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Snail Mail Writing List


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Kristina/lady flash


I would love to start writing to people through the mail. I've been into pens and writing most of my life but I just found fountain pens a few months ago, and now of course I'm hooked. A little bit about me I'm 27 and work in Healthcare IT and am going to school at night. When I can find free time I like to write (not artistically, I just like to have pen to paper), quilt, run, bike, watch movies and a bit of TV. I'm in Southwest Ohio and would be willing to write in English to anyone anywhere. I know a bit of German, which would be fun to try but it would have to be kept to a pretty basic level, at least until I pick it back up.



Good friends are like stars... You don't always see them, but you always know they're there...

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I love to write. I haven't written a letter in quite some time, and would highly enjoy a penpal (or pals). I just turned 37. I am single, no children, and I live with my parents. I have health issues that have kind of put a wrench in the works; however, I have been able to increase my education through online learning. I am currently a graduate student working on a degree in Theology.

Um....what else..... I am the oldest of 8 children. I enjoy crochet, making soap, baking, reading (Christian living and Christian fiction mostly), classic movies and Good Gospel music. I am a quiet person - actually quite shy but getting better in that area - and I have a good sense of humor.

If you are interested send me a PM. I look forward to corresponding with you :)



Edited by fromheart2page

Life is short, Death is sure - Sin is the cause, Christ is the cure.

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Hi there. :) I go by the name of Jade.


To be honest, I hadn't written a letter since the 4th grade when we had penpals.

A little bio:


Just turned 21 two months ago and am a junior in college, majoring in pharmaceutical sciences. I am however, very much on the fence of switching majors and going into nursing. There's something about creating that bond with patients that I find much more rewarding and in tune with my personality.


I'm pretty open to any and all subjects. I like learning about different cultures (I'd always wondered how it would be like to go into anthropology). I like challenging myself and trying to make the most of what I have - to the point that if frugality were a hobby, that would be my #1. :P


I enjoy playing the ukulele every now and again. I do enjoy crafts A LOT, particularly when it comes to stationery. I'd currently gotten into the addiction of creating my own stickers and purikura shots with friends.


:D Please PM me if interested. I look forward to it. ^^

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I'll also throw my hat into this ring. As for my bio, I'm 56 for another month. I live with my wife and our cat Fred. We both were raised in Western Michigan and have lived here all our lives. We have two grown son's and now one grandson who is a handfull at 3 years old. I spent 33 years working in the engineering field laying out printed circuit boards. Due to "outsourcing",I was forced out of that occupation. Out of boredom now and for a lack of something to do, I've gone back to college to try my hand at medical coding.

We live in the country on 2 acres and every year manage a big garden. I've touched on many intrests throughout my life,dairy farming,bee keeping,baking bread,photography,astronomy,I've played the violin in a community orchestra for the past 28 years,just to name a few things. Opera is our newest undertaking at the present.

Now that I have a fresh bottle of ink and a new stack of paper, I'm ready to answer all letters! Pecking away at a keyboard just isn't the same as a fine letter in cursive style! Please drop me a pm if interested.

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Ohhhh I so love a letter.


I am a 38 male, in the middle of no where, (Wyoming), work in a small hospital as a ICU (Intensive Care Nurse), have done many things in my life till I found something that I like and I am good at, being a nurse that is, enjoy camping, reading, roasting my own coffee, and book making, although I am not so good at book making my skills are improving, a wife, 2 kids, a cat, a dog, a guinea pig, a rabbit, a hedgehog and fish also live with me. I so love writing but all my previous pen-pals went digital and I hate FB so my letter writing is not so good as it used to be.

and I love old manuscripts, and photography, I am self taught illuminator, and want to make it across the pond to see the old illuminated bibles in the churches across Europe. that and dining across europe, (cooking although no longer my career is still something I enjoy doing.

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I bought the pen, the ink and the stationary. Now I just need a penpal.


I'm a 27 year-old translator from Belgium. I love music, literature (in the broadest sense of the word), writing and gaming. I live with my boyfriend, our pet rabbit and hamster. I play the violin when I have the time and am currently following a creative writing course. I can correspond in Dutch, English and German (although it's not as fluent as my English). I'm hoping to add French to this list later, but it is veeeeerrry rusty (I can understand and read it alright, but I'm not confident speaking or writing it).


I will write to anywhere, as long as it'll give me the chance to use my pens.

Edited by lady_findel

My pens: Montblanc 145 Chopin burgundy and gold F, Waterman Audace Summer Night F, Waterman Phileas Marbled Gray M, Rembrandt Visconti black F, Lamy 2000 EF, Wality eyedropper F, Sailor Realo M, Sailor 1911 Music nib, Namiki Falcon SF, Platinum Maestro #3776 F, Sailor Creatures of the Deep Seahorse B nib, Visconti Art Nouveau M, Stipula Il Giardino LE 1.1 stub



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Hello from Singapore~

I've always wanted to write letters (found it cool since I was a child) and have a penpal. I have never written a letter before, though.


I'm a student (or will be, this coming April) in Ngee Ann Polytechnic, studying Aerospace Technology. I love food, reading, writing, history, sunflowers, anime and recently, fountain pens. I also have an interest in military history, fighter jets and space crafts though I am not very well verse in those topics.


I'm currently learning Russian and am hoping to add Japanese, French and many more languages into the list:)


I'm a Habs fan and love watching hockey, though I have never tried it at all (I've only ice skated once in my life and it had nothing to do with hockey) so there are frankly still some hockey terms and 'stuff' that I am unsure of as all of my 'hockey knowledge' came from wiki.



I don't mind writing to anyone from anywhere:) PM me if you're interested!

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Hi all!


I'm a 26 year-old Orthodox Christian seminarian student from Texas. I currently live in Boston, MA where I attend school and live with my wife. I love music, cooking, reading, philosophy, history, and theology.


Some other things about me:


- I love period pieces.

- I'm a lapsed gamer (used to really be into first person shooters)

- I collect a lot of shaving paraphernalia. Straight razors, badger brushes, etc.

- My musical interests are pretty eclectic, running the gamut from Prince to Frank Zappa; to Maxwell to Handel.

Edited by Texican
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I'm a 19 year old computer science major from California.


I enjoy discussing most topics, and have an unfortunate tendency to have strong opinions about many of them.


I love listening to music, especially classical, rock, and punk.

I consider myself a writer, although I can't seem to get myself to finish anything.

I love reading. One of my favorite authors is Douglas Adams.

I am an atheist, and I see little merit in any religion.


I've never actually sent a letter before that wasn't for a school project, so I'm looking forward to having a reason to write and use my pens.

Lamy: AL-star (Aluminum EF), Safari (Black EF)

Namiki: Falcon SF

Parker: "51", "21"

TWSBI: Diamond 530 EF

Noodler's: Army Green, Lexington Gray


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Hey all,


So, I'll throw one out there.


I'm about to graduate high school, 18 years old. Interested in Chemistry and Poly Sci.

I wish I could read as much as I want to, so books are important, especially classical era authors (relating to politics and the such)


I'm conservative leaning on the political spectrum, to avoid any possible conflicts- but hey, I would want to have some good discussions via mail. So, don't let that be any sign of anything.


Hunting, Golf, technology, cars, European history etc are some of my "hobbies"

hmm...what else...

PM system is good for contact!



Not looking for any lifelong "commitments" :roflmho:

To hold a pen is to be at war


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Hi, I've been using fountain pens since I was about six.

My first pen leaked all over my fingers, clothes, everything. My mum was thrilled that my handwriting suddenly improved but not so pleased at the mess...


Over the years I've amassed about 130, most of which aren't too costly. I've collected (literally) from all over the world.


I hate ballpoint pens and only use them when forced to!!!


Anyway, I've been settled for 20 years, in Nottingham from my childhood home in Brisbane, Australia.


I hope someone responds to this, I'd love to have a "real" penpal.

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Have time for another one or two people. Please read my "About Me" page if interested.

Edited by YesIamnotiamnit

He who says he knows but does not act does not yet know.
~ Wang Yangming


When I grow up I want to be just like Calvin.

~ Me

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Hello everyone, I'd like some snail mail action :)


I'm a 21 year old electrical engineering student from Croatia. I like engineering and science in general, but I'm not very good with art (apart from music). I'm new to fountain pens, if not chronologically then definitely numerically - I only have one at the moment. Still, I'd like to put it to good use, and I can't think of anything better than exchanging letters with people from around the world.


Send a PM my way if you're interested!

When beliefs need some modification, we make it with much trepidation,

For our world is then new, and things seem all askew,

‘til we’re used to the new formulation.

Arnold Tustin


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Hello everyone,


I'm new here and love writing letters. I haven't written a proper letter in a while, mainly because all of my pen pals have moved towards emails and that doesn't always have the same appeal.


Some details about me: I'm in my late 30's, currently living outside of Savannah, Georgia but that could change at any time. I love traveling, taking photographs, listening to music, reading, making and sending cards, knitting, cooking, eating, meeting new people and basically just enjoying life.


PM me for contact details. If I take a while to respond it's because I'm still learning how to use this site.

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How's it going. Angelo B. Maranzano here. I live in Converse TX just outside San Antonio. have not been able to use a pen well for a while due to a bad accident. Now I am back and ready to start on the old form of communicating! The best way of communicating in my opinion, the quintessential hand-written letter.

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Hey Everyone,


I would like to find a few people to exchange letters. I was on the postcard swap but due to my forgetfulness (at the time) I fell by the wayside. I would like to change that and am eager to write about anything to anyone.


I'm an Architecture student out in Ohio and am currently working on my final project which is to design a new library in the Clifton area of downtown Cincinnati. My two favorite Architects are Horace Trumbauer and Mies Van Der Rohe. Kind of funny since Trumbauer was a Classicist heavily rooted in the French Beaux-Arts traditions whereas Mies was a Modernist who said, "Less is More.'"


Besides Architecture, I love cycling and just picked up a new Bianchi for my birthday. I also love history, in particular both World Wars and Russian stuff.


I am currently teaching myself French after 3 three years worth in high school. I would love to find someone who can write tidbits in French so I can practice my skills. I spent my summer in Paris and it was truly the best few months of my life and one day I would like to move to France. In fact one of my most favorite pens is a beautiful S.T. Dupont Orpheo that I picked up in Paris.


There's more to me but for the time being this is just a little intro.


Please PM me if interested.



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I'm a little nervous about writing letters because my handwriting is in a word bad. But It would be awfully fun to get to use my new pen(s) and see if I can improve!


I'm a 36 year old freelance writer and personal trainer in Central Texas. Originally from Colorado, I moved to Washington D.C. for college and stayed. After 10 years in the DC Metro area I moved to Austin in order to go to graduate school. Once I'm in, my field will be exercise psychology. I've traveled in Europe several times and once upon a time spoke pretty good French. I'm slowly working to get back to fluency. I love visiting new places! I got to go to Venice this past summer and loved it! I want to go back. I'm also a total history junkie. I run from British Imperial India to American Civil War to whatever catches my interest next. If it's history, chances are good I enjoy it.


I foster cats and kittens for a local animal rescue in my spare time, and also enjoy photography. This is some of my work, not currently as updated as I like. I love baseball (New York Yankees), hockey, (New Jersey Devils), and football (Longhorns or Denver Broncos). I also love cycling and try to follow cricket when I can. Rugby passes across my radar as well. (And curling. How could I forget curling. I am a curling FIEND!)


I can talk current events, politics, and policy with the best of them. I'll probably drive you crazy by picking the opposite position just so I can play devil's advocate. :)


If it interests you, feel free to drop me a line. I can't promise the easiest to read letter, but it should be interesting once you learn to decipher Claraeese. :) I like meeting people from all over and postage isn't an issue.

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Hi there!


I currently live in Singapore, a tiny little nation state that's so small, I've a feeling many of you may not be able to find it without resorting to Google Maps. :lol:


I'm currently in my mid-20s, working an IT job within the maritime industry. I've recently started to pick up reading again after a long hiatus. The hope here is to expand the borders of my mind to match the expanding waistline of my pants, which I believe is an all too common ill afflicting us button-pushers. (Oh, the happy days of being a student!)


In what seemed like a previous life where I was much more active, I spent 2 years jumping out of airplanes and helicopters during the period of military conscription that we have over here, for all male citizens who reach 18 years of age.


My other hobbies include skating, which I've been enjoying since the age of 11. At last count, I have more than 20 scars on my knees and elbows from skating-related injuries.


I also enjoy computer games and apart from documentaries and the occasional drama serial, I don't watch television all that much.


Finally, an unrelated shoutout to all you Americans out there who get all in a fluster when the price of gas hits $4/gallon.. On a good day over here in Singapore, petrol costs twice that price. I'm so glad that I don't own a car. :roflmho:


Do drop me a PM if you're interested in swapping letters! It's something I haven't done for a few years. It should be fun. I do promise to try making my handwriting as legible as possible. :ph34r:

Edited by unfilterd

“Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one's self-esteem. That is why young children, before they are aware of their own self-importance, learn so easily.” - Thomas Szasz



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Hello there! I would love to get involved in this. I am new to the world of fountain pens but have caught the bug bad and this seems like a great way to make more use of my pens, as well as meet some people from around the world.


I'm 26 and live in London, UK, though I'm originally from the Midlands. I work in IT in the City, and I also run a website about spirits and cocktails that has led to me writing professionally for several publications and judge competitions around the world. My favourite cocktail is probably the Martinez, or a well made rye Old Fashioned.


In my spare time enjoy visiting art galleries, going to see ballet/opera/plays, as well as less low brow pursuits like movies and standup comedy. I'm a big fan of classic films, especially earlier musicals (Astaire and Rogers, Busby Berkley etc) , Audrey Hepburn, and film noir. I also read a lot, generally nonfiction (current affairs, science, biographies) though I am trying to make an effort to read more fiction, especially classics I've yet to read.


My other big love is travel. My favourite place in the world is probably New York and I try to visit at least once a year (next visit May, cannot wait!). I also really love Germany, in particular Berlin, Hamburg and Cologne. One day I'd love to spend some time improving my German - I studied it for five years at school but remember embarrassingly little. 


Would love to hear from anyone anywhere in the world, so PM me if you're interested in an exchange! Thanks.

- James

Montblanc "F. Scott Fitzgerald" (M), "Mark Twain" (F) & "William Faulkner" (B) Writers Editions - Classic Pens "CP8 Murelli" Flamme (1.0mm stub) - Visconti "Cosmopolitan" Vermeil Gold (1.3mm stub)

Caran D'Ache "Grand Canyon" & "Saffron" - Iroshizuku "Shin-ryoku", "Tsuki-yo" & "Yama-budo" - J. Herbin "1670" - Montblanc "Midnight Blue"

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I think it's time for me to have someone other than my wife to write to (sappy, I know).


I am a 26-year-old software engineer in the Baltimore/DC area of the USA. I am interested in most tech-related topics (DRM, Web privacy, the Singularity, Google's robot cars, etc). I am a recent (two years ago) Catholic convert and a small-l libertarian. I sometimes drink but rarely smoke (I like Yuengling and kreteks - damn you Obama for banning flavored cigarettes!). I have a German degree, but have lapsed terribly (I wasn't all that great back when I graduated) and would love to have a chance to practice that with a penpal. I also enjoy using the Shavian alternate writing system.


I have two blogs where you might learn more about me: imnotpete.com is my general/tech blog (more general than tech, over the years), while ink.imnotpete.com is my more recent creative blog (sketches, poetry, photography).


I like science fiction and indie music. I read several dozen webcomics daily. I have been married for 4 years this May. We have two pets, a lovely cat named Ana and Molly, our rotten dog.


Oh, and what's probably most important to readers here: I love fountain pens, though I have no great collection yet. My daily writer is a Parker 45, which is also the best pen I have. I also have a Lamy Safari (my first fountain pen and the 45's predecessor) and various cheaper pens I play around with occasionally. I have no great paper to write on yet, but as my current Moleskine is nearly full, I will be replacing it with something respectable -- probably a Rhodia webbie and a pad of CF Triomphe.

imnotpete.com (tech/general blog)

ink.imnotpete.com (creative blog)

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