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Most Disappointing Ink Buy


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I have really tried to like Noodler's Liberty's Elysium. I needed a blue ink for use on standard office paper, including copy paper. I wanted ink that's water-resistant, hence my choice of the LE. However, while the ink performs well enough on good paper, it feathers and bleeds through on regular paper. That's so disappointing. I've read reviews before I bought it and people found it to behave well. How come my sample does not? Now, I am thinking of getting DA Document Blue, but I don't think it's available in the US.


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Waterman green is rather unappealing.


Quink black - the only ink that stopped flow in my 149. Threw it out.


Herbin gris nuage - the grey so pale it was almost illegible.


Herbis eclat de saphir - like a number of folks, my bottle had fungus globs. Got a refund.



Agree with the Herbin gris nuage.

Like some people I bought the full set of Herbin from Goulet.

I actually did a mix of the grey and eclat sapphir and came up with a very nice combo!


I use a lot of MB inks- my burgundy just got big fungal globs (and was boring) and the turquise is very pale and shades really poorly.


can't beat racing green! Wish they'd bring it back



Love and work... work and love, that's all there is.

Sigmund Freud


(there was a man who obviously never knew fountain pens!)

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Noodler's Golden Brown - I've tried to get this ink to work out, but it is just getting ridiculous. It seems to change color every time I pick up the pen and for no reason whatsoever.


I know what you mean! It's almost as if the darker components of the ink creep back up into he pen, so after it's been sitting a while and you start writing all you get it a (pretty enough) rusty-yet-vibrant orange that lasts for a line or two until he other colors join the party. It happens in every pen I use it in.


Buuuuuut... I still love it! ;)


Here's an example of what we're talking about:



fascinating- thanks for sharing



Love and work... work and love, that's all there is.

Sigmund Freud


(there was a man who obviously never knew fountain pens!)

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Noodler's Operation Overlord Orange... What. The....


There are so many things wrong with this ink!!


It bleeds like crazy, feathers through everything, way too light, no shading, stains the entire world, and gunks up my pens even though it seems like it's water! Not. A. Good. Ink. At. All.

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Noodler's Operation Overlord Orange... What. The....


There are so many things wrong with this ink!!


It bleeds like crazy, feathers through everything, way too light, no shading, stains the entire world, and gunks up my pens even though it seems like it's water! Not. A. Good. Ink. At. All.


Agreed! I actually love the shade of orange, but everything else about it is just cantankerous.


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Noodler's Golden Brown - I've tried to get this ink to work out, but it is just getting ridiculous. It seems to change color every time I pick up the pen and for no reason whatsoever.


I know what you mean! It's almost as if the darker components of the ink creep back up into he pen, so after it's been sitting a while and you start writing all you get it a (pretty enough) rusty-yet-vibrant orange that lasts for a line or two until he other colors join the party. It happens in every pen I use it in.


Buuuuuut... I still love it! ;)


Here's an example of what we're talking about:



fascinating- thanks for sharing

I've had the same experience with Noodler's Golden Brown only a bit worse - once the orangy yellow starts coming out of the pens I've tried it in, I never see the black component again until I take the pen apart to clean it. Very disappointing...

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Noodler's Golden Brown - I've tried to get this ink to work out, but it is just getting ridiculous. It seems to change color every time I pick up the pen and for no reason whatsoever.


I know what you mean! It's almost as if the darker components of the ink creep back up into he pen, so after it's been sitting a while and you start writing all you get it a (pretty enough) rusty-yet-vibrant orange that lasts for a line or two until he other colors join the party. It happens in every pen I use it in.


Buuuuuut... I still love it! ;)


Here's an example of what we're talking about:



fascinating- thanks for sharing


I've never gotten Golden Brown that dark, but I mix it 50/50 with Subway Sepia (FPH) to make a very nice dark brown.

Edited by scribbler77
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By all means the very worst of all to me is Pelikan Edelstein Ruby.

Two reasons:

1. Too light, almost pink. This is very subjective, so it is only personal taste. Some of you might like the shade.

2. It STAINED my Pelikan M-1005 Demonstrator, now it has a pinkish stain all inside of it. i do not how to get rid of it, it took only about two or three days for this ink to stain it. This is absolutely unacceptable.

I will write a report on both the pen and the ink, hopefully next week. With pictures.

I still do not know what to do with the rest of the bottle, first thing that comes to my mind is to dump it in the drain. But I will cool myself first.

Any clues on how to clean the pen?

Cheers from Tampico, Mexico.

Gilberto Castañeda


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I still do not know what to do with the rest of the bottle, first thing that comes to my mind is to dump it in the drain. But I will cool myself first.


Put it for sale in the classifieds..


Any clues on how to clean the pen?



Try a couple of drops of bleach in a cup of water and wash the pen with it.




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"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it's the illusion of knowledge." -Stephen Hawking,

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By all means the very worst of all to me is Pelikan Edelstein Ruby.

Two reasons:

1. Too light, almost pink. This is very subjective, so it is only personal taste. Some of you might like the shade.

2. It STAINED my Pelikan M-1005 Demonstrator, now it has a pinkish stain all inside of it. i do not how to get rid of it, it took only about two or three days for this ink to stain it. This is absolutely unacceptable.

I will write a report on both the pen and the ink, hopefully next week. With pictures.

I still do not know what to do with the rest of the bottle, first thing that comes to my mind is to dump it in the drain. But I will cool myself first.

Any clues on how to clean the pen?

Cheers from Tampico, Mexico.


I use this ink a lot and find it gentle and easy to clean. I agree the color is one that you either love or hate, and I'm one that loves it. But I hope it hasn't permanently stained your demo. Reds are the worst, but Pelikan is known for making very safe inks, so I hope this will clean right up. Did you try cleaning the pen body with diluted ammonia, or failing that, diluted bleach? (And obviously never mixing the two.)


You might want to message the Pelikan distributor, or whoever handles warranty repairs for Pelikan in Mexico. With a Pelikan pen and Pelikan ink, I am sure they will help you.

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Another vote for PR black cherry. Not sure what color it's supposed to be.

And anything with the word 'ebony' in front of it I'm still waiting for it to dry. :mellow:


I agree Bill. My Private Reserve Ebony Green will in all likelihood still be drying in the next millennium. (unless used on VERY absorbent paper)

Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice; damn

There goes that fox again.

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Thank you Laura.


I hope that everything will be fine.

I have only tried with a cotton swab, I do not want to risk my pen with any chemicals.


I am lucky enough to know the people from Pelikan Mexico, I saw them the day I bought the ink at a pen shop in Mexico City, in fact, I will write the report because I promised them I would.


They are waiting to see that report.

I took some pictures but came out very bad, the metal looks yellow, I need to retake them, I will do so next week, hopefully.


Have a nice weekend.



Gilberto Castañeda


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Diamine Poussiere De Lune...way darker than I thought it would be -almost a washed out black.

this is the only Herbin that I like. I use a fine or extra fine nib

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I've started using J. Herbin Café Des Îles again and it's much more acceptable now - I'm not sure if I was using it in a really dry pen or if a little bit of the water's evaporated or what.


Vancouver Pen Club


Currently inked:


Montegrappa NeroUno Linea - J. Herbin Poussière de Lune //. Aurora Optima Demonstrator - Aurora Black // Varuna Rajan - Kaweco Green // TWSBI Vac 700R - Visconti Purple

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I have to join the group that is disappointed with Platinum Pigment Blue. While I don't have any flow issues in my Platinum Desk Pen, the color is almost too light to read. I guess I will eventually see how it looks in a larger nib.

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I bought a bottle of Manuscript Blue once, I'm not even sure where I got it now. It looked like a really nice shade of blue as I was writing an essay for a history test. When I got it back, it had faded to an extremely likgh blue. It's a cool color, but nothing like I expexted.

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Noodler's "Luxury Blue" - very, very interesting in bottle. Dries to some chalky mess of a color on the page.


Noodler's "Polar Blue" - not the "darkest blue" by any stretch. Bad in pen behavior leading to blue hands syndrome. Will actually freeze contrary to its claims of being made for the "coldest" of environments.


Noodler's blue that shall not be named - problems in Waterman and Lamy pens. Worst in pen behaving ink I've tried.


Pelikan Edelstein "Sapphire" - it's not sapphire. Not sure what color to call it. Only saving grace is decent behavior in pen.


MB "Royal Blue" - refuses to work properly in even the wettest writing pen I have. It does however stay in your pen, and not on your hands.





De Atramentis Ferdinand von Zepplin - like the color, but doesn't like the Waterman it's in. Get blue hands syndrome. Leaves deposits behind.


Noodler's 54th Mass. - not much blue in this "blue-black." Hard starting in all but the wettest of my pens. Left deposits behind.


Noodler's Q'ternity - another black "blue-black." Love the dry time, hate the deposits left behind.


Pilot Iroshizuku Kon-Peki - If I weren't an attorney, and buying ink for the work place, I could appreciate the color. However, not really suitable for the work environment. On 20lb "Universal" copy paper it dries to light turquoise... not something I find useful in the work environment.

Imagination and memory are but one thing which for diverse reasons hath diverse names. -- T. Hobbes - Leviathan

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rotring black. I bought it many years ago and never liked it. It seemed to not work in any of my pens, constantly running dry. I ended up tossing it.

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Pelikan 4001 Brilliant Black - There was an excessive amount of bleed-through using this ink. I used it once and haven't used it since.


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