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Snail Mail Writing List


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I have a number of faithful correspondents thanks to this forum, but would like a few more. I currently send letters across Europe and to the US, but only write to 1 person in the UK. So really, I'm after a couple of people in the UK who fancy someone else to write to and receive letters from.


I'm a 32 year old army officer (so my address does change from time to time, the next being in August). I'm married with a 2 1/2 year old daughter and another baby on the way in early June. We have 2 cats and a rather large daft dog.


I try to use my FPs all the time with a variety of inks which seem to be growing in my drawer!


If any of this sounds in any way interesting, please send me a PM.




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I have posted earlier but it was a while back.


I am Bekki, 21 years young and I live in the North East of England in a small fishing town, I am a research chemist by profession, I entered that via an apprenticeship and hobby wise obviously I like fountain pens, I also have many small pets and attend shows etc for them. Musically I like almost anything but tend to stay towards the metal/rock side of things. TV wise, no thanks not really much into watching "tv" but I do like Game of Thrones and the occasional box set, as well as films. Personality wise I am shy and do take a little while to come out of my shell with new people, this is also true via letter but a few letters time and im my usual self.


Ideally id like UK as it costs less but people from around the world are welcome also :-) I hate sending the first letter so that will be your job im afraid! I have a few inks and a few pens but I dont do expensive paper and wax seals, bit beyond my financial means a stamp costs enough as it is sadly. I do have a brand new TWSBI diamond on its way so very excited for that so I need somebody to write to :-)


If I sound remotely interesting do PM me :-)

Edited by bekki2308

Esterbrook J, TWSBI Diamond 580 (lost it somewhere :-() and some random other pens

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My name is Osley, and I am originally from Cuba, though I've practically spent most of my life in the US. I am in Miami, Florida (USA), 27, male, and I make my living as a civil litigation attorney (most commonly referred to as 'Blood suckers' by the rest of the population).


Like the previous poster, I don't watch much TV. My hobbies are fountain pens, watches, reading, and guns (I guess this last one is an American thing...we are crazy like that.)


Anyway, if you are interested in corresponding, let me know. I won't be sending anything fancy. All you'll get from me are the ramblings of a mad attorney scribbled in plain paper, using Noodlers Polar inks. I definitely do not do wax seals or anything artistic, but wouldn't mind receiving something like that...but don't expect me to go crazy in return as I am artistically challenged.


If you are still reading my post and are not looking for the panic button on your keyboard, feel free to send me a PM. I'd prefer it if you send a letter first, though I don't mind being the first to write if that makes you more comfortable.

Edited by Sallent

Ball-point pens are only good for filling out forms on a plane.

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Hello everyone,


Wanted to throw my hat in the ring. I am married (male) and live in NYC. I am a management consultant by profession unlike the one you see in the TV show 'House of Lies'. I have been a long time fountain pen user, recently got myself some vintage pens and have truly been enjoying the repairing process.

I enjoy exploring this never-ending city, new bars, eateries and other random places. I love red wines (dry, earthy, oak-y) and dark ales. On occasion, I enjoy having philosophical conversations with friends.

My father used to have pen-friends from all over the world and I found the idea to be fascinating but never considered it for myself until recently. Although I am open to having pen-pals from everywhere, I am keen to write someone outside the US, as the tangibles (paper, envelop, stamps and writing) would be a small doze of culture from that country (I love to travel)


PS. I attempting to learn calligraphy so might try when writing to you.

Edited by hellomms
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I love this idea and as I've said elsewhere on here, I receive little more than bills throught the mail these days so it would be a pleasure and a privilege to enter into correspondence with other FPN users.


My name should be easy to guess, I'm 43 years old and married with a young son. I work in local authority marketing but don't let that put you off.


If you're interested in swapping letters, please PM me for an address.

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I'd definitely like to be added to this!


I'm a happily married 26 year old woman. I have 2 lovely children, and I'm disabled. I don't really get out much, but I love writing to people and receiving letters.

I'm new to the pen world, but I'm fascinated by all the gorgeous pens, inks and papers. I'm very interested in everyone's collections.

As for me, I love reading, especially true crime. I like to cross stitch, and I love video games. I'd be happy to hear from anyone around the world.


I'd prefer it if you wrote to me first, as I'm much better at replying!


PM me if you fancy swapping letters B)

http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/606/letterji9.png ----- Send me a PM!
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Looking for a couple more snail mail correspondents (from across the globe)

I wrote a small bio above if anybody is interested, send me a PM. I can promise nice stamps and wax seals ! :roflmho:


Link to Bio...Disregard Paris part, too narrow a focus.



Edited by century

"As the purse is emptied, the heart is filled." -- Victor Hugo



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Hi! I've collected too many pens and inks without enough excuses to use them. I'd love to start up some correspondence.

I a 28 year old male and I currently live in Utah where I work as a business analyst. I studied mathematics and economics and really love both, but don't ask me questions about the actual economy because I have no idea. I like cycling, soccer, target shooting, reading, and pc gaming, and besides fountain pens I also collect watches and pocket knives (although my collections are still rather meager). I know decent Spanish and am trying to learn Japanese. Let me know if you'd like to write! I need an excuse to buy some new stationery...

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Hello, I too am interested in snail mail and would like to correspond with some new friends.


I am a 50 year old male that has been disabled for the last ten years. I was a registered nurse for five years before that and worked as a union ironworker (construction) for ten years prior to becoming a RN.


I have been married to an amazingly awesome wife for the past 29 years who has given me a wonderful 11 year old son.


I am from southeast Texas and enjoy (obsessed actually :))fountain pens, reading, cooking, photography and watching a good movie at home with my family.


If anyone is interested in exchanging letters, postcards or cards please feel free to contact me by email. I'm excited about this and look forward to making new friends! :thumbup:


http://mark.intervex.net/fpn/images/LetterExchange_sm.png http://mark.intervex.net/fpn/images/PostcardExchange_sm.png

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Hi I am Daniel

and I would like to join the letter exchange.




Work and live in Hong Kong, from the UK, with spanish parents.

started to get interested in letter writing, fountain pens and wax seals.




more by letter !!




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I am very interested in exchanging letters with others. My name is Marcelo and I am 17 years old. I am about to graduate from secondary school and go to college. I currently live in Miami, Florida. I have a passion for fountain pens, cell phones, exercise, and gaming. I can speak English and Spanish (terrible grammar. If anyone is interested, please let me know! I would prefer that you write to me first. Looking forward to it! :D

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Hi, I'd like to throw my hat into the ring for this.


My name is Kyle. I'm a 19 year old college student on a pre-med school track (Colorado State University). I'm just getting into fountain pens, and would love to have some pen pals. Anyone from the UK would be awesome as I plan on studying abroad in Keele next spring. As for interests/hobbies, I play ice hockey and golf, love dogs, music (especially jazz), history, and really anything else intellectually stimulating. PM me to let me know if you are interested.

"You can't get away from yourself by moving from one place to another." - The Sun Also Rises - Ernest Hemingway

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I love snail mail and I like to write to new people!


I'm Claire, 30 years old, I work in a library, and I'm going to school to get my Master's in Library Science. In my free time I like to read books, paint etegami, play the ukulele, and (rarely these days) play video games. I drink a lot of tea and like to include tea samples in my letters. I have a partner named Rayn and 2 cats named Wiggles and Ginger.


I'm happy to write internationally, but aside from English I only speak a little Spanish.


I do often decorate outgoing envelopes, but I don't expect to receive "fancy" mail. Any mail is good mail! If you are interested in corresponding, just shoot me a PM. I'm also happy to answer any questions via pm before corresponding.


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I'd be happy to swap correspondence with people from around the world.


I'm 31 years-old, male, single (but soon to be married to the most perfect woman on earth).


I find it difficult to present a short description of my interests as they are varied. I enjoy reading (any genre, any book... although I must admit my preference for the classics, English, Russian and Greco-Roman). I like books of and in themselves and am more than happy to discuss them. I enjoy watching movies, playing video games, playing with my dog, going out with my friends. I run (not as much I'd like to due to time constraints) mainly for the peace and tranquility of it. I like classical art. I like classical music (my cd collection is a constant source of envy for my fiancee) and I like heavy metal (she doesn't envy those much).


Most of my days are spent in the north of Portugal but I've been around most of Europe (either work or leisure) and a few parts of Africa. I enjoy travelling, sight seeing, getting to know the local culture. I'm specially fond of local folk tales.


My handwriting, I must warn you, is appalling. Attempts to improve it have met with colossal difficulties. Provided you can decypher my particular brand of symbols, you'll notice I'm fluent in my native Portuguese language and in English. I do have a knack for languages, with small knowledge of German, Spanish, Japanese and Russian, and would be most happy to receive letters with something written in your native language (with an ensuing translation).


I have two requests of potential snail mail pen pals:

1- being new to this, I'd appreciate it if you wrote the first letter

2- my job can be very time-consuming so, even though I promise to answer every letter, please bear with me; it may take so time


Many thanks for reading through all of these ravings. Drop me a message if you're interested.



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Hey Friends -


I love this idea, and I'd love to start corresponding with a few people. A little bit about me:


I'm 33, been married 11 years, have 4 children and 1 dog. I serve as a priest and musician at a local church in Dallas. In addition to fps, inks and papers, my interests in no particular order are my city, frisbees, kites, beer, whiskey (bourbon currently), people (i love meeting new people hence this endeavor), food of all sorts, philosophy, questions of life, music, and I'm sure other undiscovered things.


PM me and we'll get the process rolling - you can get the rest via letters! :)


Looking forward to it -



Edited by revdrjaydwright
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hi Claire, i would love to exchange a snail mail.


Daniel Puente

9th Floor Guardian House

32 oi kwan road, wan chai, hong kong


(i could not private message - said i needed to wait a day)




I love snail mail and I like to write to new people!


I'm Claire, 30 years old, I work in a library, and I'm going to school to get my Master's in Library Science. In my free time I like to read books, paint etegami, play the ukulele, and (rarely these days) play video games. I drink a lot of tea and like to include tea samples in my letters. I have a partner named Rayn and 2 cats named Wiggles and Ginger.


I'm happy to write internationally, but aside from English I only speak a little Spanish.


I do often decorate outgoing envelopes, but I don't expect to receive "fancy" mail. Any mail is good mail! If you are interested in corresponding, just shoot me a PM. I'm also happy to answer any questions via pm before corresponding.

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I think this is a fine idea. I'd enjoy exchanging letters with a few complementary personalities!


I'm a 44 year old male IT executive living in New England. I'm married with 2 children and a puppy as well! It is a slippery slope. Fitting the stereotype, I tend to be an early adopter of technology and I recall embracing email and the Internet before it was the Internet, if you know what I mean. Lately, however, I have come to appreciate slowing down, if only occasionally. I enjoy writing with fountain pens and shaving with a double edged razor, both activities which force a few moments of focus. Letter writing is an element of that. A handwritten letter s a gift of one's time. So far all of my letters are one-way affairs, or I receive a reply by email. :)


I do have periods of travel and extreme compression at work, so I cannot promise immediate turnaround but I will always give it my best. Also, I have been working on improving my handwriting - work in progress - but do not expect calligraphy!




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Hi, yes I want to have more letter friends world wide too.


Short informations about me.


ABAOUT ME: I am a 44 years old male, life in the middle from Germany.

I married with my wonderful wive Claudia 1995, we have two doughters (17 and 14 years old).


JOB: We have a small company, we sell embrodered and woven patches for Police, Firefighters, Sportclubs, Scouts, Motorcycle Clubs... and much more


HOBBYS: A lot, my wive say "when it make you happy, make it" :thumbup: I collect coins + elongated coins, stamps, paper money, pens, nibs and I love antique thinks and have a lot of them.

I drive since more than 22 years my american motorcycle, go GEOcaching, make a lot fotos, love traveling and scouting (hole family is in a boy/girl scout group)and I learn in the moment a lot about calligraphy. And I love tattos and have a lot of them.


I am a crasy guy, If someone is interested please send me a mail.


OH at last, my english is not the best but I try to make it better daily, so when you get a letter from me sometimes you have a lot to laugh :roflmho:


Best regards



http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/606/letterji9.png http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/5642/postcardde9.png
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Hello all pen lovers,


I just recently (last autumn) caught interest in the beauty of handwriting and also calligraphy. I'm now practicing engrosser script but I have long way to go. :)


Little bit about myself:


I was born in Reykjavík, Iceland, in 1979 and still live here in Reykjavík and now "enjoying" to be woken up really early by the morning sun. I work as an church organist in neighbouring town but I'm not strong religious person though. I'm also running dog photographing service with my Nikon gear. :)

My interests are music, computers, photography (dogs and landscape mainly), nature and politics.


I can write in English and if someone is interested to learn some icelandic words I could do that too. :)


I will try to reply as soon as possible.


If you are interested please PM me with your information. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, how should we go about doing this...

For starters, I'm Daniel O. (hence my nickname of Dano). The endeavor of only more or less 16 years of life have revealed several things about myself, some I'm not very fond of. At any rate, I am really looking for a few Snail Mail pals that I could write to, seeing as though there seems to be a scarcity of youth on this forum, connecting with others may be fun. Besides this hobby that has been digging deep into my pockets lately, I enjoy music and law very much. Currently a junior in high school, I hope to travel across the country and study law in hopes to finally fight for people's civil rights in the court rooms.


My handwriting isn't the best, but it's getting much better. Hope to hear from some people soon! PM me with a little about yourself and we can exchange adresses.


Thanks all!


Lamy 2000 - Montblanc Royal Blue | Montblanc 146 - Uninked

Lamy Al-Star - Uninked | TWSBI Mini - Montblanc Toffee Brown

Lamy Safari - Noodler's Forrest Green | Conway Stewart 75 - Noodlers Black

Pilot Vanishing Point - Montblanc Midnight Blue | Delta Dolcevita IT - Uninked

Pilot Justus 95 - Montblanc Dandy Turquoise |

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