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J. Herbin Bleu Nuit


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⋮ ⠶ ⋮


One may compare my images to the depiction on the J. Herbin site. LINK

Nota Bene:

This ink was purchased prior to announcement of possible changes to formulation / manufacturing process to meet EU statutory requirements. LINK


Figure 1.

Swabs & Swatch

Paper: HPJ1124.



Figure 2.

NIB-ism ✑

Paper: HPJ1124.

Depicts nibs' down-stroke width and pens' relative wetness.

Distance between feint vertical pencil lines is 25mm.



L → R: 45, Prera, Rival, 330, P99, Safari.

Figure 3.

Paper base tints:


L → R: HPJ1124, Rhodia, G Lalo white, Royal, Staples.



Ruling: 8mm.


Figure 4.

Paper: HPJ1124.


Figure 5.

Paper: Rhodia.



Figure 6.

Paper: G Lalo, Verge de France, white.



Figure 7.

Paper: Royal.


Figure 8.

Paper: Staples 20lb.


Figure 9.

Grocery List

Paper: Pulp. One-a-Day calendar page.



Comparison Exemplars for Blue-Black inks:


Figure 10.

Paper: HPJ1124.


Figure 11.

Paper: Rhodia.




Figure 12.

Smear/Dry Times & Wet Tests



It is unusual that the S/DT on HPJ is greater than on Rhodia. (?)




  • Dye-based fountain pen ink.


  • Bottle.


  • Available when Topic posted.

Daily writer?

  • Quite possible.

A go-to ink?

  • When a wonderful dark not-quite Blue ink is desired.




(From the office of Ms Blue-Black.)

  • Suits all manner of correspondence that could be hand-written, with a bit more conviviality than might be anticipated from an ink of such a tone, yet does have enough gravitas to be an all-rounder.
  • A classy side step away from the Blue to Black range of typical business inks.
  • A great pick for personal work product, with a writing experience that supports extensive long-haul writing, and readability to muck through the results of long-haul writing sessions.
  • Well suited to marginalia - even from hair's-breadth nibs.
  • Might be pressed into service for the odd bit of mark-up or editing of material printed in Black and grist-for-the-mill forms work, but I really would suggest using an ink with more zip, such as Lamy Blue.
  • Not enough zap for error correction or grading.

Illustrations / Graphics:

  • Not so convinced. (!)
  • There is a persistent shading potential, which makes it tricky to generate lines of even density.
  • The colour is not so definitive that it lends itself to charts / graphs with numerous data [sets], though could be used as a Dark Blue for graphics with few other colours.
  • When exposed to water, some Blue dye comes adrift, leaving a soft-edged Blue-Grey remnant. Consequently, HBlN may not earn a spot on the palette for watercolor washes or reworking with a wet brush. That said, it does hold receding space very well even when pale.


  • Well worth considering - a very good combination of appearance and performance.


  • Right up my street!
  • All manner of stuff has been written with this ink, from invitations to go owl watching through pro forma personal business letters. (That was before I had to find a use for Lamy Green.)
  • While it may seem a bit too much of a business ink, I do not hesitate to use other 'business appropriate' inks for personal correspondence so long as they are wonderful. e.g. Visconti Blue, MB Midnight Blue, PR Midnight Blues.
  • A favourite for letters more lengthy than my Ink Reviews - extra postage required!
  • HBlN does not become profoundly festive, preferring to remain well anchored to the page, yet soft and subtle with a somewhat vintage appearance at times. (Hence use of ye olde Rival pen.)
  • Encourages one to kick out the chocks when choosing amongst a wide range of pens with nibs of diverse shape width and flex.



Flow Rate:

  • Just a bit wet, especially for an Herbin.
  • Controlled.

Nib Dry-out:

  • Not noticed.


  • Immediate.
  • With confidence.


  • Quite good.

Nib Creepies:

  • Banished.

Staining (pen):

  • Not seen after three days.


  • Not seen.
  • Seems unlikely.

Bleed- Show-Through:

  • Not seen on papers used. :thumbup:

Feathering / Wooly Line:

  • Imaginary.
  • See the Hi-Res image of the Safari on Royal.


  • Faint.

Hand oil sensitivity:

  • Not seen.

Clean-Up (pen):

  • Rapid and thorough with plain water.


  • Expressly forbidden by J. Herbin.


  • Not specifically claimed.

That, dear reader, is another admirable performance profile. :happyberet:





  • Firm yet fluid.
  • Reminiscent of a gifted dance partner, who follows when I take the lead.


  • Slightly low.
  • Just managed to over-write the feint lines on Rhodia.
  • As the ink is easily absorbed, a solid line can be achieved with calculated effort.


  • Strong potential.
  • Exquisite when encouraged. :clap1:

Line quality:

  • Very high on all papers, though generating a crisp saturated line on highly absorbent paper is not a given.


  • Pen+nib combos used:
    • About as expected.

    [*]Papers used:

    • Greater than expected.


    • Elastic.
    • Highly responsive yet predictable and reliable; not fussy in the least.
    • Changes of pen and paper allow a highly nuanced result at the whim of the practitioner.
    • One can run the ink at a considerable range of densities with little risk exposure to an unacceptable result.

Hi-Res Scans:

Originals are 60x30mm.


As I do not wish to be known as 'Reine des Bandits de Largeur de Bande', these are thumbnails only. To view the images as intended, please click on the image.


45 on HPJ1124:


Rival on Rhodia:


330 on G Lalo:


Safari on Royal:




This Review uses the same Written Sample format and some pen+paper combos common to most of my recent Reviews of Blue inks. In addition, as some [many] may consider Bleu Nuit a Blue-Black ink, Figures 10 & 11 support comparison to the Blue-Black inks which I have reviewed. Consequently,
ad hoc
comparisons through manipulation of browser windows is supported.

Should you feel a specific aspect of HBlN deserves to be depicted as a stand-alone Topic or Post, your PM will be welcomed. Additional scans may be produced, but the likelihood of additional inky work is quite low.

Prior Comparison to Diamine Denim:

Swab Swami



L → R: Caran d'Ache Blue Night, MB Royal Blue, Pilot Blue-Black, PR Sonic Blue.



Lovely papers:

  • Whites.
  • Cool whites.

Trip-wire Papers: ☠

  • Not seen.
  • Dirty whites and those loaded to the gunnels with OBAs.

Tinted Papers:

  • I'd really rather not - the paper colour is too likely to be added to the well balanced subtle color of the ink.

Copy/Printer Papers:

  • Performed very well indeed on the 'lowest bidder' 20lb and even better on the 24lb paper.
  • Two-sided use seems likely when using pens of normal wetness.

Is high-end paper 'worth it'?

  • Oh yes indeed!
  • While performance and appearance on common paper is very good, HBlN can certainly exploit the smooth hard-surfaced papers such as Rhodia and Clairefontaine Triomphe.




  • Within range, and well worth the effort to conjure.

Billets Doux?

  • Perhaps if one were to write a sonnet.

Personal Pen & Paper Pick:

  • The P99 on the Rhodia.
  • The wide slightly wet mono-line nib allows the ink to show-off its soft character, and generate a fluid shaded line with high % coverage of the page.
  • The natural base-tint of the Rhodia complements the colour of HBlN, and reduces the 'snap' that might otherwise make the use of a wide nib too jumpy. The hard smooth surface allows the shading and line quality to be apparent, but not to distract from what's written.

Yickity Yackity:

  • Another top shelf ink that has waited [patiently] to have a go on FPN; and what better ink for my 100th Ink Review.
  • As much as I use it, HBlN never fails to impress.
  • Ah kushbaby, don't let this one sneak past you!

= = = = = =





  • Written Samples:
    • Parker 45 + 14K XF nib.
    • Pilot Prera + steel M nib.
    • Rival BCHR Eye Dropper + Warranted № 4 14K nib. LINK
    • Sheaffer 330 + steel M nib.
    • Pelikan P99 Technix (Red) + steel B nib.
    • Non-nudist Lamy Pink Safari + goosed 1.1 nib.
    • Platinum President Purist + 22K B nib.
    • Waterman Carene + 18K factory stock Stub.

    [*]Lines & labels:

    • Diamine Eau de Nil from a Pilot Penmanship + XF nib.


  • HPJ1124 24 lb. Laser Copy.
  • Rhodia.
  • G Lalo, Verge de France, white.
  • Royal, 25% cotton rag.
  • Staples 20lb. multi use.
  • Pulp. One-a-Day Calendar page.


  • An Epson V600 scanner was used with the bundled Epson s/w at factory default settings to produce low-loss jpg files.
  • Figures shown were scanned at 200 dpi & 24 bit colour.
  • Hi-Res images linked were scanned at 300 dpi & 24 bit colour.
  • No post-capture manipulation of scanner output was done, other than dumb-down by Epson, Photobucket & IP.Board s/w.

Densitometer Readings


  • Red 111
  • Grn 124
  • Blu 192
  • Lum 137

Fine Print


The accuracy and relevance of this Review depends in great part upon consistency and reliability of matériel used.

Ink does not require labelling/notice to indicate (changes in) formulation, non-hazardous ingredients, batch ID, date of manufacture, etc.

As always, YMMV; not only from materials, methods, environment, etc., but also due to differences between the stuff I used, and that you may have.

Also, I entrust readers to separate opinion from fact; to evaluate inferences and conclusions as to their merit; and to be amused by whatever tickles your fancy.


TAGS: Fountain pen ink review Sandy1 J Herbin Bleu Nuit Dark Blue Night Blue-Black

Edited by Sandy1

The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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  • Sandy1


  • The Good Captain


  • BillZ


  • ArchiMark


Ah, another favorite blue of mine. It does everything well without calling attention to itself.


I did scroll down eagerly to read your verdict on Billets Doux. Mine would have been a resigned but firm shake of the head, but then I didn't think of writing a sonnet. :)


Congratulations and thanks on the occasion of your 100th ink review. They are a wonderful and treasured resource.

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Another great review, Sandy and I'm definitely going to have to try this one.

The Good Captain

"Meddler's 'Salamander' - almost as good as the real thing!"

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One hundred reviews, with this much detail? Wow. :clap1:


I wonder if you would list your top five favourite blue-blacks, so I could search out other reviews. I would like to learn more about that colour. I guess I have a lot to learn about ink: I pretty much use Sailor blue-black, except for occasional times when PR Tanzanite appeals to me. Clearly there are a lot more inks out there.




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  On 8/30/2012 at 1:32 PM, Laura N said:

Ah, another favorite blue of mine. It does everything well without calling attention to itself.


I did scroll down eagerly to read your verdict on Billets Doux. Mine would have been a resigned but firm shake of the head, but then I didn't think of writing a sonnet. :)


Congratulations and thanks on the occasion of your 100th ink review. They are a wonderful and treasured resource.



You're welcome!


Many thanks for your kind words. :blush:


As for billets doux, even after a surfeit, I haven't stopped looking. (!)




The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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  On 8/30/2012 at 1:36 PM, The Good Captain said:

Another great review, Sandy and I'm definitely going to have to try this one.




Even more inky enabling!


This another subtle ink: less likely to appeal to those with a preference for the more vibrant saturated inks. HBlN may be especially desirable to those who also like MB Royal Blue.




The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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Here's to the next 100 great reviews, Sandy!!


Starting to revisit my inks that are less than oversaturated and increasing my enjoyment with the Herbin supply.

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  On 8/30/2012 at 2:33 PM, dunhamsa said:

One hundred reviews, with this much detail? Wow. :clap1:


I wonder if you would list your top five favourite blue-blacks, so I could search out other reviews. I would like to learn more about that colour. I guess I have a lot to learn about ink: I pretty much use Sailor blue-black, except for occasional times when PR Tanzanite appeals to me. Clearly there are a lot more inks out there.




Hi Scott,


Yes indeed, though some early Reviews were errhmm 'abridged'.


My favourite BlBk remains the discontinued MB Blue-Black, though their current Midnight Blue is a 'wiggle toes' ink.


I am reluctant to provide lists of my personal picks - my opinion is just that, no more authoritative than any other opinion, and my opinion can change for no reason whatsoever.

I leave it up the reader to peruse the Written Samples to see what's going on with an ink, then determine if it might be a contender for one of their top picks.


EDIT - to add: Inky Thoughts Topic "What's the most beautiful Blue-Black ink?" LINK


I am always glad to provide any other information that may not be included in my wee reviews, as are other Members who have experience with an ink.




Edited by Sandy1

The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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  On 8/30/2012 at 3:22 PM, torstar said:

Here's to the next 100 great reviews, Sandy!!


Starting to revisit my inks that are less than oversaturated and increasing my enjoyment with the Herbin supply.




Crikey! The next 100 !?!?!


Well, OK, I've at least another hundred inks, and more keep popping up.






The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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  On 8/30/2012 at 4:02 PM, fortlane said:

Another great review. In pens that are dry writers I find it works well.




Hi Robert,




I share your findings - the ink is quite readily absorbed by the papers I've used, so even from a rather dry writer it will deliver high line quality, and the dark-ish tone provides a high degree of readability.




The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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Another fantastic review, Sandy. I like Bleu Nuit a lot. I find it to be a classic, almost vintage-looking dark blue or blue-black. Bleu Nuit and Sheaffer's standard blue both strike me as good go-to, well-behaved, business-like inks.

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  On 8/30/2012 at 4:57 PM, DET said:

Another fantastic review, Sandy. I like Bleu Nuit a lot. I find it to be a classic, almost vintage-looking dark blue or blue-black. Bleu Nuit and Sheaffer's standard blue both strike me as good go-to, well-behaved, business-like inks.






I've used the Sheaffer Skrip Blue a bit more often, and have come to rather enjoy that writing fluid from wetter F-M nibs. :thumbup:




The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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A sticky note with all 100 reviews, sorted by colour, would be incredibly useful!


What an incredible amount of work you've done for our benefit. Thank you ever so much for these credible, quality reviews.


I, too, look forward to the next one hundred. We could mark your 'bicentennial' at that point...

first fountain pen: student Sheaffer, 1956

next fountain pen: Montblanc 146 circa 1990

favourite ink: Noodler's Zhivago

favourite pen: Waterman No. 12

most beautiful pen: Conway Stewart 84 red with gold veins, oh goodness gracious

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  On 8/30/2012 at 3:05 PM, Sandy1 said:
  On 8/30/2012 at 1:36 PM, The Good Captain said:

Another great review, Sandy and I'm definitely going to have to try this one.




Even more inky enabling!


This another subtle ink: less likely to appeal to those with a preference for the more vibrant saturated inks. HBlN may be especially desirable to those who also like MB Royal Blue.




Well, I've ordered some this evening so we'll see pretty soon. I will be able to comment on the re-formulated Diamine Blue-Black too, in a little while. All being well with the world.

The Good Captain

"Meddler's 'Salamander' - almost as good as the real thing!"

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  On 8/30/2012 at 8:53 PM, Belles-lettres said:

A sticky note with all 100 reviews, sorted by colour, would be incredibly useful!


What an incredible amount of work you've done for our benefit. Thank you ever so much for these credible, quality reviews.


I, too, look forward to the next one hundred. We could mark your 'bicentennial' at that point...



You're welcome!


I am flattered by your kind words!


Our hard working Moderators have included my Reviews in the Index, so they can be found with ease, and within the context of Reviews contributed by many other Members.




The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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  On 8/30/2012 at 9:43 PM, The Good Captain said:
  On 8/30/2012 at 3:05 PM, Sandy1 said:
  On 8/30/2012 at 1:36 PM, The Good Captain said:

Another great review, Sandy and I'm definitely going to have to try this one.




Even more inky enabling!


This another subtle ink: less likely to appeal to those with a preference for the more vibrant saturated inks. HBlN may be especially desirable to those who also like MB Royal Blue.




Well, I've ordered some this evening so we'll see pretty soon. I will be able to comment on the re-formulated Diamine Blue-Black too, in a little while. All being well with the world.




I look forward to reading of your experience with Bleu Nuit.


Off-Topic: I was not aware that Diamine reformulated their BlBk, so the new version would also be of interest.




The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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  On 8/31/2012 at 9:59 AM, Newjelan said:

Great review of an ink I'm in love with.







The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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Congratulations on Review 100 Sandy1! I am especially appreciative of the subject and timeliness of post 100, as I've been on the Bleu Nuit fence since joining FPN. This did it: I'm adding a bottle to my next online order.



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