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Niccolo Niccoli's Formal Script


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This is an attempt to re-create a Formal Script by Niccolo Niccoli (c1363 - 1437).


He is credited with having invented Italic Script and this formal script which dates c1405 - 1415,

may have been a forerunner, or an additional script which he employed concurrently.


Due to age, this example isn’t as clear as it might be, but it is easy to recognise the beauty of

the underlying lettering. This style is basically Carolingian and as many letters and the numerals

are missing, I’ve used contemporary examples to complete the alphabet.



You may notice that Niccoli used both versions of the letter s. I wrote both in the alphabet, but

used only the modern one, in the text.


Strangely, the minuscule h is a throwback to the Uncial script of an earlier age, as the second

stroke curves inwards. This is at odds with the rest of the alphabet.


Although this is heavy lettering (the x height is only three pen widths), the letters aspect is broad

and the inter-line spacing is very generous, which all balances beautifully.


I am grateful to Hdoug for having posted this fragment.





Edited by caliken
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Very beautiful script, beautifully executed as always.


I'll try my hand at this with a 1.1 mm stub.

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