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Best Pens For Under $30


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I've seen quite a few pens for under $30 and I believe Jet pens just did a giveaway for a set of some of their customer favorites but I was wondering what ya'll recommend. I love my Ohto Dude, Platinum Preppy and Plaisir. I was underwhelmed by the Pilot Vpen. Anything else out there I should try? Because I of course need more pens. :blush:

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Hi Snowie,

The obvious answer is the Lamy Safari - they're everywhere, come in a variety of colors and you can swap nibs easily and on the cheap.

The Pilot 78G, available in f thru b for roughly 10.00 USD on ebay.

Esterbrook J, if you are looking for vintage.

I've been on an Indian fountain pen kick in the last while. Kevin from Fountain Pen Revolution is a member here and he's got a variety of dirt cheap pens. If you want to tinker around, great place to start. Hope this helps.

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Although i never wrote with one, it`s safe to say that you can`t go wrong with Parker I.M.(Reflex). It has the about the same nib as the parker vector(which i have), but it`s bigger, more beautiful and better built- i`m referring to the metal version. The nib on the vector runs wide, somewhat wet and it is smooth.

Many people seem to dislike or ignore this model and the vector, but i really don`t know why. Also, pilot 78G is unbeatable for the price(10 usd). If you don`t have one, you should definitely try one.

As for vintage....so many choices, so little time :cloud9:

Edited by rochester21
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Lamy Safari of course, and the Diplomat Magnum Soft Touch, Sailor High Ace Neo, Ohto Dude, Kaweco Sport, Pilot 78g, Waterman Kultur, and Pelikano are all reliable sturdy pens available for under $30.00 I'm sure that there are also a number of good Chinese and Indian pens too but I've had no experience with them.

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Parker 45.

Waterman Kultur.

Perhaps the best buy out there is NOS Reform 1745.

It's fun piston filler for ten to fifteen bucks.

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Only because you said "enthusiast", I'll suggest the Noodler's pens. I have a Ahab and I'm torn whether to use that or my Safari, I like them both that much.

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Check out some Indian pens from Fountain Pen Revolution or some Ranga pens from M.P. Kandan in the classifieds. I have a couple Serwex pens from FPR and I have an eyedropper from Ranga on its way at the moment.

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- St. Francis of Assisi

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I will gladly take your unwanted Noodler's pens. Don't throw them away.


Assume no affiliation.

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Noodler's Nib Creeper Flex

Noodler's Ahab

Lamy Safari

Pilot 78g


All I own. I use them for writing and drawing. I prefer the weight and length of the Safaris for drawing. 78g pens converted to eyedroppers hold a ton of ink. Of those 4 I'd say the Lamy is my current personal favorite.

"Do you know the legend about cicadas? They say they are the souls of poets who cannot keep quiet because, when they were alive, they never wrote the poems they wanted to."

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I do have a couple of Lamy Al-Stars that I didn't list because they are slightly above the $30 mark. I love them though, I would assume the Safari is the same just with a plastic body, right? Thanks for the suggestions, keep 'em coming. I hadn't even thought of the Indian pens and I have been looking at some of the eye droppers on the Revolution page. :)

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  On 9/27/2012 at 2:33 AM, Xeros said:

Either the Noodlers Ahab or Lamy Safari.


These are my main pens and I love them. I have two Ahabs I use them every day. My Safari gets taken to work with me. Even if you dont not what to spend the time to get an Ahab setup, you must own a Safari at some point.


With that said I too have been spending far to much time at Fountain Pen Revolution. I have three Serwex that I like, and a Airmail/Wality 58 on the way. The thing I really like about many of the Indian made pens is that they have full ebonite feeds, and the feed and nib pull out. This allows for a bunch of fine tuning to get the pen to the place you want it to be. (The prices are good too) I am looking forward to seeing how folks like their Ranga pens, they sure are pretty.

Do not let old pens lay around in a drawer, get them working and give them to a new fountain pen user.

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Various Jinhaos and Kaigelus - not only do you get fantastic writers, but the pens also look very nice (unlike the Safari, 78G, etc, which may be nice writers but feel cheap and plasticky, IMO)

True bliss: knowing that the guy next to you is suffering more than you are.

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Get on eBay two Pilot 78G M and one with F and you'll not need any more pens. :) All together will be less than $30 shipped.

Edited by adallak

“Be nice to people on your way up because you meet them on your way down.” Jimmy Durante quotes (American Comedian, Pianist and Singer, 1893-1980)

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Parker 45, at least as good a writing performance as all these other pens and in a years time will still be worth (at least) what you have piad for it today.


I have just inked one up to ensure it works well before selling it and its perfect line and ink flow and general good looks are at odds with its low price.


Nibs are also easy to clean or change for whatever else suits you.

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  On 9/27/2012 at 6:16 AM, Beechwood said:

Parker 45, at least as good a writing performance as all these other pens and in a years time will still be worth (at least) what you have piad for it today.


I have just inked one up to ensure it works well before selling it and its perfect line and ink flow and general good looks are at odds with its low price.


Nibs are also easy to clean or change for whatever else suits you.

I agree.

I also agree with the Lamy Safari recommendations if you insist on new.

I have both and they are as good to use as pens costing a lot lot more.


Dick D

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My first fountain pen was a Lamy Safari, and I now own 4, so you can probably figure out how I feel about them.


But I also have a Serwex Executive from Fountain Pen Revolution that I've become very fond of. Also take a look at the Nemosine Singularity, which can be found on Amazon.

Fountain Pens: Still cheaper than playing Warhammer 40K

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Jinhao 159

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I would throw out Regal Pens...I have a half dozen different models and all have been stellar out of the box. Very smooth steel nib and good fit and finish out of a $15-30 dollar pen

Giving money and power to the government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys - P. J. O'Rourke

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In addition to others mentioned...


The genuine Hero 616... From about $5 up depending how many you get. The real ones are smooth, reliable, everyday writers.


Xfountainpens has a bunch of rebranded Chinese models that look good and write smooth....I have their cursive italic Nemosine Singularity loaded now... About fifteen bucks, very nice. Also their X450... As low as eight if you buy the 'set' and otherwise fifteen or so. Pretty. Shinyyyy.

My latest ebook.   And not just for Halloween!

My other pen is a Montblanc.


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