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Snail Mail Writing List


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I'd be willing to give some snailing a shot... :vbg:



Poor Knights of Christ

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Hi All!


I'm interested in having a few penpals. I currently have one: my teenage nephew.


I was the only kid to use fountain pens in junior high and high school. Sheaffer cartridge and No Nonsense pens. Then as ink disappeared off the shelves, I turned to other writing instruments. Picked up a Waterman Phileas when Levenger was carrying them and loved it. But ink was difficult to find and so I didn't use it much. Then I discovered eBay and vintage fountain pens. I also found gallons of ink. I've been a poor man ever since.


My current interest in writing instruments has shifted to dip pens. Not calligraphy, just writing with a dip pen. A lovely experience.


Aside from pens, my interests are wide ranging; some of which are: reading, chess, history, philosophy, religion, poetry, creative writing, music - mostly classical and folk.


I'm 58 and hoping for the retirement life in another 4 years. Then I may add piano lessons, painting, travel, and whatnot to my activitiy list.


Hope to write to you!


Chris H

Very much interested in Life, Liberty, and especially the pursuit of Happiness!

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i am from Singapore, and likes to reground nib whenever i have time.

Likes to write with cursive italics.


I used to write in snail mail and drop out due to time, and hope to write again.


My other hobby is trips and photo-taking, do drop me a PM if you like to share on any experience in writing, work, life, photo or trips....



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  • 2 weeks later...



My name is David and I'm new to the Fountain Pen Network. One of the reasons I obtained my new fountain pen is so I would improve my handwriting. To help me practice I started a journal and I figured I would join the snail mail exchange. My goal is to improve my handwriting; right now it's not very good.


I'm recent university graduate, Bachelor of Science in computer science. Right now I work as a quality assurance engineer.


I have many interests (in no particular order):


Sailing (or boating in general)



Dvorak keyboard layout

Software quality assurance


Fountain pens (I don't know much about them yet)


Video games

Affordable mechanical watches


Nova Scotia

More . . .


I'm willing to write about just about anything. I have never had a pen-pal, so I would need practice in that also.


Feel free to PM me.



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I can guarantee interesting letters. Trust me. If you write to me, my reply will be swifter than a bullet, More poignant than a baby smoking an opium pipe, and with more philosophical weight than a library bookshelf titled "existentialism"



I like creative/humorous writings. Quick satirical pieces, quirky stories etc. I like a lot. If you are this way inclined (75 degrees to the horizontal) I can guarantee you won't get bored. You'll only get mail.


so..pm me?

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I'm looking for a pen pal to practice my cursive. My 92-year-old aunt was my pal, but up and passed away.


If you'd like to hear what's new in the US desert southwest, give me a PM.

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Hello everyone!

My name's is Estivalia (no, really, it is) and I'm 24 years old. Full-time Graphic Design student (with a thing for web design) and part-time artist.


My interests are varied. I love reading, music (sadly, I don't play any instruments, I just sing... much to my neighbors' displeasure ;)), hoarding collecting journals and postage stamps, photography (not really good at it though) and all sorts of artistic endeavours (watercolors, acrylics, sketching, calligraphy, name it).


I ride a bike instead of taking a bus.


You can get to know a little bit more of me from my blog http://365drawings.wordpress.com/


Drop me a line if you'd like to write :P



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I'd like to take a stab at this.


Not big on religion or politics, but everything else is fair game.


Love talking about technology and computers in general. Have travelled here and there a bit as well.


New to the penpal thing as well.


FYI, I think handwriting sucks, so you've been warned.

Edited by kindalame
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I am so up for a little snail mail letter writing. It would be so nice to exchange some letters to people all over the world, count me in and contact me if you'd like to write or be written to!!



Beneath the rule of men entirely great, the pen is mightier than the sword.

Robert Bulwer-Lytton http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/606/letterji9.png

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Hey everybody!


I am up to writing if anybody has an interest.


A little about me:

My name is Ryan, and I am a 17 year old homeschool student. I love sports, music, reading, and pens (even though I am a new convert). I play on a varsity baseball team and am currently ranked number 4 in the state for sporter class 10 meter air rifle shooting (if any of you follow that wonderful sport). I also play the viola in my county youth orchestra. Unlike some of you guys, I do not speak a foreign language, but I do know a little sign language which probably wouldn't translate well to a letter :D . Just to warn anybody interested, I have never really had a pen-pal, so I might be a little slow on picking up the format. Feel free to PM me if you want to write.

http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/5642/postcardde9.png http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/606/letterji9.png
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Hello everybody!


I`ve been participating in this forum for some time now and i think it`s time to give this thread a try. One of the other FPN`ers managed to get me started on writing letters again (hey Jerry, thanks!)

I`m 28, i recently quit the army and now work in a bank. I have a lovely wife and one smart and beautiful 2,5 years daughter. I love FP`s, of course, and i love to write with them. My perfect pen is a P51 with a stub nib filled with Diamine Oxblood.

I love nature (and hate all those who harm it), 70`s to 90-`s music, fishing (though i don`t have enough time for it), telling/ listening to jokes.

Drop a PM and i`ll be happy to start a friendship!

Edited by Ispriluc

Parker 51 Vacumatic 0.7 Masuyama stub; TWSBI 540 M; TWSBI 580 1.1; Mabie, Todd and Bard 3200 stub; Waterman 14 Eyedropper F; 2 x Hero 616; several flexible dip nibs

owned for a time: Parker 45 flighter Pendleton stub, Parker 51 aerometric F, Parker 51 Special 0.7 Binder stub, Sheaffer Valiant Snorkel M, Lamy Joy Calligraphy 1.5 mm, Pelikan M200 M, Parker Vacumatic US Azure Blue M, Parker Vacumatic Canada Burgundy F, Waterman 12 Eyedropper, Mabie Todd SF2 flexible F

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I have a few long-term correspondents, but unfortunately they're all via email today, and I'd like to exchange some old-fashioned penmanship by snail mail! In the 1970s I had a penpal (literally, by pen) who lived in the USSR and I remember both the uncertainty of delivery as well as the excitement of a letter's arrival.


I'm 60, a retired college professor who lives in a very rural area of the northern U.S. I'm well beyond liberal politically and an ex-Catholic atheist with strong opinions about religion and separation of church and state. I am in a committed SS relationship for seven years now with my wonderful and loving partner. Aside from fountain pens, I enjoy the outdoors in all four seasons with our dog as my companion, our two cats, am a major movie buff (especially anything science fiction), love reading authors' first novels, have very eclectic tastes in music, and am into the extremely geeky world of model railroading. I also enjoy photography. I write in my journal for myself. I have written, co-authored, or edited several books in my professional field, and now that I'm retired, I hack away with attempts at fiction.


If any of that sounds interesting to you, I'd enjoy hearing from you. Thanks for reading this!



Inked and ready to write: Montegrappa Espressione, an Aurora, a Waterman Phileas, a Rotring 600, a Pelikan 205 and a Pelikan highlighter, a couple of Lamy Safaris, Al-Star, and Studio, and a couple of Levengers.

Tantum malorum religio suadere potuit.

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Here goes...


I'm 35 years old, litigating lawyer / wine and spirits writer, situated in the lovely Israel, not far from Tel Aviv.


I have some very nice pens, very nice inks, and some fine stationary - but not enough people to write to (other than the occasional Marriage Congratulations note).


Notes from this side of the Meditterrenean, with my non-native English - anybody?



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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I've never really written letters before, but I'd like to!


Anyway, I'm 19 and currently pursuing music performance in college. I like to knit and crochet, but spend most of my non-practice time reading and discussing books. I'd love to practice spanish with someone, though I'm not that great at it. And I lean way to the left politically.


If that sounds interesting, then please send me a pm!



Currently using: pelikan 320 + sheaffer balance

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I last posted here about 2 years ago, and traded some nice letters with people. Then my wife got even MORE pregnant, and then our third daughter was born and life got even MORE hectic 8-). That was the end of letter writing for a while.


I've started up again, and sent letters to those I'd been corresponding with but I'd enjoy having more people to write.


I'm 45, have daughters from 1.5 to 6 years old, and enjoy many hobbies. I do enjoy pens and inks and papers, but my letter tend to be mostly about other things.


So, if you'd like a letter, just send me an address via PM, or ask for mine.






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Hi there,


I'd be interested in participating however there are so many people of a much higher intellectual standing here than my own i woudn't want to insult someone by presuming that they'd be interested. My handwriting leaves much to be desired however my return to fountainpendom of late was inspired by the loan of one and the memories of primary school!


A quick bio


32 yrs old, married to a lovely wife with 2 lovely kids and another en route in a few weeks.

Born and raised in Northern Ireland for my sins, been here and seen some of the worst in human nature and also some of the best. When you see armoured vehicles and squads of soldiers standing in the midde of your high street with military helicopters flying overhead it's almost a state of vritual reality, like it isn't really happening.

I'm a Martial Arts instructor of some 13 years and I own a paintball site which i run on weekends, I work full time during the week as an inventory auditor for a large multinational corporation. It's boring and mundane but there's nothing quite like a guaranteed wage at the end of the month either ;)

I am starting to learn scuba diving which I have to say is a fascinating activity.


While martial arts, paintball and scuba diving all appear to be high adrenaline activities I'm actually quite a reserved person. The idea of penpals is a thing which should never be cast to one side by the convenience and anonymity of email.


If anyone is interested, do please feel free to PM :)

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I am new to this forum and would love to receive letters from all over the world. I am 44 years old and have 4 grown children and 4 granddaughters. I have many hobbies to include photography, drawing, painting, knitting, and many more. Politics and religion have their place in certain conversations and I would rather leave them out of personal letters.

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Hi, I too would love to receive letters from around the world.


So about me, Im 32 and I spend most of my day in front of a computer and really miss writing documents and letters long hand.


I love to read, crime novels mostly, I love music, most any kind and I love the sight of a page filled with hand written beautifully coloured text.


Hope to hear from some of you soon


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I love the idea of snail mail. Specifically, I think it would be really cool if someone could write to me in Italian (I've got two college courses under my belt) and see if I can translate it correctly :-) Then I can make an attempt at writing back in Italian. Or English speakers are cool too, whatevs :-)


About me:

IT systems admin at a university

Art studio major at same university - I'm finally graduating in Dec after being at it for nearly 10 years (write me and I'll tell you all about it)

Major office supply geek

New to FPs- until I was in high school I didn't think they were actually still produced!

Liberal leanings, don't usually get too into politics though

Have tattoos and piercing


Married, no kids, don't want any

Sort of read/write Italian and Spanish, I've forgotten a lot but would like to brush up

I like (in no particular order): reading, photography, sewing, trying to hit tennis balls, running, making collages, wakeboarding


If you want to write or want me to write to you, PM me!



Sample Request: I really really want to try Diamine Steel Blue. I will trade you samples!


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