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Snail Mail Writing List


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My name is Karen, and I like writing and receiving letters. I am mostly interested in connecting with people interested in L. M. Montgomery and the Victorian era in general.



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My name is Karen, and I like writing and receiving letters. I am mostly interested in connecting with people interested in L. M. Montgomery and the Victorian era in general.





I also love L. M. Montgomery, and I would like to receive letters. I am a student in an English program. I would like to pursue an MFA and Ph. D in creative writing-poetry. For address, pm me.



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Anyone interested in classical music or ham radio, I'm always up for more penpals. Warning: I'm into classical BIGTIME. So if you are more than just the casual listener and like the deeper workings and background of the various works and composers,please by all means PM me for my address or use QRZ for the same. Hams will know QRZ.


Also, I'm a dedicated writer and am voracious in my letter writing. So if you are one that only wants to write once every six months, you might not find me the best penpal :rolleyes:







Edited by handlebar
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I have recently caught the correspondence bug, and would quite enjoy exchanging letters with anyone interested. A brief list of interests:


Fountain pens (obviously, although I'm hardly what you'd call a serious collector), clawhammer banjo, lutherie, zymurgy, American history/culture (I love learning about beloved regional customs, foods, and places of interest), Freemasonry, pretty much any gracious old custom or tradition which has fallen by the wayside.



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Hello All,


I am delighted to finally be able to find a snail-mail list of people who actually enjoy pens and penmanship.


I am 30, was born in India, have lived in the US these past 10 years, and am at the brink of completing my Ph.D. I enjoy reading and in my lazier moments, watching television. I also enjoy walking, gardening and cooking. I am looking to correspond with anyone who enjoys an exchange of ideas on paper. I have had penpals before, but not for many years and would dearly love to correspond regularly again with an unknown, unseen friend.




http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/606/letterji9.png http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/5642/postcardde9.png


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Good afternoon, All!


My name is Jen, and I am interested in participating in the letter exchange.

I'm rather new here, and have updated my list of interests in my profile for everyone to peruse.


I am 34, living in Hershey, Pennsylvania, and am currently laid off from my IT job. This makes it both more challenging (financially) and easier (time-wise) to plan my wedding in the fall. While I search for my new job adventure, I have a lot of time to catch up on my laundry lists.


If anyone is interested in friendly conversation, or in-depth discussions on the meaning of life, the universe, and everything (42), then I'm your girl!


Compassionately and Respectfully Yours,


Jen Howland





<img src="http://i729.photobucket.com/albums/ww296/messiah_FPN/Badges/SnailBadge.png" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" width="60" height="45" /><img src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_qVJOiluU9_4/THoFdqPGYOI/AAAAAAAAA1w/gmV637q-HZA/s320/InkDropLogoFPN.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" width="60" height="45" />

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I am a 26yr old father of 1 with number two on the way. My wife and I along with our daughter live in Knoxville, TN. I have a great love of Bible study, as well as history, philosophy, and classical Hebrew. I enjoy reading a variety of books, from John Calvin to John Piper and Tolkien to Rowling. I find that I do a good bit of writing, as I seem to think most clearly with pen in hand; something about having to take a little more time to process a thought before putting it down on paper.


I have recently sought to revive (at least in my life) the lost art of letter writing. It seems that all my heroes are dead guys that used to write extensively to both their friends and adversaries. I think that people used to find a closeness in writing that we have lost even though we have the ability to instantly connect with anyone anywhere. I am interested in friendly discussion on personal philosophy, worldviews, faith, theology, or anything else that shapes the way we see our reality. I like to get to know people, and see what drives them and what shapes the way they think. I am aware of how my faith directs everything in my life, and I enjoy discussion with others, like minded or not, who like to ponder what it is that drives mankind to do what it does.


Let me know if you might enjoy this kind of conversation and getting to know someone new. I look forward to hearing from anyone living anywhere, the only problem is I only can communicate fluently in English.



For if I preach the gospel, I have nothing to boast of, for I am under compulsion; for woe is me if I do not preach the gospel.


Esterbrook: J(x3), SM; 9550, 9668, 9788 / Hero: 616(x3), 329

Inks: Chesterfield Erinite and Mahogany (both darkened with MB Black); Pelikan 4001 Blue Black; Mont Blanc Black

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Hello FPNers,


I would love join the Snail Mail List. Any excuse to use great paper, wonderful pens, and amazing inks!


I have been collecting pens my whole life, and fountain pens and inks seriously since 2005. I love the forums provided on FPN, but do not post a lot. I am also a book lover, music lover, classic movie lover, and dog lover. I have four West Highland Terriers: Bella, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, and Ms. Bluebell, and an English Cocker Spaniel named Captain Hastings. They are all good for a laugh!


It will be great to meet new people via the Snail Mail List! I look forward to corresponding with you.








Inky fingers are a sign of genius!




Check me out at bluenotegrl.blogspot.com

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I have always been writing almost for every reasons in my life.

43 yr old this year married with 2 kids, boy 10 and girl 3, lovely wife a accounts executive.

we all live in Singapore .


I bump into FPN recently and found myself surfing here DAILY!

I use fountain pen daily for my journals, notes taking when in discussion , meetings.


work in the business world for engineering and now learning more of the retail solutions. though I am in a fast moving, high tech world, I am still very into writings ...


my interest ? writing in fountain pens, aquarium, reading, ....gadgets!


I can start the first letter and


pm me !

Edited by joelchan

The BEST teacher don't give you the answers, they just point the way and you make your own choice - Will Schuester, GLEE

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I am new to this fountain pen network, but not to letter writing. I am interested in picking up a pen pal or two, or more. I would like to exchange letters and or postcards with individuals that are interested in odd things, fun things, or anything really.


I love to write on all my fun stationery and use my pens, but more than that I love the idea of taking a moment and spending it with a person that I know, but have not met.


I live in Denver with my small family, work part-time, go to school full-time, and would love to hear about your interests.


I do have a blog full of my other postcards and letters, GirlZootZilla, as a reference to my moderate reliability.


Please let me know if you would like to exchange letters.


I look forward to hearing from you!

GirlZootZilla, stomping through nations, consuming postage and laying waste to mailboxes worldwide.


I don't buy everything I read,

I haven't even read everything I've bought.

---Steven Page & Ed Robertson (Barenaked Ladies)/This Is Where It Ends

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I'd love to join too.....


If you'd care to exchange letter feel free to PM me for an address swap....


take care from chicago....


http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/5642/postcardde9.png http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/606/letterji9.png
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Hello, everyone,


I am a recently new member here, having re-discovered my fascination with fountain pens, and indeed with all sorts of writing and drawing implements, over the last few months. I became unemployed at the end of March when my employer of twenty years, Snap-on Tools, closed the Escondido, California manufacturing plant where I worked as a maintenance technician. Don't let the job title mislead you: much of what I was doing, particularly the last seven or eight years, involved a good deal of light machining, graphic design, photography, and technical writing, so I'm not ONLY a knuckle-busting mechanic. :-)


I'm 48 years old, married, have one youngster (16 and a senior in high school) still at home, four cats, one large lizard, two tanks of guppies, and somewhere approaching one hundred birds ranging in size from owl finches to sun conures. Apart from fountain pens, my interests lie mainly in reading, primarily science fiction but I have been known to read other things; my wife has even managed to get me to read a couple of romance novels over the past 14 years.


I enjoy seeing the occasional movie, again mainly SF but I'm more flexible here, but I detest crowds and more often watch movies at home; I don't watch television at all.


I like most music, from very early (Medieval & Renaissance) to very modern, with the exceptions of rap, hip-hop, and most country/western; my favorites come from the 1960s and 1970s, though.


My other greatest time-wasters are reading Web comics, and both building and designing scale models of things from paper; my designs can be found on my Web site (link in my signature).


Back to the point: I haven't had a regular POMail correspondent since my great-grandmother died thirty-odd years ago, and would very much like to exchange letters or postcards with anyone, really; a common interest would be good, but anything which will give me some handrwiting practice will be helpful.


Please feel free to drop me a PM or hit the e-mail link on my site if you'd like to exchange POMail addresses.

Mike Hungerford

Model Zips - Google Drive

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I'd like to join the letter exchange, too. I'm new to fountain pens, but I'm learning fast by reading all the great information on this site.


I live in Colorado and am owned by a lovely English Mastiff girl named Chloe. I haven't exchanged letters with anyone since grade school, but I promise to be responsive to anyone who would like to correspond with me.


If you are interested, PM me and we can exchange addresses.



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Hey everyone,


This is my first post on the site and I am very new to fountain pens, having only recently acquired my first: a Lamy Safari. I would love to exchange letters with someone but I must forewarn that I do not have any special skills in penmanship but have a very legible cursive. I also have some experience in using the script used by Bilbo Baggins in the beginning of Fellowship of the Ring and an elven script. (Yes, I am a geek.)


Here is a short bio:


I am 19-years old and a full-time student at Francis Marion University, majoring in Political Science and minoring in History and English. So some of my interests follow from them. I enjoy writing pretty much everything; I attempted my hand at poetry recently and was met with applause by my girlfreind though ;) Perhaps she is biased? I also enjoy history of any type. I am an avid technology fan but also into things such as LotR.


I suppose I would gather most pleasure in exchanging letters if they were in the form of an educated, freindly debate over some subject. (Religion, politics, environmental problems, etc.)


I am quite excited and do plan to respond hastily. PM me for mailing address. Thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would love to exchange letters from all over the world.


Email is just so cold and inpersonal, besides if we love pens and consequently writing, what is the next logical step?


Saint Eve Marketing - Online Marketing for Beginners


Send me a postcard - Send me a letter<hr/>


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I am throwing my had into the ring, as well. I recently invested in some pens and really nice paper only to realize that I had no one to write to. At first, I was hopeful and I wrote little letters to friends that lived in other parts of the country. When I began to receive replies by email, however, it dawned on me that no one writes anymore.


Like many other people on this list, I miss letter-writing and would love to make new friends in the process. I am female and in my late 30s. I live in Illinois and would like to correspond with other people in the country and around the world.


Please contact me privately for my address.





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This should be fun. I'm a 31 year-old newly married college professor and production administrator for a steel mill in Ohio. I served in the United States Air Force before attending college for a B.A. in English and M.A. in Literature. I guess that's as brief a bio as I can manage.

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