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Calling All Londoners


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LOL! I think steviebee was just being witty in calling me Welsh in the face of my impromptu Scots twang! I'm not Scottish either, tho I know a few hardy pieces of tin that are! No, I'm afraid I'm not a pure-blood Anglo-Saxon-Celt-Norman-Greek-German like all the very best Brits. I'm a halfbreed mongrel! Which halves of which breeds I'm not saying! {but there could be some goat in there somewhere, hence the shivers at all the talk of sacrificial daggers!}




Haha, very well put! laugh.gif That'll teach me to think that I can keep some form of sanity or linearity of thought whilst on here clap1.gif.


As for the sacrifice, that's a shame. But I'm sure we'll come up with a suitable alternative. Perhaps we can sacrifice a vegetarian sausage... I never liked those things anyway hehe.

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P.s. I'm evidently not quite used to using the quotation system here either roflmho.gif

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Awesome, just wanted to make sure in case I tried to make enthusiastic greetings to a group of less savoury types, although I'm sure that would lead to a story in itself, and I do like stories laugh.gif.

As for your pens Marlow, I do hope we don't have any pen rivalries, I'm not sure if I could foot the bill if our pens ended up having an ink battle lticaptd.gif


But we are the less savoury types!


Awesome, I'll make sure I bring me cutlass n me spittoon... YAHAR! huh.gif

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Sadly, my little featherlings I will not now be able to join you on the 2nd as I've been called away to lands of coot & fern....or, less poetically - I have family visiting & must apply my meagre entertaining skills to them.

With regret, I'm afraid they'll not find a pen meet of much interest, otherwise I'd drag em along & make them sit in the corner while we dilly & dally through our sociable inky paradise....


Good captains, I hope the meet goes well & you have fun, & please raise a glass and a nice button-filler for me. I hope we can schedule a meet in late September ( when I return from Chicago, hopefully with nary an 'awesome' or 'good job' in my vocabulary, and still able to spell 'colour' correctly... ;)) when we can plan our partying for the pen show in October.


I know the ship is in capable hands. I salute you all.


Must go...I hear an odd whistle.

Must be lunchtime.....

"No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn...."



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Laydeez and Gentlemints. Hear Ye, hear ye.


In the forthcoming absence of the Right Reverend Stephen von B (El Presidente) it behoves us to sort ourselves out.


Therefore I call for potential attendees of the third inaugural meeting of the strictly non-hierarchical (cos Stevie says so and he's the boss) London Pen Molesters Society to put their sticky electronic mitts in the air.


The place: downstairs in the basement of the Coal Hole on the Strand (which is not called what Stevie thought it was so ignore him).


The date: 2nd September


The time: 2pm


Agenda: look agenda's are too heavy man can't we just be?


By the way could anyone in the area reserve the usual table?




Carl (definitely not El Presidente)

"Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what's for lunch" Orson Welles

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Forgiven for being unavailable on the Sunday,





but that does not excuse any lack of effort on El Presidente to secure a table... or, for that matter, to ensure beverages are available to all.



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Makles me proud. Thanks Carl & Paul.



But blimey, I have to put a round in behind the bar & I won't even be there?

Drinking by proxy???


Er, how can I put this politely? Like (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) I will....


I will however book the table as I'm down there tomorrow and (magnanimous, moi) I'll buy the first round at our next meet. Come now ye swarthy dogs, a man even as slight as me can't say fairer than that!

"No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn...."



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Laydeez and Gentlemints. Hear Ye, hear ye.


In the forthcoming absence of the Right Reverend Stephen von B (El Presidente) it behoves us to sort ourselves out.


Therefore I call for potential attendees of the third inaugural meeting of the strictly non-hierarchical (cos Stevie says so and he's the boss) London Pen Molesters Society to put their sticky electronic mitts in the air.


The place: downstairs in the basement of the Coal Hole on the Strand (which is not called what Stevie thought it was so ignore him).


The date: 2nd September



The time: 2pm


Agenda: look agenda's are too heavy man can't we just be?


By the way could anyone in the area reserve the usual table?




Carl (definitely not El Presidente)


Hello Carl and Paul. I am looking for something suitable as the cheapest pen of the month and assuming I can find something, I will be along.

Edited by Orangepengu1n
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TThe lowest room in the Coal Hole is booked for 2pm on the 2nd. Booked under the name steviebee....


2 September 2pm

Coal Hole, Edmunds Bar downstairs - look for the secret room! Not hard.



So, pensters.....who's coming?

"No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn...."



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Captain, my Captain.


I'll be there.

"Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what's for lunch" Orson Welles

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Sadly, I'll be at work again and unable to join you.


But I have secured a pass from my family to enable me to get to the London show in October :-)

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Hello Carl and Paul. I am looking for something suitable as the cheapest pen of the month and assuming I can find something, I will be along.


I can sell you a beat up platignum for £1 - I paid only 98p for it last week :hmm1:





How about making the September award for:


'Biggest heap of junk bought off ebay'





I am sure we must all have examples hidden in the back of the cupboard




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Ah dear electronic acquaintances (not the easiest of words for a dyslexic to spell!)


It would appear my soon to be employer has already got its hairy arm of the wage slip around my ankles and is shaking me down for any lose days for which to inject me with a number of substances, under the guise of 'occupational health', the joys. I shall have to see, but it looks as if this might keep me from attending the foretold coal hole!


I'll see how the storm brews and let you know when the HR lads and lassies eventually pass on the message for a go ahead, It's all on red alert at my end but the last time I popped into their end it seemed as if there main concern was with what was next on telly!



Don't feed the Yao Gui,


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Oh my dears

This is going to be a goodie, I can tell....The Toad Hole will be jumping.


I am already honing my diary to set a pre-show date for the next.


Paul, great idea! Does my German Apollo cartridge school pen count tho? 99p, tea-tray-lid-nib but it writes pretty good...was hoping it was a Montblanc sub-brand but oh well.... ;)


I have a Platignum 75th Anniversary somewhere. That may qualify in the Unexceptional category.


Too late, Badger - my Yao Guai have already feasted. They are burping quietly in the corner while picking their teeth with various dip-pen nibs they've managed to purloin from the ruins...

"No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn...."



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Oops...sorry Loft, missed your post: look forward to meeting you in October!



Now then, where are Marlow and Quill?

"No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn...."



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Hey folks I'm here! Just back from a tiring day of viewing and negotiating the purchase of a whoop-whoop-tastic property! I'm gonna be sweating it now til the vendor confirms their side of the chain is complete...! However, profuse transpiration notwithstanding, it is my intention to be at the meet. I saw the vendor's eyes glaze over as I started waffling on about my 'nostalgia-theory' as it relates to the upsurge in FP-Love over the last decade (he had dared to say, albeit correctly, that fountain pen love was 'a bit niche'!!)...but I recovered his attention quickly when I told him the long bank of windows in his eldest daughter's bedroom would be the perfect light source in front of which I would love to locate my pen-repair workbench! :lol:


I think I'm in serious need of kindred fpnutter-spirits with whom to actually experience reciprocal excitement over our often unfathomable enthusiasm for the Joy of...Pens! :embarrassed_smile: :ltcapd:

Edited by Marlow

"Every job is good if you do your best and work hard.

A man who works hard stinks only to the ones that have

nothing to do but smell."

Laura Ingalls Wilder


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Building nicely, crew....sigh...and I'll miss it. Oh well, we'll always have Paris...or was that Parkers?




OK, so now where's Quill and Zanshin? Andmoreagain once I've revisited the thread pages n posts.


Hey, and ihimlen? Where'd you go last time? Hope to see you there soon.


Hope every one had a great bank hol weekend, btw. Mine was spent in the Coal Hole & Christopher's so I am now a, very happy and b, very broke.


And my Vanishing Point just arrived. Heh, "Night in Desert" indeed, a nice combination of yellow and black. Off to gloat at it in a minute. Why do I have a VP? These damn meets that's why! ;)





"No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn...."



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The good news: just been handed a massive job to finish by next wednesday;

The bad news (for me at least): gonna need all day every day between now and next wednesday lunchtime to complete it so I'm just gonna have to hope I can make it to the next meet.


Have a great time y'all.



"Every job is good if you do your best and work hard.

A man who works hard stinks only to the ones that have

nothing to do but smell."

Laura Ingalls Wilder


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Hope every one had a great bank hol weekend, btw. Mine was spent in the Coal Hole & Christopher's so I am now a, very happy and b, very broke




A bank holiday went by?!? ... oh dear.... evidently I've been working too hard!


Apparently cabin fever was the least of my worries, I've lost all sense of time lticaptd.gif


(edited due to tiredness... and y'know, stuff)

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