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Snail Mail Writing List


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Hi there,


dzacca, 35 years old from Italy, getting married in a couple of weeks. I'm currently working as a manager for an american software company. I'm studying at the OpenUniversity for a BSc (Honors) Information Technology. I've been working in IT for the past 18 years.


Apart from FP's I have different interests:






New technologies in general


I used penpal something like 20 years ago :)

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... Some of my hobbies include reading, listening to music, going on road trips, watching old movies (John Wayne, Mel Brooks, etc.), collecting art glass, and collecting antique tractors. The key seems to be diversity…



?? Do you have a lot of land? Where do you put all the tractors?

Question Reality

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I'd love to correspond with a few penpals. Although, I must warn you, my handwriting is a "work in progress." :)


Just filled out my "About Me" profile page. Send me a PM if you'd like to exchange letters.

My humble pen collection: Lamy Safari F (Charcoal), Kaweco Ice Sport F (Red), Pilot Prera M (Slate Blue), TWSBI Diamond 540 F (Clear), Noodler's Konrad Flex (Red Mesa Tortoise)



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Hi there,


My name is Justin, 22 years old from the Netherlands. Right now I'm quite busy writing my thesis for my Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science, but I try distract myself as much as I can with some fun stuff and this snailing seemed something I had to try. I've never had a pen pal or something like it, but I fond of writing and I'm since I grew up with the computer and I haven't written a lot of letters in my lifetime, a pen pal seems fun.


Some of my interests:

Books. The classics of literature (Dostoyevsky, Ayn Rand, Kafka, Orwell) and contemporary books as well (David Mitchell, Mark Haddon).

Gathering information about various subjects.

Music. My first love and my last. I write for a Dutch print magazine called 'Aardschok', which specializes in rock/metal music, but I'm also a devoted listener of classical music which has helped my countless time when studying. Actually, I'm 'just' a fan of music in general so I kind of listen to anything that crosses my ears. I'm a bassplayer myself (Warwick Fortress One).

Philosophy. My knowledge focuses almost exclusively on Political Philosophy (and some economic), but I always enjoy a good discussion on any topic.

Sports/Soccer/Cycling. Not a devoted sports fan, but I enjoy watching soccer matches (AFC Ajax) with friends or some cycling on a lazy afternoon. I travel almost everywhere by bike myself.


I guess that's what I can come up with. ;) I have no preference in gender or interests, but someone from outside Europe would be interesting. Or maybe from the Scandinavian countries, since I'm planning to go there next year. Or India, which has left such a strong imprint on me. Or anywhere else on this planet. :happyberet:

My Blog Recently updated with first impression of the Waterman Carène / Sailor 1911 Standard


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

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Chomann here. I'd love to get into some snail mailings. I'm located in Indianapolis Indiana ans am employed as a Mechanical Engineer for a small Solenoid Valve company. I like all types of music and nearly every book, along with technology.

Freedom First, Condemn Conformity.

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You can call me Andrew. I'm a 21 year old college student studying music, recording engineering, and business while also working near-full time as a manager of a gentleman's store (pipes, cigars, pens, etc.)

My interests span a large variety of things, primarily: tobacco pipes, fountain pens, musics of all sorts (both listening and composition), reading, and graphic design.


I love receiving snail mail and would love to get the chance to send some out to some people who would actually appreciate it. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello All,


I've been writing in journals since 7th grade and with fountain pens (mainly a MB Noblesse) since the mid 80's. I'm a mechanical engineer and have been designing high speed machinery for about twenty years.

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I've an opening or two for a European penpal.


Below is my original post in this thread - again, PM me if you're interested. :)




I'm in my mid-twenties; dropped out of further education to look after one of my parents. As I've already said, I love letters! My tastes and interests are very eclectic - always changing - but, I guess, my three main passions are history, videogames and books. I love learning about art, other cultures and science, too.


What would I be looking for in a penpal? Someone around my age; someone abroad, I think. Someone just as eccentric! :P




PM me if you're interested. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everybody! My name is Cory and I live in Georgia, USA. I'd like to have a couple US penpals. I am a college professor teaching introductory computer applications (aka M S Office). I am married, 30 years old, no kids or pets. I like to sew, papercrafts, travel, enjoy reading, action movies, all sorts of music. Please PM if you are interested in exchanging letters.

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Count me in, my username is Gcouch for those of you interested. I think it's nice to send mail; it's always a joy to get a written letter in the mailbox. You can just write me about anything, I'll be glad to reply. I'm sure we could strike up a conversation on paper with no problem. My collection of pens and inks is very small, so any advise or wisdom is greatly appreciated. I know my way around the market, I just don't have much. I'm a big baseball fan amd watch football on occasion. Canoing and camping, along with outdoor knowledge are some of my strongsuits. I'm currently a student full time who doesn't need a job but is often bogged down with AP work. Its nice to take a break once and awhile and just write. One had to use the pens for something once in awhile, right?

Edited by Gcouch
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Hello fellow FPN’rs!


I’m freshly 21, a guy, and I love fountain pens!


During these few sweet summer months I’m in vacation mode, but during the school year I’m an undergrad pursuing pharmacy. Although I’m majoring in science I still love and greatly respect the arts. If you want to write to me about your favorite musicians (of any genre: rap, opera, jazz, rock, country,etc) painters, actors, etc, then I’ll lend an ear to listen.


Likewise if you want to delve into the complexity of life I’m yours too – in our consumer world where gratification is instant and everything must happen immediately it is easy to look past the nuances of life – but these subtleties can be most interesting and rewarding if you give them a peek.


For good measure I’ll throw a laundry list of my interests here: working out, running on forest trails with my Vibrams, biking, drinking the best beer + liquor I can find (Belgian anyone?), drawing, deluding myself into thinking I’m eating healthy, plotting where I will travel the world, watching a zillion different movies on Netflix, working on my car (detailing/tuning it up), and every 21 year old male’s favorite pastime – video games!


I’ll be sending you a letter on Rhodia paper, but I want to try out Clairefontaine and even wax seals.


If you want to become my BFF/pen pal I only ask you write the first letter. Why? Because it’s easier to reply than compose!




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Hi fellow FPN'ers (haven't seen a secret handshake or hand signal amongst people on this network yet so will keep it to a verbal greeting)


After debating long and hard, I would like to throw my hat in the ring too.

I am 42yo, married to the most wonderful woman in the world and live in NC with our kids and a black lab. I read the posts in several forums on a nearly daily basis but haven't posted anything in years. I guess I never felt opinionated or knowledgable enough to share any thoughts. It's definitely something I need to do more often.

My love for FP's was re-invigorated after a nurse, who found my Visconti Divina G8 LE laying on the table mistook it for a ballpoint and tried to "click" it to make it work and when it did not perform according to her expectations, flung it into the trash; the confession of having done that followed a week thereafter as I had launched a witch hunt with a bounty on the thief's head vs a reward for the finder, which ever came first.

Needless to say, the wound of a missing pen can never be healed but new pens, inks and paper are a fair panacea which seem to be working well I must say.

I enjoy spending time with my family, soccer, cricket (in as much that is possible in the US), reading, all things Apple, gadgets, traveling and mostly pondering how the heck we ended up being where we are in the first place (we must have taken a definite U-turn at Albuquerque) when I read the news.


With most of my daily documentation going to electronic format and my friends and family entirely relying upon the same medium, I find myself writing lyrics to 80's smash hits onto nice paper whilst listening to them just for the sake of writing (and most of the time I don't even enjoy the songs even though I am an 80's child!).


I am spiritual, keep religion very personal and am open to all (religious) beliefs (I believe all holy books were written with ink). If you would like to exchange letters, writing about life in general or for that matter anything that pleases you / anything you can teach me please pm me.


At any rate, I look forward to exchanging letters with some of you. I can reply in English or Dutch and as paper does not have a built-in spell check, in fair/poor German.


Edited by gartside99

Never give in — never, never, never, never.

Sir Winston Churchill, 1874 - 1965

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I would like to join the letter exchange.

I am a doctor (Psychiatrist - but don't let that put you off, we can't read minds!!) from the UK.

I have always used fountain Pens. My first was a Waterman Concord(smaller size), which I still have.

I have quite a few other Watermans including an Exception which is perhaps my favourite.

I like Japanese pens esp Sailors.

I like Modern and Vintage pens and have some Conway Stewarts, an

Esterbrook and a Swan, Mabie Todd.

I use all of my pens and they are nearly all inked (unless they are broken). I have to write a lot in my work and everyone remarks on

my "unusual" colours of ink - currently really liking Iroshizuku Murasaki-Shizibu.

Apart from fountain pen collecting, I also paint and do photography (mainly landscape - so I also have the walking boots!!).

I would like to write to anybody worldwide.

Edited by alc3261



My Pen Wraps are for sale in my Etsy shop

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I live in australia.

I sail for fun and have recently taken up motorcycle riding (just to get around not for sport).

and in the past I've worked as a photographer.


I'd love to write to you

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"Ha Row", ha, ha, ha

I'm a 52 yr old male who is the president of my own pen club, The New Mexico Pen Collector's Pen Club, we have about 35 members.

I have a wifey and have had her for 32 beautiful years, and 1 son, our other son passed away 7 years ago, we have 2 doggies that are the light of our lives. they leave us in stitches EVERY minute of every day, and they are 3 years old. Junior and Winston are their names!

I am retired, but it was a forced retirement due to an on the job accident 8 years ago. It was the Best job I ever had! I managed approx. 200 people and approximately 15 million in revenue.

Oh yeah, did I say that I would like to snail mail with you?, Ha, ha, ha

Just drop me a line with your info and I'll send you mine. I currently have 3 others that I snail mail with, but only one from FPN and that is from the UK which is really Kool.

Best Regards,Mike

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http://i1065.photobucket.com/albums/u397/bailofhay13304/photo.jpg Edited by bailofhay
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My user name is Orinoco.


I am a male who would like to join the letter exchange and develop some long term pen friends as well as practice my writing skills with my growing pen collection (two but growing :D )


I live in Perth Australia and my interests include:


amateur photograhpy,


bread making,

football, cricket, well let's just say in general, and

Reading fiction.


If you would like to write send me a PM.




Hope this is not breaking forum rules or bad form, if any of the ladies on the forum are looking for a female pen my wife would like to join the letter exchange. She just hasn't joined the forum as yet.


Her interests are:


Card making,



Reading in my spare time,

Coffee with friends


Movies (girly)

Art & craft.


Send me a PM if you would like to exchanging letters with my wife. I can then give you her email address.

"What a wonderful thing is the mail, capable of conveying across continents a warm human hand-clasp.  ~Author Unknown"

http://mark.intervex.net/fpn/images/LetterExchange_sm.png http://mark.intervex.net/fpn/images/PostcardExchange_sm.png

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I'm in!

Um, let's see - I like fountain pens and inks (obviously), silly funny things, light-hearted uplifting letters (to send and receive), stationery (Crane's!), and ... well, anything happy!


Have you guys/gals ever polished your leather shoes? I did this for the first time EVER last week, and I'm so agog over the amazing results - my scuffed up dansko strappy shoes look brand new! I'm uber-excited. *laugh* Talk about instant gratification for so little effort!


Are you interested in snailing? 
er, yes.
What pens do you own, inks, preferred papers?
lessee, recently acquired some pelikans (m150, m215), a filcao milady, and a vanishing point. all with cursive italic or stub nibs. I prefer happy colors - like pink, turqoise, and purple, but I try lots of others, and will likely inflict this on all those who receive letters from me - so be forewarned that color changes happen at warp speed. ;) and I'm still in search of the perfect paper...
What are 3 interesting things about you that no one here could know.
1. I can push the caramel layer off of a Twix bar, in one continuous layer, without directly touching it (I use the wrapper) - so that someone else can eat it. I only like the cookie part. 2. I have a 2 year-old son, and was a professor of stats at Duke prior to starting medical school - but I swear I'm not stuffy or boring or weird! Well, maybe a little silly... I just took a round-about way of finding what I want to do with my life! Promise!. 3. I can hang a spoon off my nose. :D
What is your favorite color?
um... pink? or maybe a really bright orange? or maybe red...



Hiya. I love snail mail...great way to support out government eh? haha. anyway.

I am currently a sophomore, rising junior in HS. I love to read and write. My favorite literature is American Literature. I love my handwriting even though it is itty bitty. My favorite places to be are Sydney, Australia, Seattle, Washington, and Park City, Utah. I love Art History and all types of History. I enjoy speaking spanish. So yeah. Haha...I hope someone is willing to send me snail mail because I am willing to reply, just inbox me!

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1339339584[/url]' post='2370330']

I would like to join the letter exchange.

I am a doctor (Psychiatrist - but don't let that put you off, we can't read minds!!) from the UK.

I have always used fountain Pens. My first was a Waterman Concord(smaller size), which I still have.

I have quite a few other Watermans including an Exception which is perhaps my favourite.

I like Japanese pens esp Sailors.

I like Modern and Vintage pens and have some Conway Stewarts, an

Esterbrook and a Swan, Mabie Todd.

I use all of my pens and they are nearly all inked (unless they are broken). I have to write a lot in my work and everyone remarks on

my "unusual" colours of ink - currently really liking Iroshizuku Murasaki-Shizibu.

Apart from fountain pen collecting, I also paint and do photography (mainly landscape - so I also have the walking boots!!).

I would like to write to anybody worldwide.


Edit - I've now had replies from the UK and the USA so no more from either of those but anyone from elsewhere (English speaking) would be welcome. Thanks.



My Pen Wraps are for sale in my Etsy shop

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