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Snail Mail Writing List


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If anyone wishes to read my About Me section and as taken the time to write a brief profile in theirs, I would gladly take on a couple more "snalies." I will even write to "dead" people.



He who says he knows but does not act does not yet know.
~ Wang Yangming


When I grow up I want to be just like Calvin.

~ Me

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Nigel Fisher


I'm new to fountain pens, and looking to improve my penmanship/get FP experience - as well as talk to other members.

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Of course count me in. I just arrived to this community and this initiative sound really good, is a perfect way to use and compare the way that FP write, inks, papers… and a perfect excuse to know people from all ever the world.




I my case, I thought that I could write in Spanish is any of you are interesting in. (Spanish students)




My name is Manuel, I’m 48 years old, married and two daughters. I live in a little town near Madrid and my main interests are my family and my little hobbies (bonsai, old bullfight documents).


I’m catholic and try to live a spiritual live as much as I can.




Some years ago I started to write with FP’s, my first acquisition was a Pelikan 800 green striped, and since that time I always take two FP in my pocket.


I’m interested in both vintage and new fountain pens and don’t have favorite brands any piece well designed will be in my sight.




I don’t have to much free time but I would be pleased to have any pen pals to swap letters from time to time.













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Hello there


Having recently returned to my (modest) collection of fountain pens, I would love to be able to put them to good use!


A brief Bio: having got into fountain pens as a child through various Parker gift sets, the first serious pen I owned is my great grandfather's English Duofold, circa 1948. Despite having been out of action for many years, the journey to getting it functional really snared my interest in vintage pens. My collection remains modest but greatly loved and is crowned by an outstanding discovery, a MontBlanc 3-44 purchased in a charity (thrift) shop for a nominal price!


As for me, I'm 35, employed as an archaeologist by the Scottish Government and am married with one daughter (approaching the ripe old age of 2). I live in the pleasant town of Musselburgh, just outside Edinburgh, and while not delighting in pens, I enjoy cycling, collecting (and reading) books by John Buchan and being a bit of a tech geek. I'd be delighted to correspond with anyone taking the time and trouble to write. While I profess to being a constant writer the demands of modern life may mean I'm not returning your letter by the next post!


Yours aye



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Wow! so many interesting co-participants here! well I would like to put myself forward. Darren, sort of Indian /British with a little Jewish thrown in =) but living in Belgium, and hopefully heading toward Switzerland in the near future. Ex IT geek, now I'm more interested in pens, writing, art, reading and enjoying and beholding the profound breathtaking beauty of this world. Have a yellow labrador who's twice my age in dog years, bless his sweet soul. He's every bit a puppy and we chase each other around the house every day. Love food, cooking, breathing fresh air, cycling, walking, purchasing, travelling.


I appreciate open minded people, who respect one another equally regardless of diversity.

you can never get it wrong, because you can never get it done!

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Hi everyone. I am a recent law school graduate living in New York City. I am left handed and recently taught myself how to re-hold a pen so that I could write with a fountain pen. One of my favorite books is The Great Gatsby so I purchased the Mont Blanc F. Scott Fitzgerald. I am having a great time writing with this pen and am learning a lot about pens, ink, stationary, etc. I will try to respond to notes quickly and am pretty open minded to most topics. just want to enjoy writing with these great writing instruments. Hope to hear from some people soon!! -Matt

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Snail Mail Exchange Folks - I live in Hawaii and work in the maritime industry. I have become addicted to fountain pens. I enjoy both vintage and modern. I do amateur repairs on the vintage ones and truly enjoy bring them back to life. I do some journaling but would like to exchange letters with other FPN members. I need a good reason to exercise some of my wonderful fountain pens. I have written letters my entire family and they only respond via the phone or email. My other interests include kayaking and fishing. Hope to hear from other FPN members. Tim

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For some reason I always want more snail mail friends, even when I should probably watch myself... :roflmho:


I'm 23 and currently in the last months of an MA, with two bachelor's degrees under my belt (BSc in microbiology and BA in sexuality studies, with a minor in sociology, if you want to know). Han Chinese by birth, upbringing, and my own choosing, though I've lived in the US for years and am intending to stay in the UK until I return to China.


I have a pretty wide variety of interests. The internet pretty much raised me, but reading will always be my favourite activity (though I tend to go for non-fiction and literary fiction). I like history, linguistics, anthropology, sociology, biology, maths...My childhood dream was to be a mathematician, until my mother forced me out of it. :( I also like non-Hollywood film, music of a wide variety (Lady Gaga, Carrchy, Utada Hikaru, Los Campesinos!, Ellie Goulding, and S.E.N.S. are some of my favourites), food & cooking, and travelling (somewhat), to name a few, and I'm always up for learning about other cultures and/or different ways of living/thinking/doing. I don't like talking about politics in general because it usually ends up being people frustrated at each other rather than discussion of any sort, but if we can agree to disagree and not force our opinions...


I'd love to hear from anyone, really. Age, gender, sexuality, religion, location, etc. don't really matter to me, as long as we agree to respect each other. :) I'm up for writing in English or Chinese (both simplified and traditional, though as the traditional is self-taught, please don't laugh at me if it looks bad :embarrassed_smile:). I'm just as happy talking about my life as I am being geeky or nerdy about any one area in depth, so~ :D And I try to reply within a week, too~ :D


PM if you are interested~ :D

Edited by mistykasumi
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Looking to increase my snail mail list, please PM me if your interested in corresponding.


Kind regards



Exploding Ink Maestro


Pens: Caran d'Ache Leman Godron, Lamy Safari, Italix Parsons Essential, Mont Blanc LeGrande '90 years' Edition, Sigma Style, Italix Vipers Strike, Parker Sonnet, Omas 360, Parker Duofold (c.1950), Conway Stewart #286, Conway Stewart #24, Onoto Magna Classic in Chased Midnight Blue and SS Trim

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I've recently begun writing letters to people I know, but I'd love to write letters to people I don't, as well.


About me:


I'm a 22-year-old recently minted college grad (B.A. in English) who will begin work on a Ph.D. in English in the fall at the University of Virginia. Of course, this means that I'm always eager to talk about books, the collecting of books, the reading of books, the history of books, the interpretation of books, etc. etc. (Please note that my being an English major does not mean that I will judge you on the basis of your grammar. ;p)


My favorite authors (a very nominal list): Jane Austen, Flannery O'Connor, T.S. Eliot, Alexander Pope, Jonathan Swift, Evelyn Waugh.


Also, I love music, especially classical music, and art, among other things. However, I'm more than happy to discuss anything and everything, from the pedestrian to the profound. I just enjoy writing!






Edited by Discursive

"Total non-retention has kept my education from being a burden to me."--Flannery O'Connor

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My name is Mark I am 16 years old and I live in Buffalo, NY. I am just entering into the world of fountain pens and nice paper. I am interested in photography, science, math, playing sports, and just having fun. PM if you want to be my pen-pal.



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I have been watching ... ok, lurking ... and have hesitated joining in, because of being a novice and not as FP knowledgeable and most here. I don't live a very exciting life, as compared to much of what I've read. However, here I am and if anyone would care to correspond, I would be happy to do the same.


A bit about me ... My son is a Marine and I have 2 daughters (18 and 19). My letter writing has mainly been to our deployed troops for the past few years. I'm an "unknown" self-taught acrylic/oil abstract artist, dabble in making journals from recycled material or watercolor paper. Not long ago, I was a vendor at dog shows and had my own line of vintage looking pillbox hats, collars and leads. If it has to do with paint, fabric and many times wood, I've probably given it a try. LOL Until recently, I rode an awesome custom trike (picture attached), made in Germany, but lost it through divorce. I ride with the Patriot Guard when I'm able to and support our troops and veterans 100%. Locally, you'd find me at various auctions and frequently stop at yard sales. I'm a southern transplant, living in Tennessee. I'm orginally from CA, but that was a long time ago. I lived Hawaii and Okinawa when I was younger (my dad was Navy) and as an adult, lived in Virginia and Florida. My handwriting leaves a lot to be desired, but I'm working on improving.


Hope to hear from someone .....

post-46081-027617200 1279035586.jpg

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Hi all-


I am a classical composer and pianist, living and studying (conservatory) in Boston.

Everyone these days is so keen on using email! I'd love to exchange actual letters with someone. Send a PM if you are interested.

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I love the idea, so count me in.


I'm a 20 year old telecomunications college student (the careeer is know as Telemathic or in Spanish "Telemática") living in San Luis Potosi, Mexico.

I love writing and reading, and I've even considered a career in Archives (old archives and restoration and things like that). I'm kinda new to the pen-mania, but I'm sure loving it.

I do some writing (co-writing with some friends) and mostly I draw (that's what hooked me into pen & ink).

I don't know if my life may be considered interesting, but I'd be happy if anyone could correspond. I may write in Englihs or Spanish, so whatever suits you best, that's what I'll do, and be sure that the exchanges may include some sketches or small drawings.


Art Work & Drawings

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Count me in!


Quick little bio:


Randy / rdrum


Born and raised in the US midwest. I am a writer and former stand-up comic. IT project management/business analysis is my line of work. I have a small collection of pens, which I expect will grow. I'm not a big fan of cursive - in fact, I think the last time I wrote in cursive was probably grade school (and that was a looong time ago).





"You've got to jump off cliffs and build your wings on the way down." - Ray Bradbury

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Hi fellow Snailers,


I' m a 30 year old (boring) civil engineer living in Turkey. I' ve studied earthquake enginnering (still boring) and has a BSc in that field. Haven't completed my PhD, I quit it and nowadays working as a manager/field engineer on my family company and doing -boring- jobs. So what I need in this life is several hobbies, and fortunately I have. Some of them, I'm getting deeper and deeper; some others dealing lightly. Photography and aquariums steal the much time from others. I have serious equipment and knowledge about them. I prefer shooting slides (with Nikons and Nikkors) and project them with a Leica Pradovit. Nowadays I'm planning a 200 g reef tank. I also like growing things. All livings has a specific need and I'm trying to cope a wide range of "needs" from cactuses to orchids. I like classical music deeply and listening them from vinly (I own some 500 classical LP's). Tchaikovsky is the greatest composer ever for me. Other than him I like Beethoven's all works. Chopin's piano work, Dvorak's cello, Elgar's cello and violin concertos, (although I dislike in general) Bach's Cello Suites are finest compositions for me. From 20th century composers I like Britten and Copland (first two names come to my mind) I also like jazz music, 80's and rock music. I like travelling and I walk a lot in the visited city to catch the soul (I walked 30 km in two days in Berlin) I like several other hobbies like cycling, chess


I can' t promise very frequent letters, but I can keep them coming. So if you are interested, pm me :)


(Please tick either the "typewriter" or "fountain pen" option :ltcapd: )

Firat CINGI - Be in peace..



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Hey guys!


This is my first post. I just purchased my first FP and I need to put it to good use. I'm 25 years old and married with lots of dogs and I'm a grad student in political science. I’m from Houston, TX and my interests are beer making, photography, music, art history, Russian/Chinese politics and trivia!


PM me for my address...



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Hi guys,

I'm a 20yr old college student at UC Berkeley, currently studying biology. I started getting interested in pens in high school and graduated to fountain pens in college. I can best be discribed as jack of all trades, master of none. :crybaby:


I doodle and draw, make jewelry, and basically anything that's arts and crafts related. I am interested in collecting knives, balisongs, motorcycles, carnivorous plants, stunt kites, science fiction and of course fountain pens!


I would love to find someone to be my penpal so I can test out some new things such as wax seals, scented inks, and my envelope art. If you're interested feel free to PM me!

Give up my fountain pen? You'll have to pry it from my cold, dead, inkstained, hands!

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I'm joining the ranks. I have a few good pens, including Montblanc, Pelikan, Pilot and Waterman models. Some bio information: I have had a very interesting career as a senior executive with a national human relations agency, dealing with cutting-edge human rights and civil rights issues. As an earlier post said, I have opinions. Interested in exercising my pens in good-natured exchanges about fountain pen subjects and/or current events.


I'm still not sure how this process works, but if you do, contact me and we can go from there.

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