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Snail Mail Writing List


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I'd like to throw my hat into the ring again for snail mail!

Thank you!


What? Where's *my* letter? Oh yeah, something about President's Day. I wish that you had emphasized that, Jane. I went to the bank yesterday and thought that I was so fortunate that the drive-thru lanes were empty and then, your words came to mind. Federal holiday.


I've actually acquired some postage. Well, not yet. I ordered the postage online from usps.com in lieu of standing in line at the post office. Am I missing the point of this snail mail endeavor if I use my computer to get the postage?


I think that I've cheated already. :headsmack:

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What? Where's *my* letter? Oh yeah, something about President's Day. I wish that you had emphasized that, Jane. I went to the bank yesterday and thought that I was so fortunate that the drive-thru lanes were empty and then, your words came to mind. Federal holiday.


I've actually acquired some postage. Well, not yet. I ordered the postage online from usps.com in lieu of standing in line at the post office. Am I missing the point of this snail mail endeavor if I use my computer to get the postage?


I think that I've cheated already. :headsmack:


That's hysterical! :roflmho: You made me laugh out loud!




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That's hysterical! :roflmho: You made me laugh out loud!


Finally, someone who appreciates my humor! More importantly, I just clicked on your profile and only got to the spot about inks before I stopped reading to write you.


I couldn't wait to get a bottle of Noodler's Gray Ink. (I know that this isn't the forum to discuss this, but I didn't want to stalk you until I located you on a more appropriate forum.) I've seen people mention gray as a favorite several times and it sounded cool.


Gray ink... what color paper do you people use this on??? No matter what kind of paper I am writing on, it looks like, um, pencil.


Is Noodler's too pale or am I just not "getting it"? Is there a "classy, quality" aspect to using gray on white paper that I just don't get? I can hardly see it. In fact, it looks like a firm #3 pencil. Tried creamy, ivory papers... still looks pale and pencil-like.


Input, please?

(Oh, and as an aside, Noodler's Gray is bulletproof! Well, I should hope so. It's pale enough. It would be invisible if it faded.)


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Received Jesse's letter today! Still haven't opened it yet, that's for dessert. Thanks, Jesse!


Mailed ladymaverick's and johnboz's letters yesterday! And a couple of postcards for the exchange. Mailing Strang, succubus, FP_Writing and Cedar on Friday (I want to choose nice stamps).

"Luxe, calme et volupte"

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Gray ink... what color paper do you people use this on??? No matter what kind of paper I am writing on, it looks like, um, pencil.


Is Noodler's too pale or am I just not "getting it"? Is there a "classy, quality" aspect to using gray on white paper that I just don't get? I can hardly see it. In fact, it looks like a firm #3 pencil. Tried creamy, ivory papers... still looks pale and pencil-like.


Input, please?

(Oh, and as an aside, Noodler's Gray is bulletproof! Well, I should hope so. It's pale enough. It would be invisible if it faded.)


Try using it in a wetter pen with a wider nib.


I use mine in an XF nib, but it's plenty wet with good flow. I love this ink - it definitely looks gray, but it doesn't look like pencil. I like it on white, cream, pink, blue - all kinds of papers.


To each her own.


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Try using it in a wetter pen with a wider nib.

I use mine in an XF nib, but it's plenty wet with good flow. I love this ink - it definitely looks gray, but it doesn't look like pencil. I like it on white, cream, pink, blue - all kinds of papers.

The only pen that I've put the Noodler's Gray in is a pen that is anything but wet. The fast drying moderate flow was an advantage when in a hurry, using black and blue/black ink but I can definitely go through my little pen box and find a nice wet pen and start experimenting.


I think that I judged the ink too quickly because I expected more of a charcoal gray. Saw another brand ink with a darker gray and imagined that shade; however, I'm looking forward to trying my gray again in more deliberate manner and on more papers. I love the thought of a thick rich line of gray on a pink or blue sheet. Sounds very nice!


With an assortment of bottles of ink, it is easy to just put one aside as a disappointment and move on. I appreciate your input. I can't wait until tonight to find a better choice of pen/papers to try with this ink.


Thanks again!

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Try using it in a wetter pen with a wider nib.

I use mine in an XF nib, but it's plenty wet with good flow. I love this ink - it definitely looks gray, but it doesn't look like pencil. I like it on white, cream, pink, blue - all kinds of papers.

The only pen that I've put the Noodler's Gray in is a pen that is anything but wet. The fast drying moderate flow was an advantage when in a hurry, using black and blue/black ink but I can definitely go through my little pen box and find a nice wet pen and start experimenting.


I think that I judged the ink too quickly because I expected more of a charcoal gray. Saw another brand ink with a darker gray and imagined that shade; however, I'm looking forward to trying my gray again in more deliberate manner and on more papers. I love the thought of a thick rich line of gray on a pink or blue sheet. Sounds very nice!


With an assortment of bottles of ink, it is easy to just put one aside as a disappointment and move on. I appreciate your input. I can't wait until tonight to find a better choice of pen/papers to try with this ink.


Thanks again!

Ok, now I am replying to my reply but this is an update. Coincidentally, FedEx brought me a new pen today. Perfect opportunity to give Lexington Gray another go. It looked like anything but pencil. Very nice. Now, I understand someone who said that he wrote his personal checks with gray ink!


I have an even wetter nib but I'd have to drain that one to try the gray ink, so I'll wait for now. I only had white and pale yellow paper to try the gray on but it was what I was originally expecting!


I'm a happy camper now.

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Strang and Wildoaklane, I just mailed your letters!


Ladymaverick, looking forward to yours!


I saw Rena's letter to my friend, the envelope had a lovely goldfish design on it with a wax seal... what beautiful handwriting! *sigh*

Haven't received your letter yet but I did write you today and it will go out in tomorrow's mail. Let me know how the seal survives the trip!

Think only of the past as its remembrance brings you pleasure. J. Austen

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I'd like to throw my fedora in the ring for snail mail. And, yes, I'm a girl who owns and wears a fedora, so you get a sense of me already. Okay, short bio: I'm an Oaklander by way of Los Angeles, by way of Taiwan, where I was born. Yes, I speak and write Mandarin. I'm a journalist and magazine editor. My passions in life are writing, cooking and eating, reading, good wine and conversation, music (all kinds except for maybe country and thrash metal, but I try to keep an open ear), gardening, running, swimming, knitting, and my family. I would call myself politically progressive and am a voracious consumer of news and analysis. But I also love frivolity and pop culture. (US Weekly, anyone?) Other times, I loath it. I do love old-tech things, hence the fountain pen thing. I'm a relatively new collector, but not a collector by nature so probably will not progress beyond six pens. I want all my pens to get exercise to stay fit, so let me know if you'd like to be my pen pal.

I subscribe to The Rule of 10 (pens, that is)

1) Parker Sonnet 1st gen 2) Pelikan 200 yellow 3) Parker 51 vac 4) Esterbrook trans J 5) Esterbrook LJ "Bell System Property" 6) Sheaffer Snorkel Valiant fern green 7) Waterman 52.5V 8) Parker 75 cisele 9) open 10) open (I'm hankering for a Doric)


<img src="http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/606/letterji9.png" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

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Got 3 letters today, 2 from FPN and one from the other pen forum! (And 5 postcards too, isn't that a treat!)


Succubus, got your lovely pre-Feb vacation card, thank you. Ellen, I'd love to mail your letter off tomorrow, but I don't have your complete address on the envelope. The mail I promised to post last Friday will be mailed tomorrow. Some of you may want nice stamps instead of a meter sticker, so I finally found the stamps :)



"Luxe, calme et volupte"

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Letters mailed today:






Letters still being written to:






"Luxe, calme et volupte"

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My name is Kim and I would really love to put some pen to paper and write and of course receive some actual letters. When I was a teenager, I used to look for pen pals in fan magazines for bands I liked.


I'm a Systems Analyst who plays the drums as a hobby and also am in night school for a career change to nursing. I live smack in between Baltimore and D.C. in the USA. I would love to hear from folks outside the east coast, particularly Australia & New Zealand! Or if you are into music, that is one of my main passions.


Most of my current friends get to hear what I'm up to via twitter, Facebook, my blog, etc. New media has a stranglehold on my writing, and I'd like to change that! I'm not sure exactly how this works but I'd like to get started.

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I'd thought I'd written a note here, but when I went looking for it it wasn't there!


Anyway, I'm a married middle-aged guy with two daughters, knowledge worker, who likes pens, woodworking, and lots of other stuff. You can read my blogs at swduncan.com and www.recordingthoughts.com.


I enjoy receiving & writing letters, and look forward to hearing from you!






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I'd like to also toss my hat in the ring, so to speak. Thanks!


Obligatory bio information: Thomas from Iowa, late 30's married with children, work in tech support and am an elder in our church. Love to write and have written a guidebook to Walt Disney World.



The chief aim of man is to glorify God by enjoying Him forever! ~ J. Piper

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Letters mailed today to:





FP_Writing (will put different denomination stamps on next letter, promise)


I hope you enjoy reading them!



"Luxe, calme et volupte"

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Letters mailed today to:





FP_Writing (will put different denomination stamps on next letter, promise)


I hope you enjoy reading them!


Looking forward to receiving mine!! :rolleyes:








"And fighting time so hard I pray that this moment lasts forever and will the world stay standing still, at least, for me...." --- "Standing" VNV Nation

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Letters mailed today to:





FP_Writing (will put different denomination stamps on next letter, promise)


I hope you enjoy reading them!


Great!! Have you received mine?





..ride on the clouds, my friend...bye SuperSic


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Great!! Have you received mine?






Hi Mauro, I haven't received your letter yet, but I went ahead and wrote you anyway :)

Edited by liapuyat

"Luxe, calme et volupte"

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Aloha all,


I'd like to participate in this nifty little letter exchange thing you've all got going on. Please PM me if you'd like to write (but only if you have something interesting I'd want to read... kidding, kidding). Note that I have a sense of humor. I'd like to present a short bio, so you may judge if what I have to write could possibly interest you in any way.


I'm 31, male, unmarried, and I live on the Big Island of Hawaii. I grow algae for a living, and I work at a fish-farm. I work about a hundred yards from the ocean, mostly outside, and I've been watching the whales swim by lately (they're here for the breeding season, and all the eating that goes with it... just like the tourists, no offense). I just recently got into fountain pens, after having a life-long desire to own a nice pen. I'm a total gear-head, and I dive into hobbies like this head first, with no regard for my sanity or pocket-book. I will voraciously research all I can about my interests, and become the local authority (for my friends anyway) on anything I become interested in. So, I would quite enjoy discussing pens, inks and paraphernalia to death, if that's your thing. I've only got a few pens, a Philéas and a Safari, and 3 Sheaffer Viewpoints from their calligraphy set, but I'm looking forward to more (more!!!) soon. I just ordered a couple of new inks from Swisher pens to try, and some G.Lalo stationery. I'm trying to learn italic handwriting, and I bought Tom Gourdie's book on the subject. I'm making some progress on this.


I like reading, but I've been unable to get into much reading material over the last couple of years, I don't know why. Maybe I should say, I used to, and occasionally still do like reading. I really enjoy history, so you could talk about that, if you like. Also, profanity doesn't bother me, so feel free to emphasize to your hearts delight, but if you write, please let me know how you feel about it yourself as I have no desire to offend anyone. Also, I like parenthetic comments on my own writing.


I really love board games, but I have the darndest time finding people to play them with, especially the complicated and obscure ones that I really like. Usually I will end up buying the games I want, reading the rules completely until I have a thorough understanding of the game and the intricate strategies involved, and then never play them (or play them once, if lucky, with unwilling participants who can't wait to do something else). If you want to talk about games, I would be ecstatic.


I'm also very into origami. I have lots of books, and lots of paper, but I'm not that great yet. I'd like to learn to make my own paper, and I bought Michael LaFosse's Advanced Origami for this reason, because most of his models are beyond me at this point. Also, I am going to his Honolulu studio at the end of March. Let's talk origami and paper! Or not, whatever.


And, to be honest, I play video games. Not always, and I go in phases, but when I get into one, I tend to focus on it for a while, and then completely drop it when I get bored. My most recent foray was Fallout 3, I completed it twice, and started a third go-round, but got bored and stopped.


I'm a hobby guy. One of my friends told me he wished I would win the lottery, so he could come hang out at my house because it would have all the cool and fun stuff to play with. Tell me about your hobbies, I'm totally interested!


Well, that turned out to be more than I expected. IF you read this far, and if you would like to write, let me know!




Sine ira et studio

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