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Snail Mail Writing List


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Hi folks.


I'd love to join in. I'm Peter - not Pete, never Pete. I'm 22 and I'm from the North East of England. I'm a "mature" student studying biomedical science, and I do some volunteering in my spare time. In my spare spare time, I do crosswords, read, play World of Warcraft (for the Horde!), do some cycling and some guitaring (but not at the same time), or what ever else takes my fancy. Full disclosure, I'm a liberal atheist vegetarian, but hate preaching so don't worry.


I've been with my partner for almost eight years, but he's working in France at the moment (lucky sod, gets to go to all sorts of cool places), so I've got a little more free time to chat to people outside of texts and online, and frankly, typing stuff gets boring after a while.


I've been a fountain pen and stationary lover for as far back as I can remember, practically living in stationary shops as a child (Hills, you were the best, and I miss you so), and I still take three full pencil cases to university. The first fountain pen I can remember having, and one I would love to replace someday, was a dark green translucent Parker Vector which was bought for me along with Parker Penman Emerald, and I kick myself a lot nowadays for not keeping both safe. Nowadays I normally write with a Lamy Al-Star, but not always.


I would love to chat with anyone, from the next town over to the other side of the world, and I'm happy to chat about anything. If you're Alliance though, we may have some differences. *grins*


Take care.

-not really now not any more-

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Someone, anyone :roflmho:


Exploding Ink Maestro


Pens: Caran d'Ache Leman Godron, Lamy Safari, Italix Parsons Essential, Mont Blanc LeGrande '90 years' Edition, Sigma Style, Italix Vipers Strike, Parker Sonnet, Omas 360, Parker Duofold (c.1950), Conway Stewart #286, Conway Stewart #24, Onoto Magna Classic in Chased Midnight Blue and SS Trim

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Hi, my name is Nathan and I would love to have an excuse to write more.


A little about me. I am an Ausralian, living and working in Bangkok, Thailand. Originally I come from Victoria, Australia, but for now home is the lovely city of Bangkok. I am married to an amazingly beautiful Thai woman and we have an eleven month old baby girl.

I work as a teacher at an Islqmic public school, where I teach English.


I have developed an interest in fountain pens and dip pen through a desire to improve my hand writing. That is what has lead me here, looking for excuses to write more.

Please call me Nathan. It is a pleasure to meet you.


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Snail mail? I don't remember the last time I sent even a greeting card to someone, let alone writing a letter! I'm in!


My name is Julie, I am single and a native New Yorker. I work in an international financial services firm, so I have colleagues from different parts of the world. I've also lived in The Netherlands for 2.5 years (Amsterdam). However, none write!


It would be lovely to have penpals and talk about pens. I am a new accumulator of FPs and have drooled over many an Italian pen here on the forum. I'd love to find a calligraphy class that suits my schedule and budget. I'm also keen on going to my first pen show!


I have other interests: movies, theatre, contemporary art, tai chi (yang style), psychology (not educated but am fascinated), languages. I don't read very much anymore (short attention span in this electronic age :0), but I don't mind getting recommendations!

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I am one of the long time stayers here. I am already writing to three people of the fpn. I would like to write to more people as well as having new penpals. My interests are watchmaking, history, muscle cars,american and british made motorcyles, knives, firearms, vintage movies, travelling abroad, visiting museums, good restaurants, road bike racing, trekking and long distance walking.

Pm me if interested.

Pens are like watches , once you start a collection, you can hardly go back. And pens like all fine luxury items do improve with time


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  • 2 weeks later...

I would love to participate!


I am a 19-year-old Molecular Biology major at Kenyon College in Gambier, OH, which is pretty much the middle of a cornfield. I work in the Molecular Biology and Toxicology lab at the school, as well as being a teacher's assistant for Chemistry laboratory classes, and tutoring Introductory Biology students.


I sing in our Community Choir and love lots of BBC shows, as well as a few American shows as well. Though it may seem like I spend my whole life doing science, I do have other things to talk about from running a dog grooming shop this summer and being terribly obsessed with Harry Potter and the aforementioned TV shows. I love Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories, which is why I had to own the De Atramentis Sherlock Holmes Night Blue ink.


I love any excuse to write with a fountain pen and receiving snail mail, so I would love to have a few penpals!


PM me if interested!



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Oh, please, please... Someone give me an excuse to go shopping for more stationary, more ink, more stamps, seals, pens..... Because it's not like I don't do that already. :blink:


I'm Alyson (when I actually type it correctly). I'm a 37 year old nearly lifelong Hoosier of very recent German descent. (Dad & all 4 grandparents were native Germans.) I'm currently in training to be a crazy cat lady, plus a few birds as well--things weren't quite bonkers enough around the house.


Other than my critters and my pens, my prize posession is the 1988 Mercedes Benz 260E I was lucky to inherit from my father. Twenty-five years old this year, and only around 137000 miles on it. (For comparison, my 12 year old Honda Civic has 98000+ on it.)


I'm definitely a car/racing nut, too--especially sportcars & Indycar. (That might have something to do with living all but 7 years of my life in Indianapolis.) I'm also sort of into flying & planes, too.


I read voraciously--mostly urban fantasy & adventure/suspense, but if it's well written, I'll read anything. I'm on a bit of a steampunk kick the past few years. (And fountain pens have nothing in common with that..... :rolleyes:)


Anyway, if I haven't scared you off yet, I'd love to write to some folks & be written to. I'm very much a newbie to FPs, but I'm learning....


I will warn you, my handwriting is not the best, but I can usually make it fairly legible-especially when using an FP. :vbg:

1988 Mercedes-Benz 260E


"Nothing will make a driver more faithful to a car than a car that is faithful to its driver."

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Hi Folks,

I'm in.

I'm a 38 year old married male living near Vienna in Austria. I have a little baby-daughter.

My hobbies and interests are: scuba diving, underwater photography & filming, shark-diving, alpine skiing, reading, astronomy, spaceflight and aeronautics, movies, travelling, cooking, dining in restaurants, watches, drawing, painting (oil, acryl, aquarell) writing, fountain-pens.

I would like to exchange letters in real ink and paper. If you have interest please contact me.



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Hey everyone!


I'm rob..im 32 and live just outside of Detroit.im a bit of an odd job really........ I compete in powerlifting, ride motorcycles, have tons of tattoos, am a Freemason, just got in to FPs so I'm kind of new to it all.

I would love to exchange snail mail with anyone interested. Pm me for an address!


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OK, I'll give it a whirl I guess. From the vast number of posts in this thread, I'm kind of wondering if most just post in the thread and wait for someone to PM them. LOL! Same as I'm doing. Anyway...loves are rock music (playing, home studio recording/production), amateur woodworking, and of course ink. I'm male, happily married, and live in Louisiana (wayyy down south in the USA). OK...now I'll play the waiting game. heh heh.

Cirque du Soleil.mp3

Edited by MusinkMan

Maker of Custom Oblique Pen Holders


Visit me at http://uniqueobliques.etsy.com

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And yes...that is my picture on the left, looks like I'm deep in thought, huh? Well, I was actually watching my computer screen trying to take my own picture with my new webcam. LOL!

Edited by MusinkMan

Maker of Custom Oblique Pen Holders


Visit me at http://uniqueobliques.etsy.com

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I'd love a snail mail pen pal.


I'm 41, single mom of 2, and a transplanted New Yorker. I enjoy knitting, reading, writing, food, exercise (although not enough, see previous), meeting new people. I'm very easy going and laid back.


PM me if you're interested.





I can't believe it has been just over FIVE years since my original post. I'm back (again) and looking for 2-3 penpals. PM me if you're interested. I live in Jacksonville, FL and have recently added Photography to my list of hobbies!

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I'm totally down to start writing to a penpal :D


It'll give me a reason to start writing more as well. If anyone is interested just give me a pm!


I'm over here in California :lol:

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Same for me, id love a few pen pals.

Just received my two new noodlers pens and some new inks!

I live in the Detroit area and am an active Freemason and total noooooob to fountain pens

Edited by Cognaticrotty

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Same for me, id love a few pen pals.

Just received my two new noodlers pens and some new inks!

I live in the Detroit area and am an active Freemason and total noooooob to fountain pens


Will you reveal the secrets of the masons? :)

http://img356.imageshack.us/img356/8703/letterminizk9.png http://img356.imageshack.us/img356/7260/postminipo0.png

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Same for me, id love a few pen pals.

Just received my two new noodlers pens and some new inks!

I live in the Detroit area and am an active Freemason and total noooooob to fountain pens


Will you reveal the secrets of the masons? :)

Lol, for a "secret society", we do a terrible job at being hidden...we post pix online all the time, we tell you when the meetings are, you can find just about every ritual online....

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I don't have much of a pen biography at the moment. In less than a year I've gone through three relatively cheap fountain pens I picked up from arts and crafts stores, nothing special. My handwriting was originally very bad however I learned script and cleaned it up a bit. Now I am learning spencerian and a form of catholic italics. I might take up copper script as well. I have fallen in love with the beautiful words that end up on paper, I have gone through and re-wrote old school notes and entire essays down in script and spencerian. However my english grammar is not quite up to par but I am constantly learning and reading.

I am twenty years old and I live in northern texas. Pen and paper usually meant that I was suppose to make a sketch or drawing of some kind until recently. I think snail mail correspondence is alot more poetic and sentimental than just emailing someone where they receive a somewhat impersonal note.

I am totally open to making some penpals.

Pm me if you'd like to exchange some letters.

Edited by mitchdevano
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font]I would love snail mail, I love writing with my dip pen and can't promise I am any good with it but would love the opportunity to write a letter where I can't use spell check on :rolleyes: I love poetry, reading and the arts, I paint and do crafts and work full time. count me in!


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This site is starting to get addictive. I just thought about finding a penpal and bam! Sign me up. I'll update my profile with more bio info. Feel free to PM me for my address.





"If everything's under control, you're going too slow."- Mario Andretti

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