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Snail Mail Writing List


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I much fear your paranoid Prez will read your letter before agreeing to have it sent, Ines.

The voice of this guitar of mine, at the awakening of the morning, wants to sing its joy;

I sing to your volcanoes, to your meadows and flowers, that are like mementos of the greatest of my loves;

If I am to die away from you, may they say I am sleeping, and bring me back home.


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Hi all...


I haven't had a real live pen pal since I was a kid, which was MANY years ago...


I would love to participate!!


How does this work??


I live in the beautiful Pacific North West, in the USA (Oregon, to be specific)


I re-discovered fountain pens on a typical dark, rainy Christmastime walk a few years back. I happened into a tiny stationery store that was closing after the holidays (a wonderful store, called Writer's Bloc, which still has a web presence). I picked up a Lamy Safari that was displayed on the counter, began to write, and the rest, as they say, is history....


I've rediscovered journalling after a lifetime being away from writing my thoughts down. It's really hard to write sometimes. Trying to remember, and trying to forget, and the whole thing goes on paper. I wonder if I will ever go back and read my own words. The paper and pen can be therapeutic, and also carry a great weight. How can that be??


Serious stuff I know. A penpal might do the trick. Might help me to write, on the days where writing seems so difficult...


Sign me up!!



.....the Heart has it's reasons, which Reason knows nothing of.....

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I would love to get back on the mailing list....I just got a post card today.....wow its been a while. I live in St. Louis, Mo. and would love to trade post cards with people. I had a great response last time and sent out alot of post cards. Cant wait to hear from everyone.







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I'd like to join in this scheme as well. So if you are up for receiving letters from a 40-ish management accountant called Bruce who lives in Wiltshire, England with his wife and three children and whose hobbies are astronomy, music and occasional reading and writing for pleasure, drop me a PM.

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My apologies to all my correspondents - who are far more diligent than I am.


Due to an overwhelming workload and several family trips, both planned and unplanned, I have had virtually zero time to myself for the past couple of months - but things are easing up a bit and I hope to improve that situation soon. So if I owe you a letter, be assured, I'll get to you sometime soon. Can't promise the fanciest stationery or best penmanship, but you'll hear from me!



I'm Andy H and I approved this message.

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My apologies to all my correspondents - who are far more diligent than I am.


Due to an overwhelming workload and several family trips, both planned and unplanned, I have had virtually zero time to myself for the past couple of months - but things are easing up a bit and I hope to improve that situation soon. So if I owe you a letter, be assured, I'll get to you sometime soon. Can't promise the fanciest stationery or best penmanship, but you'll hear from me!




Unfortunately, I am in exactly the same boat! I managed to dash a couple of letters off last week and hope to catch up over the next week or so!








"And fighting time so hard I pray that this moment lasts forever and will the world stay standing still, at least, for me...." --- "Standing" VNV Nation

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Hi everyone


I'm in! I've lurked here for ages, trawling the boards for info when I get stuck with paper/ink/other FP issues, but I've only posted three times! I hope you won't hold that against me ;-)


I live in the UK, I'm 27 and - I feel I should warn you of this in advance! - often feel rather at odds with the world. I suppose I do things differently... I'm used to being something of a black sheep! I haven't plugged the television aerial in for over three years, although I do have a penchant for certain TV murder mysteries on DVD (Midsomer Murders, Agatha Christie, Inspector Alleyn etc.) and will happily curl up on the sofa to watch a couple of movies. I'm a bit of a country girl at heart and although I usually enjoy my visits to London to see my SO, I can't imagine ever living somewhere like that. Too much concrete, not enough trees! I love to read, love to float around in my own little world and I LOVE my music. I'm going through a jazz phase again at the moment, playing Miles Davis and Oscar Peterson albums to death. I have a tendency to dwell on things and the cogs are constantly turning, trying to find reason in the madness that surrounds us all.


I'd love to strike up correspondence with someone, it's been a long time since I had that kind of relationship. I think there is something beautiful in the exchange of thought and sentiment that seems only to exist in handwritten correspondence. So look me up! PM me (I hope I can receive PMs with my low post count, we'll soon find out - post here if you can't get hold me of and we'll figure something out!) and let's see what happens.


All the best, hope you're all having a good week.





My apologies to all those who are waiting for a letter from me! They are on their way, slowly but surely. Last year vanished in a haze of illness, family trauma and then the snow arrived and brought our mail service to a grinding halt! Please forgive me, letters are on their way.


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My name is: Passion

I am: a high school student

I enjoy: using all types of pens (except bad), reading, writing letters, journaling, talking to people, laughing, blogging, and reading other people's blogs.

When I get home from school, the first thing I do is check the mail because I'm too excited about the possiblility of a letter to restrain myself :).

I love doing new things and meeting new people, so if you're interesting or weird, I'm garrenteed to like you :D


I hope I get a penpal out of this!



"Catch them quickly before they fly away. I'm blowing scattered thoughts in your direction."

- Sarah Yhann


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I posted a while back that I wanted to exchange letters, but feel the urge to update since most people probably won't read all 32 pages. Anyway, a little about me: I'm 21, go to college, a night owl, interested in fountain pens (obviously), reading (almost anything), vintage stuff, architecture and design, British history, and fine arts, especially theatre. PM me if you would like to correspond. I have to many pens laying idle right now.

"Instant gratification takes too long."-Carrie Fisher

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After gathering a variety of "postcard friends" on another thread, I'd like to gather a few snail mail correspondents.


My FPN profile is sketchy, but here are the basics:


I'm a 52 year old bald guy, married with a daughter in college (Hillsdale College, Michigan). We live in Dixon, California, between San Francisco and Sacramento. I was educated as an accountant and work as Administrative Services Manager for an Irrigation District (local government), dealing with accounting, finance, safety, risk management, legislation, taxes, etc. I also used to handle human resources.


My list of hobbies and interests probably make me sound like a goldfish on speed, but I dabble in a little bit of everything:


* Western leather carving (anything smaller than a saddle)

* Bookbinding (thanks to my fountain pens)

* Fountain pens (or is that stating the obvious?)

* Railroading (I volunteer at the State Railroad Museum)

* NASCAR (not as a fan in the stands, I really used to be a crew member & PR Director)

* Origami (mainly geometric shapes)

* Reading (military science fiction, spy thrillers, civil war history)

* Music (bluegrass, jazz, world music ... they're all related, and classical)

* Soccer (Go Arsenal!)


My grandfather was born in Cornwall, UK, so I have travelled there a few times and have an interest in life in the UK.


If you see something that interests you, send me a PM. If you see that we have nothing in common at all, that's okay too. We can learn from each other.


Enjoy! Steve C

Edited by sdcurnow

Curnow Bookbinding & Leatherwork

See us on Facebook


http://img356.imageshack.us/img356/7260/postminipo0.png http://img356.imageshack.us/img356/8703/letterminizk9.png

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Ok, here it goes, I started with swapping postcards and will continue to do so, as it is enjoyable, but now I believe I would like to add some letter exchangers as well.


I am in my 30s married and have a 21 month old daughter with another one on the way. I enjoy reading, movies, some sports, fountain pens (and all their related items), leather working (although I only have dabbled in it), and anything electronics. My education is in Computer Science and some engineering, and I presently work for a telecommunication company.


Also please realize that just because I did not list something as an interest above, that it does not mean I am not interested in it. Even if it is something I do not know anything about, I enjoy diving into other interest as well from educational to practice in some cases.


If you are interested in exchanging letters, or have any other questions regarding any additional details you would like to know before starting, please just let me know.



Hopefully I have written enough to tempt someone in. :rolleyes:









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Hey pen peeps!


43-year-old married guy from Cleveland, Ohio here. I am a freelance writer, so I can say that I actually need my pens to make a living. Envy me!


One of the really great things about being a freelance writer is that I get to learn a little bit about a lot of different things, so life is always interesting.


My own interests include (in no particular order) pets, music, playing guitar, martial arts, renewable energy, electronic gadgets, and of course fountain pens. I have opinions on many other topics, some of which I am actually reasonably well-informed. Drop me a line!



Use big words. They carry more weight.
I help small businesses find their next new customer. Check out more about what I do on Facebook.

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... I have 4 Fountain Pens, and I finally found one I love to write with, and an ink that really inspires me...
Hi, I cannot commit to a snail mail pal at this time plus I know that the "snail mail" topic is not the place to discuss pen/ink but I'm always curious about people's FPs and inks (both brands and colors) loves. Which pen did you find that you love to write with and which ink inspires you?


Members: if you'd rather I not inquire about pens/ink here, *please* post objection and I will gladly PM Rinaldo if more appropriate to do so. I fully understand.



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Thanks to all my current snail mail people, I really enjoy your letters :thumbup:


I would also like to hear from people in Japan, China, Korea etc, so please feel free to get in touch.


Kind regards



Exploding Ink Maestro


Pens: Caran d'Ache Leman Godron, Lamy Safari, Italix Parsons Essential, Mont Blanc LeGrande '90 years' Edition, Sigma Style, Italix Vipers Strike, Parker Sonnet, Omas 360, Parker Duofold (c.1950), Conway Stewart #286, Conway Stewart #24, Onoto Magna Classic in Chased Midnight Blue and SS Trim

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I too would absolutely love to join in exchanging letters. Though I am unsure how rapid my responses will be, nor exactly how many people I'll be able to correspond with at one time, with letters for the sake of enjoyment that does not seem to be as large of an issue as it otherwise would be.


My interests are incredibly varied, and I'd happily write on any topic. I'm currently a 4th year college student (3rd Year Junior, technically) transferring down to the University of California, Santa Cruz, to major in Physical Anthropology (focusing on functional morphological anatomy and hominin evolution) and German Studies. I was born and raised in Oakland/the San Francisco Bay Area, and will likely still call it home while in Santa Cruz. My first three years of college was done attending Laney College in the Peralta Community College district of Oakland, where I studied topics including philosophy, logic, religion, anthropology (cultural, physical, forensic, linguistic, and archaeological), English writing, Spanish language, sociology, world history, world politics, art history, ceramics (I'm an amateur potter), photography, and business.


Un-academically, I am interested in languages (I speak English natively, and am learning Spanish, Persian, and German), anthropology, philosophy, history, politics, art, and many other subjects. My hobbies include fountain pens (of course), computers, technology, film, music, writing, reading, bookbinding, wood turning, pottery, wet shaving, acrylic painting, pen and paper RPGs (D&D, Call of Cthulhu, D20 Modern, Dark Heresy), table top miniature games (Battletech, This Quars War, Warhammer 40,000, Infinity, Warmachine), video games (PC and Xbox 360), photography, herbariums (plant collecting), stamp collecting, antiques, and many other things.


Specific to languages, I'd absolutely love to get together with anyone who would be willing to write letters back and forth to me in any of the three languages I'm learning (Spanish, Persian, German), keeping in mind that I have just started out learning them and am looking to improve. Other than that, correspondence about any of the interests I have, any interests anyone may have (I always love to hear about new things), or just day-to-day goings on, would be wonderful to partake of.



- Matthew

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I too would be interested in a letter exchange. I must warn you though that my handwriting is not terribly good.


I am a mid 30s father of two living outside Cleveland, Ohio. I'm a Network Administrator by trade and play a lot of video games as well. Go figure. I am also interested in pen and paper games and grew up playing D&D, Battletech, and Car Wars. I still play Magic the Gathering, though not at a very high level. I've just started into the obsession that is fountain pen collecting. My collection is currently stuck at one Lamy Safari and a pair of Parker 21s. I've got my older son interested in fountain pens as well now and he has claimed one of the 21s as his own. :)


I am a one time Nanowrimo winner (2006) and two additional attempts in 2007 and 2008. I will be at it again this year and hopefully more prepared as my youngest son is now a little older (he was born in mid 2007) and I've now graduated from school. I went back for an Associates degree which I just finished along with earning a couple more computer certifications.


Anyway I look forward to hearing from anyone that is interested!



http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/606/letterji9.png http://img356.imageshack.us/img356/7260/postminipo0.png
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I always have time to write a letter!


My name is Cole Imperi and I'm from Cincinnati, OH. I've got just a handful of letter writing friends, but I'd like to add 3 or 4 new ones.

Especially interested if you are:


+ in Australia (particularly Adelaide area, I'll be traveling there next year)

+ in Israel (I speak Hebrew)

+ in any Spanish speaking country (I speak Spanish)



A list of things I like to chat about:

+ Tea (love to send/receive samples)

+ paper (love to send/receive samples)

+ botany/horticulture/gardening

+ fountain pens/ink

+ language (hebrew, spanish, any native american language but especially Tsalagi)

+ religion (esp. Judaism/Christianity)



I've had several wonderful writing relationships where we'd send each other our latest pieces of writing and I would edit and send back (I have a BA in Journalism and still ghostwrite). I've also had writing relationships where we'd just exchange doodles or drawings, or stickers and other odds and ends. Those are great fun.


I would love to establish a relationship with a much older and wiser business person. I own several businesses and the chance to speak with someone in regard to my newer ventures in confidence would be phenomenal.


Please DM me for my address!




This is where I post pen, paper and ink stuff. Just look under the Diversions section.

<a href="http://www.simplicityembellished.com" target="_blank">http://www.simplicityembellished.com</a>

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I think I'd like to give this a whirl.


I'm a woman in my mid-twenties, I'm a graduate student in history and I'm a newlywed :wub: . Recently, a dear friend of mine wrote me an extremely heartfelt email for which I have had no response. I've thought about it and thought about it and have finally come to the conclusion that I am incapable of actually writing a letter. Just as I was coming up, computers and the internet were all the rage, so I never really had the occasion to write a letter. Instead, I am quite well versed in the "Hi! I need this. Thanks in advance!" email form of writing. I desperately need to change this. I'm hoping some patient soul will agree to be my penpal so that I can actually learn how to do this! I'm also trying to work on my french writing skills (intermediate at best) so if you write a little french that is a plus.



I like to chat about current events; I'd describe my poltics as moderate (think fiscally conservative democrat).

I have a burgeoning interest in teas.

I love history.

I am christian so I wouldn't mind a bit of religious conversation, but am by no means an evangelist.

I also like to cook, so if someone had recipes to share, etc that would be great.

Edited by dizzypen

Equal Opportunity Ink and Fountain Pen User.


My blog: The Dizzy Pen

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Hi, my name is Henry Louis


I am 14 years old and have been using fountain pens exclusively since February (haha). I am going to grade 10 this September. I'd like to have a pen-pal.




Art, Fountain pens, Mechanical watches, culture, museums, photography, the city of toronto, the newspaper and travel.

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Edited by punch

"Political Correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional and illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end"

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