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Post deleted due to being submitted to wrong topic...! I do love my more idiotic moments!

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I can always use a new penpal or two. Everything you want to know about me is in my profile. PM me.

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Hi everyone, my name is Andy and I am a 29 year old Male from Adelaide, South Australia.


I have a few penpals already but would love a few more, receiving handwritten letters in the post is SO much better than bills :D I really enjoy sending them as well.


My interests are photography (although I am not very good), geocaching, computers, xbox.

I work in the Public Transport Services sector here in Adelaide.


Can't guarantee on the legibility of my writing, depends on the day, but I am trying to improve it.


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Darci (arouraleona)


I can't remember the last time I got a letter from anyone who wasn't my mother (and those always inside a care package saying "Darci, you need to stop eating so much candy!").


I'm 27 from Texas, currently living in Thailand. I've been here for over two years now, and I'm very fond of the place. I might send a postcard or two in return because there are so many beautiful post cards of Thailand! (Also, they're small, :D)


My penmanship isn't all that great, but it is legible. I would love to hear from people of other countries that I've yet to visit, though a letter from "home" would be fantastic as well!


Look forward to hearing from someone (anyone?)!

http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/606/letterji9.png http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/5642/postcardde9.png
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Would like to correspond with one or more people from other than the US, Canada, though I do really appreciate those pen pals I have. I would appreciate someone from Eire but am no longer interested in another from the UK. Would like someone from any other part of the world who speaks reasonable English to increase my knowledge of other countries. Maybe I can do the same for you. More on my about me page.


Thank you.

Edited by YesIamnotiamnit

He who says he knows but does not act does not yet know.
~ Wang Yangming


When I grow up I want to be just like Calvin.

~ Me

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  • 2 weeks later...



I have a few penpals and am looking to add a few more. All of my information is loaded in my profile. Stop by, take a look and drop me a PM if your interested in exchanging.

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This ought to be fun, I can't remember ever having a pen pal! Well, what to say, the name's David, I'm 22, living in Sydney on that very large island comprising dingoes and koalas. My interests are fairly broad and touch upon everything from ivory-tower theological matter to hardcore gaming (not that I'm particularly good at either). I also happen to have a deep fear of bridges which poses a unique problem given that my local train station (my primary mode of transport) can only be reached by either one of two bridges. This is why I take a heavy drink before heading towards the train station for school.


I'm currently enrolled in university, studying commerce (accounting, economics, finance) but I've more-or-less abandoned all hope of graduating with this degree and am instead changing to a social work degree instead. :lol:


I'm not too sure what else to put here! I may revisit my post and edit in extra details if anything comes to mind. In the mean time, do feel free to PM if you're interested in exchanging letters. ;) Oh this did pop up in my mind, I feel as if I ought to point out that I have a somewhat eccentric (but benign!) interest in Pokémon being a Gen Y kid. Alas, I no longer play the games or collect the TCG, but my desktop wallpaper is a forever cheery montage of Pokémon:



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I'm kind of curious about pen pals, I think it'd be a good way to improve my handwriting. I'm currently a student in NY, where I've lived my entire life. My hobbies include reading, collecting stationery, and writing journals. Right now, I'm learning italic handwriting from a few guide books and collecting vintage FP. I'll usually write about books I've read or quotes I've found interesting lately. Oh, and I'm a fan of Sherlock and mysteries. Feel free to send a PM to exchange letters. Thanks.

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow

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Hello, and Happy Holidays to everyone. My name is CaramelNib, and I am 26 years old. I have lived in the DC Metro area for the last 15 years, and I went to The Ohio State University (Go Buckeyes!). I would love to have several penpals, domestic and/or international - the last time I had one I was 12, and it only lasted through one exchange. I love traveling, reading (Jane Austen, Harry Potter, Freakanomics), and dancing. Oh, and I am so completely obsessed with office supplies that my bf won't let me go to Staples, etc. I have dozens of unused paper and pens, begging to be used. So please PM me if you are interested in exchanging snail mail.


Hello again all. My original post in this forum was about 3 years ago, and I had many, lovely letter exchanges with fellow FPN-ers. I am now married and STILL not allowed to enter office supply stores by my husband. I have been off FPN for the past year due to crazy reasons. (One being, getting married!) I would love to either reconnect with my old penpals and/or gain a few new penpals. Sometimes you may hear back from me right away, and sometimes it might be 1-2 months - I apologize in advance for that!


PM me if you are interested! I am interested in everyone - so long as you have something to say/write!


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I'm switching from postcard to letters, a sheet of paper gives me more space to write ^^


About myself:

After hating pens for years and nearly giving up on my handwritting I found fountain pens and finally I got my first one (Lamy Safari Charcoal Black).

I'm a 17 years old girl with a so-so handwritting (it has improved, but I want a better one) who likes videogames and biology -sounds weird for someone my age, but I like anything related to the brain:how does it work, psycology, neuroscience, ... I'd like to be a writer, but mostly of the time I can't find the inspiration to write.


If you don't know what to write, tell me about your city, hobbies, or whatever you want, this is a thing I've learned through postcards: even if I receive the shortest message in the world, I'm happy to see that it has arrived home.

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This sounds like fun, I'll get to do something with my pens other than inane scribbling.


I'm Sam, I'm 22 and originally from Madrid in Spain. I am currently living in Wales with my grandfather, and trying to get hold of a job.


My interests are broad, but also as a result shallow, unfortunately. Hopefully I can get into some depth by actually talking about things!


I have been known to mess around with toy soldiers, and I like to play Go, although I need to get back into it, after nearly a year.

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I already found several penpals, so won't accept any more request by this point. Thanks everyone who sent me a message ^^

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Bonjour les amis !


Will you pay for the extra stamp and snail mail to France ?




Surprisingly, I am able to buy any brand of pens and inks, except the ones with the name of our highest French mountain. Sounds weird, doesn't it ?


I started to look for the best fountain pen in high school, and also used a lot of dip pens as a young comics creator.



My interest is first in the feeling that I get when I actually use the pen and in the result (drawing, writing, doodling... click and see my blog).


Two years ago, I started to learn how to draw the chinese characters, so I also use brushes and ink sticks.


I have a few penpals but would like to get a few more that would share their art and passion.


Oh, and I am very careful about papers, too, and wish to exchange ideas and samples.


I LOVE japanese pens and the magnificent artwork by the living treasures from this country on the high-end handmade products.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8177/8054168349_d7012ee6b5_n.jpgM y o t h e r l i f e h e r e .
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add my name too.I love my pens,never inked them for writing a letter.i use my pens for small notes. Habbit of writing has lost and hand writing is in it's worst...I am using a parker45 with broad nib ,these days. i will reply a few letters ,i promise.(i want to write but always find myself in a hurry to reply ,by emails.)



The only Known name in India for Vintage/New/Limited Edition pen/Pen-Parts/Pen Repair....Pradeep Pen India

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Hi, My name is Bill, I'm 43 and looking to add a few more friends to my correspondence.


I live and work in Northeastern PA and my interests vary. My main passion, besides fountain pens and inks, is motorcycles. I've been riding about ten years and it is my preferred mode of transportaion.


I'm an avid reader. A friend turned me onto the Jack Reacher series and I have been devouring all of Lee Child's books.


I'm a video game junkie with a World of Warcraft account, PS3 and Xbox 360. I have more games than I have time to play them. This is mostly a winter hobby as it'll soon be too cold to ride.


After a recent trip to Kentucky I became a fan of bourbon and have spent a few lazy afternoons sipping a pour on my back porch, with book and a decent cigar.


I have a few other interests, all of which are listed in my profile. I'd love to hear from someone with smiliar interests or from someone abroad.


Send me a PM if interested and I look foward to hearing from you soon.

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Hi all, I posted an ad a while back but I haven’t been on the boards too much lately so I’m bumping it up.


I’m a 38-year-old single childfree woman, originally from the San Francisco Bay Area and now rusticating in the wilds of rural south Louisiana. (Although I live near Lafayette, which is the 4th largest city in the state.) Fountain pens are just one of my hobbies; I love antiques and vintage items of all kind, and you might occasionally get a letter typed on my 1948 Underwood Champion.


I’m a photographer who collects and uses vintage and “toy” cameras and often include photos in my letters. I belong to the New Orleans Photo Alliance and have a Meetup group called Lomographers of Acadiana. I have a Facebook page for my photography and an Etsy shop.


I love to cook and bake, I do cross stitch and embroidery, and I’ve been keeping a journal since I was 8. My heroes are Anaïs Nin, Carl Sagan and Neil deGrasse Tyson, Sei Shonagon, Clarence John Laughlin, and Jon Stewart. Oh, and I love to read, but I don’t know a single letter writer who doesn’t.


I hardly ever write about politics, but I’m a liberal, a feminist, and an atheist. So if you belong to the Tea Party or whatever, we’re probably not going to have a lot in common. Just putting that out there to save us both time and effort.


So PM me if you think you’d be interested in corresponding, I look forward to hearing from you!

Keepers of private notebooks are a different breed altogether, lonely and resistant rearrangers of things, anxious malcontents, children afflicted apparently at birth with some presentiment of loss. Joan Didion
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I think I'll join up, too. Besides what's in my profile...attempted writer, counting down to NaNoWriMo. I bike a bit, at least 2k miles a year. Married, no kids. We go "camping" in a Coleman pop-up. I used FP's in high school. Did some calligraphy when a friend showed me how to "make the lettering like on AQUALUNG." Started FPs again this summer. I still had a 45, Vector, and Grandfathers' Vacumatic. I bought a Konrad from Goulet's.

Escaped Long Island in the '70's. I have a great time visiting family in The City. I feel it's now time for me to add letter exchange to postcard exchange. PM me. I'm a frustrated vagabond, so I'd like to hear from folks far away from Pennsylvania.

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This sounds like it could be fun! I'm a classical musician who is married to a wonderful woman and we have two small children. Interests? Well, since my first hobby became my career, I had to find new ones--cooking, fountain pens and writing and all it's accoutrements,-- and I love travel and big artsy cities as well as the outdoors. I'm not as lame as this sounds :) or maybe I am. I love life and compassionate people, and humor in all its forms--I don't judge.

PM me!

Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend.


Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.


--Groucho Marx

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I'm in!

I'm a 21 year old college student from Kentucky. I'm new to the whole fountain pen thing, but I used to write letters to my grandfather when I was a child (he lived for a few years in Ireland, then in Chicago). I'm a religion major specializing in Christian art, though my current thesis is working on the synagogue mosaics from Sepphoris in Israel. I also knit, read Jane Austen, and I'm happy to talk about almost anything under the sun.


I'm open to a penpal from anywhere, though I have a soft spot in my heart for Ireland and Wales.

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Well, this might be interesting...


I am a 27 year-old male from California studying in Oregon to be a priest (for my home in California). I am currently working on my Master's in Theology, and I hope someday to get a doctorate. My undergraduate thesis was on J.R.R. Tolkien, free will, and morality. I have lived most of my life in California, but I have also spent tome in Ohio. As far as places traveled, I have gone to Mexico, 23 or so different states, Washington D.C., Mexico and New Zealand. My personal interests land mainly in literature. My favorite genres are science-fiction and fantasy, although I have quite a varied list of books read. I also love astronomy.


In my off time I tend to visit friends, or find a nice place in the wilderness to disappear. I particularly enjoy fishing and camping, although I do not get a lot of time to do those things right now.


A word of warning: I have a very busy schedule, so it may take a while to reply, especially during midterms and finals, but I will at least reply, particularly during breaks.




This is the exploration that awaits you... Not mapping stars and studying nebulae, but charting the unknown possibilities of existence. -Q in the final Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, "All Good Things..."

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