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How Do You Display Your Inks?


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How posh. http://orig02.deviantart.net/efb6/f/2007/313/8/c/monocle_by_cheddarman.gif

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Okay, I have updated.


The Diamine area was stacked on top of boxes and looked like this:



Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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Now it looks like this:



Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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I filled up my first cabinet and expanded to a second. Now I have room.




Okay, I 've been reorganized. This was cabinet 3, but I removed cabinet 2, so now, this is cabinet 2.




Well, cabinet 1 is still in place, and in fairness, I didn't declutter or downsize, I just unpacked boxes and moved books.



Here was the entire cabinet before I started organizing (May 30, 2018):



Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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Here was cabinet 3 before the rearranging.



Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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And this was the original cabinet before the cleaning:



Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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Here is one of the Noodler's sections:



Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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More storage than display.


attachicon.gif IMG_0339.JPG

OH yeah, we can be friends. I totally like the way you think and organize.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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And this was the original cabinet before the cleaning:



And now:


*Well, actually, I did more reorganizing, but here is how it looked on 6/4/18.




Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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  • 2 months later...

These are some seriously impressive displays.

I came here for inspiration (mine are stored in a drawer) but with my bookcase filled with other things I collect (from anything mouse related, to ww2 militaria, 2 and a half shelves of shot glasses, 3 shelves of antiques and bottles) I am rapidly running out of room. I don't have room for another bookcase in my bedroom either so I may need to move some of the collections into my study, or move the ink into my study. Hmm..

'Someone shoot me please.'

~the delectable Louisa Durrell~

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I feel the need to store most of my inks in the coolest room in the house. Therefore they were all in boxes under the computer table that no longer has a computer on it. Since the computer left, some have spread out onto the table. :D :o

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  • 4 months later...

Here is one of the Noodler's sections:





I'm always super impress with your Noodlers collection, I need to update my display got more Noodlers Inks and Fountain Pens. Love that ink!!!! :wub:

FP's: Noodler's Charlie Pen, Noodler's King Philip Ahab, JinHao X450 Blue, JinHao X750 Gold, Jinhao 599 Transparent, Hero 366 Green, Hero 9626, Hero 329-A Jinhao Shark Black and Green,Jinhao 992 Coffee, Lamy Safari Black, Lanbitou /2 Transparent/ 1 Black /1 Red/1 Beige, Hero 9075 Black, Twsbi Go Saphire, Jinhao Porcelain Horses, Pilot Vanishing Point Black
INKS: Noodler's Heart of Darkness - Baystate Blue - Apache Sunset - Bullet Proof Black - Blue Nose Bear - Black Swan In Australian Roses - Widow Maker - 54th Massachusetts - Navajo Turquoise - Burning Rome - General of The Armies
OTHER INKS: Thortons - Green / Pelikan-Blue / J. Herbin 1670- Ocean Blue / Diamine Skulls and Roses


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I do not display my inks. Almost all are in the dark of a drawer in my china cabinet. The only two exceptions are my bottles of Robert Oster Purple Rock and Kuretake Bokuteki, which are too tall to fit in the drawer; those are on my computer desk, behind my monitor.

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Off topic: Im digging those F-1s and lenses!


The one on the right is an EF (loaded with the new Ektachrome)

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  • 1 year later...

Very nice display!


My inks live in plastic tubs in a closet. Not artistic, but it protects them from light and accidents.

Mine live in one of those plastic WalMart chest of drawers. I use them for EVERYTHING -- storing of computer parts, camera stuff, bills, letters, cards, and books.

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You still haven't answered if that is an Eastlake Cylinder Desk. That is what it looks like.

And now:

*Well, actually, I did more reorganizing, but here is how it looked on 6/4/18.



Peace and Understanding

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