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Snail Mail Writing List


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Happy Thanksgiving!!

I enjoy writing letters, postcards. I enjoy the friendships that are built through correspondence with others. I very active with both.

I am always willing to drop someone a line, or make a postcard from my pictures.

God is my Strength.

Brad http://img356.imageshack.us/img356/7260/postminipo0.pnghttp://img356.imageshack.us/img356/8703/letterminizk9.png

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I am still actively looking for a pen pal! i am a very quirky, artistic ,19 year old, born and bred Californian. drop me a line!

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I too would like a pen pal or two. I had a few friends that I wrote to but as they got married or had families or got high powered jobs they've been writing not as often.


My name is Haley and I've recently moved back to Texas from the St. Louis. I am glad to be back in Texas. I'm 27, married with a standard poodle, cat, and 3 fish. My poodle is a therapy dog and we go to the library and local assisted living home once a week or so to visit. My husband is Chinese so I'm kind of learning Mandarin. Self taught is a little slow. LOL We live out in the country with a little property and I've got quite the veggie garden going most of the year. I'm planning to get some chickens in the spring for eggs and maybe some alpacas in a couple of years (for their fiber and compost producing qualities). I have a BFA in Printmaking and Drawing with a minor in music (I play harp). I run my own business creating humorous stationery (fountain pen friendly of course!) and doing custom calligraphy jobs. I also do just about every crafty thing under the sun -- spin yarn, crochet, quilt, sew, embroider, etc. I love history too. I'll write anywhere in the world.



Blog http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/606/letterji9.png

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Help, my Letterbox is starving :crybaby: .


I love writing letters with Pen or Dip Pen. I`m looking for a longterm - correspondence with folks from all over the world. Preferred Language is English. I like writing,reading, Swimming, Riding, Surfing, Racing, playing the Telecaster electric guitar, tube electronics, cooking and digital photography.If you want to correspond with me via Snail Mail feel free to send me a personal message. :)




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Hello all,


I've posted in this thread about 2,5 years ago for the first time:




It's a bit quiet on my correspondence side right now - some people are busy, and there never where that many. I'm also curious if one recent letter arrived?


So, what has changed...


Since then I've gotten older - 21 now, still keeping an eye on pens and loving writing - but I've sadly not got the finances to buy new pens :( (still, I'm on Midnight Blue and have a large stock of ink and paper).

I suppose my IT knowledge has increases since then, I've dipped my toes into VBA (Visual Basic for Applications -> read Excel), some very basic Visual C++ and C# (just maths functions) as well as more "Web stuff".


My Photography got a "kit boost" Easer this year (8 months ago) - from Entry level SLR to "Advanced Midrange" as Canon calls it (5D MK II) - and even thought that needs more computing power, I've stayed with my Vaio which is now 2,5 years old :) and still doing very well.


I've stopped digging up information about WWII - summer 2010 I read War and Peace, before that Anna Karenina - I also read some other Classics on my Sony eReader (which is nice for pdfs ;) and came with free books)... (I prefer paper - but I can see why an eReader is handy - especially when commuting to university - and it displays papers too :))


And I think that's really all I that I can say right now :) (that springs to mind anyway).


Oh, and I'm in my final year of my BSc in Maths.


So let's see if any new people fancy a bit of "snail-mailing".




Writing a dying Art...

Montblanc LeGrand - Vaio SZ - Canon 5D MK II - Omega Speedmaster Professional

See my Website for more links including Art Prints.

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I can definitely commit to writing in the winter months, from December to the end of February. After that, letters would be a little slower because I would be back to work. Anyone interested in a Winter penpal can let me know.


I have 2 grown kids who don't seem to have any intention in leaving the nest. My daughter is 20 and my son is 18. We have a university in town so while that is great for keeping expenses down, it's also no incentive to spread the wings just yet.. lol. I have an old border collie/shepherd cross, she's almost 14, and a new betta fish.


I'm working on a novel, for the last 10 years lol. I'm more serious about it this year though. I seem to have the spare mental time to work on it. I also like to paint. I used to use watercolour but have now found soft pastel.


Me in a nutshell.




"The heart has its reason which reason knows nothing of." French philosopher Blaise Pascal ~ Letter and Paper Exchange~

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I would love to start exchanging letters with some penpals.


My name is Francois (or Frank). I'm from Gatineau (Quebec) which is just across the river from Ottawa. My three very active young boys tend to keep me busy and, thanks to them, I spend a lot of time in hockey rinks! During the day, I'm a LAN Manager (IT) and a few times a week, in the late evenings I put on my striped jersey and referee men's ice hockey.


My interest are pen turning, anything that relates to military aviation, photography, photo retouching, hockey and many other things.


I hope we can start writing each other soon.





François (Frank) P.

Currently inked: Parker 51/Quink Blue-Black; TWSBI 580 1.1mm/Noodler's Black Swan in Australian Roses.

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I'd love to exchange a few letters :)


My name's wen, and I live in Taiwan.

I'm a bit of a computer/electronics enthusiast (I hesitate to use the word "geek" as my knowledge mostly comes from google...)

I've never writ much, though like many, I always had a vague idea for a novel kicking around in the back of my head. After deciding to do NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) by pen and paper,

I found i rather liked it, and wanted to write some letters as well, though i warn you that my handwriting, while legible, leave much to be desired.

Also note that I'm often at a loss of what to write, the last letter (excluding the recent spurt) that I penned being about 4 years ago... :embarrassed_smile:


My hobbies & interests include Sport-kite flying, and kites in general, tinkering with gadgets, Music, Metalsmithing (little trinkets and such, not blacksmithing), Reading (especially novels), Dance, and Food, to name a few.





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I have just started on the path of learning Japanese and would love a pen pal from there. Please PM me if interested in snail mail!







Vancouver,Washington USA

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Looking for some Pal's to Pen with.


Friend of mine gave my interest in pens and paper a little push and I landed here.


PM if you if you would like to exchange scribblings ;-)




Get busy living or get busy dying...that's (bleep) right.



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I have just started on the path of learning Japanese and would love a pen pal from there. Please PM me if interested in snail mail!







Vancouver,Washington USA



Coincidentally or not---atashi mo! :lol:

My latest ebook.   And not just for Halloween!

My other pen is a Montblanc.


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I've got a couple of penpals but would love to address some letters to people across the pond.


Interests include classical music, photography, art, history, IT/Computers/Unix.

Favorite movies : Indiana Jones (Raiders, Crusade), anything featuring Masonic ideologies, Princess Bride, Star Wars, etc...


Feel free to PM for address exchange



Science is a way of skeptically interrogating the universe with a fine understanding of human fallibility.

-Carl Sagan


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Hello everyone! I would like to be part of the snail mail list.


I am 53 years old and I live in BC Canada. I have been working in mental health and addictions for about ten years and am taking an online social work program through the University of Manitoba. I also study with The Builders of the Adytum (Sacred Tarot) ( http://www.bota.org/) . I facilitate a music group at work where I play the guitar and encourage participants to come out of themselves and find their voices. My work schedule sometimes extents to six days a week, so I am always on the go.


I have just started collecting fountain pens to use in my daily life. So far my red Safari has seen the most use, as it fits my work life style. It comes with me into my morning meetings and then clips nicely into my day timer (hand made leather book cover, Celtic design). Within the last month I have managed to collect a number of less expensive vintage pens that all need some work, and I have located a person in my general area who is willing to teach me to re-sac my pens. This training will be starting in the new year. I have a Waterman Laureat and a Phileas just arrived in the mail this morning. I don't have a flex yet, and looking forward to experiencing one in the future. I want to make pen collecting a long term endeavour and I am hoping to collect slowly. I am amazed that I already have over a dozen pens that materialized. I have to slow things down a bit or I am going to end of with a whole bunch of pens that I don't really like. I am looking forward to one day owning a Pelikan M800, or something like that. I have not yet visited a pen shop and looking forward to that experience. I will be attending a pen club in my area in the new year as well.


This may have already been too lenthy an intro, but it may make it easier to decide if we would have anything in common and something to write about. My interests vary widely from metaphysics to social concerns, poetry, archeology, home made medicinals, soaps, and the healing arts. I like the idea of sharing poetry and building stories or poetry together or in groups.


I will write to anyone who wants to send me a note. PM for complete name and address.


Thanks for reading.





Edited by gioflowers
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My hat has previously been thrown into the ring, but that was awhile ago so I suppose I'll have to throw another one in. I'm a grad student (physics phd program) at Rutgers university in New Jersey. I am a religious Jew (but was not always that way). Fountain pens and writing are both a passion of mine. I would love to correspond with you! Send me a PM if you're interested.



Currently Inked:

Lamy Safari - Noodlers Zhivago

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I'll throw my hat into the ring too.



I have a regular pen-pal, but I'm looking to correspond with others - it'd be interesting to snail-mail with some of the FPNers from across the pond in the U.S., or in continental Europe.


I'm an 18 year old 6th Form student, but from next September/October I should hopefully be studying Biology as an undergrad at either Nottingham or Durham university.


I'm interested in most things science-related, and, as you can probably guess from my intended degree studies, I'm particularly fascinated by biological areas.


I have pretty eclectic tastes in literature, film, art, and music (my likes span from the Baroque to Led Zeppelin), but I tend to find that I enjoy literature and art more if they engage me on an intellectual level - no Twilight roflmho.gif


So, if anyone's interested in swapping letters with someone who can talk about anything, drop me a PM :)

Edited by WRob

"We are all atheists about most of the gods humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further." - Richard Dawkins



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Hi my name is Melissa I’m 23 yrs old I live in GA for about five years now. My friend told me about this website. I thought I would join it sounded like a neat site. I have Cerebral palsy CP for short. I love to read music is another passion of mine I listen to pretty much anything. I’m a huge animal lover I have fours cats. I volunteer at my friend classroom three days a week.

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I'm Francisco, a sophomore in High School, and a few of my major hobbies include, besides the constant accumulation of fountain pens, shooting, hunting, fishing, fencing, etcetera. I really like the more hard science topics, I am, after all, taking the college-level Biology, and I will be doing the same with Chemistry next year. I just want to talk about stuff. Due to the high cost of postage across the pond, I would prefer to stay in the continental US, but would not be adverse to pen-palling in Europe.

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Hello all,


I would like very much to be someone's snail mail penpal.


I'm in Australia. Right now, we're having the Big Wet. Never had this much rain, even the earthworms are drowning.


I'm in my mid30s.

Work: Health sector

Literature: Anything that facilitates escapism, so this can range from Jane Austen, Margaret Mitchell, to Stieg Larsson and Bill Bryson

Music: Baroque classical, although I am rather fond of Lady Gaga (?!)

Interests: Cooking, reading, knitting, patchwork, playing the cello

Residing with a welltrained domestic guru about the house and 2 pussycats who rule the roost


I promise to be a good correspondent! Am open to friends all over this big blue globe we call home. Please PM! :thumbup:

I look forward to each new day because it allows me plenty of opportunities to 'exercise' my much-loved pens.

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I've been a member of this list for some time. I enjoy corresponding with lots of folks, but I've allowed life to sidetrack me at times. For 2011, I'm refocusing my efforts on using my pens to actually correspond with anyone who wants to!


I'm 44 years young, and I live in O'Fallon, IL, just over the river from St. Louis. I'm happily married to my beautiful wife of 18 years. I've served in the U.S. Air Force for over 25 years now. Being military, I've had the awesome opportunity to travel the globe, and I've lived in South Korea and Naples, Italy, as well as various points in the U.S and deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. I hold a B.S. in Human Resources, and I'm currently working on a Masters in Public Administration. I love to read (mostly American history and current events), and I love classical as well as classic rock music.


I've been involved with fountain pens for several years, and my obsession just keeps growing. I think my wife first realized I had a problem when I visited the Paradise Pen store in Costa Mesa, California, and purchased three pens! Since then, I've tried to be a bit more "budget-conscious." I believe I was meant to use fountain pens ... ballpoint and rollerball pens just don't "feel" right!


Anyway, enough about me ... Drop me a PM if you like and maybe we can be pen pals!



"The worst of all fears is the fear of living." Theodore Roosevelt



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Have you guys/gals ever polished your leather shoes? I did this for the first time EVER last week, and I'm so agog over the amazing results - my scuffed up dansko strappy shoes look brand new! I'm uber-excited. *laugh* Talk about instant gratification for so little effort!


I have done this a few times, when I have time. The overall result is always very satisfying. Old shoes look like brand new. The best result was with my wife black leather boots. I like to do so many things, but so little time to do them. I am very detail-oriented. For example, I love to sharpen my knives to the point where they cut like razor blade. I like to polish shoes and give them a nice look. I also LOVE to iron my clothes have not been able to do much of this lately.

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