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Snail Mail Writing List


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Hello! I'm very new here. In fact, I'm doing this entirely backwards, and putting a post here before I put up an official "first post". No one ever accused me of doing things the right way around.


Anyway, I'm Emily from Arizona. I'm a thirty-eight year old fountain pen newbie who fell in love and attacked eBay for pens. My husband says it was inevitable I'd get into this, since I'm a writer. He was just waiting, he said. I thanked him for his patience by dragging him shopping for Clairefontaine and Staples Arc notebooks.


There's information in my profile for those curious. Currently, you'll get your letters on Clairefontaine, until my best friend drags me, kicking and screaming, into fine stationery and wax seals. That will probably take until next payday.

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I'm game! Gives me an excuse to use my pen, ink and stationery - and BUY MORE! :roflmho:


I'm 36 (37 on December 12th). I've been married to my husband for thirteen years on Halloween, and together for twenty. (WOW! I can't believe it's been that long!) We have no human children, but we have lots of animal kids: two pomeranians, one siberian husky, four cats, one green spotted puffer, one peacock cichlid, neon swordtails, purple apple snails, pygmy corys, Betta Splendens (I breed and hope to show this spring), and three lionhead rabbits (I used to breed and show).


I hold a Bachelors of Arts (Honors) in Psychology with a minor in English Literature and an Associates in Applied Science (Honors) in Veterinary Technology. I currently work in Admissions and Crisis at my local community (mental) health center. Previously, I have worked as a registered veterinary technician and a 911 telecommunicator. I volunteer as a rehabilitator of non-game native wild birds as well.


I love watching Law and Order SVU and CI, NCIS, and Criminal Minds. I love reading almost any genre. I dabble in acrylic painting and polyclay sculpture too.


I am open to most religions, but if you start to try to convert me, I don't handle it well. Just saying/warning.


PM me if interested!

Holly Canfield


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Hi all,

Like many here I'm still new to fountain pens but this forum has been a wondrous inspiration to get stuck in to the hobby (read: inspired to abuse my credit card). I think a letter exchange is a great idea and doubling as an excuse to use my new stationary how could I resist?


I'm 24 male from Adelaide in South Australia. I briefly trained as a pilot and used to work in I.T but thanks to some medical issues and a few operations I've been doing a lot of nothing much in particular the last few years. Thankfully that's almost all behind me now and I'm headed or uni next year, though I can't decide what I want to study, maybe my new pen pal has some suggestions?


I'm big on history of all kinds, religious, military, scientific, economic and Even historiography, any fans of Will Durant will become fast friends.


I'm also a complete tech / gadget geek, from new phones and t.v's to the theoretical technology that's going to change everything we are in the next 100 years I just can't get enough.


I love to watch documentaries, on anything and I'm always looking for suggestions.


I like classic literature, early electronic music, the German language, j.s bach and motzart, military aircraft, cars both classic and modern...I'm interested in so much and a master of nothing...


There's so much more but how do you cover everything you enjoy in a paragraph? I'm interested in so much more than I've written above so don't be put off if I havnt mentioned your particular passions.


I'd really enjoy corresponding with someone overseas, I'm planning a big trip to the states with my sister in the next year or so, so any north Americans with travel ideas are particularly welcome.


I look forward to hearing from you.


P.S as I said I'm new to fountain pens and though my handwritings improving it's still not great so I beg a little patience on this point.

WTB: the following GvF-C classic FPs (pref. B or OB nib) or rollerballs: platinum plated, gold plated, solid sterling silver, ebony anello and gold anello, PM me!

(also interested in most other GvF-C products in general, i.e any writing tools, leather goods, advertising/packaging)



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Hi everyone,


I am still fairly new to fountain pens and I think a letter exchange would be fun! I'm 21 from California, USA. Currently I am a fourth year college studying Biological Engineering specializing in Biotechnical Engineering, English emphasis on creative writing, and energy science/tech (minor). At the moment I am at a loss of what I want to do in the future with my degrees, but I am pretty sure I'll figure it out eventually. I enjoy a variety of things as you can probably see from the contrast between my majors. I have worked in labs and done some freelance writing to fund my new pen addiction. My interests involve reading, gaming, fountain pens(of course), writing, new gadgets, etc. I enjoy trying new things. Some activities I've tried and loved recently include: backpacking, hiking, paintballing, and skydiving (you wouldn't suspect I'm deathly afraid of heights!).


I look forward to hearing from you!

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I've never had a penpal before, but I've got to use my nice pen and inks for something right?


I'm Andrew. I'm studying Military Leadership and Psychology at the Royal Military College of Canada. Therefore, I'm a member of the Canadian Armed Forces, specifically the Royal Canadian Navy. I'm interested in sailing, improving my penmanship, and, of course, psychology.



My new FPN member thread

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My name's Cindy, and I'm new around here, too! I'd love to exchange letters with a few people - my fountain pen obsession is relatively new (I really must have All The Things!), and I've made some pen, ink and stationery purchases that are just crying out to be used.


Drop me a PM if you're interested!

"Writing is different… Other people get into occupations by accident or design; but writers are born. We have to write. I have to write. I could work at selling motels, or slopping hogs, for fifty years, but if someone asked my occupation, I'd say writer, even if I'd never sold a word. Writers write. Other people talk." - JD Salinger in "Shoeless Joe" by WP Kinsella


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  • 3 weeks later...

Throwing my name into the hat here :) You can read my FPN intro posthere.


The Basics : Lucas, 27, male, work in the banking industry (I play Spreadsheet Hero all day!), have a passion for music, trained opera singer, have been a violinist since 5, and a cellist at 11. Competitive Irish Dancer until a car accident left me with an ankle injury. New to fountain pens, but have always loved having a pen pal!


Hobbies/Tidbits : Irish dance, music and culture; musical theater, opera, ballet, Netflix Streaming, Hulu+, British television (better than most American shows), Glee, writing, dachshunds, video games, and random YouTube videos. I dabble in politics a bit (an open-minded Democrat, if I have to choose a label), and I'm always open for a decent debate as long as it doesn't end in a shouting match. Religion hasn't been a big part of my life, but I love learning about them.


Two things of note - When I write to a pen pal, it's usually over several days and with short bursts of what's happening right now in my life. Given a topic, I'm prone to write for pages and pages. And, because it will probably come up in our conversation, I am homosexual, but it's not something I focus on, and I may only mention it in passing. If this bothers you, please don't respond. I had a pen-pal for 3 years that I greatly enjoyed conversing with, and as soon as she found out, she told me to stop writing her. But feel free to send me a message if you'd like to know more!


Ink Drop member since December 2011

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I'll go into this, sounds like a lot of fun, and would be nice to talk to people in a 'less instant' way.


I'm Simon! I'm 16, and only been around a few days, because of the discovery of a nice set of Parker Sonnet Pens :) I'm currently writing with a low end Parker fountain though, just to try and improve my handwriting.


I'm up to talk about anything really, i can strike up conversation about most things with anyone, but my particular interests are yoyos and Skill toys- anyone into juggling or circus arts, get at me and PM me :)Science/Computing, im big into tech, maths and school work as well i'm fairly into :)


So if you want a nice light-hearted pen friend who can ramble about anything, with the help of google, send me a Message!


I'm in the UK, but i'm open to anywhere in the world!



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I'm new to FPN and haven't posted in the new members forum yet. I did put some bare-bones stuff about me in my profile.


I've had a deep longing--sometimes fulfilled when I could save up my pennies--for fountain pens since I was a pre-teenager. I've played with them and with inks since then. Eeps! That makes about 50 (no that can't be) years of fountain pen envy.


There's something about the feel of nib to paper and the flow of ink that is incomparable to any other way of writing for me. When I'm writing a greeting card or a thank you note, it's much easier for me to get the words right if I write a draft of my sentiments first with fp and paper.


So I'm up for putting some thoughts on paper and addressing some envelopes. And I'll try to find interesting stamps too.



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My name is Josh.



I'm 28, and I like odd things like fountain pens, straight razors and good scotch. I ride motorcycles (not as much as I would like, but it's been cold, what can you do?), shoot guns, play video games, and I'm a graduate student. Over the last decade or so I've had a diverse set of jobs: truck mechanic, bartender, swim instructor, pizza delivery, etc, but now I am just doing the school thing. I tend to be pretty busy, but would like to take some time to use my pen for something other than scribbling notes in class and making flash cards for myself. I'm up for writing anybody who's interested in writing me.


I used to write with an old fountain pen, until it started leaking all over the place. Not knowing how or having the desire to learn how to fix it, I didn't use one for a few years, until just the other day when I finally bought a new one. Now I can't put it down. My handwriting is terrible, and my grammar (as you can tell by this small example) could use improvement, but I think I'm a relatively interesting guy. My profile isn't filled out on FPN, and I don't plan on doing it, but I've been around for a while (even if this is only my second post). Never had a pen-pal before, but it will be interesting to exchange thoughts and experience with someone on bits of paper that some sorry sap has to lug across the country (or world). Send me a message if you're into that kinda thing.



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My name is Taylor Skidmore. I'm 16 and from Inidiana. I'm the drum major of my marching band, and a state-qualifying speaker. I don't have much of a history with pens, and my handwriting is awful, but I would really enjoy writing letters to people, for both the experience in writing, and meeting new people. I absolutely love politics and computers, and I'm constantly listening to music.


I volunteer as a librarian, but I think I might be offered a job there soon, so there's that, haha. Like I said, my handwriting isn't too good, but it's legible (most of the time). I would love to start sending letters in order to make my handwriting a little better (hopefully) and get to know a few of you. I absolutely love snail mail, and there's nothing better than opening a personal letter and responding.


If you can put up with my awful handwriting, I would love to talk to all of you!

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I am Lindsey, 21 years of age, and currently a senior in college. I'm trying to get back into letter writing (and writing with pen and paper in general) so that I can improve my handwriting and make sure I don't lose the skill!


I love reading, music, good food, almost anything Irish, and lots of other random stuff. I'm hoping to become an archivist once I get a bit more schooling, which should be good fun. If anyone wants to brave my currently interesting handwriting, I would love to write some letters! Just send me a message if you want to know some more information and wouldn't mind some slight delays in letter-writing once school gets back into swing again.

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Hello I have never in my life writen a actual paper and ink leter.

How sad is that?

Well I am here to remedy that.

I will correspond with any one and can go on about most topics.

I am a 38 year old male that lives in Reno Nevada I work for a major US bank and have a plethora of hobbies and interests. Some of my favourite topics are literature and religion (especially as it has influenced the development of world societies) philosophy gadgets and computers and of course fountain pens and writing.

Please if I may write to you message me and let's talk.


P.S. my handwriting is poor but I am working to improve it.


Thank you


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My name is Will. I'm 16 and from Tennessee. I'm one of those people that loves new technology, but it kinda breaks my heart to see old things fall by the wayside and be forgotten.


I've tried my hand at stamp collecting, coin collecting, fencing, and blacksmithing.


I love history in all it's forms, and if I get my way, I'd love to be an archaeologist.


I devour books, and I'm currently trying to write a short story to enter into a contest at a sci-fi convention that one of my favorite authors is attending. That is what got me into writing with a fountain pen. I wanted to write it by hand, and when cleaning out his pen drawer a few weeks ago, he gave me a Parker frontier, and I was hooked.


I am Baptist.


My handwriting is terrible, but improving, and I would love to exchange mail with someone who can't bear the thought of it going away.





Edited by Mastersmith043

Check out my fledgling pen blog, Kimball's Writing Instruments at http://kimballspens.blogspot.com/

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  • 2 weeks later...

Suppose you read the paragraph below:


"I am a 20 year-old male and a student of economics at a very well known midwestern university. I've worked in the finance industry but ultimately I'd like to work with social entrepreneurs to help make their ventures successful. Accordingly, I'll probably pursue an MBA within a few years."


Now suppose you didn't.


If you try to picture me based on that information you will be SO OFF. In reality, I love exploring all that life has to offer. In practice, this means meeting people from literally all walks of life (from hippies to ambassadors) and engaging in exciting activities to continually redefine my "comfort zone." I love so many things... it's hard to list them all. In particular, I love all kinds of music (in fact... no exceptions come to mind), extreme sports (I'm an avid rock climber and perhaps soon skydiver), and intellectual discussion. But talk to me about epistemology, politics, fruit, religion, dolphins ... anything really and I'll probably be fascinated by it. Oh... and pens! I obviously love pens!


Send me a PM and let's start writing letters! I literally have no preference who you are (international letters welcome!): you are already interesting by writing a letter :P. I also speak Spanish, Portuguese (a bit rusty), and French if you'd like to communicate that way.


Oh, my name's Alfredo btw.

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Hi, I am 53 and have just moved back to the land of my birth, England after 47 years in South Africa.

Rebuilding my life after losing almost everything.


Lots of info on my bio and so PM me if you want to correspond.


Away for a bit on a holiday so do not expect a response from me until next year.

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I am a twenty-four-year-old geek, who loves thinking about nearly everything.

I love: Science Fiction, medieval siege weapons, music that makes me pay attention, multiple colors of ink on a page, reveling in the beauty that comes packaged as current video games.


I'm rather open-minded, an oddball/freak myself, and will try to be as interesting as I can!

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Hello Everyone. Just found this website and loved it. I have been thinking about getting back into writing letters but don't have really anyone to write to. I am 25 years old and moved to Maryland from Louisiana about 8 years ago. I have been married for 7 years with no kids but have two dogs recently acquired. ha ha.


I love to write and have been interested in different hand-writings/fonts for a long time. I got a quill and powdered ink from Williamsburg, VA and haven't used it because its just so darn pretty..hahaha I love to draw anything but people. I have a passion for my motorcycle, books, video games, music, animals, cooking, baking, TV, movies and a tons of different things. If I don't know about it, I research it.. it has always worked for me.


I have an associates degree in criminal justice and currently work for the state as a residential counselor for children and juveniles. It keeps me entertained because the daily work schedule can change on a kids whim.


I have time to write letters if your interested!



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Hi all!

I would like to add myself to the list :)

I love writing long letters and using different pens. I already have a few very good pen pals/friends but all of them are women. So far, I haven't found a good male pen pal who wants only friendship (all my tries ended up in love declarations or requests of my nude pics :( ). I'm a 32 year old lawyer living abroad, married and with a little son, so I'm not looking for romance. I just want to find a good male pen pal who will write long letters and will talk about all sort of topics, from politics to science to every day life. In "real life" I have many good male friends and I miss having them in the world of letters as well.

I'm not a native English speaker and I would love to improve this language. Otherwise I speak Spanish, Portuguese,Slovene and understand Italian and French.


If there's anybody interested in writing, I'll tell you more about myself via email or via snail mail, if we decided to exchange addresses at once :)

Happy new year 2012!

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