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Good Font To Emulate?


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In an effort to improve my handwriting, I've decided to go back to 4'th grade practice. So I've been on a search for a good hand writing font that I can use to make up practice sheets. The idea is to generate some phrases double-spaced, at 24-point or so, and use that as a model to mimic on the lines between (using another copy printed behind the sheet so that it shows through, if necessary).


Now one font I've found is in the PDF document at: http://creation-designs.com/handwriting.pdf (last page, lower right). This is the Caflisch Script Web font, and it appears fairly close to the sample I found posted here a while ago: https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php?/topic/178718-cursive-italic-handwriting/


This is closest to the form I would like to move to -- mostly cursive as taught in 4th grade, but not necessarily all letters connected. My main concern is that a computer font is meant to print good, but may not be one that is easy to hand write. But I've had some moderate success with this Caflish Script font so far. Is this the right way to go? BTW, I've already looked at (and started practicing) some other tips I've seen online, such as drawing a bunch of e's, circles, and zigzag lines, keeping the fingers still and using shoulder muscles. But I'm assuming this will probably be a year long process before I can be satisfied with my handwriting.

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That's probably the best script typeface I've seen for your purposes: consistent, rhythmic, flowing, and no tricky stuff like double-decker a and g (as in most book typefaces). You'll soon develop your own style and start to move away from copying the typeface, so here are some of my bookmarks you might enjoy:


You'll also find links in the stickies at the top of the Penmanship forum, including sites like briem.net and others.


About keeping your fingers still, I think most of us do use our fingers a little: the important thing is to free up the arm and shoulder rather than lock it in place (same as when playing the piano). So writing with the whole arm rather than locking the fingers.


Anyway, I think the typeface idea is a good one: best of luck!



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It is just a personal preference, but I don't really like the look of the y and p descenders.

Also, since they are slightly different it means more to learn and concentrate on.

I stress it's only my preference but I like them to end in the same way the f does.


Other than that it looks great.


Dick D

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That particular font is an eroded Italic: it's made to look like one particular font designer's idea of an Italic handwriting written quickly. I would suggest learning good ol' Italic forms (more rounding in the curves of "m", "n", "u", and "h", for instance) and let your own hand and eye determine how the writing should look when quick.

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That particular font is an eroded Italic: it's made to look like one particular font designer's idea of an Italic handwriting written quickly. I would suggest learning good ol' Italic forms (more rounding in the curves of "m", "n", "u", and "h", for instance) and let your own hand and eye determine how the writing should look when quick.


Do you know of any other good fonts that would implement this? Specifically I want something that I can trace over with tracing paper or a light table. At least to get over some of the rough spots.

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Do you know of any other good fonts that would implement this? Specifically I want something that I can trace over with tracing paper or a light table. At least to get over some of the rough spots.

This isn't a font, but an example of handwritten, basic Italic which should suit your purpose.






Edited by caliken
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