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Hydrogen Peroxide And Hard Rubber

Kelly G

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It seems I have developed a bit of a mold problem in the cap of my Danitrio Densho Raw Ebonite pen. At first I thought it was a bit of nib creep and ink drying on the nib tip, but it has been persistent.


My question is this: can I use hydrogen peroxide on a Q-tip to swab out the inner cap to sterilize the surface and remove the mold? Thus the question is really two. Will the hydrogen peroxide kill the mold? Will the hydrogen peroxide damage the pen and if so, how?


I am really not interested in speculation or opinions based on any thing but factual experience (if I were, I would have already tried the 2(HO).


The same questions apply to the nib/feed/section that need flushed with a sterilant.


Thanks in advance for your help.

May we live, not by our fears but by our hopes; not by our words but by our deeds; not by our disappointments but by our dreams.

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FWIW: I tried the 2(HO) treatment. I used standard 2(HO) as you would purchase at the pharmacy. I did not dilute the solution as it is fairly weak straight from the bottle.


I swabbed the cap with a cotton swab (several times) and then rinsed well with cool water.


I removed the nib/feed assembly and dunked it in the solution, swabbed the section and barrel and rinsed all.


The mold has not reappeared nor was any damage apparent to the pen. I did use caution to not get any great amount of the solution on the outside of the pen.


So far so good. I will update if a problem develops.

May we live, not by our fears but by our hopes; not by our words but by our deeds; not by our disappointments but by our dreams.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Which strength exactly was the H2O2? Some percentage or concentration of moles would be useful.


According to the label on the bottle it is 3% 2(HO) in purified water. The product is listed as an oral antiseptic.

May we live, not by our fears but by our hopes; not by our words but by our deeds; not by our disappointments but by our dreams.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If mold is a problem why not use a weak solution of Bleach (Clorox) rather than Hydrogen Peroxide. Just a thought.

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If mold is a problem why not use a weak solution of Bleach (Clorox) rather than Hydrogen Peroxide. Just a thought.


I recently had this problem with my Edison Ebonite Pearl. I contacted Brian Gray for his advice, and he suggested a bleach solution, 1 part bleach to 5 part water, followed by a thorough rinse. I used a bulb syringe to force the solution through the feed, and a cotton swab to wipe out the inside of the cap and barrel, then rinsed everything thoroughly with cool water. It worked like a charm.

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If mold is a problem why not use a weak solution of Bleach (Clorox) rather than Hydrogen Peroxide. Just a thought.


I recently had this problem with my Edison Ebonite Pearl. I contacted Brian Gray for his advice, and he suggested a bleach solution, 1 part bleach to 5 part water, followed by a thorough rinse. I used a bulb syringe to force the solution through the feed, and a cotton swab to wipe out the inside of the cap and barrel, then rinsed everything thoroughly with cool water. It worked like a charm.


Well, remember that I recommended Clorox Cleanup and Water 1 to 5. Clorox Cleanup is a household cleanser with a small amount of bleach. Using pure bleach and water at 1 to 5 might be a little strong on the bleach end.


Probably no harm, as long as you thoroughly flush all of the cleaning solution out of the pen afterwards. But if you want to use pure bleach, then I might recommend 1 to 15 or 1 to 20.


Like I said, probably no harm, but I'd rather see the lightest amount of bleach that will take care of the issue. And I can't make this blanket recommendation on all pen brands. I have no problem with this happening to Edisons.


And it's very important to thoroughly wash out all of the cleaning solution afterwards. Don't let any ratio of bleach stay in your pen.



Edited by bgray
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