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Be forewarned... I will eye-bang the bejeezus out of your pens...
Never play leapfrog with a unicorn...

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Be forewarned... I will eye-bang the bejeezus out of your pens...
Never play leapfrog with a unicorn...

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The line variation is SOOOOOOOO IMPRESSIVE.... :puddle:


Did Nathan design an affordable Wet Noodle ??? :cloud9:


P.S.... That Black ink is GORGEOUS... :drool: and I do not like Black inks in general... (I do not own any black ink)





**** BauerInks.ca ****

**** MORE.... Robert Oster Signature INKS ****


"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it's the illusion of knowledge." -Stephen Hawking,

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A shot of the pen in hand (and I have fairly big hands), plus the end result...




The black ink from the NE Pen Show is a deep rich black - I really like it. It dries extremely slowly with this pen, on Black and Red paper. On Clairefontaine, it's slow, but not egregiously so. Filler paper eats it up and bleeds right through (this pen lays down a heavy, VERY wet line, so, that's expected). It is an amazing flex, such that even a complete novice (me) gets some pretty astounding results - now if I can learn to control it... Yes, yes, Master Yoda, I must learn [[expletive deleted]] control...

Be forewarned... I will eye-bang the bejeezus out of your pens...
Never play leapfrog with a unicorn...

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XF or XXF at the narrow end...



to "Mother of God How thick is THAT??" at the thick end...




Ignore the fact that my scrawlings look like some drunken chimp has molested a dizzy chicken, half drowned it in ink, shared some of his bourbon (he's a generous chimp) and then turned the chicken loose on the paper to stumble home... This pen is amazing, and I'm working on learning to use it... ;-)

Be forewarned... I will eye-bang the bejeezus out of your pens...
Never play leapfrog with a unicorn...

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Size comparisons, for folks not yet aware...

Top to bottom:
Noodler's Neponset with flex nib

Noodler's Neponset with music nib

Noodler's Ahab

Noodler's Creaper

Esterbrook J with 2668 nib




Safe to say, the Neponset is a huge pen...

Be forewarned... I will eye-bang the bejeezus out of your pens...
Never play leapfrog with a unicorn...

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Flexy stuff. Very strange for me to use since I never used flexy mode before. :P

"Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often at times we call a man cold when he is only sad." ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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Pen: Pan jr. with donor nib from Eagle pen

Ink: Iroshizuku fuyu-gaki



donor nib from eagle pen

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Ah, that donor pen looks way to good to destroy! :(

It is cracked in the "pump end", so it doesn't hold together. Probablybsome way to fix it, but I don't know how. Super glue, maybe?

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It is cracked in the "pump end", so it doesn't hold together. Probablybsome way to fix it, but I don't know how. Super glue, maybe?

sadly, probably not since it's hard rubber, and inclined to crack with age... it could be used as a dip pen however.

nice looking even with its issues.

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sadly, probably not since it's hard rubber, and inclined to crack with age... it could be used as a dip pen however.

nice looking even with its issues.

I agree, it is a pity! I wouldn't have robbed it if it wasn't cracked. Anyway, I'll keep it. Using it as a dip pen is no bad idea :-)
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GClef, that looks like a Wahl at the bottom so I'll guess that one.


Line, Oh, yeah you can't fix hard rubber. Too bad but it's a good donor pen then.

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Since I can easily see the line variation.. I will guess some flex... .The Noodler's Flex..


The one in the middle... (beside the Blue Esterbrook)






**** BauerInks.ca ****

**** MORE.... Robert Oster Signature INKS ****


"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it's the illusion of knowledge." -Stephen Hawking,

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OK, I am still pretty new at this flex thing, but, I'm working on it, and learning... That said, below is a review of the Neponset with Nathan's new (actually old Esterbrook) flex nib that he fitted on there, yesterday... In short, it is an amazing pen...A transcription of my scribbling follows..







Noodler's Neponset with Flex Nib

Nathan, chief cook, alchemsit and bottle washer at Noodler's built this pen for me, yesterday, at the New England Fountain Pen Expo. He warned me, as he fitted the nib over an alcohol burner, that, particularly if held vertically, nib down, this pen might "drool" a bit, but, he failed to warn me of just how much I would drool over it. Apparently, I am not alone in that!


The pen, itself, is one of the Neponset line, and it is huge. Larger than the Ahab, which was already considerable, it rivals the Mont Blanc 149 for sheer immensity. Even the understated elegance of a black pen with silver trim is offset by the scale of this pen. Anything more would be ostentatious. As it is, it commands attention and respect, like Robert Wadlo walking into a bank. Then, off comes the cap...


This stunning, imposingly elegant pen has something special. The nib looks like bronze. It has none of the silver or gold commonly seen; it is brown, and it is sharp, and it is big. Jutting out nearly half again as far as a modern counterpoint, the nib tapers to a sharp, needle-like point. Something is very, very odd here - delightfully so. And that is before it hits the paper.


You know that sound you hear in the movies, when some old man is writing with his feather pen? That "scritch scritch scritch" of a sharp point catching the fibers of the paper parchment? That's the sound of this nib on the smoothest papers I own. I find, and despite my having large hands, I have a very light hand when writing, that I cannot make this nib not write. If it is in contact with the paper, so too is ink. And once the ink is flowing, this writer does not want to stop!


Now, for this pen to flex requires very little pressure, and that is something I will need to learn to control. The variability of this nib, which is extreme, mandates that it also be quite wet - in fact, Nathan recommended I not even ink it until ready to write, to prevent the pen's initial potential to drool, but, once inked, we're off and running with an enviable variation.


[some scribbles] Yes, it will go wider, but not controllably so in my hands...

Be forewarned... I will eye-bang the bejeezus out of your pens...
Never play leapfrog with a unicorn...

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Since I can easily see the line variation.. I will guess some flex... .The Noodler's Flex..


The one in the middle... (beside the Blue Esterbrook)



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