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For both the pocket (3.5 inches x 6 inches) and mid-sized (I suppose these are A5 in fact; 5.75 inches x 8.25 inches; now called "Large") notebooks, there is a simultaneous change in weight of paper, number of sheets, and cover. In the earlier versions of both, the paper was 70gsm, the covers look to be soft, and the number of sheets in a notebook seems most frequently to have been 185 for the pocket size and 249 for the mid-sized.


With the change to the newer versions, the pocket notebook is still provided only in soft cover, the paper is now 80gsm, but there are only 121 pages in each notebook. For the mid-sized notebooks, the paper is 80gsm, and the notebooks are offered with either soft covers (in black) or hard covers (in colors). The soft-cover mid-size now contains 121 pages; the hard-cover mid-size notebooks contains 185 pages. Prices range from $9.20 to almost $15 for no reason I can determine.


The best ways to recognize the newer versions with the more desirable paper: (1) the name of the notebook now explicitly contains an indication of hard-cover or soft-cover; (2) the number of pages in a notebook is smaller than had been the case with the earlier; (3) any notebook with a colored cover should be in the newer version.


I looked at the A5 book I've got, and it has a beige cover and 249 pages. Seems FP friendly enough for me. On Amazon.co.uk, there are many A5 books with colored covers and 249 pages. Non mentiones the hard-cover in the title at Amazon.


I'm confused. :)

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I looked at the A5 book I've got, and it has a beige cover and 249 pages. Seems FP friendly enough for me. On Amazon.co.uk, there are many A5 books with colored covers and 249 pages. Non mentiones the hard-cover in the title at Amazon.


I'm confused. :)

I'm sorry. I hate it when that happens. I had an uneasy feeling as I wrote "the name of the notebook now explicitly contains an indication of hard-cover or soft-cover." I thought, "Thngat's so dependent on the marketing-display habits of a given market or country." And there Amazon.uk goes and makes a liar out of me.


So I looked at the UK site, where there are all sort of products not available in the States (music paper, for example, in addition to different mixes of pages numbers, bindings, etc. of the standard notebooks). I'm jealous. One thing did seem consistent, though. If a product on the UK site showed a model number for a notebook, and if that model number was associated with a product on the US site, the two had identical characteristics (number of pages, size, weight, binding). So here is the little table I'd made of model numbers and descriptions. If you can find a model number at your source, and if the model number appears on this list, I'm pretty sure (he looks sky-wards hopefully) the description is accurate. I'll try to see if I can find a more definitive list of model numbers.


LB11 Pocket (Ruled) 185 pages70gsm A6

LB13 Pocket 185 pages 70gsm A6

LBL13 Leuchtturm Medium 249 pages 70gsm A5


LB23 Soft Cover Pocket 121 pages 80gsm A6

LBL22 Large Soft Cover 121 pages 80gsm A5

LBL11-LB Large Light Blue Hard Cover (Ruled) 185 pages 80gsm A5

LB11-LB Light Blue Hard Cover Pocket (Ruled) 185 pages 80gsm A5


Master (Ruled) 233 pages 100gsm A4

LBMT13 Black Hard Cover Master Slim 121 pages 100gsm A4

LBMT14 Black Hard Cover Master Slim 121 pages 100gsm A4


I hope this helps a little. (Sorry, too, about the formatting of the table. I was in a rush.)



When you say "black" to a printer in "big business" the word is almost meaningless, so innumerable are its meanings. To the craftsman, on the other hand, black is simply the black he makes --- the word is crammed with meaning: he knows the stuff as well as he knows his own hand. --- Eric Gill

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I just went to Meijer and found them there. They are $14.99 at my Meijer though.



Found them today at my local Meijer. Until I read this thread, I'd been purchasing them off Amazon. I never even thought of the paper section of a mass merchandiser. They were $14.95, about what I have been paying, but Meijer offers instant gratification of the paper urge.

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In the next few days, I will crack open my Bridgewater Moleskine and do a semi-thorough comparison of the two notebooks. We must be scientific so I will throw in Clairefontaine as the control group.


Curiously yours,

S :eureka:

I am lonely but / you can free me / all in the way that you smile

Pentel PS535 --- Lamy Safari Yellow, F: Noodler's Sequoia --- Dunhill Sidecar Mini, 18k M: Private Reserve Naples Blue --- Montblanc 146, 14k F: Noodler's Black Swans in Australian Roses ... er geht langsamen schrittes unter ihr davon.

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Well, consulting Leuchtturm's catalog (it's available in German and English) got us a little further, but not a whole lot. First of all, the catalog is for 2011-12, and thus there really should be a more recent catalog. Second, in the catalog a wholly different numbering system is used to identify models than was used by Amazon, US or UK.


But, the following can be said: taking into account only new stock (any store might have leftovers from previous years, or a huge retailer like Meijers might buy out a distributor's complete stock of some discontinued product to offer at an advantageous price), the different models have these characteristics.


"Master" notebooks are in a size they call "A4+" (225mm x 315mm), and contain 233 numbered pages of 100gsm paper

"Slim Master" notebooks are the same dimensions, but only contain 121 numbered pages


"Medium" notebooks are slightly larger than A5 (145mm x 210mm); if hard-bound they contain 249 numbered pages of 80gsm paper

Medium notebooks also available softcover, containing only 121 numbered pages of 80gsm paper


"Pocket" notebooks are slightly larger than A6 (90mm x 150mm), and contain 185 numbered pages of 80gsm paper

Pocket notebooks are also available with a soft cover, containing 121 numbered pages of 80gsm paper


Medium and pocket notebooks, hard- and soft-covered are available in colors.


I hope my last two messages have cleared up some of the confusion I caused.



When you say "black" to a printer in "big business" the word is almost meaningless, so innumerable are its meanings. To the craftsman, on the other hand, black is simply the black he makes --- the word is crammed with meaning: he knows the stuff as well as he knows his own hand. --- Eric Gill

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