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Snail Mail Writing List


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I had been wanting to put myself on this list months ago, but I guess I forgot! :embarrassed_smile:


Well, I am not really for putting my life story up at the moment, please have a look at my profile for some basic info on myself and interests, and give me a PM if you would like to exchange addresses. I really have a broad range of interests, and wouldn't mind writing about anything from philosophical debate, to chatting about the weather, to just comparing handwriting. :thumbup:

Gobblecup ~


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My name is Paul and I am fifty-ish. I am married and live in upstate South Carolina, near Charlotte. When I'm not working as a programmer, I like to ride my bike, read all sorts of books, and watch movies. I also enjoy listening to a variety of music.


Some time ago, I started exchanging postcards with friends here on FPN. That lead to exchanging postcards via postcrossing.com. I'd like to try exchanging letters with someone. I haven't written very many, up to now. I'm not sure what I'd want write about. I guess it could be anything.


If you're interested, please PM me.


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As the daughter, sister and niece of U.S. Postal Service employees, it is my duty to increase the use of the mail service. I have several semi-regular pen pals from this list already, but I'm sure I can fit a couple more into rotation. [i have a dreadful feeling that I owe someone a letter, actually; if that is true, PLEASE PLEASE PM me a reminder]. I am a sporadic writer, so please don't expect weekly letters from me, but I will do the best I can.


I am a 50 y.o. African American woman, a counseling psychology professor with a private practice on the side, based in Indiana. Originally from Ohio, but have now lived here longer than any other city in my life. Married 19.5 years tomorrow; no human children but two dogs (Westie and Scottie, currently sleeping at my feet). My non-pen passions include but are not limited to: crime shows on TV, murder mysteries and other fiction, handwork (crochet, quilting, cross stitch), travel, and cooking. And public radio - major fan of Selected Shorts, Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, and Splendid Table.


Sharon in Indiana

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." Earnest Hemingway

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Hello folks,


I'm Tim from northeast Florida and would love to connect with some new friends and get my hand back into really "writing again" I'm 53 retired from the fire/ems business and looking for another vocation to keep myself going. I dabble in amateur radio as well. There you go.



"know thyself?" If I knew myself, I'd run away.


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I'm game :)


Well, most of the stuff you should know about me is on my profile, so if you want you can go have a look at that. I'm having a mind block at the moment so I'm probably going to leave out something necessary, but here goes.


My name is Abby, I'm 12 years old, and I live in New Zealand. I love animals, Reading, Writing, Calligraphy, Art, Daydreaming and a whole lot of other random stuff as well :)


I guess that's it :P I can't think of anything at the moment, so feel free to ask me anything, you can just reply to this or Private Message me, I'm not fussed ;)


Thanks for reading :)


Abby :D

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Howdy All.


I'm another newbie. Little about me, born and raised in Idaho. Love vintage and antique things which led me to purchase a fountain pen for my journal which eventually led me here. Like any Idaho boy I grew up running around in the mountains. I'm in the military and looking towards another government sponsored "vacation", so I'd like to get some correspondence going now so I can have some distractions while on "vacation". ha!



"Never ask a man if he's a pilot. If he's not, you'll only embarrass him. If he is...he'll tell you."


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I have been exchanging letters with several FPN'ers, which I've hugely enjoyed. I'm looking for a more specific sort of pen pal. I'm an avid reader, I love literature, and I'd really like to correspond with someone (or a few someones) who are interested in discussing books, maybe even chatting in detail about something we've both read or plan to read. My Illustrious Spouse is a wonderful person, but he does not want to listen to my half-hour discourse on the narrative structure of Moby Dick. Some people just don't know how to have a good time.

"Malt does more than Milton can to justify God's ways to man." - A. E. Housman

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Hey kedz! Count me in, I never had a pen pal before. This sounds like fun.

But be warned, my writing looks very sloppy. Ive been a economy pens collector for about 16 years. Not into old expensive fountain pens cause I can't afford them

I'd rather buy a cute cheep decent pen for a few bucks that's easy & SHMOOTH! And fun to use,and be Abel to replace if lost or broken. I have every pen the walmart and target have lol! I also like the import Japanese versions of common pens like uni and pilot. I just placed my first order for some Japanese pens,I can't wait! And can't wait to get some letters. I've never got a letter befor...believe it or not. I look fowerd to this,thanks! Aphatdj aka danny.

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I'm a 24 year old girl from Sydney. I like:


* fountain pens, ink, stationery, ... aah!

* religion... I'm not religious, but I love the history, the faith that people have, and all manner of things connected to it.

* board games. Yay!

* studying. Yes, seriously. I've just applied for a Masters in Teaching. I hope I get through!

* learning new things - always!

* kids. They're much smarter than adults.

* reading. Currently, I'm reading heaps of fantasy. I also enjoy biographies, and all manner of other books.


Much more.


I like the letters I write to be informal and not necessarily about a particular topic. I hope I find someone like-minded here :)

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I'd like to participate as well. My name is Brandon I'm 28 and from Indianapolis, IN. Interests include history, photography, computers and electronics, android, reading, and I'll admit I do play WoW.


I've worked in the information technology field doing higher teir tech support and am taking on database and server admin roles for the company I currently work for.


If you'd like to write let me know, not looking for anything specific but the opportunity to actually write a letter and mail it opposed to just shooting off a random PM or email will be quite refreshing.


Edit: My handwriting is a bit poor right now, but I hope to improve it with more practice!

Edited by vivitar83
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Hi all, I'm new here.


I don't use a fountain pen, but somehow came across this forum and liked the posts in this "write stuff" section. I bookmarked this to come here later to register and meet interesting people... and here I am! ;)


I like writing snail mail letters and would love to find a few new penpals here. Some facts about me:


  • 30-year-old female
  • from Slovakia, a small country in Central Europe
  • Christian Catholic
  • research assistant at uni, doing maths


As for the hobbies:

  • photography - mostly landscapes and black&white photos
  • music - esp. classical, I also play the piano (not too often these days, but I enjoy it)
  • reading - usually books about my faith and detective stories, I'm in the library team at University Pastoral Centre
  • writing letters and postcards
  • going to various events once in a while; to give you some idea: lately it was going to festivals IstroCon and Comics Salon (about Japan, anime, games, ...), organ concert, next week I plan to visit a book fair


I'll be happy to hear from you.



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I'd love to be on this list!


I'm 26 with a Masters in professional writing, though I work as a book editor at a small publishing company in Oklahoma. I'm also a painter and a musician--I've played the French horn for 17 years. My husband is an opera singer (Verdi baritone) working on his doctorate in opera. We are both from Kansas originally but when we met (during an opera production in Kansas), strangely enough, I was living in Oklahoma and he was living in Brooklyn.


I got started with fountain pens because of my dad, actually. He had an old pen that belonged to his grandfather and he wanted to get it repaired. After finding out how much some people charge for those repairs, he decided to do it himself. He's very mechanical, so the different filling mechanisms fascinated him. What started as mere curiosity became a hobby and a 300-pen collection. He mostly likes fine nibs, and I like bold, flexible nibs--so any pens that were too bold for him got passed to me.



I think writing by hand (and with fountain pens especially) is a lost art, as is letter writing. People dash off texts and tweets with no thought to composition or word choice. All nuance is lost, and that's a shame. I was recently a volunteer for the "Snail Mail My Email" project--people emailed in notes (100 words or less) to be handwritten by volunteers and mailed to the recipient. It was a great experience.


I'd love to exchange letters with anyone--though I'm far from a prolific letter writer. (It's tough to find the time for writing letters when you edit 4000 pages a month.)


Please PM me if you want to write!




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Hi my name is Melissa I'm 24 yrs old I live in GA for about 6 years now. My friend told me about this website. I thought I would join it sounded like a neat site. I have Cerebral palsy CP for short. I love to read music is another passion of mine I listen to pretty much anything. Im a huge animal lover I have fours cats. I volunteer at my friend classroom three days a week.

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Hi! I'm relatively new here. I've been browsing through this site in my spare time (what a great excuse to procrastinate! lol) when I found this list. I'd love to write a letters with a few people. I'm 21 from Edmonton, Alberta and in my fourth year at university majoring in physical sciences, and minoring in biology. I'm hope to eventually get an education degree and become a teacher, or I'd love to travel and teach english overseas. If anyone has had any experience with that I'd especially love to hear from you!


I used to devour books when I was younger, but abandoned reading for pleasure once school became too demanding. I've been considering setting aside more time to read and would love to start a book with someone and exchange our ideas as we're reading.


Can't wait to get started writing! :)


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Hi, I'm new to fountain pens, but since I got my first few every paper around me is filled with nonsense scribbles.


It would be nice to have something real to write with my new pens.


I love to read and I go through phases as to the genre of book. Right now I'm reading all about food, and food science. Science Fiction, Fantasy and Mysteries are some favorite fallback genres though.


I am a very amateur photographer, but my hubby and I will go for "adventures" just to take assorted photos of "weeds" at the side of the road and mountains and stuff like that.


I have a new hobby that I'm very bad at, but painting has been something of a fascination for me my whole life, I finally nerved myself up to make a try or two. I'm the one in my family that didn't inherit artistic ability, but alternately I'm really good with words so I guess it works out.


I work for a copy/shipping company and have for most of the past eleven years. Some days I love my job and others I hate it, but most days are a mix of the two. ;)


I've been mailing letters off to assorted family members and have only recieved one back, it would be nice to exchange.

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Greetings! My user name is "Mikale"


My interest in fountain pens began in 1981 but it didn't take root and grow until this past August 2011. I joined the Postcard Exchange and enjoyed it so much, now looking to dive in by joining the Snail Mail Writing List. I like writing letters to family and friends, I took a hiatus from writing letters when I become a daddy (at a late age) which was 7 years ago. During those years I still kept in touch with family and friends via email. My first hand written letters this year were to my mother and aunt, both I have written to since I was 19 years old! They were elated to get hand written letter from me again, which is what brings me here.

Edited by Mikale

Best Regards,


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Hey guys,


The name is "thaigreentea" and I'm a 20 year old male from the US.


Bio: I'm a college student going for pharmacy. One of my dreams in life is to travel the world, but until I break out of the schooling track I can only plan for where I want to go! When I get the chance I love to go running down forest trails in my Vibrams, party and share a couple drinks (non-alcoholic! ;) ) with my friends, go hiking, watch Netflix, go camping, read self-improvement-y/fiction books, weight lift, listen to music (everything from 50 Cent to Andrea Bocelli) and video games - if I have to =).


If I had to pick my proudest moment I'd say it was being my brother's bestman. Whether it was hosting the wildest bachelor party stateside or writing what many people told me was the "best best-man's speech" they've ever heard (which took me a painstaking half-hour to mush together), I'd say being my brother's bestman showed me better than ever who I am and what I can do.


By the way, I'm not thai but I do like green tea!

-Send me a message if you're interested.

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I've been corresponding with several FPNer's for a while now and am looking for one or two more. (I really have to start using up my inks.)


Everything about me is located in my profile so feel free to take a look and if your interested in some letter swapping send me a PM.

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Hi all, I'm fairly new here.


Ed from Texas. Used fountain pens in grade school and gotten away from using fountain pens in high school and college. I am rediscovering the joys of using fountain pens again. I even got my wife recently into using fountain pens as well.


Some more about me in my online bio. Would love to exchange letters and make new friends along this journey.

Edited by ershen

Insanabile Scribendi Cacoethes

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