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Snail Mail Writing List


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What the heck - I'll throw my hat in the ring...


I'm Andrew - an IT worker from the upper Midwest right now. I grew up here then moved to Arkansas during college and lived down there for 11 years. Naturally, anything computer related is fair game, though I can speak a whole lot more about Linux and related tech than Windows. Other than at work where I am required, I haven't used a Windows OS as a primary system since 2002, and even then I was only dual booting it.


I've got many interests, some listed below in what I pulled from my "About Me" page, so I am interested in communicating about many topics. One of the big aspects of my life right now are elder-issues as I relocated last spring to be near my ailing parents. I was a late-in-life child, so I'm getting to experience this aspect of life a bit ahead of schedule, but all is well. It is a true adventure. Reading has started to be more of a pass time as well as I have more time now than I had with my previous job (and grad school at the same time), though most of the books I have been reading center on US history and politics. They're favorite subjects with me, as is Christian theology and philosophy (always on that quest for better understanding of self). Fly fishing is another big one in life right now, it's been a hobby for the past several years and this year I decided to start tying my own flies - catching fish on flies is very rewarding, catching them on my own flies will likely be a great rush. Anything outdoors & nature related are also favorite subjects.


I'm open to anyone, just fair warning that I only speak English (of which I am ashamed, but if we count programming languages I'm in double digits), and would love to chat with folks from anywhere. PM me if you're interested.


Hmm... About me?


I am a 30-something IT worker living in the upper Midwest. In my current job I am responsible for managing and maintaining several server and software systems for healthcare provider system, and I am enjoying it. Prior to this job, I was a software engineer working on various systems, primarily working in Java and on the JBoss application server. Currently I'm trying to get back in the swing of things and get involved in the development of JBoss and a couple other Java tools I've used in the past.


I hold a Master's degree in Computer Science, and a Bachelor's degree in Political Science. No, they don't really go together - it is what happens when you meet someone and decide that staying put sounds better than heading off to work on that PhD. For me, my involvement in IT is a hobby gone way overboard.


In 2010 I relocated with my wife to be near my family and take a less demanding job that would allow me the time to be with my ailing parents and help my brother run his farm. It has been an adventure for all involved, and a real learning experience for my wife and me.


Obviously I'm a huge fan of fountain pens - my primary interest has turned towards early flat tops, without a whole lot of focus on a particular company. If pressed, I will always choose Conway Stewart as my preferred brand - but I really like most any old pen with a good nib. Currently, I've been using a lot of 20's hard rubber pens, along with some modern flat tops. There is also a real soft-spot in my heart for Jade - so much so my wife tells me I need more non-green pens, and is happen when something with a color other than green or black shows up.


Some of my other interests are reading, fly-fishing, hunting, camping, politics, history, philosophy, theology, environmental/conservation, agriculture, tractors (that will be a future hobby - I already have an Unstyled John Deere 'L'), cycling (though I've fallen away from this), and many others. One of the big ones coming up is fly-tying as I got a nice set up for that for Christmas this year, so I'll be starting that soon so I can land some fish with my own flies. Okay, and I'll admit to being a gamer - I used to play a lot of Halo, and that has turned to World of Warcraft for the time being until Diablo III drops at which point I go back to that series.


Of course, there's a lot more... Just PM me and chat!

-- dreg

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Hi there,


I'd be interested in participating however there are so many people of a much higher intellectual standing here than my own i woudn't want to insult someone by presuming that they'd be interested. My handwriting leaves much to be desired however my return to fountainpendom of late was inspired by the loan of one and the memories of primary school!


A quick bio


32 yrs old, married to a lovely wife with 2 lovely kids and another en route in a few weeks.

Born and raised in Northern Ireland for my sins, been here and seen some of the worst in human nature and also some of the best. When you see armoured vehicles and squads of soldiers standing in the midde of your high street with military helicopters flying overhead it's almost a state of vritual reality, like it isn't really happening.

I'm a Martial Arts instructor of some 13 years and I own a paintball site which i run on weekends, I work full time during the week as an inventory auditor for a large multinational corporation. It's boring and mundane but there's nothing quite like a guaranteed wage at the end of the month either ;)

I am starting to learn scuba diving which I have to say is a fascinating activity.


While martial arts, paintball and scuba diving all appear to be high adrenaline activities I'm actually quite a reserved person. The idea of penpals is a thing which should never be cast to one side by the convenience and anonymity of email.


If anyone is interested, do please feel free to PM :)

Edited by Dusty
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I just helped my 7yo write the first letter to his first penpal, so I thought I'd reach out and look for one of my own.


I'm something of a polymath -- I think sometimes that only I see the connections between my myriad interests:


  • Hacking / Open Source Software
  • Web Development
  • Hiking / Backpacking
  • Ham Radio (KC9PUA)
  • Martial Arts
  • History and Politics
  • Armchair Anthropology/Sociology
  • Writing
  • Rug Weaving
  • Loomed Seed Bead Work
  • Fountain Pens
  • Cooking
  • Many others that I just don't have the time for

My first (and only fluent) written language is English, though I know some Latin and would find it interesting to knock the rust off of that one. I look forward to exchanging letters with some new people. :)

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Reposting mine! :)


I'm a late twenties, Catholic, SAHM. I used to be reasonably intelligent, but am currently suffering from a severe case of mommybrainitis. My primary interests are reading (anything really, but on a big non-fic jag lately), cooking, baking, gardening, Islamic history, sustainable/humane/etc. agriculture, and chicken keeping. I don't do any fiber crafts or quilting, but I enjoy reading and learning about them. History major with minors in anthro, bio, and chem so I'm kinda eclectic. Just keep the scary numbers away from me.

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Hi! I used to have a penpal, but that was a long time ago.

I'm graduating high school soon, and then going into the wonderful field of Nursing!

I like photography, my LAMY Vista fountain pen, playing guitar, and singing waaaaaay out of tune.

Plus I love Jack Johnson, Jon Foreman and general acoustic music.


I'd like a penpal in the US, but somewhere with a small amount of postage difference from the US would be acceptable as well :)


Be my penpal? Message me :)

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I told my wife that one of the reasons I was "looking into the possibility of getting a fountain pen" was to start writing letters to people; friends, family, pen pal, etc. So here we are 10+ pens later... I think it is time to start actually writing. :)


I am 40 years old, married for almost a year to my darling wife. We have three kids, "my daughter" is 15 years old and "her kids" are an eight year old daughter and four year old son. Even though we are a blended family of two previous marriages, they are all three "my kids" proudly and lovingly.


I am a Christian and my faith is a very important aspect of mine and my family's lives. I was born into a Christian family, grew up in the church, turned from my faith at one point in my life, and thankfully came back to it again. I am now prayerfully working through where Christ wants me to be in my life right now. Several years ago I was extremely blessed to be able to semi-retire from the IT industry. The past three years I have been mostly a stay at home Dad to my daughter prior to getting married again last summer. Recently I have been prayerfully considering whether or not I will be going back to school to attend Seminary.


Of course I am interested in Fountain Pens and inks. As for activities now, my family and faith gets most of my spare time. I love to cook and learned from a family member who was a classically trained French Chef. I teach The Gospel to children in our church's Awana program and a Bible Study program for troubled teens in a non-profit association here in St. Louis. I also like to read, study my Bible(s), write in my prayer journal on a regular basis, and attempt to write in my daily journal on a not-so-daily basis.


In the past I played hockey as a goalie for 25 years and still a big hockey fan, was an avid pistol shooter for many as well, worked as a lobbyist, earned a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, and was an Eagle Scout as a kid/teen.


So... if anyone finds any of that interesting and would like to start writing me, I would love to write back! :)


Thanks and God Bless!

- Timothy

Edited by Pensfan

this year, or this month, or, more likely, this very day, we have failed to practice ourselves the kind of behavior we expect from other people.

~ C.S. Lewis

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Letter exchange :]


I haven't written letters in years and will probably write completely contrary to the proper format, but I promise not to ramble on too much if that is an issue. I'm a 24ish year old hospital pharmacist adrift on the seas of life, with interests that range from video games to arts, literature and the medical sciences. Occasionally I may comment on society and its various issues, but only for lack of other conversational topics.


Basically I'm willing to get letters about anything and everything! (and reply to them as best I can). These pens need a good workout and I might as well write something (and someone) sensible, rather than the drivel I've been churning out. Drivel gets depressing every so often T_T


PS: Posting is not an issue for me, but others may find Australia a little far away, so YMMV.

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Good day to all


I am in my early 20s and live in Brisbane, Australia. Currently studying medicine after dipping into linguistics and Greek in my wayward adolescence. Interested in literature (though I read not as much as I ought), knitting, history and current affairs. Happy to correspond with anyone with anything to say.

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Hello everyone,


I would be interested also a letter exchange.

Although I imagine as content rather poems or short stories by well-known or unknown artists could. But self-written stories or poems.

Possibly a reference to the used fountain pen, ink and paper.

My mother tongue is German, but I can also English.

Please look over my mistakes.


I love poems by famous artists write in German. I am a big fan of Hermann Hesse and Friedrich Dürrematt.


Here is my introduction from "New members":


Hello All of you,

I would like to introduce myself:


In real life my name is Edwin Schäfer, married, two kids (born in 1981 and born in 1994) live in northern Saarland, Germany.

I am a computer scientist and work at a pharmaceutical distributor.

I was born in 1958 and have found it here even more members in my age, which was also a reason for me to register in the pen forum.


I'm not the great collectors of fountain pens, but I love to write with the pen as a balance to my work computer.

Although I have several fountain pens from Pelikan and most of Lamy.

With which I can write well and thus has no need as many new pens. :-)

What times!


Best regards,Edwin Schäfer (aka annajo)


Thanks a lot,


Edited by annajo
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Hey All!


I’m still relatively new to both FPN and collecting in general, but I am a pen pal seasoned pro.

Okay, so brief bio.


My name is Sarah Potvin and I’m 23 years old. I just graduated from the University of Waterloo with a Undergraduate in Geology and a minor in Math. Somehow or another I ended up working in graphic design for mobile app’s. I’m a bit of a nerd and spend most of my free time reading. In my favourite authors, currently at least, are Haruki Murakami, Timothy Findley, Gabriel García Márquez and Kobo Abe. The rest of my time is usually spent baking, fishing/spending time outdoors, skiing (weather permitting), watching starcraft games and playing scrabble. I’m pretty boring actually, but my interests are pretty varied when I don’t think about it too much.


Umm. What else. I enjoy visiting the Royal Ontario Museum and trying to talk families into letting me take their kids in for free (I have a family membership that allows for 4 kids free entrance, I have no children, so I attempt to acquire some before entering). I also love spending time at University libraries, especially the medical section. They have the coolest books!


Anyways if anyone is interested feel free to PM/email me. Oh, and postage really isn’t an issue, so it doesn’t matter to me where you are.

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Hello all;


I'd love to get some snail mail from folks. I'll promise to make a concerted effort to return your post promptly.


In the way of bio...


I live in Arvada, CO, USA; 20 km north north-west of the state capitol, Denver. Darcie and I attend to two kids, two cats, 18 fish and an owl that lives in our maple tree with food, shelter, education and the odd toy. I have a number of interests that I rotate so as not to get too boring. I'm currently reading the Iliad and will start on the epic of Gilgamesh next week; I'm also making my way through Euclid's Elements. I've read tons of sci-fi, spy-fiction and historical fiction/non-fiction. I try to do a bit of stargazing when the weather permits; I just purchased a 200 mm Newtonian/Dobsonian telescope to couple with my 90mm and my astronomy binocs. If the weather doesn't cooperate we all enjoy microscopy, we have a 40-1600x binocular that will allow us to attach a camera. I'm fluent in Spanish, passable in Italian and German and struggle with French. I'm working on learning Esperanto. I love debate, both written and verbal, from politics to business to philosophy to football (soccer) and home repair. I can't say I'm too much of a sports nut, just football (again, the game that involves feet and balls, not gird-iron) and follow American, Mexican and British leagues; go Rapids, go Chivas, go Arsenal!


Other interests include biking (to and from work), ham radio (kd0fki - when my antenna is up) and business (analysis, investment and real estate -- I just finished a couple of MBAs). I work as the Director of Production for the Denver Business Journal and help out my dad with his RE business. We're a Buddhist (Zen/Vipassana) family but hold that everyone has the right to believe that which makes sense to them. I make it a point not to proselytize and try never to confuse faith with science; the former needs no proof the latter demands rigorous, reproduce-able, refutable proof. Science and reason play a big part in our family and in my life.


Well that's it. Please contact me if you'd like to write.




cogito sum, ergo, sum, cogito

i think i am, therefore, i am, i think

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Count me in!


To be honest, this is the main reason why I joined FPN - I'm more interested in finding reasons to use my pens than in acquiring pens I won't use. That said, I imagine the old n+1 bug (where n is the number of pens currently owned, and n+1 is the optimum size of one's collection) will probably rear its head soon enough.


I'm 26, and I haven't had much cause to write a "social" letter for about fifteen years. I work with spreadsheets and databases, and study computing at home, so a part of me yearns for simple old-fashioned things like nice pens and paper.


My hobbies are quite varied and interesting (to me, at least), albeit a little eclectic. I haven't read as much as I'd like lately, but I'm fixing this with increasing doses of manga and sci-fi, and I'm trying to keep fit by cycling, playing ultimate and training for a triathlon. As a single guy living alone, I'm even learning to cook - shocking to those who know me! I also love the outdoors, especially walking and rock climbing.


Well I'll quieten down now, before I run out of things to talk about! It'd be great to write to some new people and hopefully get a new perspective on life. I'm in the UK, and postage costs aren't a particular issue to me.

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Hi all,


I really like this idea and would love to be part of it. Most of my "writing" now consists of thank-you and follow up cards along with some journaling. Here's a bit about me:


- Started my own consulting practice 2.5 years ago and never looked back.

- Love all things marketing, business, social media and trends related.

- Originally from Croatia, lived through 2 years of war and immigrated to Canada in 1996. Never been back since.

- I travel a bit these days and spend quite a bit of time in Hawaii.

- Found myself leaning towards Zen and Eastern philosophies over the last few years.

- Last year I came across the minimalist movement and have since been on a purge streak (fountain pens excluded... for now)



I'd love to exchange some ideas on:


- Public Speaking & Presenting

- Marketing & Social Media

- Business and Business Trends

- Simplicity & Minimalism

- Cognitive & Behaviour Psychology (I have an interest in how we think & make decisions, so I'd love some banter on that topic)

- Travel destinations & recommendations



BONUS: I'd be willing to write back with some marketing ideas for your business, if you send me the info. That might be kind of interesting as well.



Please do DM for mailing adress. I look forward to it!




Ernest // @ebarbaric

Edited by Ebarbaric

Ironically anachronistic // Digital Marketer // Art of meaningful work

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I have added my name to this list on a couple of occassions already. I am always interested in having more pen pals from anywhere in the world as long as we can correspond in English.


I am particularly keen, however, to have a pen pal from France ( to correspond in English). Is there anyone here who is French (and currently lives in France) who would like to correspond with a middle aged fat Englishman who never bothered to learn your language properly?


Edited to add:- Je parle Francais comme une vache Espagnole.

Edited by Jimothy

In omnibus requiem quaesivi, et nusquam inveni nisi in angulo cum libro.

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Hello all,


I would love to join the snail mail list. A little about myself:


I have seven children. I home school five of them. Three of those children have dyslexia.


I am a devout Catholic. My favorite author is Peter Kreeft, a Professor at Boston College and the C.S. Lewis of our day.


I am also a student and teacher of John Paul II's Theology of the Body. I think Christopher West is a very gifted teacher of TOB, and have been to several week long courses with him as the instructor.


I am the Campaign Director of 40 Days for Life in my city. I have been doing this since 2008, and it is very rewarding. I am very shy by nature, but the 40 Days has provided a way for me to get out of my comfort zone....way out of my comfort zone.


I have been a collector of writing instruments since I could hold a crayon. In sixth grade I had a pencil collection of all the football teams in the U.S. In college I switched from having to have the perfect pencil to needing the perfect ballpoint. Never satisfied, I finally found fountain pens about 5 years ago, and have never looked back.


It would be great to have a few people to simply write letters to. I have written a few to family and friends, but they never write back or even comment on the fact that they got a letter. I know a lot of what I am involved in revolves around "hot button" issues. I am not looking for debate. Fountain pens are my escape from the intensity of life.


Interested in a pen pal? PM me!

Edited by StyloBug33

God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind, I will never die.

-Bill Waterson

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This thread is a wonderful idea, and it will take me time - time well spent -to read through the pages of it. Each post is a window to a world, the world of that person and her or his life. I can see further into some than others, but all are fascinating and unique.


About me: I'm a 40 year old woman, in a committed SS partnership - our fourth anniversary is just around the corner. I live in Central Virginia, where I practice law as a legal aid attorney. Before I decided to go to law school, I pursued undergraduate and graduate degrees in philosophy, and specialized in philosophy of religion, with a focus on what most would call "the problem of evil." I was raised Catholic and attended Catholic grade school, high school, and university. While the Jesuits certainly influenced my thinking, both the content and the manner of it, I consider myself an agnostic or what might be called a pragmatic atheist. My intellectual interests are wide ranging and I love to consider new ideas even as I find myself also revisiting ideas and issues I have left alone for a while. I am an avid reader; I alternate between "serious" traditional literature and sci-fi / fantasy.


In addition to bookish pursuits, I also enjoy riding sport motorcycles, on the track when I can manage it, and in our local mountains on most weekends.


My handwriting is not too fantastic, but I'm working on it and I have found FP's certainly seem to improve it. I'm interested in philosophy and literature, but I'm also interested simply in meeting people and conversing with them. We're a bit isolated here, both because it is a small town and because my partner and I are open lesbians in a town that is famous for the presence and influence of a certain fundamentalist televangelist (here is a hint: he had a big problem with teletubbies).


I'd love to hear from you, and appreciate the time you have taken in reading this.


very respectfully,


Where your eyes go, the car goes. - Garth Stein

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I'll play! I'm female, about to turn 35, and a college student with plans to go into experimental neuropsychology. I read a lot of non-fiction; mostly science and history, with the occasional art or language book thrown in. I'm a complete geek. I've written professionally, both fiction (comic books) and non-fiction (research papers and the odd newspaper piece). I like music -- classical, goth, industrial, EBM, and 80's alternative, with the occasional indie and nerdcore artists thrown in. I am a gamer, a knitter, an atheist, a skeptic, and a kinkster. I am happily married and don't have/want kids.


I would prefer to correspond with people over 21 who have open minds and like talking about fiber arts, science, history, games, comics, programming, math... Whatever. Like I said, I'm a geek. :)

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Well, this is exactly what I was hoping to find. I haven't written a letter in years, besides for business and that has to be typed. The last letter I wrote was to a friend who moved away (as most friends of military children often do) when I was twelve. We recently found each other on facebook but have nothing to really say to each other anymore. Everyone else I know lives in the same town as me, which is a small size and I usually see them every day.


I have never had a pen pal or many friends for that fact. I enjoy peace and solitude, though having two children contradicts that.


My interests are few and vague. I have no exemplary talents in anything particular. You could say I'm a dabbler. I know odd bits and pieces of many different things. I rather know more people who know things than knowing them myself. As for idle time I'm learning to sew, I crochet, and write nonsensical things for my own amusement. I love reading, but I think I love watching television more. Not that anything good is ever on; it's just easy to lose oneself in it to keep the mind from buzzing. I'm a terrible cook, a stricter parent than most these days, attend church regularly, and am working towards a Master's in Computer Science. I enjoy historical parties and think steampunk is fascinating. I think a great deal of niceties and the golden rule. I am a fair, unbiased party to any who ask. I enjoy stimulating adult conversation, though I come across it rarely here. I am in no way prone to the thoughts of others. I wasted my time of caring to a deep degree of what people think of me and my views in high school and feel that a great debate is much more enjoyable than agreement. I am not political in any way and I never learned our state capitals.


I should also mention that I am not a very good friend in way of initiating. Though, in my defense, I have hardly the occasion for it. I am hoping that if I should find the right writing partner, I will open up and learn to be better for it.




Edited by penwoman
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Hello, world!


I currently live in Oklahoma, although I'll probably be moving elsewhere soon. I majored in physics and mathematics as an undergraduate, and I'm starting physics grad school in the fall. I won't know which grad school for another month or two. The applications are all submitted at this point, but I haven't gotten any responses yet. Wish me luck, though!


I'm 24 years old. I'm single and I don't have any kids; that may change eventually, but not anywhere in the near future. I was raised Catholic, but I'm an atheist now (as are all three of my siblings). English is (unfortunately) the only language I speak fluently, but I know some German and French, and a small amount of Japanese. I'd like to improve my abilities in any and all of these languages, if someone is interested. But mainly I'm wanting to correspond in English.


I spend far too much time on the internet. I don't have a television, but I watch movies on my computer. I enjoy reading - primarily sci-fi and fantasy, but other things too. I don't own a car at the moment; I'll probably buy one eventually, but for now I'm fine without one, and I kind of enjoy biking and walking everywhere. I knit, and I'd like to start spinning my own yarn. (My yarn stash is currently larger (i.e., more expensive) than my pen/ink collection, but then again, I've been knitting longer than I've been writing with fountain pens.) I feel sometimes as if I use too many parentheses, but I can't seem to help myself.


Postage costs aren't an issue; I'm open to correspondents anywhere in the world. PM me if you'd like to start a conversation!




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I love to write letters so would enjoy exchanging snail mail. My interests include photography, reading, fiber arts (knitting, crocheting, weaving), beading (including on a loom), and I am dabbling in my first multi-media journal. I was a docent (voluneer teacher) at my local zoo for 18 yeas so I love wildlife.


I live in Oklahoma and am interested in exchanging letters with people from any country (as long as the letter is in English). PM me and we can exchange addresses if you are interested.


Two-Sisters ~ Have Cameras, Will Travel "Seize the Day with your Favorite Pen in Hand!"

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c137/InkyZ1/FPN/InkDropLogoFPN3.jpg http://i729.photobucket.com/albums/ww296/messiah_FPN/Badges/SnailBadge.png

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