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Hoover De Luxe


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Hoover and Miller Pen were introduced in the beginning of the 1930 ´s comprising push-button fillers and Vacuum fillers. The vacuum filling system was invented and patented by Johannes Iversen founder of Miller Pen Co.
Below pictures of a Hoover Super 346 (button filler) and a beautiful Miller Royal (vaccum filler).

Miller was the premium brand - Hoover was a medium price brand.

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Hoover and Miller Pen were introduced in the beginning of the 1930 ´s comprising push-button fillers and Vacuum fillers. The vacuum filling system was invented and patented by Johannes Iversen founder of Miller Pen Co.

Below pictures of a Hoover Super 346 (button filler) and a beautiful Miller Royal (vaccum filler).

Miller was the premium brand - Hoover was a medium price brand.


Thanks a lot!

Do you have a clue about the age of my striated grey buttonfiller? Considering your information, I'd guess late '30s?



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Thanks a lot!

Do you have a clue about the age of my striated grey buttonfiller? Considering your information, I'd guess late '30s?



I think it´ s a bit later - late 1940´ s beginning of 1950´ s

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  • 5 months later...

Enclosed are some photos of my Hoover 877 patent applied for, in Burgundy marble with push-button filler & fitted with a 303 Stylomine Iridium Y1 gold colour fine point Nib. There is no country of origin marked on the pen as far as I can see.......


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Lovely pen! And as for the looks of it, is in good shape, too.


Enclosed are some photos of my Hoover 877 patent applied for, in Burgundy marble with push-button filler & fitted with a 303 Stylomine Iridium Y1 gold colour fine point Nib. There is no country of origin marked on the pen as far as I can see.......


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Lovely pen! And as for the looks of it, is in good shape, too.



Made for Miller Pen Co in Denmark - Stylomine 303 nib is NOT original.

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those are some very nice pens :thumbup:

Pens are like watches , once you start a collection, you can hardly go back. And pens like all fine luxury items do improve with time


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hoover and Miller Pen were introduced in the beginning of the 1930 ´s comprising push-button fillers and Vacuum fillers. The vacuum filling system was invented and patented by Johannes Iversen founder of Miller Pen Co.

Below pictures of a Hoover Super 346 (button filler) and a beautiful Miller Royal (vaccum filler).

Miller was the premium brand - Hoover was a medium price brand.

Please, let me to use this thread to ask a question about my MIller that I have just bought. It is the same that the one in this thread


Now I can't post photos but I'll do when I'll come back from work.


I think it is a button filler (though in the other thread it is called vacuum filler) from the 40s or early 50s but, as expected, filling mechanism doesn't work. I would like to repair it but before forcing anything I prefer to ask.


I have it in a cleaning bath and It seems that it has an ink window, something very rare in button fillers because of the rubber sac attached to the section lip. On the other side, the button is completely depressed though this may be due to the sac crystallization or a broken bar.

How does this mechanism works? I mean, isn't there any springy thing like a rubber sac, a rubber diaphragm, or something?


I will look forward any clue you could give me. Thanks

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At the end, I have discovered in the the linked thread the answer. Unfortunately, trying to disassemble the pen the celluloid has been broken. So maybe next time...

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At the end, I have discovered in the the linked thread the answer. Unfortunately, trying to disassemble the pen the celluloid has been broken. So maybe next time...


Ai... I was in the same position before I started the thread. I chose to have it refurbished by a FPN-member. He did a very good job.

I also found somewhere, that aceton (please avoid alcohol!) is such a powerfull solvant, that you can use it as glue. I fixed the split in the cap with it.

I suppose your broken pen can be salvaged with it, too.

Some more digging around in the forum on 'aceton', 'celluloid' and 'repair' should give you a start.



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  • 5 years later...

I thought I'd resuscitate this thread to add a couple of Hoover de Luxe pens I own.

I do believe they are Danish pens (possibly manufactured in Germany, as mentioned in the thread).

Both pens look similar but they are different size.

They both bear the marking Hoover de Luxe FOUNTAIN PEN.

The nibs are identical and bear marking Hoover 14k 585.

The rest of the pen differs in size, the green on is 14 cm capped and 11.8 cm uncapped.

The blue one is 12 cm capped and 10.7 cm uncapped.

Both post nicely. Both are button fillers with blind cap.

The larger one is approx the same size as a M400 both capped and uncapped. The nib however is much smaller.

The smaller one compares in size quite well with an Omas 555F.

They are made of spiraled celluloide, very well made, as the seams of the spiral are hardly visible,

The green colour is a sage/olive green with some streaks of black background, while the blue one has a lot more black in it (and reminds me of some CS celluloids)

I need to take much better pictures but here is one just to show them. (I also need to clean the nibs as the gold markings are not showing properly)


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two very nice looking pens!

Just give me the Parker 51s and nobody needs to get hurt.

my instagrams: pen related: @veteranpens    other stuff: @95082photography


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sansenri, I hope you checked that both pens were uninked before putting them on that nice shirt to have the correct blu-green background...

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:lol: :lol:

no worry, used to be a shirt, but no longer is...

(I mentioned somewhere else on FPN that several of my wiping cloths I use for my pens, originally were my shirts!... you know when you have a particular shirt you sort of were affectionate to... and just cannot get rid of the last part of it... :D)

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