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Snail Mail Writing List


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Hello all,

This sounds like a great idea. I'm a 48 year old male and a nostalgia buff. While I am fairly new to fountain pens, I also shave with a straight razor and wear a fedora almost everywhere I go. I am interested in history, wines, cigars, target shooting (especially with pistols), classical and jazz music, and of course pens, straight razors and fedoras. I am an avid reader, both fiction and non-fiction, and would love to get back into scuba-diving soon.


I have a fairly diverse past. I have been a paramedic, a U. S. Marine, and a police officer. I currently work in the chemical industry, and at one time owned my own private investigation business, which my oldest son and I plan to get back into after the first of the year.


I am particularly interested in corresponding with people from other countries, so that I can learn the history and culture of those places from people actually living there. Of course I'm also happy to correspond with people living in the good ole U.S.A.





http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/606/letterji9.png http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/5642/postcardde9.png
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I have been writing to a few people for over a decade but maybe getting some other correspondence would be nice. I've started running last summer so any help there would be nice. Interested in Asian culture, music of all types. Mystery stories. SciFi. And anything else that catches my eye. I write more than I collect. Art is also something I like and try to sometimes add things to letters or envelopes. Juggling is an old skill but always like new tricks.


And I'm a good sounding board too¡

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Greetings -- I'm gradually getting back into consistent pen pal correspondence, and I find I really enjoy it. (I did a lot of handwritten correspondence in my teens and discovered recently that I REALLY miss it). I'm already pen pals with some FPN members. :thumbup: And now I'm taking the next step and putting myself out there. I'm open to pretty much any pen pal -- here or overseas, male/female, etc. My ideal letter-exchange rate would be about 1-2 letters a month. I have lots of stationery, inks, wax seals, pens, etc. that I would love to put to good use!


My hobbies include reading (large variety of topics -- I'm all over the place), writing, photography (bought a DSLR a few months ago but I really enjoy the challenge of learning how to use it), dabbling with graphic design software (and I do mean dabbling), drawing/doodling, exercising/walking, and traveling (when I get the chance).


Also, I can write in English or German (my German is not as good as the English, of course, but I can keep up, and it gives me a chance to use/practice my German skills -- you can thank being a former army brat and exchange student for that). :embarrassed_smile:


If interested, please PM me.


Hope L, hopeless nib nerd

Neglected blog: www.louisquill.com

http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/606/letterji9.png http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_qVJOiluU9_4/THp4iGeCcpI/AAAAAAAAA2A/xh2FRE0B8p0/s320/InkDropLogoFPN3.jpg

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Help! Someone send me a snail mail letter. I'm old, uninformed, boring, short-tempered and opinionated. I can't understand why no one finds these traits attractive. :)


Full (OK, partial) disclosure: I'm retired from a long career as a senior executive in a national human relations agency. I now teach persuasive speaking as a consultant, mostly to lawyers. I've given thousands of speeches on intergroup relations, done radio and television broadcasting and have eclectic interests. And, really, I have a robust sense of humor, particularly about the more absurd aspects of life.


I would be delighted to exchange letters with those similarly inclined. Please send me a PM and we'll go from there. Thanks...Art

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My name is Steven. I'm a 29 year old newlywed working for the FAA in Fort Worth, Texas. I have several pen pals that are delightful conversationalists, and I wouldn't mind a couple more. I have scattered interests from past and modern naval theory to art deco to disc golf. I am not an expert on any one subject, but I know enough or can pick up on enough from just about any subject to chat your ear off. I am big on finding a rhythm in my letters as if sitting at a bar talking into the night. That is completely dependent on the rhythm of my pal, of course, but I do try. If you are interested, shoot me a message!

"When your favorite cup breaks, remember it is only a cup." - Epictetus: Enchiridion"

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I'm a 26 year old public health intern currently living in Bucharest, born in a small town in the center of Transylvania (sounds interesting but it's not). Chronic daydreamer, interested in or a fan of Star Trek, Star Wars, Sci-Fi movies and good films in general , sports, finding out more about different political ideologies (especially true left wing but no I am not a communist). I'm a sucker for happy endings and hate it when the hero dies at the end or they don't get married bla bla... I love progressive rock especially Pink Floyd and strongly believe that today's music is ^&%$. But wait, there's more...

Drop a PM if interested.



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Hello -


I would like to get letters too :-) my name is Flavio, I'm Italian, 41 and I live in Poland and don't have any children, wife and all that kind of stuff. I studied law and obviously became a lawyer, then I was a diplomat for many years. Now I went back to university and in October I'll start my fourth year in medicine :-) strange, right? Anyway, I lived in really many countries, did lots of strange things and I have been using fountain pens since primary school but at the time our standard school fountain pen was a simple Pelikan. At present I have some very interesting fountain pens and nibs, too many perhaps...


In any case, during my travels I ended up studying lots of languages, some of which I am able to practise often, and others rarely... So, if anyone wants to write me, here are the languages in which we can correspond:


Italian, French, English, Portuguese, Spanish, German, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Catalan, Serb, Croat, Romanian, Czech, Belarusian, Yiddish, Hebrew, Danish, Hungarian, Greek, Lithuanian, Norwegian and Swedish


Now, in theory I once studied Japanese, Finnish, Basque, Turkish and Arabic, but I probably forgot them by now :-/ still we could try, at least I would get to read something in those languages :-)


Yes, I know it sounds crazy, but languages are a bit like pens, once you start it's difficult to stop :-) and if you don't use them they get ruined :-) and I would be able to keep both my pens and my languages new :-)


Of course, English is OK too :-) Just send me a PM and I'll send you my address.


Ciao ciao and - I hope - write soon,



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Well you can add me to the list. I was intrigued to read that one of the reasons for a decline in expository preaching is that nobody writes letters anymore (Why Johnny Cant Preach). Basically nobody pay attention to reasoned thought or to composition of thoughts. What passes for conversation is really ephemeral and more akin to a stream of consciousness than a coherent argument developed. Sounds pretentous but I happen to think it true.


As a Biology/Chemistry teacher at high school I have my moments of exasperation when pupils express themselves inarticulately and don't see why it matters. (I dont know what a split infinitive is but I know how to find out if I needed to)


I am interested in other cultures and languages and have recently been watching American News on satellite. I am fascinated by the countries origins and the current debate between left and right.


I enjoy reading a fairly ecclectic mix of non-fiction depending on what takes my fancy. Most weeks I will be studying a passage of Scripture and trying to dip into Jewish literature, Greek history and the organisation of the Roman Empire, as well as the Greek/Hebrew text.


Getting back to my original thoughts on writing I have tried to write to a couple of friends and my Father. Unfortunately none of them is any good at writing back. I have been writing to my Father for almost a year now, once a week but do not expect any replies.


I would like to hear from anyone interested in corresponding .

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Hi, I'm Patrick and I'm a senior undergraduate about to complete a B.S. in Physics, but I've spent the last 3 years more or less "spinning my wheels" over deciding between engineering and physics for grad school. I was fairly confident that I would've enjoyed a graduate program in plasma physics, but that recently changed and I am literally back to trying to decide on my future at the very last minute. Although I've occasionally joked about becoming a mercenary in a third-world country if I'm not applicable enough for the workforce.


I've spent almost my entire life in California. I've commuted from home to school daily for all of undergrad, and I'm trying to get out to local hotspots and restaurants more frequently now compared to not at all, mainly under the pretense that I may be leaving my current city for a long time for grad school.


I program mostly out of desperation to bolster my resume in this ugly economy. For fun, I draw, play computer games, and work on writing this cyberpunk sci-fi story that I eventually want to publish. I'm not a huge fan of community service; I do volunteer for occasional outreach events for physics/astronomy.


I'm currently using a Lamy Safari and awaiting a Pilot 78G in the mail. I'll probably be throwing down $80-100 on a Lamy 2000 in November and hopefully I'll never spend more than that on a single fountain pen. :P


Most importantly, PM if interested.

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(snip) and hopefully I'll never spend more than that on a single fountain pen. :P



:lol: yea. right :lol: once you're hooked, you're hooked - have you ever tried a flexible nib on a 100-y.o. pen? that's a new thing for you to buy ;)

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My name is David. I live in Hawaii. Reading and writing letters is one of my loves. I enjoy people asking questions. I am sometimes disappointed when I ask them and they aren't answered - though I must confess, I don't always remember all that I ask. :unsure: I feel questions are the thing that keeps the momentum going. They are the things that build friendships. And friendships, are my main interest.I'd like to think I write decent letters. I try not to be boring (Does anyone ever try??? Would we even know if we are???) and to think of different ways to say things.

I am an musician at heart, though that is not how I earn my living any longer. I have a degree in music and played in my first career, full time for almost 9 years - likely about 3000 gigs over my career. I write and my music has been used locally, on radio, TV and in Japan.

I enjoy talking about and learning about new things, places, cultures, and, and, and.... :vbg:

If this sounds interesting, send me a PM.

Look forward to getting to know you!



Edited by dnb

What else do we have in life if not to help each other?

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Hi, my name is Chris. I'm 35, married, have two great kids(16 & 13). I'm a retail manager and enjoy cigars, reading (mostly non fiction - animals, cigars, pens, etc.), anything Disney, spending time with my dogs and journaling. My fountain pen focus is on vintage Sheaffer's , but I have a few other vintage and contemporary pens thrown in the mix too. I think this is a cool idea, as I haven't had a pen pal before. Shoot me PM if you're interested and we'll go from there.



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Carrie, Microbiology undergraduate in California. I'm a quirky person and utterly terrible at describing myself. I do a bit of community service, read a lot, definitely have opinions but am not very good about expressing them. Have a job that's related to school. It is currently paying for a few pens and my love for trying out new foods.


Honestly a bit lost about what to write about myself, but I'd love to get a letter or two in the mail. As a warning, my writing may be a bit illegible, paper will not be good quality (though minimal feathering), and most likely I'll rant about random things that are likely related to pens and undoubtedly nonsense. Rather new to the fountain pen community, I only use two workhorse -ish pens that do not write particularly "fancy." Otherwise, I am traveling around the US a bit this year so I'd love to share some of my impressions.


PM if you don't mind receiving a rambling random letter possibly about things you couldn't care less about and wouldn't mind sharing a similarly nonsensical slice of life.

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  • 3 weeks later...



I'm Ashley. I'm a dad to twins, have been married for 6 years to a wonderful woman, and am daily learning about the depth of the love of Christ. I really miss getting something other than bills in the mail.


I'm with Carrie, though - illegible writing on poor paper - diapers for 19-month-old twins trumps any paper/ink/pen covetousness of which I could possibly conceive. I'm also a grad student getting my Master's in Counseling Psychology.


Adds up to a busy life, but I'd like to have an excuse to use my cheap Duke and Noodler's HoD for something other than notes at work.


I kind of feel like this is turning into a craigslist personal ad, so I'll be done now. PM if you're interested in swapping snail mail.




P.S. If you feel like teaching me a new language, that would be cool (like Italian?!)...

Edited by psychdude

<i>We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action.</i> - Frank Tibolt


<a href="http://cooltext.com"><img src="http://images.cooltext.com/2781878.png" width="150" height="31" alt="Snailmail Exchange" /></a>

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Hi all.


I am a mid thirties father of 3 (a 7 yo son and 18 month old boy/girl twins) who lives in Ottawa, Ontario Canada. I am an avid cyclist who commutes 30 KMs a day on his mid-eighties steel ten speed road bike. I enjoy reading Sci-fi and fantasy with some of my favourite authors being Robert Jordan, Isaac Asimov, William Gibson and Robert J. Sawyer. I am a I.T. professional by day and a geek with obsessive hobbies by night. If you would like to communicate and discuss the gamut of life's experiences PM me.

In Ottawa? Check out The Ottawa Pen Posse

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Hi All,


I am a 35 year old, single guy living in Ohio who recently finished his bachelor's degree after becoming unemployed due to our wonderful economic problems here in the States. I enjoy technology and I'm new to the FP world but I really am enjoying the journey so far!. While my letters will probably not be on the best quality paper, I will try to find paper with the least amount of feathering. I am usually pretty witty and love to discuss many different topics. Feel free to PM me if you would like to write back and forth.

"Today's mighty oak was yesterday's nut that held it's ground.."

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Hi! I'm fairly new to the FPN and I enjoy sending and receiving mail. I fell for fountain pens when I was about 6 years old and I have added...er...several since then :embarrassed_smile: Yes, I was the weird kid in my family who loved writing letters from camp, thank you notes, bread & butter notes, diaries and journals!


I have a few correspondents that I have had for over twenty years so I'm a reliable letter writer unless LIFE gets in my way!! In my early 50's, I've worked in various capacities for the US Postal Service. I'm addicted to all things postal, inky, paper & pen and stamps.


Reading is another passion. I have a BA in English and favorite authors include Ralph Waldo Emerson, Edgar A Poe, Emily Dickinson, Jane Austen, and Flannery O'Connor. I'm a big mystery buff (both British and American)! You name them, I've probably read them!


I am interested in a wide variety of subjects and would love to pick up a few more correspondents. USA or foreign addresses are welcome! If interested send me a PM!





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I'm a freshly 19 year old college student(heading back to school after a 2 year limbo...if the math doesn't add up, I finished HS at early, haha.).I'm currently just getting my general ed. credits done and then I plan on majoring in International Studies/Relations! I'm a bit of a nerd and love keeping fish, aquascaping, and paper product shopping. I am a member of stationary purchaser's anonymous...which I plan on establishing soon, baha. I'm about as crazy as they come and occasionally my manic side shows through my letters but somehow it ends up humorous! Oh and I live in a hellish cookie-cutter suburb of Sacramento!


My collection of pens pretty much centers around Lamy!

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I'm a 20 years old college student in Hong Kong who is looking for excuse to use my fountain pen. I don't have an hobby of writing letters before, but would like to meet people from other part of the world. I started using a Lamy Vista a year ago and kind of regretted that I didn't use fountain pen sooner.


I read a lot(mostly non-fiction),I'm interested in food,magic,computer,traveling.

I love puzzle, sudoku, logic puzzle, lateral thinking puzzle and anything related to using the brain, memory system, mental math ,etc.


PM me if you want to chat

Not just the stuff I mentioned, you can mail me and talk about anything from your plan for world domination to you having a bad day:D

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I'm 'beak'.


I would like to have someone write to me - the only letters I seem to get are bills, and something else would be good! I think I'd like to correspond with someone very different to me. I'm oldish, work in the film industry, mostly in Australia (though I'm English by birth), and would like someone in America who is younger - teens? Twenties? I don't really know. I know so little about modern culture that it's socially isolating, and would like to pick up some sense of what a completely other life to mine is like. When I'm working, I work long hours, so don't expect three letters a week! I'm a sort of classical and fairly wide-ranging sort of bloke. If your interested, PM me to see if it could work. Never done this before.

Sincerely, beak.


God does not work in mysterious ways – he works in ways that are indistinguishable from his non-existence.

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