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Devil's Dictionary


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Here are two more. I'm on a roll! GNOME and GNOSTICS.

Frank, you are right! I havea million billion pens! Ho ho ho ha ha ha hee hee hee muah ha ha... hic!


I was just guessing; I passed 100 fountain pens awhile ago. I didn't know it was 1,000,000,000,000,000, though. If you use one every hour, 24 hours per day for 365 days per year, it will take you about 114,155,250, 000,000 or so years to use each one. I should send you some more ink samples today.


By the way, I saw that "hic" at the end of you post. Have you been chugging Voorhout Violet again?

"One can not waste time worrying about small minds . . . If we were normal, we'd still be using free ball point pens." —Bo Bo Olson


"I already own more ink than a rational person can use in a lifetime." —Waski_the_Squirrel


I'm still trying to figure out how to list all my pens down here.

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I love Ghost, too! The text and the drawing -- ditto Jon re: the wash.


And Glutton's fried chicken drumstick arm and thigh, hahaha! Very witty!


etherX in To Miasto

Fleekair <--French accent.

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I love Ghost, too! The text and the drawing -- ditto Jon re: the wash.


And Glutton's fried chicken drumstick arm and thigh, hahaha! Very witty!


I liked the chicken parts as well. Wow, ether, that is your fourth avatar in as many months. I don't even have one yet. Maybe I can get plistumi to draw one for me; I just don't want chicken legs!

"One can not waste time worrying about small minds . . . If we were normal, we'd still be using free ball point pens." —Bo Bo Olson


"I already own more ink than a rational person can use in a lifetime." —Waski_the_Squirrel


I'm still trying to figure out how to list all my pens down here.

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I love Ghost, too! The text and the drawing -- ditto Jon re: the wash.


And Glutton's fried chicken drumstick arm and thigh, hahaha! Very witty!


I liked the chicken parts as well. Wow, ether, that is your fourth avatar in as many months. I don't even have one yet. Maybe I can get plistumi to draw one for me; I just don't want chicken legs!


That is a great idea! Have plistumi draw you an avatar! I'd stand in that line....


etherX in To Miasto

Fleekair <--French accent.

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Frank - what about an avatar with the Special Needs Frogs?

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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Well, I would need permission first. And of course, I would like to have a custom avatar, if that can be arranged.

"One can not waste time worrying about small minds . . . If we were normal, we'd still be using free ball point pens." —Bo Bo Olson


"I already own more ink than a rational person can use in a lifetime." —Waski_the_Squirrel


I'm still trying to figure out how to list all my pens down here.

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"When Men differ in Opinion, both Sides ought equally to have the Advantage of being heard by the Publick; and that when Truth and Error have fair Play, the former is always an overmatch for the latter."

~ Benjamin Franklin

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Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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Oh my! More lovely ink, beautiful pens, great penmanship and stunning artwork.

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Umm... I was wondering, could you please tell me the type of iTalic script you are using, as opposed to the pure cursive in your titles?



I see dead fountain pens!

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Lately, I have decided to learn italic cursive font. Because I am not a good writer and logging daily activities would be quite repetitive and boring (wake up, eat breakfast, go to work, come back from work, workout, eat, sleep, blah blah blah), I have decided to use Ambrose Bierce's Devil's Dictionary to practice penmanship and calligraphy. I figured I'd also use the opportunity to practice drawing because, as the saying goes: "If you don't use it, you lose it."


The Devil's Dictionary is public domain so quoting it hopefully will not lead to copywriting issues. Ambrose Bierce's views, still ring true one century after he wrote them. Anybody want to join in the cynical fun? My first contribution will be the very a propos word: INK




Love it!

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Well, I am back after a short, evenftul hiatus (vacation trips, fires [crapola], FPN rule changes, bad aftertaste as a consequence of that, manure, tomato plants, gardens, spring!)


Umm... I was wondering, could you please tell me the type of iTalic script you are using, as opposed to the pure cursive in your titles?

Sure! I am using the script from Barbara Getty and Inga Dubay's book, Write Now. Link: http://www.amazon.co...words=write+now

Frank, Jon, Amberlea, I like the idea of avatars. I am mulling...

Newjelan. Thanks for the comments. More inks and pens will keep coming. I have sample to keep me busy until I fossilize. Yeah!


Today's work is GOOSE. The ink is Iroshizuku Fuyu-Syogun courtesy of Ethernautrix. I think I am sold on this ink! The pen is a Bexley Americana Sierra Silver.



Edited by plistumi

An eye for insignificant details is a good sign you will do just fine in medical school...

As a sharp wit and powerful sarcasm is a sign that you already have.


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Love this new one! Too funny.

Also really liking the look of the ink, which is darker and bluer than I expected (especially after comparing it to the sample on the Goulets' website -- and no, I don't look at the swabs so much as the writing).

Swell. Just. Swell. *Another* ink to add to the "must try" list. :drool: (What was I just saying on another thread this AM about how we're all enablers on here? :glare:)

My husband hates you all. Officially. He hasn't said so, but I'm *sure* he's thinking it, even while he's at work.... :rolleyes: Sigh. And I've just blown my budget for the moment, on a couple of Parker 51s in Ebay auctions.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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... (What was I just saying on another thread this AM about how we're all enablers on here?

I understand your enablers comment. In fact, you can ask the hole in my pocket... :roflmho:


Today's words: GORGON and GOUT. I am still using the Iroshizuku Fuyu-syogun but the ink magically tuned pink as soon as I drew King Henry's toe. His pink, gouty toe is very reminiscent of J. Herbin Rose Tendresse. thumbup.gif




An eye for insignificant details is a good sign you will do just fine in medical school...

As a sharp wit and powerful sarcasm is a sign that you already have.


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I enjoy the posts and missed you while you were away.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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Today's word is GNU and GOOD. Enjoy!



Edited by plistumi

An eye for insignificant details is a good sign you will do just fine in medical school...

As a sharp wit and powerful sarcasm is a sign that you already have.


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Glad to see that you're back. I hope no fountain pens were destroyed in the fire. I like the fuyu-syogun. I will have to open up my bottle and try some. Keep up the good work.

"One can not waste time worrying about small minds . . . If we were normal, we'd still be using free ball point pens." —Bo Bo Olson


"I already own more ink than a rational person can use in a lifetime." —Waski_the_Squirrel


I'm still trying to figure out how to list all my pens down here.

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BTW: She made herself somewhat famous in the latest issue of "The Pennant". I'll say no more, except...


What? You aren't a member of the Pen Collectors of America? For a very low yearly membership, you get this great magazine 3 times a year, access to all kinds of information online - especially helpful to people with interests in vintage pens - and in general, help the pen community at large.


Quite worthwhile, and now with Added Plistumi!

"When Men differ in Opinion, both Sides ought equally to have the Advantage of being heard by the Publick; and that when Truth and Error have fair Play, the former is always an overmatch for the latter."

~ Benjamin Franklin

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Frank C: The pens are intact. The range.... not so much.

Jon: Yep. That's me with a porcupine quill.


Today's words are: GRACES and GRAMMAR. Terrible things can happen if a grammatical is involved. Sad, sad.



An eye for insignificant details is a good sign you will do just fine in medical school...

As a sharp wit and powerful sarcasm is a sign that you already have.


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