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Devil's Dictionary


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Have loved these drawings from Day1 plistumi, and your penmanship is looking wonderful. thumbup.gif I just compared the latest entry to your first one.... your handwriting has really progressed. Now I am jealous of that as well as your wonderful illustrations. notworthy1.gifheadsmack.gif

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Have loved these drawings from Day1 plistumi, and your penmanship is looking wonderful. thumbup.gif I just compared the latest entry to your first one.... your handwriting has really progressed. Now I am jealous of that as well as your wonderful illustrations. notworthy1.gifheadsmack.gif


+1 notworthy1.gifrolleyes.gif

God is seldom early, never late, and always on time.

~~Larry Brown

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I m glad you are enjoying the work. As the cliche says "Practice makes perfect" or "If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again!" or in Spanish, "El que persevara alcanza." I will keep practicing. This morning's word is FELON:



An eye for insignificant details is a good sign you will do just fine in medical school...

As a sharp wit and powerful sarcasm is a sign that you already have.


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In a whole I like your drawings, your penmanship, your photography skills and your pens and inks.

Bierce didn't died in México as many belive, no, he even didnt crossed the border and acording to new sources in west Texas

aparently he died of tifus around Presidio Texas and is buried there in an ancient cemetery.

Edited by penrivers
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I have just received my own copy of The Unabridged Devil's Dictionary and I must say, it's not nearly as illuminating sans your illustrations! mellow.gif


If you don't publish your version, I will be forced to copy every entry you've made here and make a facsimile thereof. I daresay it will be quite a sizable tome. yikes.gif

God is seldom early, never late, and always on time.

~~Larry Brown

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Hovea and Plistumi,


These are amazing.


Plistumi, my daughter has been telling everyone at school about your book.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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Thank you all for your compliments. I had a hard time coming up with a nice sketch for this word: FEMALE. I went for my favorite period, the 1920s. And I most certainly think that if I were to have a fountain pen in the 20s it would look like that Boheme. Yum.


Penrivers: I liked the article. I should scan my college notebooks, they look like a doodlefest. Few notes, lots of drawings. Heh!


Amberlesdavis: It was great meeting your daughter. She is a doll.


Esterbex: Now you can read your Devils Dictionary and look up the image here at FPN... Albeit, only to the letter F.


Ethernautrix: The Micarta is a soft fine. Oh so soft....



An eye for insignificant details is a good sign you will do just fine in medical school...

As a sharp wit and powerful sarcasm is a sign that you already have.


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Me too and thank you!

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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I love the 1920s too. Today's word is FIB.



An eye for insignificant details is a good sign you will do just fine in medical school...

As a sharp wit and powerful sarcasm is a sign that you already have.


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I continue to be amazed with your posts. I don't know what I like more, the ink colors, drawings, writing or overall creativity!


Great job, keep them coming.

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Thank you all for your compliments. I had a hard time coming up with a nice sketch for this word: FEMALE. I went for my favorite period, the 1920s. And I most certainly think that if I were to have a fountain pen in the 20s it would look like that Boheme. Yum.




Applause, applause! I've just finished reading the Phryne Fisher series of mysteries, set in 1928-9 Melbourne, Australia. You have Phryne's 'tude perfectly captured!.


Wish we'd had a chance to chat at the LA Pen Show, but was fun to see your face at the dinner.

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1362008601[/url]' post='2612985']

Applause, applause! I've just finished reading the Phryne Fisher series of mysteries, set in 1928-9 Melbourne, Australia. You have Phryne's 'tude perfectly captured!.



HAH! I live in Melbourne and Phryne Fisher Mysteries are also on TV at the moment - great fun. The illustration also reminded me of Phryne as well. thumbup.gif

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