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Snail Mail Writing List


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Hello, it would be nice to have a penpal or two, so I'll put my name in as well: Ladybleu. It's only been recently that I've discovered an attraction to fountain pens and found this list where I've made a few friends and acquired four or five new pens within the space of a few months!


A little about me: I'm in my 40's, live in Florida but originally come from the Boston area. I would consider myself a scholar and I work at a university. I'm a widow, but involved. I belong to a historical reenactment organization. I pursue many arts & crafts, have 5 cats, two fish, a bird and a dog living in my house. I love all types of music, many types of literature, the theater, and travel.


I am trying to work on writing a novel, and would be interested in corresponding with those who share my interests - especially if you are a writer as well. If you like, send me a pm and we can share information. Thanks!



"Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swamps of the not-quite, the not-yet, and the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists.. it is real.. it is possible.. it's yours."

— Ayn Rand (Atlas Shrugged)

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i would love to recieve snail mail


and as i am at home most days i have plenty of time to reply... after all any excuse to get a pen out and write !!!


i live in york u.k.


so if there is anyone outthere who would like to swap mail.. or if you collect postcards i can send you one of york


just pm me and we will get the ball rolling





can we live without ballpoints


<img src="http://img356.imageshack.us/img356/7260/postminipo0.png" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />



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HollyUK- I am interested in joining in with snail mail - it's like having an old fashioned 'pen pal'!!!


I am Femail, based in the Midlands in the UK. I am self employed (two businesses) and work from home mostly. I spend a lot of time on the computer, so the chance to use my fountain pens more would be great!


Please PM if you are interested in opening up a dialog.

My five rules for living:

1. Free your heart from hatred, 2. Free your mind from worries, 3. Live simply, 4. Give more, 5. Expect less


My pens: MB Greta Garbo; MB 149; MB Mozart; Lamy Safari; Lamy Al-Star; Lamy Joy


My work: Bid Writing, Copywriting and more!

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For the timebeing, I'm officially out of consideration. I need to fix problems with the PO. None of my last 5 letters have been delivered

The voice of this guitar of mine, at the awakening of the morning, wants to sing its joy;

I sing to your volcanoes, to your meadows and flowers, that are like mementos of the greatest of my loves;

If I am to die away from you, may they say I am sleeping, and bring me back home.


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For the timebeing, I'm officially out of consideration. I need to fix problems with the PO. None of my last 5 letters have been delivered


Good news, Kabe!


I received a postcard from you November 12 (the card is the Baja California Sur Cactus; thank you!).


I didn't think about it, and planned to reply in a few days. But after reading your recent post, I looked at the postmark.


Your card is postmarked 13 October!!


So, the BAD news is that it takes a month to get from Baja California Sur to Norte California, US.


The GOOD news is that it's been received, and perhaps your other correspondents will receive their cards and letters very soon.


Have faith, and keep those cards and letters coming--they're worth the wait!



<span style='color: #4B0082'><span style='font-size: 10px;'>"What does not destroy me, makes me stronger." Nietschze</span>

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Salam! Man yek dost-e nameh Irani mikhoaham. If there's any Iranian, whether in Iran or outside, who wants to read letters in Persian from me, send me a PM. I need to practice my written Persian. I don't mind if you want to write back in English, but I insist on writing in Persian only. :)

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Hello everyone!

Greetings! I am extremely new to FP's and purchased a $10 Regal with converter and some PR Ebony Green ink. The pen seems to write wonderfully right out of the box and I am hooked. Today received a 10 pack of Hero "51" clones and found the random 2 I tried work great. I am awaiting a Lamy Vista, Dollar Piston Filler, some Noodler's Inks, and another bottle of Private Reserve (midnight blues) from Swisher Pens.


I'm a husband, art teacher, amateur bagpiper, firefighter. I like movies, music, trivia, and the outdoors. Wouldn't mind corresponding with people of a similar age and interests from anywhere in the world, especially the UK and Ireland.





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Well, ... I'm in.


Here's the situation on me:


I'm 42, married (19 years), no children, and live in Saskatchewan, Canada. I am an insurance broker (home/business/auto) by day and a university lecturer at a business school at night. I'm also involved in a non-profit group that's dedicated to condominium living.


I'm a computer geek (with a particular interest in networking [every machine I own now has IPv6 connectivity, e.g. :) ] and classic computers [i own a couple of Sun Sparcstations, some 8-bit Commodore computers, an Amiga and a VAXstation]). I'm a photo geek but only on film (I shoot 35mm, 120 and 4x5 large format and do my own black-and-white darkroom work). I also like to travel and have visited most of Canada (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NL), parts of the US (ND, MT, WA, OR, CA, NV, ID, FL, NY), plus the UK (London, Glasgow, Edinburgh and much of the rest of Scotland), Switzerland (Zurich/St. Gallen/Amriswil), Austria (Bregenz), Germany (Lindau and Konstanz) and Liechtenstein. I'm in Toronto 2-4 times per year and am planning to go to San Diego, California in February.


My fountain pen interest is new (pen list is in my signature). The ink bottles are already accumulating...


I've had a dog and many cats but currently our home is petless, which makes the traveling a little easier.


I collect postage stamps although it's become a bit of a secondary hobby as my life has gotten busier. I still work on my collection a few days a year. My countries of specialization are Canada, the UK, Australia and New Zealand although it's inevitable that the US will get added to the list. I also intend to pick some interesting, relatively obscure (for collectors in this part of the world) country to collect as well. One of the Scandinavian ones might be a good one for this niche.


I have a long-term pen pal in Australia and that is the only person with whom I currently correspond by mail.


I speak French (but not exceptionally well).


I like pomegranates.


I'm addicted to the Amazing Race.


I like big cities.


I own an iPhone.


I like Indian food.


Perhaps more surprises will be revealed in correspondence.


I can't write weekly, but if you like the idea of an occasional letter, please feel free to consider me. I prefer correspondents overseas, but if I seem very compatible with you, it won't bother me greatly if you're in Manitoba or Minnesota.



Too many pens; too many inks. But at least I've emptied two ink bottles now.

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Hi! I'm Andrew, I like reading, Spanish(intermediate) and Japanese language(beginning) and the study of Chinese characters.


I'm a Pharm. tech.

Presently based in Georgia, USA.


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Encouraged by success with the postcard swap ("success" meaning they don't seem to have got lost across the Mediterranean) I'm putting myself up for letter exchanges. I'm from Malta, and a student currently studying Classics (I've also studied for an English & Comparative Lit degree). Frequent correspondence should be fine, I used to exchange letters with friends quite regularly when I lived in London - it was definitely important to me.


My interests include.... reading and writing - reading anything but especially novels, poetry and history. I'm especially interested in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. I enjoy listening to all sorts of music (eclectic tastes), right now I'm stuck between Gaga and Monteverdi. It's odd. I prefer savoury to sweet. I'm very interested in gardens, though I don't garden (yet) - I just like the idea of them, and what they mean. I'm fascinated by spirituality and mythology. I like looking at pictures, right now my favourite artists include Yoshitaka Amano and Remedios Varo. In a future/past life I should like to be/may have been a stop motion animator.... Svankmajer is a big influence on my dream life. I have vivid and baroque dreams, but they are erratic - sometimes they'll be a regular feature in my life for months at a time, then suddenly nothing (I'm going through a dry patch at the moment). Animals are important, my family includes a black dane (bleep) called Holly and two kits called Nog and Blitz. My grandfather is probably the most honourable person I know - he sets a standard that's difficult to live up to, and I love him for it. My parents have been married for close to three decades. I have a younger brother who thinks writing things out by hand when there's a perfectly good laptop nearby is a sign of encroaching madness. I've participated in a burlesque show where I played a lecherous Charles Darwin. My favourite birds are owls.


Anybody interested in exchanging letters is more than welcome to pm me, whether you're in Malta too, the EU or anywhere else on the face of this planet.

The Llama is a woolly sort of fleecy hairy goat, with an indolent expression and an undulating throat; like an unsuccessful literary man.

― Hilaire Belloc


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Greetings to all of my fellow FPN members.


My name is Justin, but I will also quite happily accept the use of my screen name Joral on correspondence.


I'm a 31 year old financial software developer in the Atlanta, GA area. I have a wife and 4 year old son, who I've found add a lot to life. Outside of computers, my interests include astronomy, reading (novels, as well as some philosophy), woodworking, and hiking. I've just started with the fountain pen madness, but it is catching. The rest of my coworkers keep wondering about why use such old pens in our high tech environment. I just can't get them to understand.

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In order to help keep this thread tidy, I have created the FPN Post Office. That is our new place to post when mail is received/sent. This includes snail mail letters as well as post cards.


*back to thread*

...For desire is the cruelest pain. -Jill Tracy

Function determines structure. -Dr Glenn Doman

"Left-handers of the world, unite!" -Janus Zarate: League of Left-Handers, brassgoggles.co.uk



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My name is Max and I am fountain pen newbie.I'm only 15.

Despite fountain pens my hobbies are diverted - I am interested in photography, www, NLP, 2D gfx and many many others.

As pupil I love complaining about my crappy english teacher (who I always water the flowers off ;>)

Nevertheless, I live in Poland. I still don't know why I have chosen this nickname ;o

My favourite fp is Lamy Safari - powerfull in my hands , wet writer.


I don't know what to write.


Orange Safari + Semi-broken Parker Frontier + Dikawen 118 + Diamine Ink

If you want to share your ink with poor polish teenager (me) just send a PM

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My name is David and am 28 years old. I'm an American currently living in Korea, where I teach English for the time being. When my contract is up next summer I'll be moving to Japan to teach another year or two and then (hopefully) go to grad school for photography and cinematography. My background is in photography, which I have been involved in for about 15 years. I'm an artist, writer, designer, etc. I enjoy writing, fixed gear bicycles, fly fishing, travel, film, music, philosophy, art, and so-on. I am very liberal, but respectful of the fact that others are not.


In short, I'd like to get to know more people and have an excuse to write more letters. I want to get to know people from all over the world.


PM me!

Edited by David R Munson
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Hello Everyone, My name is Don (oldnavy1988) and I am a 43 married male with 2 children living in New Jersey in the United States of America. I have been a Registered Nurse for 11 years and recently completed my Masters Degree in the field this last year. Currently I am investigating PhD programs. I love to receive letters and postcards from across the globe and sharing them with my family. I also enjoy responding in like kind which affords me the opportunity to use my pens and ink. I am seeking international penpals to swap with. I respond quickly and reliably. If you should like to write, please drop me a PM and I will be glad to send you my mailing address. Thanks.

"Let us cross over the river and sit in the shade of the trees." Final words of General 'Stonewall' Jackson (d.1863) when killed in error by his own troops at the battle of Chancellorsville.






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  • 2 weeks later...



My name is Kate and I'm 19 years old. I live in Virginia, and am about to enter my first semester of college. My major is International studies. I work mainly nights at a sports bar to pay for my schooling, apartment, and the purchasing of new fountain pens. I've never had a pen pal before, but would love to be able to put my pens to use and meet people from all over the world (or perhaps even right next door). As far as hobbies go, I enjoy traveling (though so far I've only been to Italy -Germany didn't count, as we never left the airport), art, black and white film photography, working in the dark room, reading, and learning new styles of writing. I'm currently working at bettering my copperplate, and learning Italic.


Send me a PM if you'd like to write, and I'll send you my address. I'd love to be able to use my fountain pens with others who share the same interest. My roommates just don't understand the appeal of them.

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My name is Michael and I mostly go by Mike for anyone who prefers that over the formal first name! I want to add myself back into the hat after going astray after two hurricase that hit here in the 2008 season. I am a 31yo male that lives in south Louisiana. Some of my interests are fountain pens, inks, music, RPN calculators, and I am interested in anything you feel like writing about. This gives me a chance to put these great instruments to useand a great use of my time. Please feel free to contact me to get started with some letters are want to know more before then!


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I live in NY. 31 years old. Hobbies are rc airplanes, fountain pens, travel and restoration and snowboarding. I may have even FIXED one of your pens! Loves the outdoor and good movies. I like baseball as well.


PM me with address info if you'd like to letter swap

Edited by hcsk8ter
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