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Hello, my name is Mike and I'm from, originally the South Chicago Suburb's of Illinois and currently reside in Albuquerque, New Mexico since 1996 on a job transfer. I am currently retired, at 53. Look up my FPN bio for more information and you'll get a better picture of me, as well as read up on me at www.Smukula.com Then between these two items you will know quite a bit about me to get us started in writing letters to each other. I currently have friends that I write to in Phoenix, AZ, Kentucky, two in Minnesota and finally a lady friend in he UK. I prefer no politics in my writing as I feel that is the easiest way to lose friends, and to me friends are too important to me to lose over such a silly topic. And yes, I'm sorry but I do consider politics silly ground. I started my own Pen Club from a concept idea, and it is called, New Mexico Pen Collector's Club and we can be found on Facebook under that name. So, I have said quite a bit here, I think :-), let me hear from you if you are interested. Male or Female. By the way, I am married for 31 years.

Warmest Regards,Mike









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Why not?


Greetings from the Carolinas, USA. I'm 23 year old dude working in public accounting. I've lived all over the states and in Germany a little as well. I speak fluent German and would be happy to write to Germans. I'm new to fountain pens this year but have dived right in. I'm mostly using a 1.5mm Lamy Safari and like to think my handwriting has progressed leaps and bounds over the last few months. I'm a heavy reader and a big hockey fan. Would love to hear about whatever good music you're listening to or be happy to listen to whatever you're going through in your life. I just love getting physical paper in the mailbox. PM me.



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My name is Ron and I live in Lancashire, England.


I am 60 years old, married with two young daughters, retired from my career, but now helping my wife with her business. Letter writing was an abiding passion when I was younger, and I still miss the sense of expectation that comes with a cherished correspondence. Choosing a pen and a delightful ink called Brooklyn Brawn on a recent trip to New York rekindled my interest, and would love the opportunity to send and receive real letters on real paper once more.



I have a wide range of interests, including gardening (vegetables), travel, sport (especially horse racing), history, and reading.


If you are interested, I would be delighted to hear from you.

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Tossing my name into the hat!


I am: almost 40, an empty-nester, a wife, and an undergrad college student.


I enjoy: all kinds of geekery (fantasy/sci-fi/urban fantasy books, movies and television), travel of all kinds, history (which is awesome when paired with my love of travel), and World of Warcraft.


I'd like to connect to people around the US and around the world.

http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/606/letterji9.png Life's too short to write with anything but a fountain pen!
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Great idea, I would love to participate. I guess i should tell a little of myself as others have. Married 28 fantastic years to an angel, father of two great young men. I am a full time EMT for a private transport service as well as Assistant Chief of our fire dept. I occupy my off time pestering my kids, gardening (we have over 100 tomato plants alone), and woodworking, especially hand turned pens. Recently I have begun studying methods of manufacturing fountain pens. I have made several over the years but all have been from kits. The boys and I have hopes of building a business we can all work in full time together but we are still in the planning stages.


I have a had full of fountain pens from the 30' s and 40's from my great grandmother that were packed away long ago while we built our house and have yet to be relocated. Those pens were what caused my love for fountain pens. Today I use only those made by myself or one of my sons, but hope one day to have an impressive collection


I welcome all who wish to put up with my outspoken political views and will respect your right to be wrong if you do not agree. Honestly, I do enjoy political debate but discussions of nearly any subject are welcome, the only stipulations being that I find the topic at least interesting enough to provide you a good correspondence and our writing be in English as that is the only language I am fluent in.


I hope this brief proves intriguing enough to solicit at least a couple of others here, PM me and we can exchange mailing addresses.





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Hello everyone,


I've been wanting to do this for a while but never found the time and frankly courage. However, here I am.


I was formerly a banker in the financial services industry, recently released from my former employer. I would describe my current state as rediscovering who am I, as having a second chance at a new life if you will. My new interest includes gardening (which I have been quite obsessed with), baking, and starting a family (knock on wood) with my partner of 2.5 years. My other interests are photography, painting (of which I haven't done in years), Jack Russell terriers (have a 15yr old), hiking, movies, watching the History Channel. I'm pretty well-rounded, I may not be a master of anything but I am traveled enough geographically, and in life. I'll be 39 soon, and I find it amusing and strangely humbling that at this point in my life I still have more questions than answers.


I have a small but perfectly satisfactory collection of fountain pens with many colors of ink to boot. I also have some nice stationery and stamp and seal that's waiting to be used.


I am open to talking about anything - I am curious to learn about things I know nothing about, to sharing philosophies on life, or just enjoy a few good chuckles.


If interested, please drop me a PM.


Best Regards

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Hi all, I'm new here.


I don't use a fountain pen, but somehow came across this forum and liked the posts in this "write stuff" section. I bookmarked this to come here later to register and meet interesting people... and here I am! ;)


I like writing snail mail letters and would love to find a few new penpals here. Some facts about me:


  • 30-year-old female
  • from Slovakia, a small country in Central Europe
  • Christian Catholic
  • research assistant at uni, doing maths


As for the hobbies:

  • photography - mostly landscapes and black&white photos
  • music - esp. classical, I also play the piano (not too often these days, but I enjoy it)
  • reading - usually books about my faith and detective stories, I'm in the library team at University Pastoral Centre
  • writing letters and postcards
  • going to various events once in a while; to give you some idea: lately it was going to festivals IstroCon and Comics Salon (about Japan, anime, games, ...), organ concert, next week I plan to visit a book fair


I'll be happy to hear from you.




I thought that I would repost my ad, to find maybe one or two new penpals.


What has changed? I'm one year older, I use a fountain pen (although only a simple Herlitz school pen) and as for the recent stuff that I attended... festival of folk crafts, ice cave, franciscan feast in my hometown, Japanese traditional Noh theatre (they came from Osaka to Slovakia! :)).

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This is something I would be interested in doing. Why have pens if you are not using them? I am always looking for a reason to use mine.


I am 41, an electrician. I read when I have time and am particularly fond of Stephen King and Charles Dickens. I have a lot of interests and have dabbled in so many things over the years that I can usually plug into someone's interests, or be willing to learn about them.


English or Spanish is okay. I still remember some Russian but would do poorly at it...though Cyrillic is fun to write.


Info on me at profile page.

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I thought I had posted an ad here earlier, but I can't seem to find it. :mellow: It would explain why no one has ever asked if I'd like to exchange letters. :roflmho:

Brief intro: I'm 46, mother of 2 (boy 13 and girl 15.) I'm a technical writer, and manage a help desk. It's exciting work on some days (Monday should be really exciting--the tech team is going to reorganize the closet where all the phones are connected over the weekend...)

I love to read. I read a wide variety of things--everything from Stephen King to Richard Feynman.

I recently got into cycling, love photography, and finished my first novel last november in NaNoWriMo.

I love fountain pens, paper, and can't think of a better pastime than to exchange letters.

Edited by nluoma

None of us can have as many virtues as the fountain-pen, or half its cussedness; but we can try.

Mark Twain



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Wanted: One female, fire-breathing radical feminist/activist/philosopher/social-cultural observer.....or something along that line. I'd prefer someone overseas for a different perspective but that's not necessary. The female/feminist part is.

No one who gets their news only from mass media sources and looks no further or follows any type of mainstream thought (I use the term loosely) or organized religion or otherwise is disengaged by self-gratifying personal pleasures (except for pens/inks/papers, or course) probably wouldn't be happy in my company or vice versa.


If you're looking for something like that....I'm the one.



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I'm new to FPN and new to FPs as a whole. I would love to have a pen pal or several with which to share my obsession. ;) Plus I miss getting actual letters in the mail. I had several pen pals as a kid and it was quite fun. I live in Michigan, Ann Arbor to be specific but I don't follow sports and I usually hibernate on game day. The traffic is horrible and the detours are a pain. I enjoy reading, pretty much anything I can get my hands on, cross-stitch and watching documentaries and true crime shows. I'm newly married with no kids and none planned, though I do have an adorable niece to spoil. I work in a call center taking prescription orders, which is as boring as it sounds. I'm open to a variety of people, local and abroad so feel free to ask for my address. :)

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Hi everyone. My name is Mark, I'm 18 years old, and I go to college in the Bronx, NY.


The college I went to had a two week indoctrination period where my only form of contact with family and friends was with the mail system. It made me really appreciate a nice hand written letter. Now I love sending and receiving mail. My interests are traveling, music, math, science, physics, the universe, God, and the greater being. I would love to send letters. Just a fair warning, I don't own any fountain pens, nice paper, or have the best writing skills. I write my letters on college ruled paper with regular ball point pens, but I still write my letters with a heart. That may change over time, so PM me if you are interested in exchanging mail.





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Hi all,


I have been thinking about this for a while - whether i have the time and actually the content to write about, but came to the conclusion that i should just go for it. It will give me a chance to make new friends and use my pens.


So, I'm Tony, a member of the British Forces currently serving in Germany. I am due to be here for another few months with a new posting back to the UK in December this year.


I have a daughter who is nearly 2 and a long suffering wife (I say long suffering as she puts up with very minimal complaint when a new hobby pops up on my radar) and a rather large but soppy dog who we got from the local German Tierheim when she was about 4 months old, making her about 5.5 years old.


Please drop me a line if you fancy corresponding.


Best regards,


Can i tempt anyone else? I particularly would like someone from the UK, but am happy for any other nationality too. (I'm currently writing to a gent in the USA and a lady in Slovenia).

Drop me a line if you are interested...


On the hunt for still more people to write to / receive letters from. Particularly UK based - though international more than welcome.


If anyone wants to know anything more before committing to write ask away.




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Ready and willing to participate.


A Brit expat, currently in Florida. Full 'statistical' family (that would be wife, two kids, dog), and a whole

variety of interests including diving, flying, astronomy, camping, scouting and many other [nerdy] things.


An IT/Software/Sales guy by trade...as I said...nerdy.


Shoot me a PM and we can set something in motion.

Edited by tomcoombs


http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/606/letterji9.png http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/5642/postcardde9.png

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Got to do something with all these pens other than writing in a journal an sketching ideas.


I'm a mechanical engineer with his own company that happily designs clever machines to help other companies make whatever they make but, just more efficiently. :)


Married 13 years to my lovely wife. We have a 11 yr old son and a dog (Shiba Inu).


I got into fountain pens when I bought a girl I was dating a new Montblanc Slimline (this was back in the 1980's) and decided to buy one for myself. So now, I'm with a handful of MB's, a Wahl Skyline, and a Noodler's Ahab Cardinal Darkness. I'm working on restoring another Skyline and Safford Fifth Avenue. I've just started exploring Noodler's Inks but tend to stick with my MB's and Waterman's inks for daily work.


I would be fun to find a pen pal in the Netherlands and Ireland since both are the lands of my descendants and have visited both countries and hope to return again and again. Of course any correspondents from my home country are welcome. For fun, all topics are on the table. If I disagree, I'll apply my best rhetoric but always with polite respectfulness and would only expect the same in return. :)





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Hey guys,


I'm a student finishing my accounting degree. Hopefully joining the workforce. I want to start writing letters to people who will return with a letter rather than an email :). I'm sure people here have similar experiences. I love all piston fillers. Everything from a twsbi 530 to a Pelikan m800. I'm beginning to dread cleaning my lever filler pens. Can't seem to flush out the ink ARGH!

I have an interest in entomology, wildlife, photography, hiking, snowshoeing. I'd love to send letters to europe or anywhere in North america.


I just bought about 15 different inks and a bundle of paper. Now I need a person to send letters to :)




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Greetings from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada's Capital. I'm a semi-retired Museum Curator, with 28 years of experience playing with old and dead things. Previous employments include: The Canadian War Museum, the RCMP Museum, The Royal Canadian Air Force Museum, Upper Canada Village and a truckload of consulting positions. Taught part-time at my Alma Mater for 14 years to young people wanting to aspire to work in museums and cultural institutions. A richly rewarding and fun career! I'm currently working night shifts for a security firm, so that provides me ample time on occasion to write and catch up on the television shows.


I'm a 50 year old Gentleman of the old school - and have loved using fountain pens since my first encounter in grade 5 when we began penmanship classes. I still remember my first orange Sheaffer student pen with the drop-in cylindrical cartriges....and so does my Mom, when I left it in the pocket of a shirt on wash day and Dad got a new wardrobe of light blue shirts!


I love writing with fountain pens. Every pen sings with a different voice. Couple that with the wonderful variety of stationery out there, stamps and a post office and the world is ours to discover! If you live in Her Majesty's UK I would be especially interested in hearing from you - but ANY country, anywhere is AWESOME! I'm the proud "father" to a Black Lab rescue by the name of "Dooley" - love animals, humour of all kinds, current events, antiques, cycling, photography, reading, libraries, learning and travelling this world of ours. If your schedule permits and you would like to exchange particulars, do please send me an introduction and we can begin to enrich each others lives the olde fashioned way!



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I have so far i have managed to pick up half a dozen pen pals in America and Canada, but would love to have at least 1 in each continent.


I live in Belfast,N. Ireland


I am a writer, looking to improve my handwriting. Can talk on almost any subject, life, politics, religion, books, TV and everything in between.


Male, 36, 3 kids, no dog.


Can I tempt anyone in S America, Asia, Europe (UK welcome too), Oceania, or even cooler Antarctica?? Or more from N America.


Sadly, I have become addicted to the post arriving, and if I don't get a letter or postcard, it really dampens my day.



http://img356.imageshack.us/img356/8703/letterminizk9.png http://img356.imageshack.us/img356/7260/postminipo0.png

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Sadly, I have become addicted to the post arriving, and if I don't get a letter or postcard, it really dampens my day.


I highly recommend Postcrossing.com to increase your good mail volume.


Already a member :) Waiting on about 6 arriving. With 3 out travelling.


Thanks for the suggestion though!

http://img356.imageshack.us/img356/8703/letterminizk9.png http://img356.imageshack.us/img356/7260/postminipo0.png

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