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Sailor Apricot


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✍✍✍✍ ¡DISCLAIMER! ✍✍✍✍


My scanner couldn't pick up the true vibrancy of this striking ink. I adjusted the settings the best I could, but I will add photos later showing the true color. So please enjoy the review, but know that the actual color is much lighter and much more punchy.


I hesitate to even post this review since the colors aren't accurate, but I guess I will until I get the actual pictures up. Just imagine the colors in this review as more of a pumpkin tint.














And here's the ink compared to Noodler's Apache Sunset (the closest to Apricot that I have at the moment). They're much more different in real life. I'll include a new picture of this, too.




Well, enjoy the descriptions while I work on the new pictures. :) I really love this ink.


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Hopefully these pictures give a better representation of what this pretty ink really looks like.








And here's a pic of this ink's awesome sheen!




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  • 2 months later...

Sorry to necro this thread, but ...


First of all, excellent review.


My addition to this material is a point for any who are curious about the largely unobtainable Omas Triratna ink. In some several weeks of testing, I find that Sailor Jentle Apricot is practically indistinguishable in color from Omas Triratna. (So sorry, no scanner!) The two are not exactly identical in color, but are so very close only the most hardcore inkophile could tell the difference.


As much as I enjoy the Triratna, I have to give the thumbs up to Sailor's implementation of this orange. I find the Sailor is smoother, but takes a bit longer to dry. The Sailor offering also has a certain "something" I don't quite see in the Triratna. But that's being very picky-picky.


I'm personally relieved to know there is plenty of Sailor Apricot for when I finally empty my bottle of Triratna.

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  • 1 year later...

Such a beautiful review! I love the way this ink looks in a flex pen! I have a sample of this inked in a Pilot 78g fine and it doesn't look nearly as pretty.It still has some shading but It looks more like a light orange-yellow rather than a red-orange.

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Gorgeous color and gorgeous review. Thank you.

Accentuate the positive.


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  • 4 months later...

In part, due to your terrific review, I ordered a bottle of this today.


Plan on inking a Bexley Corona Sunset to try it out!


Can't wait.

Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice; damn

There goes that fox again.

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  • 2 years later...

Wow! Despite your disclaimer your ink test gives a very good impression of Sailor Jentle Ink Apricot's mighty potential! ... Normally I am not very much impressed by red, orange and yellow but this colour is indeed impressive especially because of its delicious shading! ... Although I normally write with dark colours I have filled my tiny Pelikan M320 with this ink two days ago and I can't stop writing with it. It looks so beautiful! So thank you for your review!

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