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Devil's Dictionary


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Thanks - however, this leads to the UK Amazon - I am actually a US-registered Amazon customer, and I can't get it there for free.

But, I did find a number of inexpensive versions for the Kindle and may download one. But plistumi's illustrations look so much nicer than all those on Amazon.com!

So why not replace the .co.uk with .com and see what you get.

Works for me. ;)

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Yes, there are a number, none of them free though. Now deliberating which one to actually download...

a fountain pen is physics in action... Proud member of the SuperPinks


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Yes, there are a number, none of them free though. Now deliberating which one to actually download...


You can get a copy from project Gutenberg. Just download the mobi file, it works in kindle without any conversions.

Tes rires retroussés comme à son bord la rose,

Effacent mon dépit de ta métamorphose;

Tu t'éveilles, alors le rêve est oublié.

-Jean Cocteau, from Plaint-Chant, 1923

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Thanks, will do

a fountain pen is physics in action... Proud member of the SuperPinks


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I was able to download the UK version from here in Nevada. No charge.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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I got one from project gutenberg, so am OK.

a fountain pen is physics in action... Proud member of the SuperPinks


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I actually went on Amazon today to find an unabridged and illustrated D's D (suddenly wanted one). No such thing exists (in recent publishing anyway). Have you considered publishing this thing? I'd certainly buy a copy. Heck, I'd even pay double of what I paid for my copy of Bierce.


I'm looking forward to the word hog.


Many people have made the suggestion. I will consider it, but I am still only on letter H. I also need to edit many of the drawings. It will be quite some time. 1-2 years, maybe, at the rate I am going. BTW, love your username.


Today's words are HISTORIAN and HISTORY.



Edited by plistumi

An eye for insignificant details is a good sign you will do just fine in medical school...

As a sharp wit and powerful sarcasm is a sign that you already have.


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Could you provide a link, please? I'd like to find it for my Kindle.

Thanks in advance!


I'm so sorry mate, just clocked your post.


Here we go, Amazon link of my copy.





Long reign the House of Belmont.

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Mandarin is pretty but seems to be light compared to some other oranges. I'm still enjoying the pics!

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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I'm so sorry mate, just clocked your post.


Here we go, Amazon link of my copy.





Kindle titles for your country are not available at Amazon.co.uk.

Please shop for Kindle titles at Amazon.com.

Let's just put this to rest, shall we? I've downloaded the text-only copy at the Gutenberg project. Not as nice as this one maybe, but it contains all the text. Thanks for your trouble.

a fountain pen is physics in action... Proud member of the SuperPinks


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Kindle titles for your country are not available at Amazon.co.uk.

Please shop for Kindle titles at Amazon.com.

Let's just put this to rest, shall we? I've downloaded the text-only copy at the Gutenberg project. Not as nice as this one maybe, but it contains all the text. Thanks for your trouble.



Well the text-only copy version you now have from Gutenberg is the same as the one on Amazon U.K.

(I checked.) So the job's a good 'un.

Edited by Vendome

Long reign the House of Belmont.

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Today's words are HISTORIAN and HISTORY.




Love your Historian drawing! (Love the whole set, so I guess it is double love. Love squared? Does love combine additive or multiplicative, or some other way? Whatever. Really nice.) Nice use of the black with the orange. Keep them coming, please.

I am no longer very active on FPN but feel free to message me. Or send me a postal letter!

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Cybaea: Lets is stick to the kiss principle (pun intended). Just love. Glad you enjoy the work.


Today's word is HOG:


An eye for insignificant details is a good sign you will do just fine in medical school...

As a sharp wit and powerful sarcasm is a sign that you already have.


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My awaited word! Thank you! The left pig is adorable. :D

Tes rires retroussés comme à son bord la rose,

Effacent mon dépit de ta métamorphose;

Tu t'éveilles, alors le rêve est oublié.

-Jean Cocteau, from Plaint-Chant, 1923

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Hmm, he (Bierce) had a thing against Rockefeller, didn't he? We get "Ali Baba and the Forty Rockefellers" and much more later.


Whatever. The two piglets are ever so cute; Ms du Vent favours the left so I will vote for the one on the right. I am feeling contrarian but: have you seen the tail!? The tail!! :D

Edited by cybaea

I am no longer very active on FPN but feel free to message me. Or send me a postal letter!

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Gabrielle: Glad you like the hog.

Cybaea: Bierce did seem to have very strong opinions against certain individuals. All the more interesting.


Today's words are HOMEOPATHIST and HOMEOPATHY. The pen is the Pelikan Athens and the ink is De Atramentis Cucumber Green. It is a very light green. The scan does not do the pen justice.


An eye for insignificant details is a good sign you will do just fine in medical school...

As a sharp wit and powerful sarcasm is a sign that you already have.


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Your pics are amazing.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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Bitter Bierce seemed to have a very strong opinion about authorities as well. Or maybe he was just bitter all-around.


Love the pics of the bacteria. They look so adorable all of a sudden :P

Tes rires retroussés comme à son bord la rose,

Effacent mon dépit de ta métamorphose;

Tu t'éveilles, alors le rêve est oublié.

-Jean Cocteau, from Plaint-Chant, 1923

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Thanks Amberlea for the ink sample.

GabriellDuVent: He was a brilliant cynic.


Today's word is HOMICIDE:



An eye for insignificant details is a good sign you will do just fine in medical school...

As a sharp wit and powerful sarcasm is a sign that you already have.


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