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Snail Mail Writing List


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This sounds like such a great idea that I would like to join too!


I used to love writing letters and miss it.


Let's see, a little bio: I live in New Jersey with my husband and min pin. I have a lot of interests. Movies, opera, classical music, Star Trek, gadgets (especially my new iPhone with PhoneSaber app), computers (especially my little G4), science, space, Japan, micro-blogging, travel, books, history and ...


I never know quite where to begin when talking about myself but I'm pretty good at other conversations so send me a PM and let's write. :clap1:



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Ok, well...here goes.

I live in the UK, (but don't mind posting abroad!), I'm christian (just throwing that out there), I love movies, books, writing, (I've done Nanowrimo for the past 2 years), I'm slowly developing my pen addiction....hmm, and I love SOME TV shows. Oh yes, and I am currently an intern at a design company (I do video editig)

I can't really think of anything else to say, but rest assured my letters will be longer!



Hero 329 - Noodlers Navajo turquiose

Hero 329 - Noodlers Green Marine

Hero 616 - Noodlers Bulletproof black

Hero 616- Noodlers Widowmaker

Parker frontier - Noodlers Bulletproof black


Out of rotation:

Parker 45 (F nib)

Parker 45 TX (M nib)

9 Hero 329's

6 Hero 616's

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This sounds like such a great idea that I would like to join too!


I used to love writing letters and miss it.


Let's see, a little bio: I live in New Jersey with my husband and min pin. I have a lot of interests. Movies, opera, classical music, Star Trek, gadgets (especially my new iPhone with PhoneSaber app), computers (especially my little G4), science, space, Japan, micro-blogging, travel, books, history and ...


I never know quite where to begin when talking about myself but I'm pretty good at other conversations so send me a PM and let's write. :clap1:




I don't have an iphone but my phone has the lightsaber thingie too! I had a lightsaber 'battle' with a friend of mine the other day. (He DOES have an iphone)




Hero 329 - Noodlers Navajo turquiose

Hero 329 - Noodlers Green Marine

Hero 616 - Noodlers Bulletproof black

Hero 616- Noodlers Widowmaker

Parker frontier - Noodlers Bulletproof black


Out of rotation:

Parker 45 (F nib)

Parker 45 TX (M nib)

9 Hero 329's

6 Hero 616's

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I am a 17 year old undergarduate student studying Chemical Engineering and physics, although I do not know if I want a degree or am just interested in the latter.


I am interested in classical (the genre, not the period)/jazz/rock such as Rush or The Beatles music, and some other random music.

I am also interested in politics (I spent a year as a Congressional Page in Washington), business, fine waters, and the niceties of life, including etiquette (something my generation seems to lack severley).



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I am a sixty-year old male, married, with a grown daughter. Have a Black-and-white cat named Betty Boop and two Beta fish, Walt N Matilda. Retired sailor from US Navy, naturally have opinions on everything and try to follow the Benjamin Franklin system of rational discussion.


Love my fountain pens and am in an experimental phase. The Lamy Studio was easy to customize to an italic tip. The Pelikan Technixx was a bit harder but it worked out OK. My normal writing hand is Italic but often I throw in an Irish or German hand just to get some practice in. Have a Hero Thuya Laquer Italic pen on order and am expecting it soon. Have heard so many good things about the Hero Pen Company on this board, just had to try them out.


Read a lot of fantasy and science fiction, study taxes regularly -- I am an H & R Block Tax Professional and work taxes from January to mid-April every year. Lumped the tax code in with fantasy and science fiction because that's basically what it is. And have many other interests, enthusiasms, and hobbies.


Will correspond with anyone that does me the honor of wanting to exchange snail-mails.


From a person's actions, we may infer attitudes, beliefs, --- and values. We do not know these characteristics outright. The human dichotomies of trust and distrust, honor and duplicity, love and hate --- all depend on internal states we cannot directly experience. Isn't this what adds zest to our life?

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I am a 17 year old undergarduate student studying Chemical Engineering and physics, although I do not know if I want a degree or am just interested in the latter.


I am interested in classical (the genre, not the period)/jazz/rock such as Rush or The Beatles music, and some other random music.

I am also interested in politics (I spent a year as a Congressional Page in Washington), business, fine waters, and the niceties of life, including etiquette (something my generation seems to lack severley).





which school in penna are you going with?

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Can I join in? What a fab way to use all those pens, ink and pads of paper that I've been collecting.....

I'm 31, live in the UK and love reading (and writing), theatre, cinema, music, shopping.....! Although there is a lot I do love about modern life, such as my iPod and laptop, I really enjoy the experience of writing with a smooth fountain pen and then watching my handwriting take shape on the page.

I can definitely promise snails in all different colours, as I must have a collection of around 40 inks at the moment..... let me know if you have any preferences!

PM me for snail address.

Leonie :)



I've still got space for another pen pal or two!

Please PM me.





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I s'pose it's about time I added my name to the list. :)


I'm an Egyptology grad student, a writer of science fiction (unpublished, but working on that), an avid reader, a fan of good science fiction and good coffee, a bonsai enthusiast, and an amateur bread-baker. I haven't received an honest-to-goodness letter, not counting junk mail, in absolutely ages, so while I can't promise to be an adept at the lost art of correspondence, I can at least promise to reply. :)


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Oh pleeeez oh please oh please would someone write to me? (Does that sound movingly pathetic? Too much?) I'm DYING to put my spiffy stationery and ink collection (sorry in advance for the penmanship--working on it!!) to good use!


Me: I teach at a comm coll out on Long Island, New York. (If you've seen 'Growing Up Gotti', you've seen it all). I teach English--lit and creative writing. I keep (tenuous) hold on my sanity by writing ridiculous fantasy stories and knitting more socks than I'll ever wear in a lifetime. And reading. Woooo boy, do I read. I am a reading whore.


I'm obsessed with politics and the media (side effect from having taught Mass Media one too many times). My neighbors think of me as the 'Crazy Neighborhood Cat Lady, Armed Edition' because the police up here interview one's neighbors if one is seeking a pistol license. I served in the Army many years ago. Ummm, I'm trying *really* hard to sound interesting, and I don't think it's working. I think I'll stop before I embarrass myself.



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I would love to have my name added to the list, too! I have all these pens and I'm now buying different inks to fill them up so I must put them to good use! I'm a 30yo. single male living in the southern part of Louisiana. I don't watch much TV unless it's an occasion movie or the news. Well, I don't want this to sound like a personal ad of some sort! I would love to echange mail with other people. It's been a while since I recieved something friendly and warm in the mail instead of a bill.




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I'm in, so long as the person I correspond with can decipher my left handed, vertical scrawl.


My interests are books, Spain, Aruba, travel, and writing.


Looking forward to this.



Edited by Writer44

Novelist, Pilot

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A young one who came to Fountain pens later in her life. Age 26 working as an art curator in a University Museum and currently a recurring student (MA Southeast Asian Studies) on the side. Extremely busy but loves the pause in pace everytime it takes to personally handwrite something. Loves photography, travelling, books, journals and music.


"Words dazzle and deceive because they mimed by the face

But black words on a white page are the soul laid bare"


--Guy De Maupassant

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This is a great idea! I have no pen pals (other than the electronic kind), and am always looking for an excuse to write.


I am in Melbourne Australia, and have been acquiring pens for a while and by accident (well I meant to, but didn't realise the collection was growing). My first serious pen was a MB 149, then I inherited a couple of Parker51s from my grandfather, and so it went until I suddenly had spent serious money on a LE Hemingway when they were new (well it's worth more now I guess), an Edson and a host of others. Now, I've become particularly focused on Italian pens (especially Omas), but I've just bought a Nakaya and a Sailor bcause of all the good things I hear about them on FPN.


On a personal note, I'm a Human Resources Manager, a lover of jazz (be-bop, and especially Bill Evans) and of music in general. I am not a watch wizard like many on here, but I love Bang and Olufsen and a have a few bits, as well as gadgets in general (latest being my iphone 3g). I follow politics and am coming to the US in November to watch your electoral process which is so alien to us. THat should do for a start! :embarrassed_smile:

Edited by youstruckgold

The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold a man's foot long enough to enable him to put the other somewhat higher - Thomas Huxley


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Speaking of snail mail, just curious...


are there any 'good' Internet sources? I am a very ecclectic sort of person and have always had problems finding the right match. As a youth, I used pen pal services all the time, and having the right match didn't seem so important then. When I got online some years back, one of my first exploration projects was finding some ink sparring partners. I looked hard. Most of the penpal type pages were for teens. I did find some specialty groups and actually found a person who was a good writing partner for over a year. Unfortunately, it was email writing.


Many of the lists I scoured were mostly non-descript listings with little information. When I meet someone in person, we usually have some sort of common link and, as I said, I'm so ecclectic in my interests, that just writing about the weather or what I want for Christmas doesn't satisfy me at all.


Are there any solid snail-mail-connection sites online?



I don't have the URL but take a look for The Letter Exchange, or LEX.


I made some lifelong friends that way. :thumbup:

My latest ebook.   And not just for Halloween!

My other pen is a Montblanc.


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Hi all,


I'm in! Who wants a letter?!





"A letter" ... just one? where's the fun in that? (ducking & running :roflmho: )

"Life is too short, or too long, to allow myself the luxury of living it badly."

Eleven Minutes by Paulo Coelho


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Hi all,


I'm in! Who wants a letter?!





"A letter" ... just one? where's the fun in that? (ducking & running :roflmho: )



I'll never turn down a letter! One is better than none at all... I have two to write right now and I have the brand new pen inked up and ready to go for them! Too bad the new pads didn't make it in time for me to test it out with the new pen :crybaby:


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I'll never turn down a letter! One is better than none at all... I have two to write right now and I have the brand new pen inked up and ready to go for them! Too bad the new pads didn't make it in time for me to test it out with the new pen :crybaby:


Oh, I have yet to turn down a letter or request, which, I imagine, will eventually prove problematic ... having a job and a life and all.


(I swear, I'm stopping at 40 active correspondences ... currently at 37/39 depending on how you define "active.") ;)

"Life is too short, or too long, to allow myself the luxury of living it badly."

Eleven Minutes by Paulo Coelho


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Hi all,


I'm in! Who wants a letter?!




Hello all,


I've tried to edit my above post as I thought I'd best add some personal info onto it. However, for some reason it won't let me so here is my info!


I'm 28, living fairly close to London and currently looking for a permanent job :( I've been a student for many years firstly studying marine zoology and then, more recently, sport science. Last year I was working as a technical coordinator for a small department within a hospital. I'm not sure of my current direction but I will see where the wind takes me.

About myself... well, I enjoy movies of all descriptions, most music types, photography, sports particularly squash, badminton and cycling. Only recently got into FPs although always loved pens! The connection was bound to occur at some point!


Look forward top hearing from you,



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