was in allstate and a honors high school group that had the absolute honor of performing in the world renowned Carnegie Hall. I love history about violins especially, and the ways in which they were made.


My fountain pen hobby was picked up about 6-7 years ago, with a simple pilot knight, and i have most recently made my biggest purchase to date of a Nakaya (awaiting Mottishaw's return from holiday to customize the BB nib to a stub). My GF is recently getting into fountain pens and we are learning how to write properly and i mentioned to her the thought of a pen pal as well

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I would love to exchange letters with other FPN members. I will write to anybody brave enough to endure my chicken scratch ;)

I am a woman currently living in Idaho, but I grew up a little bit of everywhere west of the Rockies. I got married in April in the oldest continually operated Synagogue west of the Mississippi River. Jenn and I have been together for over three years.

I am a social worker by trade but a few years ago I became disabled and have since become a lousy housewife ;) I spend a lot of my time volunteering for the Idaho Humane Society and currently have ten itty bitty bottle fed foster kittys and one foster lap basset in addition to my own fuzzy children.

I have recently been bitten by the fountain pen bug and I foresee it becoming a problem :) My handwriting is... special but I am working on legibility.


Caffeinated42 a.k.a. Steph



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So, I'm looking for a pen pal or two. I'm looking in the general age range of 18-35. Preferably female and single. I've found this works best for me. Location doesn't matter, I'm in the US.


I read a lot, mostly fiction in the thriller, mystery, scifi and fantasy genres. I'd be happy to do a snail mail book club type thing with my pen pal.


I am an avid runner. I'm training for a 10 mile race in August and run almost everyday.


I work in the tech industry for a small software company that makes Mac and iOS software. I'm geeky and work a lot.


The usual as well, like movies, music, tv and other typical stuff. I've been getting into board games lately as well.


If you're interested, send me a PM :)

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Helllooooo! I am a new member of FPN and thought I'd throw my name into the hat and see what happens here. I have some penpals, acquired during the latest lettermo.com adventure (which was wonderful, btw!) but I'd love to have a few more. I have a somewhat weird (in a good way) sense of humour, perhaps bordering on smart a$$ at times, but in the words of the great Jimmy Buffett, "If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane".


I am a native Floridian, born and raised in the nation's Oldest City of St. Augustine, transplanted to NC 9 years ago. I miss my hometown and the ocean very much and hope to move back someday. In the meantime I live here with my husband and 3 cats, writing letters, watching a lot of British shows, spending too much time online (is anyone else addicted to Pinterest?), not enough time making cards, and staying up way past my bedtime.


Send me a PM if you're interested and we'll take it from there.



Addicted to Pens and Paper


Just Stamp It


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Hi. I am a new member here and like the previous poster said, thought I'd post here to see what happens. I am a native Bay Stater and recovering lawyer. My interests are music, writing and anything outdoors-related.


I'd be happy to hear from any of you guys. Send me a PM and we can swap info.


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