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Snail Mail Writing List


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Snail Mail? In real Ink??

Oh yes, please! <3


Would much appreciate! =)

And will sure write back.

Fair warning: I tend to write about somewhat random stuff. You may get a dandelion seed in the mail one day with an accompanying poem. Maybe a story the next =)

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I'm not sure if this is still where people come to find Pen Pals (if that is the correct term).


I've never had a pen pal before, but I have the stationery ready to go. I'm a fledgling in terms of fountain pens.


Currently I'm a 5th Grade teacher in a largely agrarian community in rural Illinois. I'm not sure how exciting that is to others, but I have had a lot of experiences and I'm curious as to international snail mailers. I'm not picky just curious.


Feel free to message me if you want information. I'm not sure of the protocol. So anyone who is well versed in this please feel free to help.



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Hello All!


I figured, that nothing ventured equals nothing gained so here I am! I'm 32, and originally from New York City.


Pen wise, I just got started with fountain pens about a year ago with a Lamy Vista, and since then I've expanded my collection to two more Lamy Safaris, and a hand full of different inks. I love journaling and while I use fountain pens for that, and found it extremely pleasant, I also use them almost exclusively at work. Clairefontaine makes my favorite journal and the paper in it is a joy to write on.


Some of my interests besides pens, include Cars of all shapes and ages, as well as reading, classic video games, amateur radio, classic movies and technology. I was born and raised in the city so nice they named it twice, and currently I work as an electrical engineer for a firm in midtown Manhattan. Now I live in the suburbs and enjoy a bit of a quieter lifestyle.


There's nothing like the feeling of getting an actual letter in the mail, instead of the garbage I usually get, so if someone is interested in corresponding, I would definitely be interested in writing back!


All the best!





Drive safe and write well!

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I'm looking for new pen friends, preferably people who believe in profound penfriendship. We don't need to all interests in common, but of course it would be ideal if we did. I already have a few sweet pen friends, but some always disappear over time, and so it's time to post another ad! I welcome people from every continent, also from my native Finland.


Something about me:


I'm 30, female, married to a woman, and have 3 cats. Some of my interests include letters, journaling, fountain pens, literature, libraries, music (from folk to progressive rock and metal), playing the kantele, languages and linguistics, feminism, animal and human rights, crocheting, nature etc.


Although I'm academically trained, I don't like analysing things to bits. I'm interested in reading about your opinions on various topics if you want to share them, but mostly I enjoy writing and reading about the joys and sorrows of every day life (no matter how clichéd it sounds). I'm more about intuition than reason.


So, PM me if you feel like it!

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Hi all,

Always enjoyed exchanging some friendly chat on postcards while playing correspondence chess. After a long hesitation I now build the courage to dive into the deep and look for pen friends.


No clue if I am any good at this but only 1 way to find out and improve, right?


About me: I am 42, male, from The Netherlands. My main interests are chess, reading books (mostly sf and fantasy), tennis and pc games like EVE online. Fountain pens are a new interest so still learning a lot there. I work as a quality manager. I will write back but the intervals can be irregular.


I am happy to talk about these topics and things that happen in daily life. But letters are a 2 way conversation so I welcome almost all topics and enjoy hearing from other countries and opinions. If this sounds interesting and you believe in "pen friendships" feel free to send me a PM.


Looking forward to hearing from you.

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I'm looking for new snail mailers, and it would also be great to catch up with my old ones too!

Following a tricky couple of years, I'm back in FP world.


I'm 35 and live in Manchester, UK. I work in marketing for an architects, where I get to use my pens a great deal. They always attract a lot of positive comments.


I love films, reading newspapers and books, going to the theatre and eating nice food.


I'm always delighted to receive handwritten letters, particularly on nice paper with lovely ink.


PM me if interested!


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Figured I would give this a go, as its something different to try. I do a fair amount of writing, but will very rarely write a letter, preferring to type it for ease instead.


I'm 17 and live along the south coast of England. I'm currently studying at Sixth Form in the hope of going onto university to study Veterinary Medicine.


I have interests in Photography, Kayaking, Railways (I work for a narrow gauge railway for a part time job), and of course all things animal related.


I've never been one to write in Biro, always preferring a fountain pen. I brought my first fountain pen (some unknown brand) from the school shop for just 60 pence. It was safe to say that it didn't last long! My first proper fountain pen was a Parker Vector, which lasted a reasonable time, seeing how much it suffered through school. Only the past year have I invested in a couple of better pens. I now have a Parker Frontier GT. For the price this is a lovely pen, the ink flow is just right, its very nice to use, and it looks the part. As I write in both blue and black ink (it helps make my notes clearer) I decided I would get another pen, so I got a Parker Premium IM. Although this was more expensive than the Frontier, I found that it used far too much ink, causing it to spread on the paper.


If you're interested in writing to me, and receiving letters from me, please send me a PM on here.



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This sounds like such a great idea that I would like to join too!

I'm a German residing in Jakarta for quite some years already with a fully fledged household including my lovely wife, 3 children and even 2 dogs. I am new to this and new to FPs as well. As a German I do have some Pelikans and alike of course and added a few Japanese pens lately, though I am not a serious collector. The resources for inks are very scarce here, so I can only offer to write with scented ink at X-mas time ;) I came to be interested in FPs because of working too much at the computer where I would try to produce pieces of audio, video and books when not doing work related stuff. My interests are quite broad and I'm always interested in anything new. I've been a photographer and owner of a photo agency in my former life and so I'm still very interested in all things photography. My friends tell me that I do have quite some humor though I do not know to show this right here. So if you like to get a letter from the dark side of the world shoot me a PM.



For sale: M625 red/silver, P395 gold, Delta Fellini.

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Hello all!

I am a guy from Birmingham, AL and would love to have penpals from the middle east and asia. I love to learn new things about areas and these two areas are of particular interest. Anyone can feel free to send me a message to be a penpal. I won't refuse anyone. I just have a great interest to learn more about the middle east, Russia and China. I have been exchanging PCs with a few on here, but the small amount of space to write hampers how much you can receive. hope to hear from someone!


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Oh no it's me again.


I now have four very good pen-pals two courtesy of this forum and two by some other means.

I am looking for a fifth preferably from Scotland such as Edinburgh or somewhere more rural.


My other pen-pals are all in the US.

I'm 37 so ideally the same age or younger.


My interests are of course Fountain pens, reading, writing, music especially blues, cycling, country walks, the Seaside and Sea Angling. Architecture mainly medieval, Victorian and Gothic. History and the Paranormal. Science and Nature.

Amazing I've got time for a life really but I'm very well read I just don't go out hunting ghosts (probably too scared).

I have 7 year old twins who live with their Mother and my fiance and I are expecting a baby daughter within the next month.


If you want to exchange at least one letter a month and you think we've got something in common then send me a PM. Who'd write first is the only question that remains.


Ideally I'd like to discuss life, the Universe and everything in my letters. You can write me anything.

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What the heck - I'll throw my hat in the ring...


I'm Andrew - an IT worker from the upper Midwest right now. I grew up here then moved to Arkansas during college and lived down there for 11 years. Naturally, anything computer related is fair game, though I can speak a whole lot more about Linux and related tech than Windows. Other than at work where I am required, I haven't used a Windows OS as a primary system since 2002, and even then I was only dual booting it.


I've got many interests, some listed below in what I pulled from my "About Me" page, so I am interested in communicating about many topics. One of the big aspects of my life right now are elder-issues as I relocated last spring to be near my ailing parents. I was a late-in-life child, so I'm getting to experience this aspect of life a bit ahead of schedule, but all is well. It is a true adventure. Reading has started to be more of a pass time as well as I have more time now than I had with my previous job (and grad school at the same time), though most of the books I have been reading center on US history and politics. They're favorite subjects with me, as is Christian theology and philosophy (always on that quest for better understanding of self). Fly fishing is another big one in life right now, it's been a hobby for the past several years and this year I decided to start tying my own flies - catching fish on flies is very rewarding, catching them on my own flies will likely be a great rush. Anything outdoors & nature related are also favorite subjects.


I'm open to anyone, just fair warning that I only speak English (of which I am ashamed, but if we count programming languages I'm in double digits), and would love to chat with folks from anywhere. PM me if you're interested.


Life kind of exploded since I tried to do this last time... a couple letters back and forth with a couple people then I dropped off the earth - if any of you happen to read this, I'm quite sorry! I lost my addresses during a move, and then life got a bit crazy (I think some mail never got forwarded either - hooray for small town Post Offices that aren't exactly professional). Most everything above is true, minus that I live in Arkansas again and that I lost my Mother last winter and am onto a whole new world of care in trying to be there for my Father. The move has allowed me more time, at least recently as life has settled a bit after switching jobs and getting settled again.


Take a look at my profile for a little more info. PM me if you would like to start a conversation.

-- dreg

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have penfriends in all sorts of places, but they come n go so Im always happy to get more. I handwrite using one of my pens depending on whats inked. I write about anything, and everything to anyone


Writing letters to me is kind of like having a chat over coffee, except theres no actual chat, so if you want to chat look me up


Oh BTW my name is Terry




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I think my original post is a page or two back, but I would probably alter it a bit, anyway.


I am a nearly-40 married woman with an empty nest (one benefit of starting young, I suppose!). I work full-time in disaster response, go to school part-time for a degree in business management, and try to write SF/F novels when I have free time. I play World of Warcraft (for you WoW players, I enjoy end-game PvE on an RP server) and enjoy discussing the finer points of WoW, but I don't play any other video games due to time constraints. I love to travel, and I enjoy talking to people about travel to anywhere. Domestic, international, intercontinental, doesn't matter. I'm happy to talk politics with anyone provided everyone remains respectful of differing opinions.


I'd love to have more pen pals from anywhere - I've got plenty of international postage stamps bundled with my correspondence paper!

http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/606/letterji9.png Life's too short to write with anything but a fountain pen!
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Hi I'm Justin, 25, originally from Malaysia but currently residing in Ireland and working as a doctor. In the middle of figuring out where to go with my career, all the decisions to be made...


My first fountain pen was a cheap Hero model which I can't remember, but which my high school teacher took a particular hatred to because she was always spilling water over our homework. So that effectively ended my fountain pen career, until in 2010 I once more bought a fountain pen, and now I have 6 ! I enjoy discussion about global issues, history, politics, philosophy and understanding the local way of life as that's the only real way to understand another country. I don't have any preferences for age, gender, marital status, religious believes, political alignment. In fact, the more different we are, the better !


I enjoy writting letters to friends and family, but they find it to archaic a method of communication crybaby.gif Stack of G Lalos and Crane & Co waiting to be used !


So drop me a PM if you're interested.

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Sadly, I have become addicted to the post arriving, and if I don't get a letter or postcard, it really dampens my day.


I highly recommend Postcrossing.com to increase your good mail volume.


thanks for the recommendation ! Sending off my first five postcards this weekend...

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Hi Guys


Would love to start snailing again, used to do it loads when I was on FPN previously a bit too much actually, cost me a small fortune in postage. :o


If anyone would be interested in a regular snail I would be happy to correspond.


Nigel - 47 year old fogey living in Sussex, UK



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I'd like to get involved in this.


I'm just about to turn 40. Married, with three children (14, 10, and 6 weeks - yes, I know...). I had a very brief career as a professional hockey player (3 games), then started a career as a graphic designer. Still in the graphic design field to this day. I am also a glass blower (www.cosmoglassworks.com) and am anxious to try my hand at pen turning soon.


I have been collecting fountain pens for maybe 15-20 years. I don't have a huge collection though. I had close to 50 at one time, but we had a fire at my work, and most of my pens were there at the time (family business) so I lost most of them. I have rebuilt my collection to about 15 now, and am turning my head toward vintage pens now.


I will gladly write back to anyone who wants to write to me.


One small warning though - I have atrocious handwriting, but I'm working on it...

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Used to be fairly active with writing, would like to start again with a few people if anyone interested in snailing to me in the UK.







Exploding Ink Maestro


Pens: Caran d'Ache Leman Godron, Lamy Safari, Italix Parsons Essential, Mont Blanc LeGrande '90 years' Edition, Sigma Style, Italix Vipers Strike, Parker Sonnet, Omas 360, Parker Duofold (c.1950), Conway Stewart #286, Conway Stewart #24, Onoto Magna Classic in Chased Midnight Blue and SS Trim

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Hello All,


New name but I've been here before, but lost track of any coraspondenses I had before... Would like to give it a try again, if anyone is game.


Below I have added and edited some of the infor I had posted a few years ago that is still applicable, and then added some of my About Me info...


I have no preferences really about who I correspond with, I will not discuss politics, and very rarely will discuss religion. Other than that I'm pretty open if ya think we might share an interest, or an interesting topic, bring it up! Or just chatter about daily life...


I would be interested in swapping recipies a little if you like to cook, have a favorite etc.. I Love cooking and trying new foods.



I would sorta/maybe prefer someone who doesn't write in cursive, since I tend to have a hard time reading it-- but this is probably a minor point, I'd probably get used to any writing after a couple letters... But if it does come to it, please don't be offended if I can't read your writing, even at first. :-)


Me; Male, 27 going on 20.. Christian(baptist). Single(looking, unsucessfuly so far). Alaskan by birth and choice, plan to be Alaskan my whole life.- Although, I'd like to see Europe before I die. Also Australia, and my dream of travel these days is Africa.


Sorta employed(part time construction worker, and I help out a lot here on the homestead for my room and board).


I have no 'real' job, I work off and on for several general contractors in my area doing general labor. Do some auto work for hire on the side sometimes. was as a custom knife maker for 4 years, about 5 years ago... It was a hobby, then business, now a hobby again.


I live with my parents... Err, With my Mother--Dad passed away in Dec. 2011-- on the land where I grew up, just outside Fairbanks, Alaska.


Going to college/tech school off and on, when I can afford it, to become a certified welder.


Will try almost anything once, love to learn new skills; I am a renaisance man of sorts, I pride myself on being a "jack of all, master of many" as opposed to the old saying "jack of all, master of none".



Hobbies include pocketknife collecting/using, carpentry and woodworking, and lots of auto mechanics... 70% of my free time is spent working on my trucks, cars and bikes. Mostly Ford and Chevy 4x4 pickups.


Am a traditionalist, and prefer to use the older ways of doing things, hate using too much un-needed modern tech. Computers I like for the connections/learning/friends though. Am a country boy; cowboy hats, pickup trucks, lever-guns and honor. Prefer being outside and active/working, to being inside... Love to read, but I prefer even that outdoors to indoors. LOVE to cook and try new recipes, and foods.


Love reading, Learning, and writing.

Love to share and teach too.



Enjoy Sci-fi and fantasy, and western books.


Like all genres of music, but mainly classic 60s70s80s rock, and the same years of country, plus modern country. then it goes to Jazz(Jazz is King, but I rarely seem to have time/the mood for it) and classical. I listen to almost all music genres.


Basically, I am simply me.

Thanks for your time reading this,

Hope to hear from ya soon.


Gary E. Blessing

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Still keen to start snailing again :thumbup: ...... PM me if interested :notworthy1:


Kind regards


Sussex, UK


Exploding Ink Maestro


Pens: Caran d'Ache Leman Godron, Lamy Safari, Italix Parsons Essential, Mont Blanc LeGrande '90 years' Edition, Sigma Style, Italix Vipers Strike, Parker Sonnet, Omas 360, Parker Duofold (c.1950), Conway Stewart #286, Conway Stewart #24, Onoto Magna Classic in Chased Midnight Blue and SS Trim

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