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Writing Speed?


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That's an interesting point. I've noticed something similar. When I'm trying to keep good penmanship I have to write slowly as I'm concentrating on two things, penmanship and content. If for any reason I speed up, maybe time pressure or I get in the flow of thought, my penmanship goes down hill.


I would like to be able to write faster and hope that with time, I'll be able to write faster with better penmanship. However, deep down I don't think that that's going to happen.


I still think that with time, I will be able to combine reasonable speed with better penmanship.


My interest in fountain pens was rekindled in September 2008 and two years later I would occasionally (rarely) sit down and concentrate on better writing. This was without books, or this website, just stubbornly trying to force my fingers to create something beautiful. It didn't work very well.


I started practising in earnest last summer, but I may have wasted time by not focusing on whole arm movement sooner. I posted lots of samples here, printed guide sheets, browsed IAMPETH etc. These past few months, I occasionally find myself applying some of Palmer's and EC Mills' methods in my daily writing.


Slow progress, certainly, but progress nonetheless.

journaling / tinkering with pens / sailing / photography / software development

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This is what happens when I write at speed!


Actually, this rather scrappy monoline script was intentional. My first attempt was rejected as being too neat, as the client wanted a "rough home-grown, period look". All that is required for the quality of writing to deteriorate, is to speed up!





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This is what happens when I write at speed!


Actually, this rather scrappy monoline script was intentional. My first attempt was rejected as being too neat, as the client wanted a "rough home-grown, period look". All that is required for the quality of writing to deteriorate, is to speed up!






Wow! The slow one must have been absolutely incredible! Although I certainly wouldn't call this rough, at least by my standards! I've been working away at improvements whilst writing at school,

and already that example I posted yesterday about letter changes is out of date. My letters most

subject to change seem to be f and s. Just as a general question to everyone, what's your favorite versions of letters? and what is your favorite letter to write? (Mine's miniscule f),and by versions of letters I mean open p/closed p, f without descender/f with descender... etc.

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Progress so far! Yes I am aware that there is still a lot left to do. Also, GClef, nice Palmer (at least thats what it was in the "what does your handwriting look like" thread), I've really been wanting to learn that, but I decided to focus on my handwriting first,like you suggested. Hopefully you won't have to strain your eyes for this one!


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