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Don't Just Tell Us About The Pen You're Using, *show* Us!


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  On 4/4/2013 at 4:04 PM, akustyk said:



Akustyk - I believe ya for sure, I should have ordered the zoom nib.

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  On 4/4/2013 at 5:35 PM, tringle said:


Akustyk - I believe ya for sure, I should have ordered the zoom nib.

When I talked to John Mottishaw about possibly getting the zoom nib, he talked me out of it, saying it was very wet and useful only for calligraphy, or at least not for my handwriting. It's so, so hard to know without trying, isn't it?


Please, visit my website at http://www.acousticpens.com/

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So, trying to avoid an addiction to flex pens, I decided to go the dip nib route. The kit arrived today: nib, holder, and ink. It's harder than I thought. The nib catches the paper, I will need to do proper lessons.



Edited by akustyk


Please, visit my website at http://www.acousticpens.com/

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  On 4/4/2013 at 7:12 PM, akustyk said:
  On 4/4/2013 at 5:35 PM, tringle said:

Akustyk - I believe ya for sure, I should have ordered the zoom nib.

When I talked to John Mottishaw about possibly getting the zoom nib, he talked me out of it, saying it was very wet and useful only for calligraphy, or at least not for my handwriting. It's so, so hard to know without trying, isn't it?


I agree with John on this one. I've had a couple of Sailors with Zoom nibs and, though I really wanted to, I just not could learn to like them. No line variation, either very broad or scratchy thin, wet lines. I'm sure there are some useful applications for the Zoom nib but for me (and I use pens only to write in English), I just did not care for them. Best bet to solve your problem is to go somewhere you can try several nibs at once (like a good B&M shop or a pen show), and buy the one you really like. Otherwise it'll always be a shot in the dark.

How small of all that human hearts endure,
That part which laws or kings can cause or cure.

— Samuel Johnson


Instagram: dcpritch

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  On 4/4/2013 at 7:12 PM, akustyk said:

So, trying to avoid an addiction to flex pens, I decided to go the dip nib route. The kit arrived today: nib, holder, and ink. It's harder than I thought. The nib catches the paper, I will need to do proper lessons.



WOW!!! This is impressive as a first time sample! :thumbup:

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At top, cheap copy paper with a 1980's vintage Pelikan M800 (with the gold seal, not the screened-on seal) loaded with what is probably watered down Pelikan 4001 Violet that I had let dry up in the pen so long ago, I can't remember. A little warm water, and she's fine. It's also theoretically possible it's J. Herbin Violette Pensée, but I doubt it, because my daughter spilled that bottle all over herself and the new carpet.


At bottom, a Hunt 513EF Globe in a Hunt black plastic penholder, with Noodler's Black, on my Filofax A5 notepad, #342210 (in my black A5 Bridle binder).



Edited by amper

Paige Paigen

Gemma Seymour, Founder & Designer, Paige Paigen

Daily use pens & ink: TWSBI ECO-T EF, TWSBI ECO 1.1 mm stub italic, Mrs. Stewart's Concentrated Liquid Bluing


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Have seen some beautiful handwriting in here. This article just showed up in my feed - about a master penman (one of 11 left in the world). Humbling and exciting at the same time...

Be forewarned... I will eye-bang the bejeezus out of your pens...
Never play leapfrog with a unicorn...

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  On 4/4/2013 at 7:12 PM, akustyk said:
  On 4/4/2013 at 5:35 PM, tringle said:


Akustyk - I believe ya for sure, I should have ordered the zoom nib.

When I talked to John Mottishaw about possibly getting the zoom nib, he talked me out of it, saying it was very wet and useful only for calligraphy, or at least not for my handwriting. It's so, so hard to know without trying, isn't it?


Agreed! I was so excited about a pen, when I finally did get this pen I was so disappointed in the model and the manufacturer that I am turned off by all of them. (Clearing my throat, under my breath) Mont Blanc.


I have to keep using it (Sailor) to get the right angle. I need lessons from mukuk, that handwriting is superb.

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Brown Out...



Mark Polis, MD

"A flourishing style of chirography is nowhere less in place than on a physician's prescription."___1856, Edward Parrish, An Introduction to Practical Pharmacy

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  On 4/4/2013 at 7:57 PM, zoniguana said:

Have seen some beautiful handwriting in here. This article just showed up in my feed - about a master penman (one of 11 left in the world). Humbling and exciting at the same time...


Brilliant article! My favourite part is the last paragraph....



"I’ll leave you with two pieces of advice: Choose to struggle with something — we live in a culture of the quick and easy and it has made us impatient and lazy. When you commit to something that takes work and see it through to the end, it will develop you as much as you develop it. Second, invest in art — I am not just suggesting my art, but any art that you like. We are a society that looks at everything and beholds nothing. Good art is something to behold and will bring you a sense of peace and stillness in a world in constant motion."

~Master Penman Jake Weidmann

God is seldom early, never late, and always on time.

~~Larry Brown

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Edit to add: Next on my list is Tomoe River paper, Rev. Jay and DC!

Edited by skysora
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Pretty sure this is Diamine Twilight, as inked up in my P51...

Be forewarned... I will eye-bang the bejeezus out of your pens...
Never play leapfrog with a unicorn...

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This is still blowing my mind... As written on Clairefontaine french rule paper...

"Here's the amazing thing. This is the Pilot Prera

with the EF nib. Astounding!"


Be forewarned... I will eye-bang the bejeezus out of your pens...
Never play leapfrog with a unicorn...

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Zon, nice article...


my ink and some sacs arrived... a few pens to resac, and here are some trial runs with the baystate blue in the AHAB..

No scan can do this inks color justice... :puddle: I think the Ahab will be BSB dedicated...



practice sketch from a MOSS ENG NY Clipart pic...

If you think everything is going well... you obviously have no idea what is really going on!




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  On 4/4/2013 at 2:18 PM, Inkheart said:
  On 4/4/2013 at 12:05 PM, danleaf said:

Hi inkheart its a cheap plastic parker pen




  On 4/3/2013 at 1:58 PM, Inkheart said:
  On 4/2/2013 at 6:56 PM, danleaf said:

hey guys its been like a week and suddenly i have.....





7 fountain pens, and thats not including my Esties.. (or should that be Esti plura!!!)







Dan, what is the pen 3rd one from the left? It looks muchly like my very first FP back in high school... :)



Hi Dan- I could kind of see that much LOL! I was hoping to find out what that particular pen was called. I've not been able to pin it down here or online and don't even know if it's made anymore. (High school was, um, some time back. :embarrassed_smile: ) Thank you for your response though; I'll keep my eyes open. :)






HI, i think its called a parker vector !!!


wow that took some looking up..

it uses cartridges.


I can send you it.. let me give it a good home..... give me your address....


you can have my black pen. i dont mind to share :) call it a long loan :)

im waiting for my esties...



My wish list....

some talc, shellac, and some #16 sacs.. :)

(pm me for address :) )






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  On 4/5/2013 at 1:55 AM, zoniguana said:

This is still blowing my mind... As written on Clairefontaine french rule paper...

"Here's the amazing thing. This is the Pilot Prera

with the EF nib. Astounding!"




(Pelikan Signum P5xx EF ..... P.W. Akkerman Voorhout Violet)

Edited by Pterodactylus
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