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Snail Mail Writing List


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I'm Brian Goulet, a recent addict of FPN here. I started out knowing nothing about pens at all, but I wanted to work with my hands and I had a good background in wood working. In an apartment with a covered balcony I set up a whole workshop which included a small lathe where I began turning pens on a whim. I immediately become hooked, and I've made over 700 pens since. I gave up a 'name your own price' dream job in commercial property management to powerwash houses with my dad and make my pens. I eventually got to the point where I could make the pens full time just over a year ago. About 2 months ago I started retailing Clairefontaine (and related brands Rhodia, Quo Vadis, Exacompta) paper and J. Herbin ink. I'm looking to expand my pens and have found a great home with the writing community.


I am married with a son on the way (Feb. 2!), and an entrepreneur (clearly) with the intention of helping to bring the younger generation to appreciate fine writing. I will be an at-home dad, running the business with the ultimate dream of working at home with my wife while we raise our kids.


FPN has just been a Godsend for me, and I love the people here and the information that's shared. Being that I'm on the younger side, I wasn't well trained in school to write with a pen, and I'd actually never written with a fountain pen until I started making them myself! I'm totally hooked, and I'm looking for opportunities to write more often. I'd love to send letters back and forth with other FPN members! Computers are great and I couldn't do what I do without them, but there is still little that is as exciting as getting a hand-written letter in the mailbox and running into the house to open it up and see what someone took their precious time to write. I love it! DM or Email me at brian-at-gouletpens.com.

Edited by GouletPens

Brian Goulet</br><a href='http://www.gouletpens.com' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>www.GouletPens.com</a></br><a href='http://twitter.com/GouletPens' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>GouletPens on Twitter</a></br><a href='http://blog.gouletpens.com' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>Goulet Pens blog</a>

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My name is Mark Cohen (markc), I'm 39 and have been into fountain pens for about 20 years now. I've been married since August of 07 and live in San Francisco.

I was once on this list, but life got in the way and I lost track of my penpals. So I'm hoping to re-kindle some of those relationships, get new penpals and put my fountain pens to use once again.


My hobbies include Ham Radio, Hacking old tech to make it new again, I love fountain pens and ink, and my degree is in Photography. I still use my 35mm Leica MP as well as a D300...


Work keeps me busy, but if you write to me, I promise to write back.



Science is a way of skeptically interrogating the universe with a fine understanding of human fallibility.

-Carl Sagan


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Hello, and Happy Holidays to everyone. My name is CaramelNib, and I am 26 years old. I have lived in the DC Metro area for the last 15 years, and I went to The Ohio State University (Go Buckeyes!). I would love to have several penpals, domestic and/or international - the last time I had one I was 12, and it only lasted through one exchange. I love traveling, reading (Jane Austen, HP, Freakanomics), and dancing. Oh, and I am so completely obsessed with office supplies that my bf won't let me go to Staples, etc. I have dozens of unused paper and pens, begging to be used. So please PM me if you are interested in exchanging snail mail.

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Time to join in for the letter exchange...


My name is John. I have been into fountain pens for about 10 years now as a user and collector.


My hobbies and interesets are: reading (primarily science fiction, fantasy and mysteries), movies (anything but horror), computer games (primarily rpgs, not online though), tropical fish keeping (and plants for that matter).


On a more personal level...I am 51, happily married, have 2 dogs (Welsh Corgis), 4 cats and the aforementioned tropical fish. I work as a principle shipper for a large retail fabric store. My primary real-world interests are the exploration of space and archaeology. I enjoy gardening in moderation, symbolic logic and crossword puzzles.


I think that about covers it.



John Schwab



Pens for sale at my Website.

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I'd love a snail mail pen pal.


I'm 41, single mom of 2, and a transplanted New Yorker. I enjoy knitting, reading, writing, food, exercise (although not enough, see previous), meeting new people. I'm very easy going and laid back.


PM me if you're interested.





I've returned to FPN after a long hiatus, and would like to correspond with others. Most of the above is still correct, although I'm 43 now. :embarrassed_smile:


Most importantly, I owe an apology to those I was corresponding with before, to have seemingly dropped off the face of the earth.


I'm back for good this time.

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I'm Kevin from NJ and I currently go to school in Ohio for architecture.


I got into pens when one day in 5th grade I picked up a Parker Jotter thinking wow! that's a neat pen and I didn't mind paying five bucks for it. That was my first pen from a real maker and I still have it. My first fountain pen was a Parker Reflex (also still have it). From then on I started to pick up more and more fountain pens and don't mind one particular style over another, it all depends on the pen. I am addicted to Montegrappa and Pelikan pens. They are consistently the best performing pens I have.


My interests include: history, art and architecture, music, reading, drawing, biking and photography. I had a 25mm Leica camera until about two weeks ago when it was stolen in the airport. crybaby.gif I loved that camera and I'm gonna have to buy another.


Well there's definitely more about me but I think I have hit the main targets.





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Hello, I’d love to do some snail mail writing! Haven’t done any since I was a kid and a few friends moved overseas before email was big.


So about me. The first thing I will say is that I have a highly active imagination, I love to make up stories but I never finish writing them but love to play out different events and so on. I am a very arty crafty person, dabble in everything, master nothing. Some of the things I am interested in include; photography, pastel painting, calligraphy, illumination, embroidery (not cross stitch), beadwork and pencil drawing. My main arty-crafty interest is making historical clothing by hand (as in really by hand, without a sewing machine) and I am mainly interested in the mid 15th century to the late 19th century.


History is another big thing for me, I LOVE history, mostly the little details, ie. Every day people, their material culture etc.


I also LOVE to read. I read sci-fi, fantasy, some romance, classical literature, children’s books, adventure, history books, anthropology books, art books- all sorts really!


I love to talk about stuff, time travel, deep philosophical conversations, how to make a particular stitch or just rabbit on about nothing much.


So, if you’re interested in snail-mailing then let me know!

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I'd also like to join in with the snail mail. If you would be interested in an occasional letter exchange I would be interested in exhanging letters with a few friends.


I'm a 48 year old Biology/Environmental Science teacher. I love my job of educating kids and especially the life sciences. I coach cross country and am an active bicycle racer. I am also a musician and lead a praise band of much better musicians than I, for my local church. I have been keeping a diary/journal since I was 18 which I began writing with a few nice roller balls then I progressed to gel Inks and then about 15 years ago I started with a Waterman Phileas and I haven't looked back since. If your interested in some occasional correspondance drop me a note.


PS. I am somewhat new to this forum and don't do too much electronically so please escuse my electronic faux pas.

Do or do not, there is no try. - Yoda

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Hello world,


I would love to find some penpals who enjoy fountain pens, paper, and all the other accouterments that go along with the hobby.


I am a 44 year old IT Engineer with a deep interest in computers, computing, linux, etc. I also enjoy reading (mostly history, medieval, WW2, etc though I am currently reading Dostoevsky's "Idiot"), music, photography, heraldry, wine and mead, amateur radio and a variety of other topics. I spent 17 years working as a paramedic so medicine can also be included in the list.


Oh, and animals. We have 6 dogs, 4 cats, fish, a variety of herps including hots for those so inclined (I teach venom education classes), and others.


Also, if there are other philatelists interesting in exchanging for the purpose of receiving stamped covers, please let me know.


Thank you for your consideration.


Jestre / Scott

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I began collecting and using fountain pens sometime in 2000. Having an affinity with Japanese culture and post-modern design, I gravitated towards the Japanese pens, especially the vintage capless and maki-e pens. By 2002, I owned around 120 pens and underwent a purging process, simplifying both my life and streaming down my pen collection. Just this past year, I've made a couple of purchases of user-grade vintage Sheaffers and Parker 51s. I still own a few Vanishing Points that all, but one, have modified nibs via Richard Binder. I also have several sundry pens including Pelikan M800 and Namiki Arte pen (Mt. Fuji).


I teach 10th grade high school world history and am also a musician. I journal daily and have a handful of snail mail pals that I've kept in contact with via the Pentrace site. My work is seasonal, meaning I have more time for correspondence during my breaks, etc., than I do during the regular school year. However, I'm fairly punctual in my replies. I belong both to Facebook: Facebook and have my own music-related site:Ukulele Craig.


I look forward to corresponding with you.

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This is Ruben, 29 years old from Spain. I welcome new penpals all year round, but specially in winter, because my work in tourism is seasonal, and it's in winter when I am off during some months, until business is back on track again.


Obviously, fountain pens are one of my hobbies, but this one is fairly new, in the need of expansion. Other hobbies include the use and abuse of ancient shaving instruments, vinyl records... And I have a strong point in my creative side. I like to write. In fact I am getting ready a compilation of short stories of juvenile dark humor called (translated from spanish) "TALES TO HELP YOU TO SLEEP (pretty bad)".


I am also into music, playing several instruments but none of them properly. I guess it's because I try to learn on my own, without teacher, which amuses me, but leaves my wife not all that amused!


I speak spanish, english, swedish (product from my two years life in Stockholm) and now I am trying to learn french (useful for my work) and russian (my wife is from Kazakhstan).


So, there you go. I am happy to give you my address in private message. I am eager to put to real test my current FPs and some more I intend to buy!



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Joey Bernard here, a 38 year old father of two little boys. I'm always looking for more pen pals from all around the world. I'm located on the East Coast of Canada. My background is in physics and computer science, but my interests include steampunk, Sherlock Holmes, woodworking, mythology, history, religion, non-religion, just about anything and everything. If you feel like getting anothe pen pal, feel free to PM me and I'll send you my postal address.

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I'm interested in penpalling as well. Just a brief intro. I'm Carrie, I'm 30 and from England. I started penpalling about 12 years ago and moved over to using fountain pens to write my letters about 4 years ago. My letters are written with various Conway Stewarts with the odd Parker thrown in for good measure if I feel like writing with something a bit different. Other interests include museums, archaeology, history, walking, reading (if I ever find the time), photography (I finally went digital last year with a Nikon D70 which I absolutely love), what else, I guess I could say that I spend far too much time going round the country watching different types of motorsport.


Fulcanelli, not sure ifI'm allowed to post links on here, but to answer your question, there are various snailmail websites. Send me a PM if you want any links to any that I've found to be useful.


Carrie, you sound like the female version of myself, we have exactly the same interests. I'm 34, I love history, archaeology, museums, motorsports, photography, reading, and a good pen. Count me in! Oh, I almost forgot, I'm an Anglophile as well, and LOVE Monty Python and Benny Hill!

Edited by EricB

Looking for Vintage Conway Stewart pens in blue marble to buy or trade.....

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Hello All,


I posted this in the wrong place, I trust you'll forgive a newbie...


I've been looking for reasons to write and people to write to for a while now, so when I saw this I thought it an ideal way to start and hopefully to learn something.


So a few words about me... I'm 45, married, live in North East England (not a Geordie), I fettle kit cars and ride motorbikes. I trained in electronics but fell in and out of the semiconductor industry. I'm considered old fashioned, I spent 9 years in the Army and know how to iron. I seem to have acquired quite a lot of hats. I like the way Agatha Christie writes, I sometimes feel music recorded after 1995 isn't worthy of comment (contentious point there) although I can list loads of modern stuff I like but not many artists I consider good. Elvis or the Beatles?


Well there's an eclectic set of topics that can add something to a letter... If anyone fancies putting ink to paper I'm game to respond: PM me for an address.




"Those Who Know What's Best For Us, Must Rise And Save Us From Ourselves."

Witch Hunt - Neil Peart



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I am a recent convert to FPs and a recent FPN member, too. I thought it would be like a good idea to join this list, as an opportunity to write snail mail letters, as opposed to the usual electronic communication I have been using for years.


I will throw some data that hopefully will spark some interest...


I am male, 42, live in Barcelona (Spain), with my wife and a 6 YO daughter.


I like reading (historical novels specially, but I read most anything I feel I will like - for instance, now I am reading John LeCarre's "The Constant Gardener", and I read Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird" before that). I like reading history books too.


I like movies, preferably old ones and period pieces, although, again, I am pretty open in my preferences - and I do not go much to the theaters, unless to children-oriented movies (because of my daughter). Latest titles were "Planet 51" and "Zombieland" in theater, and "Public Enemies" in DVD. I am afraid I must admit being a fairly acceptable "Indiana Jones" and "Star Wars" nerd. I do not much follow TV, but I am "The Simpsons" and have recently discovered "Family Guy". I follow the CSI franchise, too.


I like hats - I wear fedoras and other styles of headgear regularly (as you can see in my avatar, which is a "painting" of me a friend made, from a photo, with a computer program) the greater part of them vintage (40's and 50's mostly, but I have some earlier and some latter examples).


Feel free to drop a PM if you would like to exchange letters!





Edited by Torpedo

“Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.”

General George S. Patton




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Carrie, you sound like the female version of myself, we have exactly the same interests. I'm 34, I love history, archaeology, museums, motorsports, photography, reading, and a good pen. Count me in! Oh, I almost forgot, I'm an Anglophile as well, and LOVE Monty Python and Benny Hill!


You found an old post there, soon be half way through my thirties and the newly acquired Nikon D70 has been superceded by a Canon 40D :) Drop me a line if you fancy swapping letters.


Edited for inability to typ reet.




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I would love to send, and get letters. I love Pen Paling. I admit I need to work on my penmanship some because with my writing mostly for myself with my short stories I have gotten lazy but I am working on it. I promise while my penmanship isn’t the best it is legible.


So far I have only one proper fountain pen but I am working on adding more to my collection. I do love paper though and I have all kinds. Handmade pulps from our renaissance festival paper mill that I have made myself, G. Lalo and Southworth Fine Parchment are in my collection right now. I look forward to expanding it again as finances allow. I am keeping an eye on the Clairfontaine big purchase in the paper forum and hope it is not too late to get into it.


I am a very creative mind and love to do crafts. I am always looking for new things to do especially as I am a begrudging hermit presently. Over a year ago I was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Cancer and the treatment has zapped my immune system. But I don’t let it get me down by writing letters and making new friends, it is almost as good as being outside. I hope to hear from some new friends.

Ambrosia's Ink Rack Ink Reviews & More


Coming Soon Noteably yours Evansville area stationer.



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I am going to throw my name in the pot.


I from Oklahoma, and I am 25 years old. I'll be 26 in a couple of weeks.:blink: I am a graduate student studying Engineering Physics, so I am interested in physics and math (imagine that). I am finishing up my coursework this semester, and then all I have left is my thesis. I enjoy pens, paper, inks, and actually all office supplies. I think this is hereditary, since my mom is addicted to office supplies too. :ltcapd: I love reading classics, sci-fi, and mysteries. I love animals, and I have four dogs. I want to start learning calligraphy, because of all the lovely handwriting I see here. PM me for my address if you are interested in exchanging letters.

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_qVJOiluU9_4/THp4iGeCcpI/AAAAAAAAA2A/xh2FRE0B8p0/s1600/InkDropLogoFPN3.jpghttp://img525.imageshack.us/img525/606/letterji9.png http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/5642/postcardde9.png
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This may be too much to hope for, but are there any folks here who are also distance runners? If so, I'd love to correspond with you (and of course I'd write to you whether or not you run). It would be great to able to chat about training and upcoming races ...


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