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Tom L

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I pursuaded Paul Erano to allow me to post this because I find there really is a lot of useful and interesting info for collectors.


Mention FPN, and with your paid subscription you'll receive 5 issues for the price of 4.


The most recent issue includes an article on Cross which was quite lengthy and went into the history of the co. and especially why the co. didnt produce fountain pensduring the golden age. There is also a toungue in cheek article, The Three Amigos, about black pens. Lots of pens shooting pistolas.



From Paul's website:


Erano's Quarterly Pen Review (EQPR) is a twelve page quarterly written especially for vintage pen lovers, with a smattering about new pens, too. Each issue contains frank commentary and insights by experienced collectors on subjects that vintage pen collectors care about. It includes articles and essays on vintage pens, pen shows , pen reviews, and other aspects of our hobby that are presented in a way to set it apart from other pen publications. From ink to ethics, EQPR offers a unique point of view, all wrapped up in a colorful and entertaining package. Below is a sampling of several pages from various issues to illustrate what the quarterly has to offer. For a sampling of articles EQPR brings you, go to the home page and click the icon "Articles and Essays". If you are looking for something tailored specifically to the vintage pen collector, give us a try. It may be just what you're looking for. It's in full color and available for only $25 dollars for a year's subscription. Canada $30- all other non domestic subscriptions $35. Ordering information is found at www.paulspens.com/EPQR.htm


Paul's homepage is PaulsPens.com



Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left.

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